Cuore spezzato... (Natsu x Ju...

By Mitsuri000

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After Gray and Lucy started getting closer to each other, their guildmates cheered for them, but they didn't... More

A good team
To get to know you
Sadness and betrayal
In my head
The beginning of the end
Just three words
You're my new heart

The encounter

694 18 7
By Mitsuri000

"I have no idea why you guys think that being a dragon slayer is so cool, how can this be such a serious side effect? I had NO problems with public transport before, now look at me? I've been reduced to walking everywhere!"

A busty blue haired mage was doing nothing but complaining to her 5 other companions as they were walking. She wore white forearm warmers (like Sasuke and Ino did from their genin days), along with white boots. She had on a pair of dark blue shorts and a fancy navy blue vest top with gold buttons running down its left side. She tied her hair into a braid as it ran down to the middle of her back. With the dragon slayer magic coursing through her veins, her hair had grown freakishly long during their 2 month stay at Yato's.

The tallest of them all grumbled. "Juvia, would you shut up for like 10 minutes so that we can all get into the guild without a stupid buzzing noise in our ears?"

Juvia pouted at Gajeel, but otherwise didn't say anything else. They had finally finished their training, along with Juvia finally being able to understand everything in Mildian, even going as far as having conversations regularly with Yato. Juvia smiled at the thought of their progress.

"I hope Yato is okay. I know he wants to use himself as a decoy for when Tartaros realise that the magic has been restored into the book, but I want for him to be okay."

"I'm not sure if you've gotten used to the smell yet, but I was starting to smell magic around him. He must have not had the right magic training from when he was young to start learning the right magic, or he just cut himself off from it when he got older, like Mira did."

The youngest dragon slayer made a good point as Juvia did recall Yato starting to smell a little different, though it wasn't major, so she didn't notice it as much as she should have. Lily then spoke up.

"He and I were playing shogi one night and he explained how when he and Hades were growing up, Hades was always the well exalted one, the praised one. Hades was a genius, while he was below average. He was always getting compared to Hades, so because of that, he told everyone they were distant cousins, when in fact, they're actually twin brothers."

Everyone gasped in shock as the teddy bear looking exceed continued on. "I know, it surprised me too, but he explained that they're fraternal twins, hence why he could get away with saying that. They don't look alike. Anyway, Hades got the amazing magic, but Yato's was so sub par, so he threw himself into his studies rather than magic and became rich. He said that he realises how serious this situation is and he is going to have to start taking his magic seriously again."

Gajeel gave out a low whistle. "That's a lot to take in there. Anyway, let's a make a quick stop off at the market, I'm sure we all need to stock back up on food items. Either stuff's gone off, or we'll be going back to empty homes."

Everyone muttered in agreement. Gajeel pretty much still wore the same stuff as before, white trousers and a black top. It was more him, though he now wore a headband with the black feather that he once wore on the sleeve of his top.

Wendy looked pretty much the same, but more like a battle princess. She wore fingerless white gloves and a blue dress that she got Juvia to make for her. The dress was light and silky as her hair still stayed in the high ponytails that she had always worn them in. She had long white socks and black mary jane shoes finish it off.

"Okay, well, we should meet outside the guild together then when we drop off all of our things, say within the next hour? We need to go and see everyone!" Juvia couldn't wait to see the guild. It had been almost 3 months since they had last seen anyone else and it was time to come home and team up to battle Tartaros.

"Come on Happy, let's go!"

The exceed nodded and walked after her. "Let me guess, we're going to need fish?"

"And lots of it!"

Juvia laughed as she bumped into someone. She turned around to call out to see a man with white hair. She was about to call and say sorry when he turned his head slightly to look back at her and Juvia stopped dead. His purple eyes burned within her and she felt like she couldn't breathe anymore. He smirked at her and when Happy shook her, she blinked and he was gone.

"Juvia, you okay? Who was that? How did he disappear so quickly?"

Juvia felt her heart beating too quickly, she honestly felt like she was going to die. She hadn't expected to see him, she didn't even know he would look like that. He didn't feel the same anymore. His aura was gone completely. He wasn't human, he was an etherious now.

"He...he was no one, just a bit rude that I bumped into him, that's all."

Happy didn't look like he believed her at all and she knew that he was a lot smarter than everyone gave him credit for, but he also wasn't nosey and he didn't pry. He knew something was up the moment she froze, but she had seemed so scared that if she didn't want to talk about it, he wasn't going to force her to.

