ILLUMINATE • din djarin

By sithlarissa

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→ A DIN DJARIN STORY Venelia Orestilla is the sole heir to the throne of Fidelis. On the eve of her coronatio... More



506 14 1
By sithlarissa

Altair's silver eyes avoided her wordlessly.

Venelia's gaze landed on her father, whose eyes were filled with fire as he stared down Altair. "What do you want from us? Fidelis doesn't have the military resources to support the Empire."

Pelintal picked something imaginary off his uniform. "Perhaps we should move to a more suitable location for this conversation?" He looked down at the lifeless bodies as if they were rubbish discarded, nothing but an inconvenience. "Altair, lead us to the throne room."

Altair bowed his head. "Of course, Admiral." His eyes met Venelia's again, trying to tell her something with her look, but it did nothing to placate her. She was betrayed. She'd given him all of her and this is what he'd given her in return. Her eyes filled with tears as the stormtroopers yanked her forward to follow Altair, the Admiral, and her parents into the throne room. She felt the tip of their blasters nudge deeper into her ribs. She felt so helpless.

Once in the throne room, Altair walked up the steps to her parent's thrones and stood next to them, hands clasped behind his back. The Admiral followed him before taking a seat on her father's throne. Venelia sucked in a breath as she looked over at her father as they were brought to stand in front of Altair and the Admiral. He was seething, but he hid it well behind a clenched jaw and steely eyes.

The Admiral leant back on the throne and crossed his leg, so his ankle was over his knee. "Now, where were we?"

"Why are you here, Admiral?" Her father edged out.

"Did you know that I joined the Empire as a young man in my twenties?" The Admiral mused. "I joined as a Junior Lieutenant, but I was able to prove to my superiors that I could handle anything. I passed on ideas on how to invade and conquer planets and with each success, my rank grew. I am known for taking planets like yours and bleeding them dry for the good of the Galactic Empire."

Her father steeled his gaze and her mother appeared strong next to him. Both trying to remain strong for the fate of their planet and their people. Venelia tried to control the shaky breaths in her chest.

"We won't allow you to do that Fidelis." Her father countered sternly, referring to both himself and her mother, who stood squarely in the eyes of the Admiral.

The Admiral went on like he didn't hear him, "The Kyber Ridges...have they ever been mined?"

Venelia had a sense of where the conversation was going as her father took a deep breath before answering, "The Kyber Ridges are sacred to Fidelis and are protected under ancient Fidelian law."

"Well, we'll have to sort that out, won't we? Altair, will you get someone to gather the court advisors, they should be here for this." The Admiral ordered. Altair nodded and looked at Venelia again, who pointedly avoided his gaze before walking with stormtroopers flanking him to fetch the advisors.

"Prince Altair has been a valuable asset in orchestrating this coup d'état." The Admiral spoke in an offside. "The Empire is indebted to him."

"You have no right to do this, the advisors won't listen to you." Venelia heard herself spitting out.

"Venelia," Her father warned.

The Admiral set his gaze on her and looked at her like he just noticed she was standing there. Venelia felt her skin crawl, but she held his gaze – she wouldn't let him know how scared she really was. That's not what the heir to the throne did. The heir was strong in the face of adversity. They were strong for their people. Even when they felt anything but.

Venelia clenched her jaw, and her breaths became shallow as the Admiral rose from the throne and slowly made his way towards her. He stopped about half a metre away from her, he was a head taller than her and usually that wouldn't matter much, but it made Venelia feel smaller than she ever had. But she forced herself to stand her ground, looking him dead in the eyes.

"Lady Venelia, isn't it? I've heard a lot about you...Altair chose well." The Admiral placed a gloved finger under her chin and tilted her head up further. "He didn't say you were so mouthy though...perhaps we could put that mouth to a better use?"

"Go to hell," Venelia spat out.

The Admiral scowled and leant towards her face when the doors to the throne room opened and Altair was leading the seven advisors in, stormtroopers with blasters poised trailing behind them.

"Ah! Welcome, welcome! Ladies and gentlemen, I am Admiral Pelintal," He boomed, as he walked back to the throne and sat upon it once more. "Thank you for coming."

"What is the meaning of all this?" The oldest advisor asked, Venelia had known him since she was a child.

"I wanted you to all be here for this momentous occasion," The Admiral gestured to the room.

