
By Clarkiemonstr

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Vex Luna. A Pure blood Vampyre, and princess of a High prestige Clan named after her family- The Filii Luna. ... More

-Chapter One-
-Chapter Two-
-Chapter Three-
-Chapter Four-
-Chapter Five-
-Chapter Seven-
-Chapter Eight-
-Chapter Nine-
-Chapter Ten-
-Chapter Eleven-

-Chapter Six-

8 1 0
By Clarkiemonstr

Five minutes later...

I arrived back at home, quietly sneaking myself back into my bedroom. The fact that I was short on time was actually good. It didn't give me the option if mother had caught me sneaking out for another one of her infamous lectures.

Sebastian seemed to be asleep still, and no sign of mother. Weird? That's unusual...

Zen had abandoned my empty bed and was curled up on the seat of my desk chair, which made me smile. (That cat was a notorious pillow hog.)

I gathered my satchel and put on proper school attire, (A navy blue long sleeve and my black jeans,) before I decided to go wake up Sebastian. He was a lot quicker than I at getting ready in the mornings.

I opened his door across the hall to find him face down in his pillows.

"Come on Sebastian. School starts soon and you can't be late on your first day. Wouldn't want to make a bad impression now, would we?"

His head lifted slowly, face rumpled and peering up at me like a sleepy, countrified rabbit.

"Needn't worry Loon...I'll be down for breakfast in a moment."

He mumbled as his head fell back into the crook of his arm. Slightly annoyed, I grabbed his shirt that hung on the back of his chair, tossing it at his head as he groaned in protest. Laughing at him as I swept my damp hair behind my ear.

Sebastian suddenly registered that my hair was wet and my contacts were already in, something I'd mostly forgotten about in my hurry to fly under radar from Mother.

"Did you go somewhere?"

"Yeah," I said reluctantly. "I couldn't sleep, so I went to the beach for a little fresh air. Its raining out."

I pointed at my damp head of hair.

"Next time wake me up. You know I would have gone with you."

If he hadn't sounded so hurt, I would've had more time to think about just exactly how much I was going to tell him about my dream last night before I blurted out, "I think I'm going to die soon."

Sebastian's sleepy face became immediately serious as his eyes looked into mine.

"Wha-...what makes you say that?"
He asked. I grabbed a towel from the bathroom to quickly dry my hair.

"Just, a dream...or maybe- I dont know. A vision? It was all very surreal."

"And? It was probably just a dream. No need to worry about such things. Maybe hunting yesterday freaked you out more than I expected."

Rolling my eyes at his remark as I sighed heavily, seating myself at the edge of his bed.

"Yeah, maybe. But it's just a nagging feeling in my stomach. Like, a warning given by the goddess to sway me away from this path I've found myself on."
I said miserably.

"Care to discuss this 'path' that you've found? You know I'm a great listener."

My head fell into my lap as I groaned. I mumbled 'no', but that only seemed to make him more curious.

"Loon, you know I hate seeing you like this. I'm always here for you, no matter what has happened. I just want to help."

I rubbed at the headache that seemed to firmly attach itself to me. I lifted my head and faced him with a soft smile.

"Can we just bookmark this for later? At least until I've gotten more figured out?"

"Fine. Until later. But right now? Come on." He grabbed my arm.

"Where?" I blinked at him, totally confused. He'd gone from serious to sympathetic and then to lets get a move on, way too fast.

"You need your coffee fix, and I need my A positive. And we both need to get to school."

I started to shuffle to the hall. Zen stretched, meowed grumpily, and then leisurely followed me.
Sebastian shook his head at the two of us.

"Come on you two. Everything will seem better after you get your breakfast, and Zen gets her milk."

"And coffee." I said.

Sebastian screwed up his face as if he sucked on a lemon.

"Can't believe you can actually tolerate such a drink. I don't care if it curves cravings! It's bitter, brown like shit, and flat out gross! Especially when the grinds get into the cup. Disgusting."

He exclaimed as his tongue stuck out childishly.

I chuckled. We stalked into the kitchen, where mother seemed readily prepared to leave for work.

"Good morning you two. Hope you both are well rested for today, I need you two to run a couple of errands for me. I haven't the time today with work. I left a list on the table- Please be safe. Don't let this go to your head."

Mother ordered us as she grabbed her keys, kissing my cheek and the top of Sebastian's head as she took her leave. We both shared curious looks at one another as the front door shut.

I planted myself in front of the coffee maker, leaning against the counter as it spewed into the pot below.

Sebastian opened the fridge, grabbing a new bag of A positive that mother retrieved last night. Just thinking about drinking that fresh of blood, made my skin tight and hot.

Her last few batches were at least a couple months old. But I didn't need to remind anyone of that.

