Pagliuzza (JeonKi Fanfiction)

By YoungLadyKei

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[An AU FANFICTION of Song Joong Ki and Jeon Yeo Been.] Written by Czaryna Pedrozo and YoungLadyKei Inzhagi U... More

06 (PART 01)
06 (PART 02)
Kei's Note


474 33 35
By YoungLadyKei


12:04 AM

“Aww. Come here.” Joong Ki let go of her hands so he could comb his finger through her hair, tucking a rebellious strand behind her ear. “Kissing is about feeling—” Joong Ki said as he planted a chaste kiss on her lips. “Kissing is about letting go and being lost in the moment—” He gives her another, this time breaking contact after a little longer. “Kissing for me is only for the person I love aaaannnd—” emphasizing the ‘and’ to give a grand entrance to his next words. “And when you love the person who kisses you, you have to kiss that person back,” Joong Ki finishes before craning his neck for another kiss, but not before he asks her, “Will you kiss me back?”

Yeo Been had to fight the urge to audibly scream ‘Yah!’ at him. Her lips would hurt after all. But this guy in front of her pushes his luck too much since they've arrived, why? The bastard's given her too many kisses already! 

“Will you kiss me back?” She heard Joong Ki say before she felt his lips again. 

‘Certainly,’ her heart said.


You will only know you’ve lost time when one minute you looked at your watch and it said 12 midnight and the next time you looked at it, the hand points now at 2 in the morning. Joong Ki felt it was just minutes when he and Yeo Been officially began their relationship with their first mutual kiss. And how did their kiss fare? It was not textbook material, nothing of the drama series kind, but instead it was all natural, hesitant but alternate, heated and timid, lips locking with too many intervals of genuine smiles between their mouths, as if their mouths were just getting to know each other too—exchanging their Hi’s and Hello’s, sharing their interests and dislikes before diving in again for another heated ‘conversation.’

“Joong Ki, what time is it?” Yeo Been tugged at his shirt again since he didn’t answer her the first time she asked. He was lost in thoughts after he realized they had been ‘conversing’ for almost 2 hours.

“It’s 2 in the morning Beenie,” he finally answered, snuggling at the crook of her neck. Somehow, he maneuvered himself from kneeling in front of her to sitting beside her, their sides glued together, occupying less than half of the massive couch. Yeo Been was resting her back against his left arm while he was facing her sideways, hovering over her.

“What?! I have to go!” Yeo Been proceeded to stretch her arms before springing herself to stand up but Joong Ki prevented her.

“It’s sem break already. No classes. Let’s stay like this for a while, hmmm?” Joong Ki grabbed the opportunity to wrap his arms around Yeo Been’s waist as she raised her arms. 

“Joong Ki—I don’t think I have a change of clothes in my bag. And besides—” Yeo Been pushes Joong Ki gently, giving her room to finally scan the place. “This is your place, I can’t stay here.”

“Wha? No! I mean, Beenie, it’s late, and I am tired too—” Joong Ki faking a yawn, covering his mouth in doing so, before he proceeded. “I’m afraid I can’t drive to IU and back here again, I might fall asleep on the wheel.” Another fake yawn.

Yeo Been raised her eyebrows, waiting for Joong Ki’s point. 

“Soooo, why don’t you stay here with me,” Joong Ki said sheepishly, throwing her a quick single-eyed wink. 

“Omo!” She covered her mouth with her hands, “How scandalous!” Yeo Been exclaimed, finally able to stand up.  

“Don’t worry, it’s just the two of us,” Joong Ki reassured her, but seeing how Yeo Been’s eyes grew bigger, he realized how he must have sounded to her. So he quickly supplied “Anya! What I meant was you can feel comfortable, there’s no else around in the house. We can do anything we want.” Now that sounded even worse because Yeo Been took an unconscious step back to which Joong Ki noticed as well. 

Aish. Stop sounding like a pervert, King!’ Joong Ki cursed to himself. And so for the last time, he tried again. “Beenie, feel free to be comfortable, this house has many rooms so you can crash here for tonight and everyday, for as long as you like, and my butler is out on vacation anyway.” 

‘There, that should clear any misleading thoughts on her part,’ Joong Ki admits he does have a weird way with words sometimes, often the intention does not get across and comes way off, him realizing, embarrassingly too late. He thought as he took Yeo Been’s hand. He then guided her to the guest room, telling her as he ushered her, “Come on Beenie, the room’s waiting.”

“Yaaaaaahh!” He heard a scream and a backpack landing on his head.


Yeo Been sat in the guest room bed. Her weight sinking in the soft mattress, feet burrowed in the thick carpet while her toes absentmindedly dug in, enjoying the warmth. She gave the room a quick look. It is huge, expansive and must be the size equal to 4 of her dorm room. The drapes line up from ceiling to floor next to a balcony that overlooks the Seoul city lights. The room boasts hues of cream, light brown, and white, typical of opulence. While the bed she was sitting on has a lounge chair on its end. ‘If this was the guest room, then what would the master’s bedroom be like? She thought briefly before she heard a knock on the door.

“May I come in?” She heard Joong Ki say.


