I Liked You As Soon As I Hate...

By JedKed

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Choi Jisu or Lia is known for her cute and wholesome smile but not for the fact that she wanted nothing but f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15: beginning of the past
Chapter 16: Letters from the past
Chapter 17: Events in the past
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 44

2K 67 40
By JedKed

She could hear the noises outside. Clearly, the walls were too thin for her to avoid the noises.

It wasn't anything bad really, not something she'd be so traumatized to hear.

It's just that.. Yeji couldn't help but feel the guilt in her stomach rise up. The feeling was bubbling inside her, almost threatening to make her vomit.

It was just too strong, she even felt anxious because of it.

The noises that she was hearing outside of her condominium were the noises of people moving stuff around.

The noises you'd typically hear when someone moves in next door. The noises of pushing in objects and the sound of objects in a box hitting each other.

Someone was moving in next door.

To the same room that Chaeryeong and Jisu lived in before.

Yeji would have a new neighbor and she knows who it is.

It's Ryujin.

Since university is starting for her soon, she took Chaeryeong and Jisu's old place to live in.

Now this isn't a problem to Yeji, nothing of this moving in thing is a problem to her.

It's just the guilt that she's feeling. That's what's bothering her.

Ryujin actually called her last night, asking if she could help and due to the feeling of guilt and fear of seeing Jisu's face again made her decline Ryujin.

Though, Ryujin made sure to assure her that it was fine and she understands why Yeji would decline.

Ryujin just thought maybe they were able to recover a little bit..

Yeji knows Ryujin is hoping for them to make up.

Not in a way that they'd start dating again. It's clear to all of their friends that the two of them getting back together is not an option anymore and they respect that.

But the option of the both of them making up and becoming friends is still there and all of them are hoping for that to happen.

Everyone misses hanging out without all the drama after all.

Even if it's only been two weeks since all of the chaos ended. Everything's peaceful again.

Sort of.

Yeji knows it's all already done, yet she's feeling all these feelings that she shouldn't be feeling right now.

None of this should be in her system.

The guilt.

It should already be gone.

But of course, it isn't gone. Not when Jiwon dropped a bomb on her just when Jisu talked to Jiwon a week ago.

Apparently Jiwon and Jisu became friends overnight (not really) and Jiwon received a ton of information from Jisu and Jisu received the same amount of information from Jiwon as well.

Jiwon never told her anything about that, but she just assumed.

It's bad to assume something like that, especially when she knows Jiwon wouldn't really say anything that will worsen the situation.

And she knows Jisu wouldn't as well.

So.. why?

Maybe she hasn't fully recovered from all that's happened yet. Maybe she hasn't moved on? Which is quite ironic, considering the fact that she was the one asking Jisu to move on.

Jisu probably has..

Yeji thinks the younger girl probably made progress on that topic, while she, on the other hand, is experiencing such things.

She feels awful.

And there was this feeling inside her that was pulling her. Pulling her outside to take a look at her friends.

This is probably just her missing her friends.

In the end Yeji just ended up leaving her place and roaming around the area until she found herself standing in front of the vending machine that was placed randomly in their building.

She didn't really feel like getting a drink so she mindlessly stared at the machine, reading and rereading all of the words that were on the vending machine.

Though she was quickly interrupted when she felt a hand gently rest on her shoulder, instantly making her turn her head to the side to look at who it was.

"Gyu." She muttered, not really expecting to see Beomgyu.

"Hey, I was just passing by and thought I saw someone familiar and I was right, it was you." Beomgyu smiled widely as Yeji only stared at him without any emotion on her face.

"Man, it felt like I haven't seen you in a year, when it's only been weeks." He chuckled before taking a few steps forward, causing Yeji to take a few steps to the side to make way for him.

He smoothly took out a coin out of his pockets before inserting it in the machine, pushing a random button until a drink that Yeji doesn't even recognize, fall.

Yeji watched as Beomgyu bent down to pick up the drink. She was curious as to why Beomgyu was here.

