By dtrixiane

513K 15K 945

30 years old Trixia was a successful lawyer who devoted all her life from childhood to adulthood solely to he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Extra Chapter

Chapter 45

5.1K 170 9
By dtrixiane

When Hayden said that Ishid will be coming back to the country, Herain glanced at Rhaveir sensing the change from everyone

‘Did he forbid Ishid from staying in this country?’ Herain thought to herself

Herain looked at Hayden with a smile as she said "That's nice, I actually owe him something so I wanted to at least repay his kindness"

"I feel kind of bad when he suddenly left and I didn't even get to say my thanks" Herain uttered with a sigh

"You don't have to meet him personally" Rhaveir stated

Herain gently gazed at Rhaveir as she said "Then, can my boyfriend reward him in my place?"

Rhaveir looked at Herain's unwavering gentle gaze at him and he can't help but feel an urge to give in with whatever she wants

Rhaveir gently stroke her head as he said "I will"

"As expected, my boyfriend is very reliable and understanding" Herain happily stated

The warm atmosphere returned and everyone happily raise their glasses as they made a toast to Herain's success

After the celebratory dinner, everyone left except for Hayden and Elayne

"Jeez stop drinking already, you were already tipsy while everyone was still present and now you're already drunk" Hayden uttered with a sigh

"I won't carry you back to your home if you keep this up" he added as he grabbed the glass Elayne was holding

Elayne looked down and tears uncontrollably fell in her beautiful eyes

Hayden stood up from his seat and sat beside her as he gave Elayne a gentle pat on the back

"Must be hard being friends with the person showered with affection by the one you love and seeing them together most of the time" Hayden uttered as he gently stroke Elayne's head

"I'm trying hard to completely erase my feelings for him but it's not that easy, I didn't just fell in love with him at the spur of moment nor I stayed with him for a long time for other reasons" she uttered

"It took me a lot of reasons to fell deeply in love with him and only one reason to make me stay with him for a long time, my love for him is the only reason I've stayed strong beside him" Elayne uttered as tears once again fell from her eyes

"Yeah I know, I have been watching over you both for a long time" Hayden replied

"But then seeing clearly that Herain was a perfect match for him, I willingly concede defeat as time passes by but that doesn't mean the long time feelings I had for him would vanish just as my disagreement over her did" she stated

Hayden embraced Elayne in his arms as he said "You've done a great job, you had been holding on your tears for too long so now that I'm the only one here, you can cry till your heart's content"

"I'm here for you" he stated

Elayne grabbed unto Hayden's arms and cried her eyes out

Meanwhile, Herain was laying on the bed with Rhaveir embracing her body

"Darling, I'm going to Dazzle tomorrow and start working as the new CEO" Herain uttered with a yawn escaping her mouth

"Call me if anything happens" Rhaveir stated as he gently caress her head

"Don't worry, I'll do my best at work so I became worthy of standing beside you" Herain sleepily uttered

"Nothing in this world could surpass nor equal your worth in my life, that's why all you need to do is just continue staying with me" Rhaveir stated

Rhaveir looked down at Herain who was already sleeping peacefully in his arms and a gentle smile appeared on his face

The next day, Herain was woken up as she felt someone nibbling her ear and then biting at her collarbone

Herain slowly opened her eyes and what came to her sight was Rhaveir's head who was nibbling around her neck

"What time is it?, I'm still sleepy" Herain drowsily uttered

"Let's go for a morning exercise together" Rhaveir stated as he gave Herain a kiss on the forehead

Herain looked at the clock on the table beside the bed and immediately grumbled

"No, sleep is more important to me than exercising" Herain declined as she pulled the blanket and covered her face

‘It's still four in the morning, that's too early’ Herain thought as she closed her eyes once again

"Didn't I told Vivian to let you know that when I return, you will have morning exercises with me to keep your body healthy?" Rhaveir uttered