They carried on with their shopping, and Juvia just wanted to get home as soon as she possibly could. There was no way in hell that she was going to tell Happy that the person who had bumped into her, causing her to freak out was actually Natsu as End. She remembered that form very clearly, only he didn't have pale skin and horns. That was the transformation that Juvia had given him when they had their mission together. Juvia found it sick and twisted how this had all been foreshadowed.


Juvia had acted like normal, as if nothing bothered her, and thankfully, when she met up with the other two dragon slayers and their exceeds, they hadn't noticed that that the mixed mage was thrown off a bit by seeing Natsu in his End state.

"I can't wait to see the whole guild again! I missed them all so much and I can't wait to show them how much training we've done."

The rest all agreed with Wendy as they were buzzing and excited to get to the guild. They had been away for over 2 months, almost pushing it to the 3rd month. Juvia smiled at them all, still keeping in mind that soon enough, the book of End was going to refill on magic. They had to get it right first time because there was no telling what would really happen to Natsu if they got it all wrong.

They saw Fairy Tail looming over the horizon and Juvia's fears ebbed away. The whole guild was in there and there was no doubt in her mind that they had all been training like crazy too. All the S class mages were in there, Team Natsu was in there and the rest were equally as strong, each having their own strengths to back up each other's weaknesses. She wasn't going to have to fight alone.

She didn't realise when they had finally gotten to the door until Gajeel had turned around to them, grinning. Juvia raised an eyebrow, worried about his behaviour. It was like he was about to do something very Natsu like, like blow off the door or something...


Juvia was a bit too late to stop him, but luckily, Lily had known his partner well enough to know what he was about to do. He changed into his battle form and stopped the incoming attack that Gajeel had waiting for the door.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Juvia couldn't believe it.

"Gihihihi, wanted to shake things up to make up for the 2 and a half months that we haven't been here for."

"By doing what, making master hate us?!" Carla had voiced her own opinion and she was just as flabbergasted as Juvia was. Happy and Wendy tried their hardest to not snicker, but Lily, Juvia and Carla didn't find it amusing at all.

"If you want to make a big entrance, just yell or something, don't just bash in the door you idiot!"

Gajeel rolled his eyes and picked out his ear. "Fine, we'll do it your way then, whatever."

Juvia and Carla huffed at each other before they cringed as he slammed the door so hard, they all heard a crack. The whole chatter in the guild stopped dead as they turned to the door in nothing but absolute shock. Gajeel grinned wildly, happy to be hogging up all the attention as he drank in their surprised looks. He knew that the only person who would do such a thing was Natsu, so the whole guild must have been shocked.

"We're baaaaaack!"

Everyone roared with laughter as the team made their way forwards. Everyone rushed towards them, laughing and chatting, talking quickly about all their progress. The group laughed back, happy and delighted to be back after having gone away for over 2 months. Gajeel found himself talking with Levy, patting her head like he usually does while he ignored her two teammates. Wendy found Romeo and team Natsu as they were all making sure she was okay.

Juvia smiled softly, happy that everyone was okay. Even Happy fell into Lucy's arms once more. "I don't really have anyone waiting for me."

Suddenly, she felt a huge weight on her back as someone threw themselves at her. She almost squawked in shock as she heard a familiar giggle right in her ears and someone's hands wrapped around her chest, groping her from behind.


"C-Cana! Please stop touching me like that!"

"Aww, but they're just so soooft!"

Juvia was bright red, she was sure of it. She heard another giggle and saw Lisanna coming up on the right hand side. "Cana, come on, let the poor girl go. You know she wanted the first person to do that to her sas Natsu, now you've ruined her dreams."


Cana cried out with laughter as she let the blue haired teen go. Juvia just wanted to bury herself alive there and then, so she hid her face in her hands. She was absolutely mortified by what had been said, and the more she thought about what Lisanna had said, the more she realised that it was true.

"Oooh, I see that you've changed up your style once more. What looks is this, Juvia 3.0?"

Juvia shrugged with a grin on her face, her blush finally dying down. "I call this the ready for battle look I guess."

Cana nudged Lisanna. "No third person speech, Juvia's really a changed woman now."

Lisanna smiled before they heard Juvia's name being called. The three of them turned around to see Master Makarov sitting on the bar with a smile on his face. Juvia noticed that his smile didn't quite reach his eyes, but he was happy that her team was back.