"How were you able to slip past Ryujin and the others?" He suddenly asked, opening the can as it made a hissing sound, releasing the trapped air inside.

"Why'd you ask?" Yeji raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh well," he takes a moment to sip on his drink before continuing, "Ryujin told me."

Yeji only stared at him with a puzzled look, silently asking him what he meant with just her eyes.

"She called, told me Hyunjin wasn't picking up, you know how your cousin is. Almost always ditching us for his boyfriend-"

They both stop to laugh at that statement, "That's right.." Yeji mutters as she smiles fondly.

"Ryujin also told me she tried to knock on your door only to find out you weren't there at all." He continued.

Yeji sighs, "I didn't mean it to look like I was avoiding all of you..."

Beomgyu hums, listening to what Yeji has to say. "It's just that.. I think I need more time to recover from all of this? I'm not sure, I've just been feeling awful for the past few days, especially right now that I wasn't able to help out with Ryujin moving in."

"It's alright Yeji, you don't have to explain yourself, you know? We understand that things have been... chaotic and we're sorry."

Beomgyu was mindlessly tapping on the can as he spoke.

"Sorry for what?" Yeji tilted her head to the side, she doesn't know why Beomgyu was apologizing to her.

"I should be the one apologizing. I should be the one saying sorry because I dragged you all into this mess when you all had nothing to do with it."

And sure enough, Beomgyu was quick to correct her, "No, no. Don't just blame yourself for all of this. There were times that we made it worse, so don't take all the blame. No one asked for this to happen Yeji and I hope you know that we aren't blaming you for anything, so please stop being too harsh on yourself?"

Beomgyu offered Yeji a warm smile that he hoped made Yeji realize that all of those words weren't just something he said to make her feel less like shit for a few hours.

It's something that came from his heart and he knew that if the others were there, they'd say the same things.

He just hopes Yeji believes him.

"Thank you, really. I've put you all in such a messy situation a ton of times, I just hope it stops.." She mutters the ending to herself as she leaned against the wall, feeling really bad.

But thanks to Beomgyu, she felt light, like the weight on her shoulders were lifted because of the words that she heard.

"Hey, take all the time you need, we'll still be here even if it takes a ton of years. We'll always be here." He smiles at Yeji one last time before waving his hand and walking away.

Yeji guessed that he was going back to where the others were.



Ryujin turned her head to see Beomgyu walking towards her while holding a can. Ryujin guessed he got it from the vending machine around the building.

"Hey, you're finally here, where the heck did you go?? We were waiting for you for so long!" Ryujin complained as Beomgyu rolled his eyes at her.

He held the can up to show it to Ryujin, as if telling her that he went and bought himself a drink first.

If that wasn't obvious enough.

It was now Ryujin's turn to roll her eyes at Beomgyu, "You know what, I'm just not going to question you again next time."

She then turned around and took a small box, bringing it inside since it was just left outside her door, chilling in the middle of the hallway.

"Where's the others?" Beomgyu asks as he throws the can that he was holding into a bin that Ryujin probably brought from her house.

"Oh, well, they got hungry so they went out somewhere to eat. You took so long that they were not willing to wait another hour for you to arrive." Ryujin huffs, kind of irritated that Beomgyu tool so long to arrive.

"Oh stop crying like a little baby, it's not like it took me 3 years to get here—"

Ryujin quickly interrupted her and said, "Well it felt like it!"

Causing Beomgyu to roll his eyes once more before clicking his tongue.

"At least I showed up unlike Hyunjin who never even picked up." He defended himself, even getting the chance to drag Hyunjin so the blame wouldn't only be pointed at him.

"I would appreciate it more if you didn't even come at all, now shut up and help me with the boxes." The small girl landed a punch on Beomgyu's side, signalling for him to help her with carrying the other boxes that were almost blocking the hallway.

Beomgyu groaned and sighed before carrying a bigger box to put inside Ryujin's new house.