"You can't just barrel in here and expect us to bow down to you and your stormtroopers." The advisor boldly told the Admiral.

"Oh, but I didn't 'barrel' in here," The Admiral leant back in the throne, "Your Duke let me in."

All the advisor's heads swivelled towards her father, looks of confusion and disbelief swept across their faces. Venelia tried to implore them with a pleading look, but they were barely even looking at her.

Every second she felt more hopeless, she couldn't think of a way out of this. And she despaired at the thought of what could be happening outside these walls in Cor Meum. Whether there were stormtroopers already patrolling the streets, and if the beloved marketplace was being ransacked for all its goods; the livelihoods of hundreds of Fidelians stripped.

The Admiral stood, passionate in his determination to sway the advisors, "Do you want a ruler who is capable of this?" He stood up and gestured around them all. Stormtroopers lined the walls. "Who is not able to protect your people?" He gestured to the milites in the doorway, lying lifelessly on the floor. "Who cannot protect your planet?"

Venelia could see some of the advisor's start to shift in their stance, it was hard to ignore what the Admiral was saying when it stood right in front of him. For he was right, Cassius, her father, had failed to keep his people and his planet under protection. But it was not through any fault of his own. His kindness had been exploited by someone she thought she loved.

"Advisors, you have known me for many years, you know I would never let the Empire in here willingly." Her father said smoothly, but sternly. A ruler's statement.

The Admiral ignored Cassius, "The Empire can offer security and protection from future threats. In return, we will mine the Kyber Ridges to continue our effort to unite the galaxy under our rule."

The advisors broke out in an orchestra of murmurs and gasps. "But the Kyber Ridges are sacred to Fidelis."

"A small price to pay for your planet's protection under the Empire." The Admiral countered.

The Advisors looked at each other and silent words were exchanged. Venelia looked at her mother, who had a stoic look on her face as she met her daughter's violet eyes that mirrored her own, but Venelia knew her mother enough to know that she was worried. Venelia looked at her father, who nodded at her. He knew that the advisors would not crack easily – the relationship he had with them would outweigh the Empire's manipulation.

The Advisors all nodded and the eldest stepped forward. "We are loyal to our Duke; we will not allow the Empire to reign here and inflict pain and suffering upon our peaceful people."

Venelia let out a breath of relief, she looked over at her parents who nodded to the advisors, acknowledging their bravery and loyalty. They looked at her and gave a small smile, a reassurance of sorts. Like everything was going to be okay.

The Admiral took in a deep breath and sighed. "Well," He looked at the ground as he climbed the stairs again and sat down on the throne. "I had hoped it wouldn't come to this."

With a wave of his hand the stormtroopers holding her parents cocked their blasters and shot her parents in the abdomen on each side, a choked gasp came from their lips.

Venelia gave a strangled cry, "No!"

The stormtroopers stepped away and their bodies dropped to the floor. Venelia ripped herself from the grasp of the troopers by her side and fling herself to their sides. She couldn't hear anything except her heartbeat in her ears as tears streamed down her face as she sobbed. "No, no, no, no, no." She grabbed her mother's hand, "Mother!"

Her mother's eyes were stricken with tears as she looked at her daughter, "Nellie, my love..."

"Mother..." Venelia felt her mother's last breath leave her body and the eyes that were copies of her own closed. She sobbed as she turned to her father, "Father, father, please." She pleaded as she grabbed his hands.

He looked at her with glassy eyes as he placed a hand on hers. "Nellie, my have to save Fidelis..." He choked out in a whisper. Venelia nodded as tears continued to stream down her cheeks. "I will, Father."

"You are their leader now, you're ready for this, even if you don't feel like you are, I know you are." Her father choked out.

Venelia took in a breath, "I...I don't know if I can do this without you, Father...but I will try."

"You can, you will. Find a way. Vos estis lux mea" Her father squeezed her hand and gave a small smile.

Venelia squeezed back and whispered, "Vos estis lux mea"

Her father's eyes fluttered closed and his grip on her hand become limp. Venelia sobbed as she brought her parents' hands to her lips and kissed them. She put them in her lap as she curled over herself, sobs wracked her body and she struggled to breathe.

How could she go on without them? They were her everything. Her father said she was ready, but she wasn't ready for her parents to be gone. She still needed them.

