
By florence-shade

11.9K 682 84

**Third and Final Book in the Powerful But Broken Trilogy** Ash is just like you and me, a completely ordinar... More

I Drink Black Coffee, John
Cress Is Swooning
Put Some Damn Clothes On
Two...No Four Heads
You're A Stanger and A Dog
That's My Food, Man
I Just Fell Out of Bed
Chilling In the Woods Like a Maniac
Oh But It Is Jaxy Boy
Why Couldn't It Have Just Been a Wolf
Shshshshshshsh, Calm Down
Secret, Magical, Antisocial Abode
That is None of Your Business
I Love My Food, But Man
World Famous Lasagna
Overprotective Dogs
A Vampire...Having A Panic Attack
As You Wish, Saviour
No More Than Five Minutes
You Knew All Along?
I Just Wanted This To Be Perfect
That is Unheard Of
Eating For Two
I Love You
Thank You

For a Human, You Can Be Scary

452 28 3
By florence-shade


Damn, that hurts.

That is all my mind can come up with the moment I wake up in the hospital. I can't believe that Max beat me. I am going to have to hold a rematch against him and Jax later.

I sit up in bed, staying silent as my body yells at me to stop being an idiot. I sit up successfully at the side of the bed and look at the damage. There are bandages on my stomach, chest, shoulders and arms where my injuries were. I can already tell that they are all healed. Luckily no one saw. I will keep these on for a bit until I decide that it has been long enough.

The door opens just as I was about to stand up. I see a guy with a white coat come in. I guess he is the doctor.

"Woah, woah. Don't move. You are still severely injured, I don't know how you are even awake right now let alone sitting up," he gently tries to push me back against the bed.

"I'm fine Doc, I am okay to stand. I am just a bit sore, that's all," I truthfully tell him.

"Let me look at your bandages first," he insists.

"Uh, why? Shouldn't they stay covered?"

"I need to see how they are healing. It will only take a moment."

I gulp and lay back on the bed. How am I going to explain this? A million and one scenarios run through my head at the doctor slowly unwraps every bandage until they are all gone.

"How? That's impossible," he mumbles and then looks at me. I put on a worried face, hopefully he will think I am clueless.

"What is it Doc? Do they look bad?"

"They-they are healed. That shouldn't be possible...unless...." Doc leaves the room for a moment before coming back in with a giant book in his hands. "Ah ha!" He exclaims. Who the fuck says that anymore? "Here it is. There have been some documented cases of humans turning into werewolves after being scratched deeply by one."

He thinks that I am a werewolf? No way in hell. I guess it is a good cover for now until I can get to Hayden.

"W-what?" I try to act scared.

"You are turning into a werewolf. I have never seen this happen before. I will have to keep you under strict observ..." I cut him off.

"You are crazy if you think I am staying here. I am leaving. I need to go find Hayden and Jax."

"I highly recommend you..." I cut him off again.

"I don't care what you highly recommend. I am leaving and that is final." I state.

He sighs and then leaves the room for me to get changed. I need to go find Hayden and fast. I don't want my secret to be known, but I also don't really want people to think I am a miracle werewolf or whatever.

I march to the pack house from town and walk up to Hayden's office door without seeing anyone. I guess they are all at training. I am about to knock before I hear a voice come from my left. I turn to see Sam.

"Shouldn't you be in the hospital?" He questions.

"Shouldn't you be at training?" I narrow my eyes at him.

"I am standing in as Alpha for a few days until my dad is back."

"Where is he?" I ask.

"He had to go visit our family in Europe. Their pack is having troubles so he decided to go help them out."

I nod nonchalantly but on the inside I am panicking. What do I do now? I look over at Sam to see his eyes glossed over. He's mindlinking someone. Hopefully it isn't the doct...

"You are turning into a werewolf?!" Sam exclaims loudly. I guess that answers all of my fears.

"No, it is just a misunderstanding," I answer.

"How is rapid healing taken as a misunderstanding?" He asks.

"None of your business."

He huffs, "Fine, don't tell me. I don't have to worry about you being some kind of human-wolf right?"

I chuckle, "You definitely don't have to worry about that."

He nods and walks into his dad's office before turning to me once again, "Just a heads up, there is a neighbouring pack visiting us for a few days. They will be here tomorrow. I would like both you and Jax to greet them out front with us.

"Sure, why not. Which pack?"

"Now that right there is my little secret," Sam smirks, taps me on the nose and closes the door. I chuckle quietly at his childish games.

I head to the kitchen to get out some food since I haven't eaten in almost twenty four hours. I grab out some sandwich meat, bread, lettuce and cheese to make a sandwich. As I finish putting the ingredients away, the back door swings open to reveal Jax.

"Heya Jax," I greet and take a big bite out of my sandwich.

"You have been in the hospital all day and all I get is a 'Heya Jax'," he says, mocking me.

"Well, yeah. What else do you want from me?" I wonder with a mouth full of food.

"For you to scream or yell at me for hurting you. I don't know, something. Anything."

"I'm not mad Jax. We were fighting and sometimes we get hurt. I'm fine."

He rolls his eyes, "How bad are your injuries?" He tries to lift my sweater.

"I'm fine Jax. Don't worry about it," I push his hands away.

