Cabin boy, Jim Hawkins x read...

By CedricDiggorysthot

40.7K 870 422

**NEEDS MAJOR EDITING, CHANGING SOME PLOTS I ORIGINALLY HAD. Chapters that are actually numbered (besides pro... More

1. Billy bones
2. Treasure planet?!
4. John Silver
5. Bright eyes and bad breath
Feelings (semi edited)
7. Supernova
8. Lots of talks
9. Betrayal
10. B.E.N
11. Our Map
Scroops end
Treasure planet
(Semi edited) Before I do anything
Forgiveness, goodbyes and hellos
A fresh start

3. RLS legacy

2.4K 54 18
By CedricDiggorysthot

They hadn't known what Delbert had said to convince M/N. But they were grateful for it anyway.

They walked excitedly through montressor space sport, the different characters around them making it so much more exciting.

"Jim, Y/N! Wait For me!" Delbert called from inside the space carriage they had ridden on to get here.

Jim rolled his eyes while Y/N smirked playfully, nudging Jim who smirked back playfully.

Delbert walked down in a bulky suit, it seemed a bit difficult to walk in and very unnecessary.

Jim took in a big sigh as he approached behind them.

"Well you two, I think this should be a wonderful opportunity for the three of us to get to know one another-" Jim laughed and exhaled while Y/N smiled.
"-you know what they say, Familiarity breeds, um well contempt but in our case-"

"Look, let's just find the ship okay?" Jim cut in and Delbert looked slightly hurt, his little window fell in front of his face. Y/N frowned.

"Be a little nicer would you?, he did pay for everything and it wouldn't kill you" Y/N lightly slapped his shoulder

"He'll be fine" Jim shrugged off, Y/N turned to face Delbert and mouthed sorry.

They walked a bit, but couldn't find where to board as the place was crowed with people.

"I'm gonna ask those robots, they look like they know" Y/N stated out of nowhere and approached a robot sitting on a ladder.

"Y/N, how can someone look like they know?"

Y/N ignored him.

"Second berth on your right" pointed the robot
"You can't miss it!" Said another from below him after Y/N asked them for the directions.

"Hey, thanks" Jim thanked as he also saluted in thanks.

"It's the suit isn't it?" Delbert complained to Jim, catching up to the two. Still but hurt at Jim's comment.
"I should of never had listened to that pushy two-headed saleswoman, this one said it fit, that one said it was my colour-" Delbert ranted as he walked closer to the ship
"-I didn't know what to do I get so flustered.. OH-"

Delbert bumped into Y/N causing her to slightly fall, She caught herself on Jim's shoulder, as if it was instinct, Jim quickly caught her waist and guided her to stand up right.

Jim gave Delbert a 'really!' Look, but Delbert payed no mind as he took notice of the RLS legacy and watched it in awe.

"Try to be a little nicer you said" Jim whispered to Y/N sarcastically who only rolled her eyes.

"Ooh guys, this is our ship! The RLS legacy" Delbert gushed.

They turned to the ship as well, grinning in awe before racing each other up.

As they got closer, different men sat all throughout the sales, crates were dropping down from all over the place and different people were barking orders.

"Stow this caskets forward! Heave together now!" A stone man shouted orders at different people on the ship.

Y/N won, running up on deck cheerfully as she looked all around in awe.

"How cool is this?!" Jim asked her, slowing his pace once he made it up.
Y/N was in to much awe to reply, so much so she didn't Notice the man in front of her. She accidentally walked into him.

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't see-" Y/N quickly apologised but was cut off as the creature started to blow raspberries at her.

How very mature of you.
She stared at the man dumbfounded as her hair became ruffled from the man.

Jim stood next to her, sharing the same look.
The man continued to hold his tentacles out, ready for a punch on.
"Hey man, she was only trying to apologise-"
Jim began calmly, holding out his hand. But he to was cut off as the man blew a raspberry into his face to.

Both their jaws were slight agape in confusion.

"Allow me to handle this" Delbert announced, walking up from behind the two.
He placed his hand under his arm pit and made the same fart noises, a smug look on his face when he finished.

The man seemed to understand however, laughing it off and throwing his head into his palm sheepishly.

"I'm fluent in Flatula, took two years of it in high-school" Delbert explained as he saluted the man off and walked of cockily.

"Flatula? Cool" Jim said impressed, Y/N pressed her lips together and shrugged in return before the two walked off.

"Good morning captain, everything ship shape" Delbert said cheerfully.

The stone man from before gave a tired  look before replying
"Ship shape it is sir, but I am not the captain" the man smirked.
"The captain's aloft."

The man gestured towards the sails and a cat like woman was jumping down from them, landing not to far in front of them.

Y/Ns jaw dropped open as Delberts mask fell down, Jim raised his eyebrow at the both of them.