"I guess I'll have to punish that woman since she was not able to make you agree" Rhaveir casually stated

Herain immediately got up from the bed as she complained "Jeez, you're so unfair"

Rhaveir chuckled then said "Let me change your nightdress"

Herain immediately grabbed the outfit Rhaveir was holding as she said "I'll change it myself"

"But I want to change it myself" Rhaveir uttered

"I'll let you, after we get married" Herain uttered looking flustered as she ran to the bathroom

"Adorable" Rhaveir mumbled as he watch Herain running away

After Herain was done changing, they head to the gym room together

Herain looked around in awe as she uttered "It's my first time in this room, your gym room is huge"

"But then again, every room in White Wisteria are all huge and wide in size" she added

"Vivian told me that you haven't seen everything in here" Rhaveir uttered

"Well yeah but I plan on exploring every part of White Wisteria, would that be okay?" Herain asked

"You can do whatever you want, this is also your home" Rhaveir casually replied

Herain smiled as she happily said "What else is there in White Wisteria that you like to stay during your free time?"

"I usually go for a swim in the pool whenever I got stress in work" Rhaveir replied

"We had a swimming pool inside White Wisteria?" Herain uttered in surprise

Rhaveir nodded his head in response then said "Well, let's start our exercise with a jog on the treadmill"

"After exercising, let's go for a swim in the pool" Herain happily stated

Then the two of them did various exercises together

Herain lasted only for 30 minutes then just watched Rhaveir exercising for the rest of the time

Rhaveir worked out for one hour then stopped as he bring Herain to the pool

"Amazing! this room is even larger than the gym room, well I guess it's plausible since there's a big swimming pool in here" Herain uttered in awe

"You always act surprised whenever I show you to a place you've never been in this house" Rhaveir stated

"That's because I'm not used to such a huge house" Herain replied

‘Wait! that's a slip of tongue, this body had lived in a mansion but I was referring to my original body just now’ Herain thought as she glanced at Rhaveir's reaction

Herain heaved a sigh of relief since he doesn't seem to doubt what she just said, then the both of them went for a swim

‘Rhaveir wearing only shorts and having that wet look is such a feast to the eyes’ Herain thought to herself as she gazed at him in admiration

‘Surely those manly and muscular figure is capable of attracting lots of women’ Herain thought then she remembered Cerise

"Hey Rhavier, the girl that we met on that lunch meeting whose name is Cerise, did she started working on Reign?" Herain asked

"She passed the interview and Elayne approved of her but she still has to succeed the task I gave her so she can become an employee in my company" he replied

‘So she manage to gain Elayne's approval that must mean she is very capable since Elayne is very strict in terms of work’ Herain thought

"Do you think she would do well in work?" Herain asked

"Well she has the qualities, she graduated on top in Harvard and she's efficient enough to be placed in a high position according to Ryuo" he replied

‘So she's not just all beauty, she also have the brains to match it’ Herain thought

"Why would you ask about her?" Rhaveir asked

"I was just curious" Herain uttered with a smile

Afterwards, Herain was changing her clothes getting ready to for her first work when Rhaveir suddenly got inside her room

"You're wearing the ring" Rhaveir uttered

"Well haven't I been wearing the bracelet and diamond ring all the time ever since we came back from our trip in Italy?" Herain replied

After Rhaveir became Herain's boyfriend, Herain have never took off the diamond ring and the bracelet that he gave except when she was in her Felisha disguise

"You took them off once" he stated

‘Was he referring to the time he had seen through my disguise?’ Herain thought to herself

"I guess that happened, are you worried about something?" Herain asked

Rhaveir kept silent and just stared at Herain

Herain walked towards him and held his hand as she said "I'm your girlfriend, you can tell me anything"

Rhaveir hugged Herain in his arms as he said "I don't want any other guys to lay eyes on you"

"I badly want to trap you where you're always in my sight but then I wouldn't want to look at that frightened face of yours ever again" he stated