"Why didn't you even go with them, you're so irritated at me for no reason, maybe eating will make you less irritated at me for taking so long."

Ryujin didn't reply for a moment and it was quiet for a little while before she spoke, "Jisu unnie.. has been eyeing Yeji unnie's door."

The taller boy didn't say a word and just waited for Ryujin to say something else, assuming she had something to say after.

"Which is why I tried to knock, I told you."

"Yeah, you did."

"But she wasn't there, I told you that as well."

"Yeah, that too."

"The reason why I didn't go with them to eat was because I'm waiting for Yeji unnie to come back, she must've sneaked past us while we were busy moving boxes inside." Ryujin chuckles and so does Beomgyu.

Ryujin actually didn't expect Yeji to sneak around, but she guessed that maybe Yeji doesn't want to be seen by Jisu yet.

Or be seen by any one of them.

Beomgyu hums, "I saw Yeji." He started, which immediately caught Ryujin's attention.

"Really??? Where??"

"I saw her on my way here, we talked for a moment which is why I took too long to arrive." He shrugs, finally able to tell Ryujin the reason why he arrived late.

"Then why didn't you tell me sooner, stupid!" Ryujin jokingly punches him on the side as he pretends to be in pain before laughing at Ryujin.

"Well, I didn't think you'd care enough since you were so upset that I took so long." Beomgyu rolled his eyes as Ryujin glared at him.

"What was she doing?"

"She was just standing in front of the vending machine, she was zoning out.. I'm worried, but we talked and I hope she's alright.."

What Beomgyu said immediately worried Ryujin. It just proved that Yeji still isn't feeling alright.

They should have been there for her, she thought..

"Talking about me while I'm gone?"

Just as Ryujin was about to respond to Beomgyu, they heard a familiar voice from behind.

It's none other than Hwang Yeji of course, holding two drinks in hand. Ryujin didn't even ask anymore and just took the other drink that Yeji was holding onto.

Beomgyu was about to do the same as well but Yeji was quick to move her hand away, "What?" She asked, raising her eyebrows at him.

"What? I thought that other drink was mine." He responded, smirking, obviously teasing Yeji.

"You already had one, stop drinking too many carbonated drinks and drink some water." Yeji playfully says before taking a sip of the drink that she was holding.

"Feels weird seeing you here, you finally came out of your cave." Ryujin smiles up at Yeji as the older girl did the same.

"Well.. it has been lonely in my cave, thought it was time for me to see your ugly faces again." She chuckles as both Beomgyu and Ryujin look at her with an offended look on their faces.

Yeji then turned her head to the side and on the other side, looking like she was checking if any one was around them.

"Looking for someone..?" Beomgyu asked, knowing that Yeji was probably looking for the others.

It seemed as if Beomgyu was right when she looked at him with a sheepish smile.

"Yeah, well, uh.. don't get the wrong idea.." the older girl says before lowering her head as if to hide her face.

"Don't worry, they left to eat. Unnie, you know you don't have to hide either right? Unless.. you don't want to face.. Jisu unnie yet.." Ryujin explains, trying to assure Yeji that it was fine to show herself.

Ryujin knows the others are alright now, it's just the matter of when will Yeji be alright and comfortable enough to be buddy buddy with Jisu.

"I- yeah.. I think it's best if you two are the only ugly faces that I see again." Yeji jokes.

"Wow.. have you seen yourself in the mirror??" Beomgyu jokingly says before half-threateningly stomping his foot in front.

"As if that's going to intimidate me." Yeji rolls her eyes and shrugs as Beomgyu only laughs at her reaction.

"Are you saying that the other three are also ugly?? You're saying my girlfriend is ugly??" Ryujin let out a dramatic gasp as she pretended to be offended.

"Oh, I didn't say that, Shin. You're the one who said that, so you're saying your girlfriend is ugly???"

"Don't twist my words!"

"I'm definitely telling Yuna!" Beomgyu joined in, laughing like a little gremlin before getting mocked by Ryujin who started making faces at him.