"You really should eat this morning. It's so....delightfully fresh! The last batches looked close to being congealed." He said as he moaned in joy. Before I could stop him, he got up and poured me a tall glass.

My attention instantly fell, watching the scarlet spring up and around within the clear crystal glass.
Then the smell hit me- Rich, dark and seductive. Like chocolate, only sweeter and wilder.

In seconds the air seemed to fill with its scent, the coffee that brewed no longer a playing factor. It drew me in like nothing. It wasn't just that I wanted to taste it. I needed to taste it.

I had to taste it.
I hadn't even realized that I'd gotten up until Sebastian spoke.

"I knew you were hungry. I could literally feel your stomach pains." His voice sounded deep and worried.

I couldn't control myself. Like I suddenly became a passenger in my own body. I took the glass from him, my tongue flicked out as it licked the brim of the glass. The taste exploded in my mouth. I salivated as the blood flowed quickly down my throat, and with a moan I barley recognized as my own.

Heat slammed through my body, setting me a flame. I was gripping the glass. Rational thought flew through my mind. All I could do was taste.

Somewhere in the depths of my mind I knew I was reacting on a level that was almost animalistic in its need and ferocity- But I hardly cared.

Sebastians voice broke through me, shattering the heat that was building up inside. I caught a glimpse of his stare and threw the glass away from me. Blood dripping off my chin.

"I've never seen you like this Vex. Maybe we should call in sick today. Get your thirst under control."

I knew he was right. This wasn't like me at all. I wanted to blame mother for this, but I could only blame myself for lacking stability. Drinking human blood was so invigorating than consuming an animals. But I didn't want to lose touch just because something tasted better, or, felt better.

There was a reason why we were banished from Transylvania in the first place. I didn't want to become like the others- Blind with greed as humans fell one by one like flies at our feet. Acting like they are superior- Although without humans or animals, we would be dried up bodies against the ground.  Still alive, yet unable to do anything with ourselves other than to watch as we drain into nothing like the thousands of humans they took.

We were banished. Only because mother and I had no intention of becoming the monsters we fought, long and hard, to contain. We see the humans as partners to work along side of....Not as a dinner after a long day.

"I think you may be right... besides, Mother asked us to run some errands. Perhaps that should be a good distraction."

I practically whispered. Sebastian was already off, using our land line against the wall in the family room.

Zen meowed, now strolling up to me as she took her place on my lap purring like a lawn mower. My hand gently over her head and down her back, my fingers scratching carefully behind her ears.

"It's done." Sebastian mentioned quietly as he stood in the doorway, his shoulder resting against the wooden frame. "They wish you to get well soon- They also are sending one of our classmates over after school to give us our homework."

I nodded in response. Too ashamed of my behavior to even speak. He smiled softly at me before sliding the list across the table, his eyes scanning the contents of its page. I was relieved to stay home, that much was true. But still had a nagging worried feeling I couldn't seem to get rid of that was more than stress about Ouija.
Ignoring my current state of dazing off, Sebastian cleared his throat and folded up the list into his pocket.

"Well, lets go."


He rolled his eyes heavenward and shook his head.
"Errands? Must I do everything myself today?"

"Right- Of course not. I'm sorry."

I grabbed my satchel as he grabbed my keys, following Sebastian out into the brewing cold, cloudy Wednesday morning.
The rain had stopped, but the clouds were even darker than before.

"Looks like it might snow" I predicted, gazing up at the slate-coloured sky.

"Oh man, I wish! I'd love to see it snow here!" Sebastian exclaimed as his head looked up.

Most Vampyre's wouldn't give much thought to snow, due to us not actually being affected to its cold conditions, But we do.

I can't say I hate the snow, it has some perks. Because when it snows, everything gets quiet. Snow actually absorbs sound, so when you get a snow storm its like sound proofing the entire planet.

Sometimes I wish it would never stop- however it does have downside. It's extremely bright, almost obnoxiously so.

"Well, you can move to Canada. You'll have more snow there than you could stand. I heard it gets pretty tiresome after months and months of endless falling. Weird though- Humans there are rumored to be the nicest people You'll ever meet."

I said pleasantly.

"I don't care what you may say. No ruining this for me! Snow is magical. Like a fluffy white blanket being draped over the earth," He smiled, as he added, "Besides, you can't complain to something that has literally no affect on you, or I. So enjoy it."

I was going to open my mouth and agree with Sebastian when the first snowflake plopped on my forehead.

"Seems you got your wish."

Sebastian laughed, "Snow harder!" He practically yelled. As if mother nature was listening, by the time we were in the car and driving towards town, fat, quarter sized snowflakes were covering everything. It turned everything soft and white, and although I was tired and grumpy, I held my hand out the window in attempts of catching one.