"That's why you wanted to make sure I will never even once take the ring and bracelet off so it would be like putting a mark that I belong to you" Herain giggled then looked up at him

Rhaveir turned his head to the side not meeting Herain's gaze

"Oh!, are you embarrassed because I hit the spot?" Herain teased

Rhaveir cleared his throat as he said "I'm not"

Herain laughed then she pulled his necktie down to her and she gave him a kiss on the lips

"Rhaveir just needs to trust me because you're the only man I love" Herain uttered with a smile

Rhaveir gently smiled and kissed her back on the lips

After having breakfast with Rhaveir, Herain head to Dazzle where all the higher ups and shareholders were gathered in the conference room including Jax Arion

Herain confidently entered the conference room and everyone became silent as they looked at her

As she stood in front of them, she looked at them with a calm gaze as she said "Why is everyone gathered in here when Dazzle is in a financial crisis at the moment, shouldn't you guys be working right now?"

"We were in a discussion whether you are suitable for that position" Secretary Rue replied

Herain calmly gaze at Secretary Rue as she said "Well I guess you'll have to see"

Herain looked at everyone as she said "In 10 days I will pay off the casualties caused by the previous CEO and I will ensure you that the revenues will reach its highest during this year"

"With such a bold declaration, I'm expecting it's not just all talk from an ignorant woman born with a silver spoon in her mouth" Jax stated making the atmosphere turned colder

‘I don't even know what grave mistake I did to be disliked by Jax to this extent’ Herain sighed at the thought

"If I do achieve it, will you take the responsibility of taking back your words?" Herain uttered with a professional smile on her face

Herain reverted her gaze back to everyone as she said "Now that's settled, everyone get out except Secretary Rue"

After a while, only two people were left in the conference room

Herain placed a piece of paper on the table in front of Secretary Rue as she said "I want you to gather the artists on this list in the meeting room tomorrow at exactly 9 in the morning"

Secretary Rue picked up the paper as he said "I understand, but don't you have any intention on firing me for going against your grandfather's order?"

‘I can't afford to fire such a hardworking person who have stayed with the Vergara household for a long time’ Herain thought to herself

"At first I thought the reason you betrayed my grandfather is because you have some illicit affair with my aunt but after some close observations that doesn't seem to be the case" Herain calmly stated

‘After placing those audio recorders and accessing Dazzle's inside information, this secretary is actually the reason why the company did not go into bankruptcy despite Cory's management’ she thought

"You were able to preserve the company's foundation while trying to limit the damage caused by Cory" Herain stated

"After studying your actions after my grandfather's death, I have confirmed that you remained loyal to him however I can't understand the reason why you are against me in inheriting all of Vergara's assets" she added

Secretary Rue calmly looked at Herain as he said "Even when being thrown away, I was quite surprised that the Young Miss was able to got back up"

"I have a lot of things to settle even if I finally got it all back, so I would appreciate it if you wouldn't talk to me in a roundabout way" Herain stated

Herain casually tap her fingers on the table and looked at him with a serious face as she said "So let me hear your reason for that one disobedience you have committed against my grandfather whom you have sworn loyalty"

Secretary Rue earnestly gazed at Herain as he said "I was wrong to let your stepsister took over the Vergara's properties, thinking that she would be a better choice than you in managing your grandfather's lifelong hardwork was my mistake"

"Then why did you not considered me in the first place when my grandfather clearly wanted to give all of Vergara to me" Herain coldly stated

"Because you are not a Vergara" Secretary Rue earnestly stated

"You may have the blood of the Vergara running through your veins but you don't have the qualities of that bloodline" he added

Herain smirked as she said "You're right, I do not have the characteristics of that bloodline"

Herain stood up from her seat then calmly looked at Secretary Rue

"Because I am better than all of the Vergara household combined" Herain stated then calmly walked out the conference room

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