"She's going to kill you." Yeji said, referring to Yuna.

Ryujin immediately responded with, "Oh no, she knows she's the opposite of ugly, I'll get a kiss in return." She playfully puckered her lips at Yeji and Beomgyu to which the two made vomiting sounds.

"Not with the way you look, no." Yeji commented, Ryujin raised an eyebrow at her, "Shut up."

Beomgyu missed playfully arguing with the two, and he's happy that they're all slowly going back to normal.


The sound of slurping was the only thing that Jisu was hearing and probably the faint sound of the music that was playing in the convenience store that they were in.

Both Chaeryeong and Yuna were eating cup noodles, Jisu insisted on just eating at the condominium where they could just cook something.

Though, the two younger girls didn't agree, telling the older girl that it would be more work.

Jisu didn't eat though, which caused the younger two to purposely eat loudly to annoy Jisu.

And to convince her to eat as well.

"You both eat like children." Jisu commented as she rested her chin on her hand, staring at the two younger girls who were busy eating loudly.

"We are children, unnie." Yuna spoke before she continued to chew on the noodles. "You're the only children here, this one's in college already." Jisu teasingly pointed at Chaeryeong.

"Not yet." Chaeryeong spoke, swatting Jisu's hand away.

"Hey, that's mean!" Jisu glared at Chaeryeong who innocently smiled at her, "Unnie, you should eat."

"I'll just eat at Ryujin's condominium."

"Ryujinie won't cook for you." Yuna said, immediately turning down Jisu's plan to eat at the condominium.

"Yeah, you really think she'd let anyone cook there? She just moved, I'm pretty sure she's not letting us touch anything yet, we're not even done helping her yet, we're just on break." Chaeryeong adds on as Jisu sighs in defeat.

The two younger girls were right, she'd just argue with Ryujin if she kept on pestering her to be able to cook there.

"Ah, well, it's not like I'm hungry. I already ate anyway." Jisu shrugged it off only for Chaeryeong to speak up.

"Well, why don't we ask Yeji unnie? We can just borrow her kitchen for a bit—"

"Out of all the ideas you have, you chose that??" Jisu immediately cut her off, sounding mortified by the younger girl's idea.

"Calm down unnie!" Chaeryeong bursts out laughing because of Jisu's reaction, "It was a joke!"

"Unless.." Yuna mumbled which caught Jisu's attention.

"No. Absolutely not. She needs more time, it hasn't been that long since.. you know.." Jisu's voice became small at the mention of the confrontation.

It still hurt for Jisu, but she was able to get better quickly. Talking to Jiwon helped a lot and she found out that Jiwon isn't even that bad.

No, not at all. It was just her who acted like a bitch and she still regrets acting like that.

She even thinks she'll always apologize for it even if it has gone by and even if Jiwon has already forgiven her.

Jisu hopes Yeji has..

"Ah, unnie, stop dwelling into your thoughts again. We're sorry.. for even suggesting it." The two younger girls momentarily stopped eating to be able to assure Jisu.

She has nothing to worry about anymore.

She's moving on and so is Yeji.

It's just taking a long time for both of them.. well, especially for Yeji.

But of course, she has been a part of this chaos too. It would not be a surprise if she is struggling as much as Yeji.

And that is what's happening now.

"No, no.. It's alright. You don't have to apologize, I have to not to be affected by that anymore anyway..." She waves it off and both the younger girls knew that it wasn't alright.

Nonetheless, Yuna and Chaeryeong both share a look before standing up at the same time, confusing Jisu.

They both walked towards Jisu and immediately hugged her tight. Jisu was very confused, though she laughed it off, finding the younger girls adorable.

"If you both feel bad for making harmless jokes, it's ok. I'm fine, you know?" Jisu chuckles as Yuna shakes her head, still hugging her.

"It's not just that, unnie.." Yuna mumbles, hugging Jisu tighter.