“I fixed you some hot choc—” Joong Ki paused mid-sentence.

Joong Ki had given her his white long sleeve shirt and a pair of jogging pants to change into the night. She was hesitant at first but gave in eventually. It was a simple gesture. A friend aiding another friend in need. Only Yeo Been wasn’t his friend anymore. She’s his girlfriend now. The thought gave him chills, the fluttering kind. And seeing her in his clothes made some neural connections in his brain go loose. He looked at her. His white long sleeves hanging lopsided onto her bare shoulders, obviously too big. And then his eyes trailed down to look at his jogging pants and found them unworn. That was the moment his mouth fell.

“Your shirt is too big. And did you notice one button is missing? It opens up so I have to wear it like this. If you have a spare button, I’ll fix this tomorrow,” Yeo Been informed him, unaware of the temporary coma Joong Ki was having. 

Joong Ki was able to point his index finger at least at Yeo Been. “You’re, you’re not wearing—”

“Ah yes. They’re loose as well. I can’t walk in them, they slide off my waist, plus your shirt is long enough. I just paired it with my boyleg I found in my bag.”

“You’re hot—” Joong Ki began to praise her.

“Ooh! Myot choco!” Yeo Been happily took the steaming mug from Joong Ki’s hands. “Thank you, Joong Ki. For this. For today.” 

‘Glad she didn’t catch that.’ Joong Ki thought with a smile. “So, I, uh, thought you might have trouble sleeping, I can keep you company until you fall asleep,” he offered hopefully.

“Didn’t you say you were tired? I’m okay. Get some sleep. And let my lips get some rest too,” Yeo Been finished with a knowing smile.


“Night Joong Ki.” Yeo Been pulled him towards the door until he’s out of the room. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He heard her say before his face felt the cool wooden surface, the guest room door closing with a soft thud. 

Joong Ki stayed on the other side of the door. Unable to move. He never wanted to leave her side. But he didn’t want to appear like a hormone-crazed boyfriend either so with a heavy sigh, he made way to the master’s bedroom with his thoughts resonating in his head. ‘Sleep tight Beenie, I love you. See you in my dreams.’ 


The new couple spent their three-week vacation with most of their time together. Yeo Been insisted on going back to her dormitory the following morning but Joong Ki effectively reasoned out that her lip bruises have not healed yet, and others seeing her would only raise questions. A point that Yeo Been won over. And so they only came back to IU dorm for Yeo Been’s clothes, much to Joong Ki’s delight. 

Three weeks over, just like that. Time flies when you’re in love,’ Joong Ki thought. He slowly became nostalgic, without realizing. He took upon himself to capture their memories, buying a camera and openly and sometimes secretly taking pictures whenever, wherever. All of those shots were printed and safely guarded. Joong Ki was browsing the pictures in his camera one night when he saw some of his favourite moments. A picture of a croissant and a macchiato. He smiled.

It was taken on their first morning together. He surprised her with a simple Italian breakfast. In bed. 

“Wake up my Queen,” Joong Ki whispered to a sleeping Yeo Been.

“Ehhhhhh!” Yeo Been irritatedly replied.

“Wake up my Queen Beenie,” Joong Ki whispered again, getting no response, so he added “or I’ll join you in bed.”

“I’m up! I’m up! Aigoo!” Yeo Been briskly sat up, scowling in annoyance.

“Buongiorno mia regina,” Joong Ki greeted his girlfriend.

Yeo Been smiled, obviously smitten, then she greeted him back. “Translation?”

“It means good morning my Queen.”

“You call me your Queen?”

“Yes, because they call me King back home. But we can discuss what you want us to call each other. But first, let’s eat.”

“Okay, let me.” Yeo Been sliced the croissant and lovingly offered it to Joong Ki. “Yah! Don’t bite my finger!”

The rest of the morning and all mornings thereafter became their routine couple banter. 

She’s going back to her dorm.’ Joong Ki sighed in defeat before scrolling the gallery again. This time, he noticed a picture that he was sure he didn’t take. ‘Beenie must have taken this before she sat next to me.’ The next picture was a picture of them on the couch. ‘When was this?’ He remembered this was his shirt when— ‘Ah!’ He recalled.  

It was a lazy afternoon, they were lounging in his living room. He was leisurely flipping thru a book, his head resting on Yeo Been’s shoulder while Yeo Been was casually browsing through her music playlist when she beamed. Her favourite group released a new single, it was upbeat and gave off an easy vibe. Yeo Been instantly placed the right-side earpiece of her corded headset to Joong Ki’s left ear, startling the latter.

“Listen! Nice, isn’t it?” Yeo Been enthusiastically asked Joong Ki.

“Uh-uh.” Joong ki started bobbing his head, then he stood up, pulling Yeo Been to him.

“What are you doing?” 

“Come on!” Joong Ki started swaying awkwardly.

“I don’t think I can unsee this.” Yeo Been covered her eyes, but joined him nonetheless, placing her arms on Joong Ki’s shoulders then adding, “We look like fools!”

“Don’t need to talk, just walk the walk tonight…” Joong Ki sang, swaying Yeo Been’s body with his.