"Vee..." She heard a voice tentatively approach her. There was only one person who called her that.

She lifted her head, her face sticky with tears and turned to see Altair, a hand reached out, his face stricken. Her despair turned into anger. "This is all your fault." She spat out.

"Vee..." Altair repeated in a voice that was betrayed by his eyes; she knew them better than her own. They were glassy, but it didn't matter. Her parents were dead, and it was as if he shot them himself.

"They would still be alive if weren't for you!" Venelia lunged at him but was yanked backwards as stormtroopers gripped her again, holding her back, blasters poised at her ribcage.

"Now, now, let's not do that, Lady Venelia, or else you'll end up like mummy and daddy dearest." The Admiral smirked.

"You will not get away with this," She seethed, trying to ring her arms free from the trooper's grasp.

"Oh, but I already have." The Admiral was arrogant with his success amongst the carnage. "Fidelis belongs to the Empire now. Altair will be the planet's attaché and the Empire will continue to prosper."

"I won't let you!"

"You will. If you want your people to live." The Admiral threatened. "Nothing has to change, your people can still live their lives, run their little marketplaces and do whatever is they do on this little planet. The Empire will occupy the capital and ensure it is protected as the Kyber Ridges are mined for their Kyber. Just marry Altair, and everything will remain as it was, just with some slight changes"

Changes. Like these changes didn't come at the cost of her parent's lives, the lives of her milites and Rosalind and Mira, and who knows how many more.

She caught Altair's eye and he had a stony look on his face. How had she been deceived by him? She had trusted him implicitly. She let him into her heart. Did he even really care for her as she did him? Were all those kisses and moments in the sheets nothing to him? Or just a means to get what he wanted?

She should've realised, she should've seen it. Guilt curled through her body as she realised, she could've prevented all this if only she had seen. She couldn't marry the man responsible for all this.

"I won't marry him. Not ever."

Altair's face flinched at her words. Why was he surprised? Did he expect her to still take him as her husband after all he had done? And all he would do now that he'd brought the Empire here?

"It's adorable that you think you have a choice," The Admiral condescended, "you'll be wed in the morning – take her to her room."

Venelia was led by the stormtroopers, their grips in her arms tighter than before. She looked at the Admiral with a hard look on her face, he stared right back at her. She passed Altair. She passed the advisors and their faces of grief and shock. She passed the dead milites on the shiny floors. She looked behind her at her parents lying lifelessly on the floor, tears formed in her eyes and fell down her cheeks again. She was defeated.


Venelia was shoved into her room and the door was slammed behind her as she tried not to fall over from the force. She turned and walked to the door, trying the handle, but it was locked. She jiggled the handle, increasing in force as tears blurred her vision.

"Come on..." she whispered, baring her teeth as sobs threatened to wrack her body. But it was no use, she was locked in. She lent her forehead on the door and let the tears fall over her face again as she turned and slid down the door. She hit the floor and put her head in her hands.

Her parents were gone. Dead. Her beautiful parents, who had always tried to do the right thing for her and her people. They were good rulers and now they were gone. So quickly. Her stomach churned at the thought of what would happen to their bodies, lying in the throne room. The Empire wouldn't give them a Fidelian burial. They deserved that. She did not know how to go on without them.

And Altair. The man she thought she knew. The man she thought she kind of loved. The man she trusted. It was all too much to wrap her head around. All she knew was that her parents were dead, and her planet was going to fall to ruins at the hands of the Empire; all thanks to Altair.

Venelia just couldn't fathom why he would do this. If they were married, he would rule Fidelis with her – was that not enough for him?

"My Lady?"

Venelia looked up and saw Elaria standing there, looking at her with furrowed brows of concern. "Elaria, I'm sorry...I just..." Venelia said, wiping her eyes.

"I heard what happened. The servant's kitchen is distraught. Stormtroopers came down and lined everyone up for checks, they said they were taking the planet and our Kyber." Elaria came over and crouched down to Venelia and offered her a handkerchief. "The Duke and Duchess...?"

Venelia's eyes formed fresh tears as she looked at Elaria, whose face fell. "I'm so sorry, my lady. The Duke and Duchess will be remembered as great rulers."