"Mr arrow I've checked this miserable ship from stem to stern and as usual it's.. spot on, can you get nothing wrong?" She asked playfully towards the stone man.

"You flatter me captain" he smiled lifting his hat in respect.

The captain now walked towards the three.

"Ah, doctor Doppler I presume?" She questioned at Delbert, looking down at his metal suit.

"Uh, Um, yes I-" he stuttered.

"HELLO?! Can you hear me?" She knocked on his helmet, obviously teasing him.

"Yes I can! Stop that banging!"

"If I may doctor, this works so much better when it's right way up and plugged in" she got ahold of a plug on Delberts suit, turned him around aggressively and plugged it in from the back, this made Delbert shriek
"Lovely there you go" she smirked.

"Excuse me, if you don't mind I can managed my own plugging!" Delbert popped off his helmet piece and unplugged the plug from his suit holding it out to her.

"I'm captain Amelia" she took advantage of his hand and shook it up and down
"A few run ins with the protean armada, nasty business but I won't bore you with my scars. You've met my first officer, Mr Arrow, Stirling, tough, dependable, brave and true"
Amelia smirked.

"Please Captain" Mr Arrow smirked back.

"Oh shut up Arrow you know I don't mean a word of it!" Laughed Amelia.

They seemed to have forgotten they were standing there.

"Ahem, excuse me I hate to interrupt this lovely banter" Delbert said sarcastically, fluttering his fingers.
"But may I introduce to you Jim Hawkins and Y/N L/N" he grabbed them both  by the shoulder and pulled them In front
"you see, they are the ones who found the treasure-" his face was immediately squished by captain Amelia which made him stop talking.

"Doctor! Please" she paused eyeing some crew members suspiciously as they looked over,
"I'd like a word with you in my stateroom" she bopped his nose.


Captain Amelia locked the door behind her.

"Doctor.." she slowly said
"To muse and blabber about a treasure map, in front of this particular crew, demonstrates a Level of ineptitude" she scolded and Delbert crossed his hands
"-That boarders on the imbecilic, and I mean that in a very caring way" she smirked at Delberts offended expression.

"Imbecilic?! Did to you say, foolishness, I've-"
Delbert replied but the words were so fancy Y/N didn't really understand.

"May I see the map please?" Amelia cut him off not wanting to hear his rant, she seemed to do that a lot.

Delbert, Jim and Y/N all looked at each-other  silently agreeing to hand over the map, Delbert and Y/N nodded towards the captain.
"Here" Jim tossed the map to Amelia who caught it with her fast reflexes.

"Hmm fascinating" she smirked at the map as her eyes grew wide.

She eyed Jim suspiciously before walking to a cabinet and placing the map in it safely.

"Mr Hawkins, Mrs L/N" she addressed
"In the future you will address me as captain or ma'am, is that clear" she said sternly.

"Yes Ma'am" Y/N replied quickly, standing a bit taller.

Jim just rolled his eyes, he didn't respect anyone other than people in his (very small) circle.

"Mr Hawkins?" She said a bit more aggressively since she didn't receive a reply for him.

Y/N stepped on his foot telling him to reply, giving him a scolding glare.
He looked back at her before rolling his eyes and looking back up to the Captain.
After a few more seconds he replied.
"Yes ma'am" he gave in and nodded towards her.

"That'll do" she muttered locking the cabinet.
"Gentlemen and lady, this must be kept under lock and key when it is not in use" she spoke.
"And doctor, again with the greatest possible respect, zip your howling screamer!"

"Captain I assure you I-"

"Let me make this as.. monosyllabic as possible" she again cut him off and walked to sit near Mr Arrow.

"I don't much care for this crew you hired, they're..? how did I describe them Arrow? I said something rather good this morning before coffee."

"A ludicrous parcel of driveling galoots, ma'am" Mr Arrow recited.

"Ah! There you go! Poetry" Captain Amelia replied.

"Now see here!" Delbert tried to defend himself.

"Doctor, I'd love to chat, tea cake the whole shebang but I have a ship to launch and you have your outfit to buff up" she teased again.

Y/N and Jim and walked a little further from the group, Y/N leaned up against the back as Jim fumbled win a mini anchor.

However, nearby sitting on the barrel were a pair of handcuffs.
Eyeing the captain to make sure she wasn't watching, Jim slid them into his pocket. Earning a shocked expression from Y/N who had to quickly close her mouth to not make it obvious.

'What're you doing?! Put that back!'
She mouthed towards him. He only shrugged before continuing to play with the piece of metal.

"Mr Arrow please escort these three neophytes down to the galley straight away, young Hawkins and L/N will be working for our cook Mr silver" she ordered.

"What? The cook" Jim exclaimed with wide eyes, dropping his hands.

"Seriously?" Y/N added, Both her and Jim sharing a look.


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