By emmawaack

52.6K 2.7K 262

Iago Bruin struggles to navigate life's changes as he approaches his 18th birthday. More

Friday January 8th, 18th Birthday
Thursday October 15th, 84 days before 18th birthday
Wednesday Sept. 16th, 114 days before 18th birthday
Thursday October 15th
Thursday Sept 17th, 113 days before 18th Birthday
Friday October 17th, 83 days before 18th birthday
Sunday October 18th, 82 days before 18th birthday
Friday, October 30th, 69 days before 18th birthday
Friday January 8th, 18th Birthday
Friday October 30th, 69 days before 18th birthday
Monday November 2nd, 66 days before 18th birthday
Monday November 2nd
Monday November 2nd
Sometime After November 2nd
Wednesday November 18th
Monday January 11th, 3 days after 18th Birthday
Saturday January 16th, 8 days after 18th birthday
Epilogue: 5 years Later

Wednesday December 16th, 22 Days Before 18th Birthday

2.5K 142 13
By emmawaack

"How's it going with Indy?"

The steam from my tea moves lazily.

Curling around itself and lifting into the air.

I don't know how to answer the question.

I glance over at Nuka.

He's sitting next to me, his arm over my shoulder again, my leg propped up on the coffee table and a book open on my cast.


We're reading it together.

But now that question.

Hanging in the air.

Like the steam from my tea.

At least I have a proper cup this time.

Tea is better in a proper cup.


Nuka's brows furrow as he looks at me.

"I don't know." I sigh and try not to shrug my broken shoulder. "We've spoken, he's happy I'm ok, he says he's not mad but he's distant. I know it was going to happen eventually. The growing apart, but I didn't expect it so soon or quite so..... abruptly."

"Give it time Little Genius. He cares about you." Nuka looks down at the book again.

His hand squeezes my shoulder gently.

I settle into his side more.

It's so comfortable.

"So, the team was wondering if you'll come to our game tomorrow night?"

I chuckle and looking pointedly at my arm and leg casts.

Nuka follows my gaze sadly.

It still bothers him.

"We talked about that; we have a few ideas. If ya come early, we can get ya set up in a good spot close to the team box. We all really miss ya. Ya could come to the game and then to dinner after? Just because ya have a few busted limbs doesn't mean ya can't participate like ya used to. Plus, it's the last home game before the New Year and ya won't be able to come to a game for another few months. So.... What do ya say?"

"I think that's a great idea!"

We both jump.

Mom's here.

She looks excited.

She comes into the room, straightening.... Well, nothing.

She's just moving things around really.

Picking things up and then putting them down an inch to the side.

Why is she here?

Why is she so excited?

Why does she keep looking between Nuka and I like that?

"We can't keep Iago cooped up forever. It would be good for him to start getting out again." She grabs my tea, cold and only partially drank. "We'll speak to Horatio before you go Nuka, get it all figured out."

Then she's gone.

Like she was never here.

Nuka looks like he's trying not to laugh.

"Well, it seems like you're coming." He chuckles suddenly, "I like your mom, she's less.... Intense than all the men in your family."

I just hum an agreement.

He's not wrong.

I don't know why they are all so overprotective of me.

They act like I can't make my own choices or decisions.

They've gotten worse since the incident at school.

Someone is always coming around to check on me.

It would have been nice.

If it wasn't so smothering.

And slightly condescending.

Like they truly believe I'm incapable of doing anything.

Like I'm weak.

I feel weak.

Maybe someone else wouldn't have been affected by Veronica.

They would have defended themselves.

Maybe if my mind isn't right.

If I was normal.

None of this would have happened.

My eyes are burning again.

"What's wrong Little Genius? What's made ya so upset all of the sudden?" Nuka's arm moves and he turns his body so that he is sitting sideways on the couch, facing me.

He gently grips my chin and turns my head to face him.

His hands move to take a hold of mine.

"Ya can tell me Iago. I'm not gonna judge you for anything you're feeling. You had something traumatic happen to ya, you're allowed to talk about it."

I sigh.

I haven't talked to anyone about what happened.

They keep telling me to.

Jing comes over once a week.

He only says he's there if I want to talk.

I don't think I want to.

Not to him.

But Nuka.

Nuka makes me feel safe.

Nuka tells me the truth.

He treats me like I'm normal.

Like an equal.

"Nuka.... Am I weak?"

He looks startled.

Guess that wasn't what he was expecting me to say.

"Is that why this happened. Why that girl was able to do that to me? Is there something wrong with me? Am I weak? Would it have been different if I was normal?"


There are a lot of different expressions going over his face.

He breathes really deeply.

It looks like his eyes might be watering.

"There is NOTHING wrong with ya." Nuka's deep, gravely voice wavers with emotion. "Sirens can effect ANYONE. Ya are NOT weak. Ya are not like everyone else, and that is amazing. YOU'RE amazing. You're the most mesmerizing person I've ever met. Now tell me, Little Genius, why do you think you're weak?"

"Everyone is so overprotective of me. Like I can't take care of myself. They don't treat Indy this way."

Nuka nods.

Maybe he actually understands.

No one understands.

Mom says it's just how they show they care.

Indy says I'm seeing things.

Dad doesn't say anything.

"It's not because they think you're weak Iago. It's because they are trying to protect something in ya that is very precious."

I tilt my head.


What does he mean?

What precious thing?

Nuka chuckles.

"Ya have this trusting, pure side to ya Little Genius. You believe in the good of people and they are protective of ya so that ya don't lose that aspect of yourself. That belief in humanity. It's not because they think your weak Iago, it's because you're view of the world is rare and special. We all want to protect that."

I feel his thumbs brush over my checks.

Wiping off the wetness.

I didn't realize I had started crying.

He doesn't pull away.

He moves so his arm is around my shoulder again.

Pulling me tight into his side.

His hand moves up.

Guiding my head onto his shoulder.

His fingers move through my hair.

I just let myself relax into his side.

He reaches for a book.

Instead of Shakespeare he grabs the copy of The Hobbit Magnus was reading out loud to me in the hospital.

Opening to the bookmark Magnus had placed weeks ago, Nuka starts to read.

I just close my eyes.

Letting the sound of his voice take me away.

I could get used to this. 

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