"We know you're still not completely alright. We know you already got closure from Jiwon, but none from Yeji unnie. It's incredible how you can act alright when we're literally in the same condominium as Yeji unnie." it was Chaeryeong who was speaking now, softly patting Jisu's head like she's the youngest out of the three of them.

Jisu smiles widely. She appreciates all the things her friends have done just so she would never be able to feel alone or lonely and miserable.

"We're just here unnie, if you need any help, if you need someone to talk to." Yuna reminds her as Jisu rests her head on Yuna's head and then immediately switches to resting it on Chaeryeong.

"Thank you." Jisu mumbles.


By the time the three of them came back, they were just chatting and talking about many topics. Laughing about stupid things they saw, not until they were now in the hallway, seeing three figures sitting and leaning against the wall beside Ryujin's door.

They all recognized them too well.

The first one being Beomgyu, laughing along with whatever the other two were arguing and talking about.

The second being Ryujin, leaning against the wall while playing with a seemingly empty can.

And the third one.

Jisu held her breath on the last person.

Of course, it's none other than Yeji. Being all smiley and laughing like she is the happiest person on earth.

Jisu unconsciously smiles as her walking stops, her legs not wanting to function normally and she just stands there. Far from the trio.

Both Chaeryeong and Yuna noticed this and stopped walking as well, letting Jisu take in the scene in front of her.

It's been a while.

Scratch that. It's been a very long time since Jisu saw Yeji smile and laugh like that.

The last time.. probably when they were both on a video call together, telling each other goodnight and good morning.

As Jisu stood there, the younger girls beside her watched as the trio in front of them continued their conversation. Whatever topic they were all talking about, it must've been something very funny.

They were all smiles.

It was so genuine that Jisu couldn't help but feel really happy and almost overwhelmed that she finally saw Yeji smiling genuinely again.

She looked so happy.

Jisu would pay to see her happy like that all the time.

It's as if Jisu saw Yeji for the first time, without the chaotic and messy memories that they had of each other.

God, she is so in love with Hwang Yeji.

It honestly made her think that maybe this is their time. Time to start again on a new chapter.

A new chapter of their lives where everything will finally go as planned, without the drama and pain.

Jisu hopes.

Until she was brought back to reality. Both Chaeryeong and Yuna started to walk again, slowly though. They didn't want to come in too strong, they were probably being cautious because of Yeji.

Jisu knows that, and so she started walking too. Nervously.

What will Yeji's reaction be when she finally notices the three of them? Will she run away? That's most likely what's going to happen.. But what if that doesn't happen? Will she stay? Will she even look at us? Acknowledge our presence? What will she say? Will she even talk to us?

Much more questions were echoing in Jisu's mind, she couldn't really think straight. She never had thought straight before.

She's panicking, she's nervous and so overwhelmed, she could just turn around and run away.

But she won't. Because she doesn't want to.

"Unnie.." It was Yuna who first spoke, calling out to Yeji of course. She sounded hesitant and even moved hesitantly.

Who wouldn't be?

Both Beomgyu and Ryujin stood up from their spot and Yeji soon followed, holding a can, similar to Ryujin's.

Jisu guessed that they probably got it from the vending machine.

Ryujin looked at them questioningly, as if asking why they were there. They didn't send Ryujin a message saying they'd be coming back already.

When Ryujin specifically told them too.

Maybe Ryujin was hoping to be able to hang out with Yeji while they were gone, it was unfair but they all understood why Ryujin would do it.

All of them were waiting on what Yeji would do as a response. Will she ignore Yuna? Her baby Yuna?

That would break the youngest's heart into pieces.

As Yeji stood up awfully slow, they waited. They all had different thoughts about the current situation.

But when Yeji looked up at Yuna, her face lit up. Smiling so widely like no drama has ever happened or passed by in her life.

It was surprising..

"Yuna, how are you?" She asks, her voice calm and soothing, it almost made Jisu swoon and fall on the floor.

