Galactic Droid ✧・゚Taegyu

By Taegyaza

70.4K 5.3K 9.5K

✭ A careless intergalactic traveler named Beomgyu, literally crashed his space capsule on Earth. This unworld... More

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-𝕊𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝟙𝟡 ✬ I𝕞-

1.4K 108 89
By Taegyaza

Impersonation time

"H-Huh?" Logan wiped his tears and looked around confused, that same voice that he keeps on hearing resonated again. But for the first time, they said something different.

That deep whispery voice sounds like a teenager.

His eyes widened in absolute disbelief at what he's seeing. It. Is. Terrifying.

He saw a silhouette, made out of a black floating substance. Like a face-less black ghost "Huh..."

"Sup, The name's Zephyr, a umyrien who's 16 years of age."

Umyriens are very diversified creatures eh...

Logan's eyes went big 'So that was him all along- oh no....'
They were staring at each other. "W-What do you want? Are you going to hurt me..?" He blurted out


"Little question, do you hate B1-G3?"

Logan found himself nodding without thinking.

"Great." Zephyr brought his black-smoke arm out "Together.. We can succeed in making him suffer.."

What? The human was unsure "I don't necessarily want him to suffer, I just wish that he stays away from Taehyun hyung. But how do you know my name though??"

Zephyr decided to hover faintly above Logan's bed, sitting with crossed legs.
"I know a lot of things about you. I've been observing you guys' activities. I know where you live, your personality, likes and dislikes, your Korean name Minkyu, your passwords, what shampoo you use, the fact that your mother doesn't like asparagus, your dad's job, your thirst for Taehyun, everything."

"H-Hey!" Logan stuttered blushing only responding to the last thing "I'm not thirsty-"
"Nah I get you. He's so f*cking gorgeous, any umyrien would want him."

Logan frowned, quite weirded out. "What do you mean that you've been observing our activities..?" The fact that he knows everything about him strongly put Logan ill at ease

"I'm invisible most of the time and I pass through walls."

"You're close to Yeonjun right? How convenient, he's clever."

"Eh?" Logan blinked, since when is Yeonjun+clever a thing.. "How is he clever?"

"The reason why isn't important. All I have to say is that he's doing a good job. And you.. I love your jealousy."


"Emotions are my source of nutrients.. Stop being jealous of B1-G3 before I eat all of that jealousy to the point that you can't feel that emotion anymore. I've eaten most of B1-G3's emotions in the past... But I noticed that he has hidden emotions now.. and I want to dig them up and eat them all. He's always been my favourite prey, his emotions are the tastiest."

"Together..We can succeed in making B1-G3 suffer..
Then we can have Taehyun all to ourselves.. just lend me your body..." He made grabby hands "I'll call myself Minkyu, I don't like your English name."

"Me neither, I don't know why my friends use me and my brother's English names- WAIT" Everything soon registered in. It completely went through Logan's head that this umyrien constantly possesses people "N-NO I REFUSE! WHY ME?!"

"We're both interested in Taehyun~ Ah I've been dying to touch him. Plus don't you notice.. that every time he looks at you, his eyes are full of endearment. I can use that to my advantage..."

"I-I.. N-no?"

"You have a lithe, small and well-defined body which is perfect. And you're not ugly."

"I was saying 'How intriguing' every time you said or thought something that aroused my interest, making me more and more convinced that you'll be the perfect candidate for my impersonation."

"Why do you think that I've been studying you for months? So that when I impersonate you, no one will know that it's me. Since I'll act the exact same way as you with people that know you personally."

Logan gulped, and it started to slowly sink in that he's doomed. "B-But if you take over my body.. What will happen to me?"

"You won't be conscious at all."

"No I don't want that! I don't want you to hurt B1-G3 hyung either.. Can you just-"

Zephyr had a sudden huge spurt in size, frightening the human on the spot. "No choice. Goodnight." He transformed into some sort of big black cloud, that was hovering right over the boy, approaching him. Logan kept on backing and backing away, tears flowing down his cheeks

"Help!!" He screamed, running out of his room, the scary shadow followed him out before instantly englobing his body with its own smoky body.

"HEEEEELP—" Logan screaming was drowned, and now replaced with muffled sounds as the gas was now stuffing itself inside of the innocent boy's mouth.

Time later

A lady came back home from her grocery shopping. Her husband is probably on his way back from work, a skydiving pilot. She walked into the kitchen before placing her bags somewhere.

She decided to call her 17 year old son who's secretly 16 now, she bought a lot and a little help with storing the groceries wouldn't hurt "Minkyu-yah!!"

Soon after, a boy came walking towards her with an innocent smile on his face "Welcome back mum!"

"Hi! Help me will ya?"

"Sure!" He beamed and dug for the things to put in the fridge. With some chocolate biscuits in his hands, he wondered to himself if this belongs in the fridge or not. He frowned 'Yuck.. solid food.'

As a human now, he can eat these. And he has to get used to eating actual food once in a while to not be suspicious. He took a bite out of one and immediately felt like spitting it out. "Ugh.." He swallowed it nonetheless 'This is torture.'

He glanced at Logan's mother 'This lady radiates a lot of love towards me. But that emotion is way too sugary for my liking'

'I'm hungry.. if I stab her, right now. Will I be suspected? Ya..' He decided to grab two plates before dropping them acCideNtalLy "Oups."

"Minkyu ugh!" She glanced at the shattered plates before ordering him to clean this up.

He smirked 'A bit of anger there.. nice.'


At night, Minkyu snuck out of the house by flying through his bedroom window, making his way to the city. His stomach kept rumbling, he's gotta eat.

Gently landing on the ground with a hood over his head and his hands in his pockets, he crossed paths with a guy at the end of an alleyway who was seemingly vandalising a wall with some graffiti.

Minkyu grinned before intruding the guy's alley, the latter glared at the sight "Get lost boy." But the younger kept walking towards him with a smirk.

The guy brought a pocket knife out "I told you to get lo..." He then ceased that action as he took a closer look at him "Oh~ What's a cutie like you doing here?"

The other scoffed rather amused "How old are you bruh?"

"Twenty four-"

Minkyu sprinted towards him while concentrating some dark energy into his fist that he now used to punch the living hell out of their cheek. They immediately met the ground. "Well I'm sixteen, f*cking pedophile."

'Your pain is gross too, I need B1-G3. Logan why aren't you using this strength you have?' He spat on the knocked-out body before grabbing the knife and piercing it in their head.

Now looking through the person's bag, he smirked 'Oooh money, weapons, ... there are some interesting things in here. I'm taking it all.' Minkyu then grabbed some red spraying paint that was sitting on the floor.

He covered the wall with a message, writing 'Your Zephyr is back B1-G3~ We can play together again.'


Then he grabbed a pink one, shook it a little before spraying in tiny 'K.TH' with a heart circling it. When he was done he threw with force all the cans on the body's head then retrieved the knife from that body part.

He nonchalantly walked off to find tastier victims.

'This new life is gonna be interesting.'


This is the only chapter so far where Gyu doesn't appear 😂 hard to tell who the main character is.

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