Venelia nodded in agreement. It was some comfort knowing the people would also remember her parents as good people. She looked at Elaria, "Mira and Rosalind...they're...I'm so sorry, Elaria. It all happened so quickly I just..."

Elaria's eyes became glassy, but she closed them and nodded, "It's okay, my lady. It is not your fault, Mira and Rosalind wouldn't want you to think that either."

Venelia nodded in agreement. "I was Altair."

Elaria's eyes widened in surprise. "Prince Altair?"

Venelia nodded. "He led the Empire here and let them in. He knew what to do to ensure they wouldn't be detected." She spat the words out, hoping the anger would stop her from crying more.

"My lady, I'm so sorry..." Elaria placed a hand on Venelia's arm.

"They...The Admiral...They want me to marry him." Venelia's voice dripped with acid as she stood up with the help of Elaria. "After he led the Empire here and killed my parents, they want me to marry him."

"What will you do?" Elaria asked, "will you marry him?"

"I could never marry him now. He's betrayed me and everything important to me." Venelia shook her head. She took Elaria's hands in hers and stood straighter with new resolve. "I promised my father that I would find a way to save Fidelis, I will keep his dying promise."

Elaria nodded and squeezed Venelia's hands. "How will you do that, my lady?"

"Fidelis has spent centuries building alliances with other planets, I'll go to them and ask them for their help." The words came tumbling out of her mouth before she even realised she had a plan. Perhaps her father was right, maybe she was more ready to rule Fidelis than she thought she was.

"But how? The castle is surrounded by stormtroopers and even then, will our allies help? The Empire is powerful, who would oppose it?" Elaria asked, her eyes wide.

Venelia took a deep breath. "I don't know, but I have to try."

Elaria nodded. "Then I will do everything I can to help you, my lady."

Venelia hugged Elaria, who hugged tightly back after a moment of surprise. "I need to change out of this dress. I want it burned."

Elaria told her she just had her hunting and riding apparel cleaned and would get it ready as Venelia packed a rucksack of belongings. Venelia opened her mouth to agree when there was a knock at the door. Both she and Elaria frowned as their heads turned to the door. A voice came through the door.

"Vee? It's me, can I talk to you?"

"Prince Altair?" Elaria whispered in surprise.

Venelia looked at Elaria before looking at the door, making her decision before she had a chance to change her mind. "Get everything ready, I'll talk to him quickly. There are credits in my dressing table."

Elaria nodded as she reluctantly left Venelia to talk to Altair. She disappeared into the closet and closed the door. Venelia took a deep breath and wiped her face with the back of her palms. She walked up to the door and spoke through it.

"What do you want, Altair?" Her anger splitting through the wood.

There was a pause before he spoke again. "I just want to talk, Vee. Please? Can I come in?"

He sounded torn, his voice tired and whilst part of her wanted to tell him to futuere, Venelia wanted to hear what he had to say, to know why. She deserved that much.

Venelia took in a breath and sighed. "It's locked from your side." There was a click and the door opened. Her eyes took him in. His blonde hair was a mess like he'd run his hand through it too many times. He looked stressed. As he should. Look what he'd caused.

"What else could you possibly have to say to me, Altair? Haven't you done enough?" Venelia's breath caught in her throat.

"Vee, I didn't mean for this to happen," Altair implored. "You have to believe that."

"I'm not sure what to believe, you betrayed me and my parents. And now they're dead. Because of you." Venelia fired back.

"I didn't mean for them to die!"

"Then what did you mean, Altair? Why do this? We would've been married in a few months, and you would've ruled by my side, why jeopardise that by involving the Empire?" Venelia questioned, incredulous.

"I did it for us!" Altair shouted at her.

Venelia blinked in surprise, "What? What are you talking about?"

Altair ran a hand through his hair, "The Empire have the most control over the galaxy, if we align with them then Fidelis remains safe from them." His hands cut the air as he explained.

"We weren't even on the Empire's radar until you brought them here!" Venelia was exasperated in disbelief at Altair's stupidity. Everyone knew that once you were entangled with the Empire, it was virtually impossible to get out.

Altair shook his head. "The Empire is after Kyber, and The Ridges are rich with it. They would've come here eventually if I didn't make this deal with them."

"That was not your decision to make!" Venelia flared. "You know The Ridges are sacred to Fidelis, mining them would destroy The Ridges completely. How could you put them at risk?"