She missed hearing Yeji talk that way. It Sounds sweet and you can feel how much she cares with the way she speaks.

Ryujin and Beomgyu looked relieved, Jisu even caught them exchanging looks and soft smiles. Looking happy with how this small interaction turned out.

While that was happening, Yuna kept on bombarding Yeji with questions. Asking if she's finally alright, was she eating well? Has she been sleeping properly? Things that would indicate that a person is worried and concerned.

Chaeryeong on the other hand looked very excited, when Yeji turned and smiled at Chaeryeong, the younger girl smiled so widely.

Jisu even thought that her cheeks were going to rip with how big Chaeryeong's smile was.

To Jisu, it felt like a reunion.

And she was happy.

They were all starting to make too much noise, they were too happy to be able to talk to Yeji again. It felt normal again.

"Alright, children, get back to work. I won't be able to finish moving in if you all just talk Yeji unnie's ear off the whole day." It was Ryujin who broke their happy little bubble, even though she was a part of it.

Yeji chuckles, running her fingers through her hair as she turns to look at Ryujin. "Aaww, come on, don't be such a party pooper." She jokes, earning a playful glare from Ryujin.

"Oh, well, if you helped us, the party would never be interrupted." Ryujin joked back, earning a slow shake of the head from Yeji.

"Yeah, unnie, why don't you help us??" Yuna smiles widely, her eyes already resembling the same as a puppy.

Jisu almost facepalms, it was obvious that Yuna wanted to spend time with Yeji more and she's trying to convince her to stay and help.

Classic Yuna.

"Hey, hey, let Yeji decide what she wants, she might leave and not come out of her cave again." Beomgyu jokes, pointing at Yeji's door. Chaeryeong was quick to elbow him though, jokes like that should still be off limits.

But Yeji doesn't seem to care as she laughs at both Beomgyu and Chaeryeong. "Shut up, Gyu." She playfully rolls her eyes which made Chaeryeong feel relieved.

Yeji turns to look at Yuna who's cutely clinging onto Ryujin's right arm, waiting for Yeji to say something. "Maybe I'll help you tomorrow.. or maybe even later!" She smiles at Yuna which also made both Ryujin and Yuna smile.

Jisu was just watching this happen, not even wanting to say a word, she didn't really want Yeji to talk to her... it was for the best.

Though, Jisu was happy. Happy to see that Yeji's doing fine.

They're both doing fine.

"Are you sure, unnie? You know you don't have to." Chaeryeong pats Yeji's back, eyeing Ryujin who was frowning at her.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Yeji turns her head and smiles at Chaeryeong before turning to look at the other boxes that were just left out in the hall, "Besides, you all could use a hand." She said, gesturing towards the said boxes.

Jisu smiles again.

Yeji's helpful nature never disappeared. After all that's happened.. She's still the same.

And Jisu is glad.

"Alright, then, we'll be doing our work again now. See you, Ji!" Beomgyu waves at Yeji before walking over to Jisu and then smiling at Yeji.

There was a brief moment.. where Yeji took a few steps towards her door, turned to look at all of them and smiled.

Jisu was the last person she looked at.

Well.. barely looked at..

Jisu was fine with that..

She felt like time had stopped because the only thing that she's currently seeing is just Yeji's eyes momentarily stopping to look at her before she left and went inside her own room.

The sound of Yeji closing her door shut was what made Jisu finally blink and snap out of her daydream.

She felt an arm rest on her shoulder and judging from the weight, she already knew it was Beomgyu who stood beside her earlier.

"Wasn't expecting you to be here." Jisu mumbled, earning a chuckle from her cousin. "Oh, I always come unplanned, that's why."

Jisu playfully scoffs before Beomgyu finally pulls her inside her old home that is now Ryujin's new home.

It seems they all refused to ask Jisu how to went for her, not wanting her to answer a ton of questions all at once since it was all probably very overwhelming for her.

They weren't really expecting to be able to talk to Yeji now, she seemed okay, which put everyone at ease.