"So, the list. Mother wants us to hunt."

My eyes grew in shock, "Really? She wants us to hunt?"

He nodded, and handed me the list of animals and items we were to gather.

-Three Gray foxes
-One White Tailed Deer
-Three Rabbits

P.S. Please make sure each have a cage, and food. We need them alive until we feast.

I was honestly shocked. I glanced over at Sebastian as he was pulling up to a hunting Store.

"I'll be right back. Just stay here, I'll only be a moment."

He ordered as he quickly left the car and disappeared inside the store.

My eyes settled on the windshield, watching as the snowflakes slowly covered. The flakes had changed and were even smaller, but they were still coming down steadily, making the town look even more mysterious and somber than usual. My eyes unfocused from the snow, and ahead of the car down the road on Essex St, sat one of the town's Libraries.

The place looked very old fashioned, (which made me slightly happy,) dark brick walls, white tall sliding windows with black shutters nailed open, four white pillars that held up the large marbled arch way, and a sign out front in the depleted garden that read:

Salem Athenaeum
A Membership Library

I've only drove past it on my way to school, but I always sensed a vacancy from that place. Only total dorks from Evaline's would visit to study after school hours during the week when it was open.

Yes, I know what that says about me. And this might be a stretch, but hopefully I can assume that a town that prides themselves on being apart of Witch History- Will have books about ghosts and spirits. I need to check it out.

I quickly peered around me before exiting the car, stepping out into the calm snowfall. I shuffled quickly through the piling snow towards the two large black doors, hesitating momentarily before entering.

Upon entering, it reeked of Lavender and Eucalyptus, with a slight undertone of mildew. Candles were everywhere against the small tables against the dark brown walls.

As I glanced around, I followed the long red carpet that lead from the front into the common room, ending abruptly at the Librarians desk.
A short, chubby man sat presently, (he seemed rather snobby in my opinion,) With black slicked hair in a comb over, a long skinny pointed nose- And of course he was dressed like a man attending a funeral, in his black suit.

"Excuse me, Girl. State your business here."

He sounded sick, (nasally.) His dark brown marbles for eyes glaring at me through his tiny spectacles perched at the bottom of his nose.

"Sorry to bother you, Sir. I was only curious for a book- or books on ghosts or premonitions linking."

He snorted like a pig, his stumpy fringers filing through a collection of cards in his catalog. He nodded toward me as he held out one of them. I thanked the man quietly and strolled off into the next room where the maze began of tall wooden shelves.

I searched each isle for the Dewey Decimal number for the book and found it up on an obscure shelf, dusty and lonely. I thought it was an excellent sign that it was one of those old leather-bound tomes. I wanted to peruse any legends or stories made years ago, rather than flip through a modern day influence that was based off of theories.

I opened my satchel and sat myself on a green claw chair in the corner of the room, flipping my journal to an empty page. I scanned a few chapters with countless pages until stumbling upon a chapter titled:

-Blithe (And Vengeful) Spirits-

The desire for justice and the belief in some forms of supernatural protection (Which we see in more major religions) address basic human needs. Ghosts have long been thought of as vehicle's for justice. Example: Shakespeare's Hamlet is visited by the ghost of his murdered father seeking revenge in his murderer. In Macbeth, meanwhile, the murdered Banquo points an accusing finger at the man responsible for his death.

Shivers passed through me. I was officially creeped out. I can't believe I found this text that mentions the play I had just recently presented.

Forcing myself to continue reading on.

This idea has its equivalents today in various countries. In kenya, a murdered person may become an 'Ngoma', a spirit who pursues their murderer, sometimes causing them to give themselves up to the police, or taking their own life. Or in Russia, the 'Rusalka' is a spirit of a dead women who died by drowning and now lures men to their death. Her only way of being released is when her death is avenged.

Evil spirits- STAGES of Possession:
The actual entry point, when the evil spirit first enters the victim: A stage of erroneous judgments by the possessed in vital matters, perhaps including the making of unethical choices. The voluntary yielding of control by the possessed person to the invading spirit, even though they feel the spirit is alien to their personality. And finally, perfect possession. The host becoming completely taken over by the entity, essentially allowing the spirit to becoming a demonic being, able to become free to earth once more.

I closed the book in a snap. My mind twisting like a tornado. My body shaking like I couldn't be calmed.

I think I finally understand what's happening. Or whats going to happen.

So exciting! Sorry to leave this on a cliff hanger, but It makes more interest to read on :) Thank you for your support! Maybe you've already caught on to what might be happening? Maybe you've seen connections? Or nothing at all!
Stay tuned to find out more :)

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