Fine Line- Drarry

By kevins_28

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Pansy gets tired of Draco and Harry fighting, and asks a friend to help stop it. Soon they find out the two b... More



650 22 5
By kevins_28

Chapter 2

Draco made his way to the seventh floor, still confused about Pansy wanting to show him something in the castle. Was this about Granger? He found out that the two were dating only last night, but maybe she'll try to have him not hate her.

There was no way of that happening.

When he got up the stairs, he stared at Pansy who was pacing back and forth, her eyebrows furrowed and mumbling something to herself, seemingly concentrating hard. He stood in front of her and she noticed him, stopping her pacing almost immediately.

"What are you doing?" He asked her. She just smiled and pointed at the wall behind her. A big black, iron door started building out of... nothing! How did she make a door out of nothing?! Well other than the magic part-

"Come here, you remember the Room of Requirement, right?"

"You mean the place where Potter held all his rubbish army meetings?" Pansy rolled her eyes, but nodded. She looked over her shoulder and winked at someone out of Draco's sight. Pansy opened the door, and practically shoved Draco into the room. He looked around.

"Uhm, Pansy? Why is there only a bed in here? Shouldn't there be other-" Draco was cut off by Pansy's giggles and other voices, getting closer. "Are you throwing another house party? I don't know why it would be up here but you know what happened last time." He shuddered at the memory. "I still don't understand why there's a bed in here. Are you telling me to sleep cause I could've very well done that in my own dorm. These sheets have probably been used by people doing unspeakable things." Draco fixed his robe as he walked closer to the door, trying to peer out at who was coming and making Pansy not listen to a word he was saying.

All of a sudden, his wand was being taken out of his hand, and someone was pushed against him, causing them to both fall over with a quiet "oof." Draco slid out from underneath whomever knocked him over, only to see Potter laying on the floor, clutching his elbow. Draco looked up at Pansy furiously, only to see her and Hermione standing at the door waving, and abruptly shutting it.

"Oh stop being so dramatic you dimwit and get up."

"You? Calling me dramatic! If I remember correctly, in third year you walked up to Hagrid's hippogriff stupidly and when it kicked you, you got your father to sentence it to death! And you called it a 'bloody chicken!'" Draco just smirked.

"You remember what I saw, how adorable. I knew you were obsessed with me, Potter."

"You're one to talk. Tell me, how do you always know where I am to be able to fight. In fact, who always starts our fights?" Harry quipped. Draco punched him in the center of his chest and shoved him hard, so he ended up on the floor again.

"You looked better when you were on the ground." Draco sneered.

"Kinky." Harry smirked, raising his eyebrows. Draco huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Shouldn't you be saving that energy for Weaslette?" He remarked, as Harry stood up rubbing the back of his head. Draco played with his silver ring and looked up, seeing the other boy's face blaring red.

"We are not together!" Harry emphasized. Draco put his hands up in defense and sighed. "And besides, I don't get why you're complaining about the idea of shagging me. Haven't you wanted to do it with me since first year?" The blonde scoffed and rolled his eyes again.

"I think you're speaking from personal experience. I, however you may wish it, am not gay." At this, Harry tried to cover a laugh by coughing. Tried  to. But Draco ignored it nevertheless. He wasn't gay. He knew that for sure. He's never once had to doubt it. Straight.

"Okay, sure." Harry stepped closer to Draco, "Then why is there a bed in this room?" Draco was about to reply before Harry stepped closer again, immediately shutting him up. "And why are you always so concerned about me?" He stepped closer again, so close in fact, that their noses were almost touching. "And why are you enjoying this conversation right now?"

"I am not!"

"Then why are you-" Draco slapped him before he could finish that sentence. His face was a deep scarlet and he took a step to the side, swooshing his robes, facing the other direction.

"Once again, I. Am. Not. And for your information I was told nothing about you being here- or even me being here for that matter! Pansy just said she had something to show me." Draco scowled, turning around, and seeing Harry wiping his hand on his jaw, looking up at him furiously.

"And you fell for that? Really? What did you think would be up here?" He sarcastically asked.

"Oh you're judging me? What did the mudblood tell you to get you up here?" Draco smirked. Harry looked about ready to punch him, and he tried, but Draco ducked out of the way before he could. "Ooh, feisty one." He tsked.

"Don't call her that word! And she told me there was..." He mumbled the rest of the sentence, and Draco couldn't decipher a word he said.

"What did the mudblood say?" Draco sneered, dodging another punch.

"She said there'd be a party with firewhiskey!" Harry looked down, scrunching his nose.

"Firewhiskey- really? Now, what do you Gryffindors do at a party with firewhiskey? How does a Gryffindor get  firewhiskey?" The blonde boy questioned.

"What- have you never had firewhiskey before?!" Draco scoffed in response. "Seamus and Dean always are the ones who get it so I have no idea, but usually we play truth or dare. When you're drunk on firewhiskey, truths spill out like you've had Veritaserum." The dresser next to the bed shook and the boys' heads snapped over looking at it suspiciously.

Draco was the one who got up to inspect, and seeing as neither of them had a wand, he was- dare I say it- worried. He opened the top drawer and there was a bottle inside.


Draco chortled, and held it up for Harry to see, smirking.

"Let's have some fun, shall we?" 

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