Jisu noticed how they all went back to moving stuff inside almost immediately, they're avoiding it for now and honestly, Jisu's grateful they avoided asking her. They can ask her anything later on.


The sun had already gone down when Yeji decided she could spend some of her free time walking around the city. Walking around the condominium worked for her earlier, though, she wanted a larger space to walk on.

Seeing Yuna and Chaeryeong again actually made her feel at ease, it shocked her and caught her off guard, though it was nice seeing them again.

She tried her best to act like nothing was wrong. Especially when she knew Jisu was there.

Her presence was too strong, she barely succeeded in avoiding her for now. She thinks it's for the best, even if she was fighting the urge to look at her and stare, ask her how she's been and even apologize for being so harsh on her when she confronted her.

But she thinks it's too early for that.

Emphasize on "She thinks"

Surprisingly, the feeling wasn't heavy when she talked to both Yuna and Chaeryeong, it was just like before.

She just felt restless, knowing Jisu was there, yet she acted as if she wasn't.

Jisu didn't talk to her too, but she could feel Jisu's eyes on her the whole time.

She lets out a sigh as she sits down in front of her door, slipping on her shoes, tying the laces without even looking down at them.

She had guessed that Ryujin and the others had already probably left since the sound of objects getting pushed and pulled had disappeared.

And it was just silent, it was peaceful for Yeji. Though kind of empty now that she knows no one is on the other side of her wall.

She tightens her shoelaces before standing up. No time to think about that when she can clear her mind while walking.

Yeji smiles at the thought of the wind hitting her face once she's finally outside.

She was literally just inside her home all day, everyday. Of course, she had nothing to do, no friends to hang out with because she ignored them.

And if she remembered correctly, Jiwon told her to pay attention to herself first, so she did just that.

It was only Hyunjin who was asking how she's doing.

Letting out a sigh, she stood up and stretched before reaching her doorknob and twisting it open.

As she stepped outside, she immediately closed her door behind her and her eyes landed on a smaller girl just a few steps away from her, standing in front of Ryujin's door.

Yeji was definitely taken aback by the sudden appearance of the girl in front of her.

It stopped her from making another move even if she wanted to leave right then and there.

It was Jisu of course. Who else would stop Yeji from making any other movements? It's always been her.

Jisu was still there and she didn't know.

Jisu was the last one to leave. Who would have thought it would be her, and leaving at the same time as Yeji decided to take a walk as well.

The smaller girl looked at her as well.

The shock was very obvious on her eyes and face. She wasn't expecting this either.

Jisu cursed herself in her mind for even staying behind for a little bit, she was just missing her old place.

Too many memories were made there for her not to spare just a few minutes roaming around inside as if it was still her own.

Ever since Jisu left, Chaeryeong moved in with her older sister which left their condominium abandoned.

As Jisu just stood there, she made eye contact with Yeji. She doesn't know where the girl is headed so she fought the urge to ask the taller girl.

There was a lump in both of their throats and no one was making a move nor was brave enough to create small talk.

Who would be in a situation like this?

In the end, even if Yeji told herself over and over to just ignore Jisu for a few months or even a year so she could completely move on..

She threw it all out the window and internally said 'fuck it.'

Yeji smiled.

She smiled at Jisu as if she was the happiest person on earth.

It was just for a couple of seconds before she nodded at Jisu, wordlessly saying that she'll take her leave first.

Jisu wasn't even able to react or respond, she just stood there and tried to nod back but Yeji already had her back turned and was now slowly walking away.

When Yeji was out of sight, Jisu squealed.

She squealed so loudly that the other residents that were living there surely heard her, but she didn't care.

She was just happy.

It was the bare minimum but it made her happy, so happy that she even squealed again for the second time as she clutched onto her bag for dear life.

She thinks it's progress.

And she's very happy with it. It just gave her hope that maybe even if they can't get back together, they can be friends.

To her, Yeji smiling and treating her like she met up with an old friend is a good sign.

And it is. 

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