"I'll see you guys in a minute, looks like I need to talk to Master." The two girls nodded, seeing the same look that Juvia had seen as well and noted that it was probably a serious talk.

The short man hopped off of the bar and made his way to his office. He saw Laxus give him a look, but the old man shook his head, while Laxus nodded in understanding. It was a private conversation between the two of them.

They got to the office upstairs where Makarov walked to the other side of his desk to sit down, while he beckoned for Juvia to take a seat opposite him, which she did.

"First things first, it's good to have all 6 of you back, I'm glad you're all safe. How do you feel?"

Juvia nodded. "I feel ready. I've done all that I can and I know that the guild would have done all that they can as well."

Makarov smiled and nodded, happy with her reply. "And the translation of the book?"

"I am now a speaker of the Mildian language. The book however, has not recharged just yet, but I imagine that it would be any day soon now."

"Give me an update on everyone's training so far, I am yet to see your progress, but I want to know more on what everyone has done."

"Sure thing. First of all, let me start with the exceeds. Lily's strength is absolutely amazing and his magic reserves have gotten bigger, meaning that he can now last longer in his battle form. I would say roughly about 5 hours now. Carla has managed to learn transformation magic and instead of using a battle form, she can turn into a human. Her precognition is stronger in this form and she can form battle strategies."

Makarov nodded his head, extremely impressed with what he was hearing. Juvia continued. "Happy has come a long way. He too has found his own battle form and can use it for 5 hours. He uses fire magic, just like Natsu too."

Makarov blinked in shock, but otherwise didn't say anything. Juvia took it as a sign to keep talking. "I helped Wendy with a few Mildian healing books that we found and now she can literally heal using the air around her. She doesn't have to touch you anymore. She is amazing at using her dragon mode, she doesn't have to do it in a state of anger anymore. She has really blossomed.

"Gajeel is just...well Gajeel! He uses his iron shadow dragon mode a lot, and he is an extremely strong opponent when in that state. All in all, Gajeel is now wilder."

Makarov shivered and wanted to cry. As if Gajeel wasn't already wild in the first place. "And yourself? What about your training?"

"Erm, well, there have been a few tweaks to my magic. I mean, I'm now a fire dragon slayer. I CAN EXPLAIN!" She had seen the way the old master was ready to collapse at the news.

"Igneel came to me in a dream, having transferred the fire magic from within Natsu into me. This was because Natsu becoming End meant that he rejected the magic that he had taught him. He said that he sees some sort of potential in me and that I would be able to restore Natsu back to his true self."

There was silence in the room for a while as Juvia removed her forearm warmers. "I've learnt that that when I use my fire magic more and get stronger, more tattoos show up on my skin. This dragon one was the first one, the day I actually gained the magic. This fire one on my left was from the first time I went all out in a spar."

She put them back on and looked her master straight in the eye. Makarov could see that there was something bothering her, she looked like she was doing things half heartedly. "Speak what's on your mind, child."

Juvia sighed, knowing that you couldn't hide your troubled feelings from the old man. He had seen enough expressions to know that she was hiding something that was hurting her. "I saw him today. I saw End."

Makarov was taken aback as his eyes widened and he sat back in his seat, not really knowing what to say. Juvia sat there in silence, feeling a little load fall off of her shoulders. She wasn't hiding the piece of information from anyone now, she had at least told one other person.

"What did he do? Judging from how you said you saw End, I'm guessing he doesn't look like the Natsu we know?"

Juvia shook her head, almost close to tears. "No master, he looks very different. His hair is white and his eyes are black with purple blazing fire."

Makarov raised an eyebrow as if to question how she knew that was him, but Juvia continued explaining it anyway.

"When we went on a mission before, and in order to trick the bounty hunters, I used transformation magic to turn him into a demon. His skin was pale, white hair with horns on his head with black eyes and blazing purple fire. I saw that today, only he didn't have the pale skin and horns, but I bet that's something to do with his final form."

"He has a final form?"

Juvia nodded her head and pulled out one of the seals that she had. Pumping a small amount of her magic into it, the book of End was suddenly in front of her.

"Yes, his final form. I'm sure you know that the only way for us to get Natsu back is for me to read this book backwards, correct? Well now that I've read through it, I've also read about what really happens when the 3 months time limit is up."