Altair stepped closer to her, so they were almost chest to chest. "I did what I had to for Fidelis," he said coldly.

Venelia looked up at him through slitted eyes, "Well, you don't rule over Fidelis."

"Yet," He countered.

"You won't."

"We're getting married in the morning Vee, whether you like it or not." He moved his hand to hold her chin in the way he always did, but this time it just made her insides churn. "We'll rule together."

Venelia clenched her jaw, she couldn't believe this was the same man she had spent the past four years with. The Altair she thought she knew wouldn't have put Fidelis on the line like this without at least talking about it with her first. There had to be something more, something in it for him. She shook her head. "I can't believe I loved you...Did you even love me?

Altair flinched in surprise at her admission. She'd never said it out loud before, but in the circumstances, it didn't really matter anymore. He cupped her cheeks with furrowed brows. "Of course, I did, I do. I do love you. You and this planet are my whole world. Why else would I do this?"

Venelia shook her head. He'd finally admitted he loved her; her heart should've soared. But after everything, was it even true? "If you loved me then you wouldn't have done this to me, to my parents, to Fidelis," Venelia's voice was barely above a whisper.

Altair took in a breath, an anguished look on his face. His hands moved from her face down to hold her upper arms "...I'm sorry Vee, I really am, but this is for the best. The best for Fidelis. For us." He rubbed her arms with his thumbs, but it did nothing to comfort her. "I'll make sure your parents can have the burial they deserve. I'll see you in the morning."

He moved in to place a soft kiss on her cheek from which she recoiled. He sighed, giving her one last pleading look before he left the room quietly, closing the door behind him. A moment of silence passed before the lock clicked on the other side.


Venelia tried to quieten her footsteps as she followed Elaria through the servant tunnels, so they wouldn't echo with the stone. She hadn't been through here since she was a child. She'd changed out of her dress now into her riding and hunting clothes. The leather and buckles cool on her skin that was hot with nerves and adrenaline. On her back was a rucksack filled with supplies, some credits and spare clothes. She would fill it with some rations when they reached the kitchens.

Venelia nearly ran into Elaria as she stopped. "We're here, the kitchen is through there."

"Are there any troopers?" Venelia whispered.

Elaria peaked through the door. "Blast, there's two guarding the exit," She turned to Venelia, "what do we do?"

Venelia thought for a moment. "You get the rations; I'll make my way to the armoury to get my bow and I'll meet you at the stables."

"Do you know the way?" Elaria asked, concerned.

Venelia smiled. "Of course, I used to sneak there through here as a kid. I'll be okay."

"Promise me you'll be careful, my lady." Elaria pleaded.

"Only if you're careful too."

Elaria chuckled, "I will be."

"Then I promise." Venelia nodded her head towards the kitchen door, "Go, I'll see you soon."

Venelia squeezed Elaria's hand before she headed off down the passageway. She heard Elaria enter the kitchen and she quickened her steps. To her luck, the passageways were deserted, and Venelia followed the pathways from her memory to the armoury. She slinked around corners, her boots the only sound to be heard.

When Venelia reached the armoury, she took a deep breath and opened the door a crack to see if anyone was there. Luck seemed to be on her side as there wasn't anyone in the room, but there would be guards posted outside the door. She would have to move swiftly and quietly.

She tiptoed into the room; her eyes trained on the door as she made her way across the room to where her energy bow was kept. She unclasped the case it was sitting in and checked the door again before grabbing it. She took clips of plasma ammunition to put in her bag. She heard the stormtroopers say some indistinctively, their helmets and the castle walls muffling any words. She needed to get out of here. She slowly made her way back to the servant tunnels. She closed the door behind her, and she let out a breath. She had to keep moving.

Venelia followed the tunnels down and through the castle to reach the stables. The Empire must not have discovered the passageways yet, still in the early stages of the coup d'état, and Altair wouldn't know of them well enough to think of telling them. The small advantage was comforting, hopeful at the small possibility of leaving here undetected. She arrived at the stables, where Elaria was already waiting.

Elaria let out a breath of relief before she said in hushed tones, "My lady! You're alright."

"I told you I would be, did you get the rations?"

Elaria held up some cloth tied like a bindle. "Yes, here." She handed the rations to Venelia, who placed them carefully in her rucksack before slinging it over her shoulder.