"I know you are lying Ash, you got pretty beat up. Do you know how worried I was. I have now seen you twice where I thought I was going to lose you. I don't want that happening ever again. It was bad enough the first time when I found you in the woods. You were almost dead, Ash. Don't just stand there and tell me that you are fine."

"Jax, I'm not hurt and I am not mad okay? I just don't want you meddling in my stuff. I will tell you one day soon, just not today."

He sighs heavily And I just stare at him, knowing we will be alright.

"Did you hear about the pack coming tomorrow?" I start a conversation.

"No, who is it?" Jax wonders and drops the previous topic.

"No clue, but we have to be out front in the morning to greet them with the pack," I tell him. Jax nods, still pouting, until he grabs my sandwich from my hands and starts running out the back door taking a bite of it.

"Hey!" I yell at him, "Sandwich thief!"

I dash out the door after Jax where I can hear him laughing as he runs. I push my self to run faster in order to catch up to him where I finally tackle him to the ground. My sandwich goes everywhere and is no longer edible.

"Oops?" I hear Jax squeak.

"Oops?! That was my sandwich!"

"Geez, you sounds like a total Ross right now," Jax comments and I punch him hard in the jaw. "Guess I deserved that," he mumbles.

"Yes, you did."

I get off of Jax's back and give him a hand to help him up. He brushes off the dirt and grass from his shirt.

"You owe me a sandwich."

"Yes ma'am," Jax salutes.

We turn to walk towards the pack house when we stop in our tracks. Everyone's eyes are on us. The whole pack is out here.

"What?" I snap. Their eyes all go wide as if on cue and then go back to what they were doing.

"For a human, you can be scary. You do know that right?" Jax comments.

"Of course I do," I smile sweetly at him. Jax slowly walks away from me, scared of that smile. He is halfway to the pack house when I burst out laughing. A wolf running from a 'human' girl. Funny sight to see.


I am standing outside with Jax and the rest of the pack as we wait for the neighbouring pack to arrive. I have bugged and nagged Sam, but he just won't tell me who is coming. Guess I will find out momentarily.

I can hear cars off in the distance as they turn onto the dirt road that leads to the pack house. In two minutes, the first car emerges, followed by one other. Only the soon to be Alpha, The Beta and two pack warriors are coming. The Alpha is staying back with the soon to be beta so they can be trained separately.

The warriors exit from one car and walk over to the other car. They open the doors and out steps...Braden? And Cal? What are they doing here? Is this the Blood Paw Pack that's visiting? Well shit.

I notice Braden sniffing the air before his eyes land on me. When they do, his eyes widen and a grin forms on his lips. I give him a confused look. Why does he seems so happy to see me? I only knew him for a week and I barely ever saw him.

"Braden, Beta Callum, so nice for you to come visit," Sam greets and shakes their hands.

"It is our pleasure. We need to show these young lads how to interact with allied packs," Cal comments. Young lads? What is with all these werewolves and their weird ass language?

"I apologize on behalf of my father that couldn't be here. He is overseas helping family."

"No problem at all Sam."

"While you are here, we have hired two professional trainers to aid with training. You are all more than welcome to attend," Sam offers.

"That is amazing, who did you hire?"

"Fire and Ash," Sam tells them. That is Jax and mine's name that we use so Lana can easily know what the messages are about.

"Really? I have heard stories and I have always wanted to meet them," Callum fangirls.

I hold in a laugh and Sam goes to introduce us, "This is Jax Fira and his partner Ash Wilson. The dynamic duo if you please," Sam chuckles at his lame joke. When no one else laughs, he turns to look at me and I just shake my head disapprovingly. This causes him to slouch his shoulders and give me a pouty face before regaining his composure.

"Ash?" Cal asks shocked.

"Hey Cal, how's it hanging? Long time no see."

" know about..." he trails off so I finish his sentence for him.

"Werewolves? Yes, I know about werewolves. I actually knew about them while I was living with you, I just didn't realize what you were at the time."

"We have been looking high and low for you. Where have you been?" Braden asks in a worried tone.

"Well, Jaxy and I," Jax groans at the nickname, "have been helping packs train and just kind of exploring for the last...what? Year now? Time flies."

"But I thought told me off before you left. I thought you hated werewolves?" Braden states.

"I did. Still hate some of them, but Jax showed me that not all of them are bad."

Braden looks at Jax and growls, "You trust him more than my family and I? We let you stay with us for a week and then you insult us and run away."

"Yes, you know what? I do trust him more than you all. He has been there for me a hell of a lot longer than you," I snap.

"Uh, come on Ash. We have some, yeah training to do," Jax then starts pulling me away from the crowd.

I huff and then turn away to follow Jax into the house. So much for training. He doesn't let go of my arm, instead he drags me up the stairs, to his room.

"Are you alright?" Jax turns to me.

I sit on his bed and sigh, "I'm fine. I just didn't think I would have to deal with them again. They were nice, but I did yell at Braden before I left when I found out he and his family were wolves. I only really had bad experiences with wolves. Those rogues who beat me nearly to death, James and Cassian, I didn't know any different."

"I know Ash, the way he reacted was terrible. If only he knew what you went through," Jax shakes his head.

I huff out the air in my lungs before getting an idea. I smile wide and look at Jax who looks terrified.


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