Juvia sucked in a deep breath. "As you know, the book of End is powerless right now as it has taken its whole magic life force to unleash End. This actually means that End's full magical potential isn't with him. Essentially, he's at his weakest right now, but that in no way, shape or form means he is actually powerless."

Makarov as at a loss as he ran his hands through his grey hair. "So now would be the perfect time to start reading the book to get Natsu back, only we can't because we need to wait for the book's magic to be replenished. Zeref really thought this all through, didn't he."

Juvia nodded her head. "It only gets worse. I have to be at least within a 100 metre radius to be able to read the words out to him. There are also 3 specific words I need to say right at the end, but the book doesn't say it to me. I'm trying my hardest to find it, but it's proving difficult."

Makarov sighed. "It sounds like you've had a lot on your plate for the last two months, are you okay? I mean, I want my children to train, but I want you to have fun as well. You're all my children, I don't want you to stress out. Don't think you have to bear this all on your own."

Juvia nodded her head with a smile. "Thank you master."

"Now, I don't want you to start guild brawls or be just as destructive as Natsu! That fire magic is no joke!"

Juvia laughed her head off as she stood up, grabbing the book with her and placing it back in the seal. "Don't worry master, I have no intentions on doing so. Besides, I still have my water magic with me, I've learnt to combine the two of them."

She bowed to the older man before she took her leave. The noise of the guild made her feel at ease and she felt so relaxed. She walked down the stairs before being grabbed by Erza who literally shoved her into her side.

"Juvia! Where have you been, I hope you're not skipping out on your own celebration?"

Juvia shook her head, getting over her initial shock. "No, no! I've been speaking with master, I had to give him a report on the training that we've all done."

Erza nodded her head before she grinned again. "We should all spar some time! It would be good fun and practice as well. I want to see if my sea empress equip has reached your level again."

"I doubt that Titania, she got a booster in her magic levels. Oi Shrimp, where ya going?" Gajeel then went off with a grin as he saw Levy walking up to a table and Juvia shook her head with a fond smile. She knew that Gajeel liked the script mage, but he was trying his best to put up this bad boy act.

Juvia looked back at Erza, the girl she had really admired and still did now. "I find it an honour that you will like to spar with me."

Erza's eyebrows creased for a moment before she smiled with her eyes closed. "You were previously an S class mage for Phantom Lord, don't think that me fighting you is an acknowledgement for you suddenly being a good enough rival for me. You're strong all by yourself." Erza punched juvia's shoulder lightly and the water mage beamed.

"You're my little sister, Juvia. I want you to know that you're not alone, okay? You have a different role from us all in this matter, but we will be there to back you up every step of the way. We will get Natsu back."

Juvia sniffed in order to stop the tears running down her face, and instead, she fell into Erza's arms. Erza held her tight and stroked her head. Erza really did see Juvia as her younger sister, the girl was honestly so innocent sometimes. She was strong and she didn't even know it. Erza knew that Juvia had always looked up to her and tried so hard to be her, but she had to make it clear that Juvia is strong and that she doesn't need to compare herself to her.

They pulled away when they noticed that everyone around them was singing and laughing merrily. Both girls rolled their eyes with a smile, realising that they were now in the middle of a Fairy Tail bonanza and that things were going to get pretty crazy soon enough.

"Aww man, Cana's already finished all of today's barrels, I'm going to have to get some more!" Mira shot Cana an annoyed look and the girl just gave her a toothy grin. They hadn't stocked up on their usual party amount, and with a freak party happening, Cana had already finished all the drinks.

"For fuck sake, send the drunk to go and get some more, it's her fault it's all finished! You should just sit down and rest Mira."

Wakaba shook his head at his best friend's words. "No way Macao, if we send her to go and get the drinks, she'll drink them all before she even walks out of the doors of the suppliers! There's no winning!"

Juvia looked at Mira and realised that she did look a little more on the tired side, even though she tried to hide it from everyone. "I'll go, how many do we need? And where am I heading to?"

Mira brightened up at the help that she was receiving and nodded her head quickly. "It's called Booze galore and it's on the industrial road, where all the factories are. We don't need to pay, we send them money every month to cover for our drinks and we overpay them from month to month in case of a freak party. I'm going to need 50,000 to supply for tomorrow as well please. Thanks Juvia, you're a star. Take someone to help you out."

Juvia waved her hand with a blush. "No need, I'll get it done myself, I've got loads of magic seals to seal them all away. I don't want to pull anyone away from the guild, I'll be quick."