"Will you take your Orbak?" Elaria asked, gesturing to the white stead in the stables that Venelia rode often.

She shook her head, sad to leave her behind, "I think we have to be stealthy; we'll have to go on foot. The docks aren't far. We'll get on a passenger ship and get out of here."

Elaria blinked with surprise, and cocked her head, "We? You want me to come with you, my lady?"

"Of course," Venelia reached out to grasp Elaria's hand and gave it a squeeze, "you're my friend and the only person I trust right now, I'll do what I can to protect you. You won't be safe here after I leave."

Elaria gave a grateful smile and squeezed Venelia's hand back, "Thank you, my lady."

Venelia gestured with her head, "Let's go, we don't have much time."

Elaria nodded and the two of them walked to the doors of the stable. Venelia put a finger to her lips as she slowly slid the door open and peeked out to see if there were any stormtroopers nearby. There were none. Venelia gestured for Elaria to follow her, and the two of them crept outside and began to half run down the riding trail that led to the forest.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?"

Venelia and Elaria turned to see a patrol of stormtroopers rounding the corner of the stables.

"Run!" Venelia urged as blaster fire begins to reign down on them. Venelia had never been more grateful for stormtroopers awful aim than in this moment. She and Elaria avoided the blaster fire as the stormtroopers pursued them. Venelia looked back to them gaining. "Come on! Into the trees! We can lose them in there!"

Elaria shouted back an okay as they run out of the riding trail's gates and into the forest.

The women weaved in and out of trees, dodging logs and moving swiftly through the underbrush. "Do you know where you're going?" Elaria called out from behind her.

"Yes, I used to play here as a child, come on, we have to lose them."

The blaster fire still came through the trees. They reached a natural embankment and Venelia jumped off a log, down. "Come on!" She called to Elaria, who stepped up the log. Just as she was about to jump a shot of blaster fire shot through her stomach and Elaria makes a horrible sound that's somewhere between a yelp and a gasp as she falls.

"Elaria!" Venelia moved to break some of Elaria's fall, half catching her as she landed at the bottom of the dip. Elaria's eyes are round and Venelia catches sight of the wound and her heart drops. "Elaria..."

Elaria takes in a sharp breath, "I'm not going to make it my lady."

Venelia shook her head, "I won't leave you behind, I can't!"

Elaria places a hand on Venelia's. "You must, you have to save Fidelis"

"I can't lose you too," Venelia whispered as tears fell down her cheeks again. How she had tears left she didn't know.

"I love Fidelis and I love you, my lady," Elaria told her, her breath hitching on every other word as her breathing becomes shallower. "You must leave me, run and find our allies. I have done my duty and protected you. I have made my sacrifice."

"Elaria," Venelia stroked her hair, her heart ached at losing her friend like this when they were so close to freedom.

"Go," Elaria told her gravely, "Or they'll catch you."

Venelia nodded and tearfully kissed her forehead as she felt the last of Elaria's breath leave her body. She squeezed her hand one last time before she took off further into the forest, wiping the tears from her vision as she runs.

She kept running, even after the blaster fire is too far away for it to reach her. As if running would take her away from everything she'd endured in these past hours. Her lungs tried to get in the air as she felt the tears on her cheeks in the cool Fidelis wind.

There was a time when Venelia was little when she played in this very forest. She went out in the morning and managed to lose her milites, she spent the day traversing the terrain with a wonderous look in her eyes, trying to uncover the ancient mysteries of Fidelian forests. She played with the forest creatures until it was dark, unaware that her mother and father were distraught looking for her. They found her asleep in the moss, content. It was one of her favourite memories as a child, sleeping in that moss. But now all she could see was Elaria's body lying in it.

When Venelia finally stopped running, her legs ached, and her lungs burned. She put her hands on her knees as she doubled over to catch her breath. She was safe. For now. But she'd have to get off-world before she would feel more at ease. But she couldn't even think about that now. She sunk to her knees as she squeezed her eyes shut.

Her parents were gone. So were Mira and Rosalind. Altair was not the man she thought. Elaria died in her arms. The Empire occupied Fidelis. She'd truly lost everything and everyone she'd ever held in her heart.

She put her head in her hands as she sobbed.


futuere = get fucked

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