Erza frowned at the thought of Juvia going out there by herself. She got an eerie feeling something was going to happen to the girl, but she shrugged it off, not being one to be able to have psychic feelings. "Are you sure? I can come with you."

"I'm fine Erza, thank you for the help. If Happy asks, just tell him I'll be back soon."

Juvia herself had a feeling that she was going to see End again, and if there was one thing she didn't want, it was for anyone from the guild to see him. That was strictly between her and him. She especially didn't want Happy to see him again, because if they saw him twice in one day, Happy would definitely want his questions answered, and Juvia couldn't bring herself to do that for him.

It was still was a bit late out and the sky was more of an orange and purple haze, signalling that night was soon to fall. Mira had said that this place stayed open till late, closing at 1am most nights, and then 4am on a Friday and Saturday for the late partiers.

Juvia enjoyed the calm breeze as she made her way through the town. Markets were closing up their stalls and some people even waved to Juvia when they saw her. She smiled and waved back at everyone, occasionally helping the odd person whose stall wasn't packing up right. She turned down the road where all the factories in Magnolia were based and looked up at the names to try and fine booze galore.

She felt a presence behind her, but she didn't even bother turning around. She knew that by the time she did, she wouldn't see anyone there anyway, so she ignored the feeling of being watched, but kept her alert high. She wanted to make it look like she wasn't able to sense them, and then last minute try and find who it is.

"I'm pretty sure you know who it is though."

Sometimes, Juvia was really grateful that she and Igneel were able to communicate. He soothed her in times of trouble, and with his expertise and many years of fighting, he had nothing but wise words to say to her, even though they did butt heads a lot of the time too.

"I do, I'm just a bit confused as to why he's out and about really. I would have thought Tartaros wouldn't have let him out of their sight. But I guess seeing as he's their leader, he can pretty much do whatever the hell he wants without being questioned."

Juvia finally found the place and went inside. The man at the desk was sitting in a chair, heavy boots on his feet as he was leaned back with his feet on the counter. His eyes were closed as Juvia could literally hear the music that he was playing through his headphones from the door.

Juvia tapped him which made him squeak and he practically jumped 20 metres into the air. Both her and Igneel mentally snickered to one another, finding it absolutely hilarious. He ripped off his earphones and cleared his throat.

"H-hi. Sorry, I didn't see you there."

"It's okay, you were in your own world. I'm here for a Fairy Tail order. Freak party erupted and I'm here for tomorrow's order as well please."

"So you're looking for about 50,000 barrels then."

Juvia laughed. "It's crazy how you know, but yes, I need that amount please."

"Come with me, we can get that for you. Where's Mira, I know that she usually comes to collect it with Elfman. You didn't even bring a vehicle, did you?"

"Mira was looking a bit stressed out, so I said I'll do it and I don't need a vehicle. I use magic seals to seal everything away so that I can carry it on me."

"That and you're now a dragon slayer so you would be throwing up all over the place."

"I really don't understand the correlation between being a dragon slayer and not being able to ride on a vehicle. You're going to have to explain it to me some time."

"Magic, it really is a beautiful and helpful thing, when used right anyway. I'm glad Fairy Tail is a light guild. If you guys were a dark guild, I'm pretty sure there would be nothing left of Magnolia. I mean, a powerhouse like Natsu? If he were evil, we're all doomed. Anyway, I'll be back at the front, so take the 50,000 and meet me out there."

Juvia didn't say anything as he showed her the Fairy Tail stock. She thanked him and started sealing all that she needed. He was right about Natsu being a powerhouse. It was suddenly dawning on her that Natsu was already powerful when he was his normal human self. Him boosted with powers from Zeref that were so great that it rejected the dragon slayer side of him, it was maddening.

"Think of the devil and he shall appear."

Juvia didn't even stiffen as she turned around to face the very man who had been haunting her all day. His purple fire eyes burned right through her and his canines seemed longer than usual. He still looked like the same Natsu that she had come to fall in love with, but it wasn't him. For now.

"I would say that you're not surprised to see me, Ju-vi-a."

"My initial shock of seeing you earlier on today has died down. I knew that there was a reason why you would be in town. I thought it was just to spy on Fairy Tail, but after sensing you when I was walking down this road, I realised that I most probably have something you need."

His presence was stifling. Juvia had to put up a front to show that she wasn't afraid, but then she realised, why should she be? This was Natsu. A demon was being hosted in his body and she had the duty to get rid of him so that she could have her Natsu back.

He started walking towards her, and Juvia stood her ground. She didn't see it coming when he slammed her back into the shelves behind her and grabbed both of her wrists, pinning them above her head. Juvia gasped in pain and wanted to curl up.

She ignored the pain by gritting her teeth and sending a glare up to the one who did it to her. He wore an unreadable expression on his face, all signs of playfulness gone. His expression was blank and Juvia didn't know what to make of it.

"How could I forget that you're a water mage? You're the one that I've needed this whole time! I need a taste, to see if my cravings were right..."

Juvia had no idea what he was he talking about and suddenly felt his teeth sink into her neck. She gasped harshly and arched her back. There were no words to describe how delightful it felt that he was sucking her blood.

End himself couldn't stop himself as the blood of the water mage was literally the sweetest thing he had ever had. He sucked harder, letting go of her wrists and one of his hands falling to the small of her back, bringing her closer to him. He growled lowly as if it wasn't enough, he needed to be closer.

Juvia lifted up her hands, running it through End's hair until she heard Igneel screaming at her.


Juvia's eyes snapped open as she ripped End right off of her. He growled in annoyance, moving forward again, but Juvia ducked out of the way so that he went tumbling into the shelves. She heard him grunt as he ripped the barrels out of his way and glared at her as he stood up. Juvia was panting laboriously as she stared up at him. How could she enjoy the feel of him taking her blood?

"Don't stop me from feeding, Juvia. You won't like me when I'm mad."

"And you won't like me when I'm mad either! How dare you use Natsu's body to drink my blood! You're sick and...and perverted! How is a demon perverted?!"

End smirked at her, wiping off the blood from his lips using his tongue. "I like the thrill of the chase, and I know that you enjoyed it too. I guess if I kill you now, I won't have any more of that sweet blood. Be grateful that you're of use to me."

Juvia was fuming. "Give me Natsu back."

End's smirk dropped as he glared darkly. "Natsu is gone forever, you have me to deal with."

Juvia smirked. "Tch, if that's what you think, believe that then. I'm going to get my Natsu back and you won't be able to stop me." She gave him a smug looked that screamed 'I know something you don't' and that pissed End off.

He grabbed her close to him and relished in the fact that she didn't even struggle. Maybe she knew it was futile, or maybe she was going to be his undoing. He looked deep into her dark blue eyes and saw no fear, but instead, he saw determination. His eyes softened as he felt something pull him back.

"Juve...I believe you'll get me back. I'm still here, fighting, but End is super strong."

Juvia blinked as she heard Natsu's voice fall out of his body. The pruple fire was gone and for a split second, Juvia was staring into the real Natsu's eyes. His hair flickered pink and it was almost like the guy she had come to like was suddenly standing in front of her again. Her face lit up showing hope that Natsu was indeed still in there, until he shook his head and the fire was back. He glared heavily down at her.

"What the fuck just happened? Don't answer that. Mark my words Juvia, I'm going to have you by my side one way or another."

He soon seeped away in the same fashion that he had done when they were going after the bounty hunters. Juvia took a deep breath before falling against the shelves for support. She felt so tired after that encounter and she had no idea what to do next. With the adrenaline of being on guard around End gone, she felt the pain in her neck. She rubbed her hands over it, the pain stopping and the blood gone. She moved her neck side to side before finishing up with all 50,000 barrels. She smiled to herself despite all that happened.

"Natsu is still there."

Juvia nodded her head, saying goodbye to the man at the desk and heading back towards her guild.

"I would love to tell everyone that, but I don't want them to live in fear that End is the one who is dominant within him. They would all get hurt."

Igneel hummed slightly before talking again. "But we definitely need to work on your fire side a lot more. I am proud of how far you've come, but I'm going to have to use 2nd origin on your tonight. I'm glad he wasn't able to sense the fire in you, that will throw him off his game."

Juvia nodded her head mentally. Ever since the spar back at Yato's house, Juvia had improved drastically on using her dragon slayer side efficiently. She could now last around 2 hours before her water would start evaporating from using the fire within her too much, but it wasn't enough. There was no telling how long the fight would take against Tatartos and she needed to be able to last longer than a measly two hours.

"I also have something I want to give to you as well. For now, let's just go back to the guild and celebrate coming back."


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