“Cause we don’t need permission to dance!” Both Yeo Been and Joong Ki finished, before erupting into a contagious laughter.

‘This was our first dance,’ Joong Ki realized. ‘Should have taken her dancing somewhere nice when we had the time. Aish.’ He was feeling down again, so he scrolled his camera for more pictures, but just then, his phone lit up. A message from ‘Queen Beenie.’

B: Joong Ki, are you still up? I can’t fall asleep.

J: Then fall in-love with me then. Ah, yes. You already have. Wait, I’ll just go there. We can just ‘talk’ if you want to… 

B: I admire your confidence. BUT Ha! No, stay in your room!

J: Ouch. Talk about so near, yet so far. 

B: Almost forgot, we haven’t agreed on our terms of endearment, have we?

J: Not yet. 

B: What do you suggest then?

J: Babe? Wifey? Mrs. Song?

B: Joong Ki, I’m serious!

J: I am too.

Two minutes have passed without a reply.

J: I’m going to your room.

B: Relax. I just changed into your shirt; I love wearing them at night.

Three minutes have passed without a reply. 

B: Joong Ki! I’m coming into your room if you don’t reply this instant!

Another minute passed without a reply.

B: Ha! You actually thought I was gonna come, didn’t you?!

J: Tease.

B: How about Sweetie and Darling?

J: Oh, we’re still discussing names. I thought we moved to ‘my shirt’ already.

B: You wish.

J: I love Sweetie and Darling. It sounds very ‘couple’ and ‘we’re married’. So, from now on, I’m your Darling?

B: And I’ll be your Sweetie, Darling.

J: I love you Sweetie. My Sweetie. My Jeon Yeo Been.

B: I love you too, Darling. My Mr. Song Joong Ki. 

J: Let me come to your room.

B: I’m sleepy already, you should have come sooner.

J: But you said!

B: I’m yawning. Goodnight Darling, Love you. 

J: You’re killing me. Okay, goodnight too, Sweetie. Love you more.

J: Sweetie?

Joong Ki waited for another 10 minutes before finally deciding to force himself to sleep. His Beenie and a faint headache kept him awake for another hour before La La Land finally took him.


“Are you ready? Open your eyes.” Miri instructed Yeo Been as she finished applying the last dab of blush on her face. In a few minutes, the play which they have been rehearsing for is finally coming to life in front of the students in Inzaghi University’s auditorium. 

“I—uh—” Yeo Been looked at herself in the mirror, inching closer to examine her friend’s handiwork.

“No, you don’t look different. If you were going to say that. The answer is no. You look like your true self. I just lawn mowed your bushy eyebrows, added some eyeliner, a little color on your lids and some lipstick. And actually combed your hair. If you must know, you really look prettier, uh, no, pretty like me. That's why Mr. Song Joong Ki over there went gaga over you. Which, you, by the way, have neither confirmed nor denied, if you two are together already!”

“Miri! I told you.”

“If I was from Soompi, I would certainly write an article on you already. You two keep the fans guessing. ‘Fess up already!’ Honestly, I'm a little hurt. The group chat's buzzing nightly for updates and I don't have anything to spill! Oops!” Miri froze, surprised by her own mouth's lack of filter. 

“I knew it!” Yeo Been crossed her arms at Miri. 

“Oh look! Mrs. Kwak’s on the stage. You have to go! Aja!” Miri pushed Yeo Been closer to the stage. 

Yeo Been looked at the other side of the backstage entrance, locking eyes with Joong Ki, she can’t help but openly smile as he casually scratched his jaw before throwing her a flying kiss. To which she casually received by exposing her neck ever so slightly. In the three weeks they have spent practically together, Yeo Been has come to be familiarized and used to Joong Ki’s physical affections. He loves kissing her, but he would throw a single kiss to her neck at least once a day, his neck bent and staying in that position for a few seconds. To them, it was an intimate act, reserved especially when Joong Ki senses that Yeo Been was feeling tense, or needed his reassurance. And she loved how it felt, every single time.  

‘You’re naughty,’ Joong Ki mouthed, amused with his girlfriend from across the stage.

“.....may we all never give up on love. Without any further ado’s, ladies and gentlemen, Jipuragi Drama Club proudly presents, 'Back To You', a play written by the talented Mr. Larry Kang,” Mrs. Tak formally introduced the play. 


The execution of the play went smoothly. There were a few blunders between Chul-Wook and Yeon-Jin wherein Chul-Wook spaced out for a few seconds trying to deliver his 5-liner dialogue. His girlfriend was truly a blessing to him as she tried giving him looks pointing to the back of her hands where she wrote Chul-Wook’s lines to which he finally understood after a few seconds of awkward silence on stage.

Nam Joo-Sung for his part was acing everything. He came prepared, impressing everyone with his collection of costumes as he was required to portray three characters as a college professor, taxi driver and doctor. An even more amazing feat that he was able to accomplish was to completely transform his look from one scene to another. The crowd, including his Drama Club members were in awe earning him ‘wows’ from the crowd which he immensely enjoyed.

Miri had her share of limelight as well.  She insisted on playing the piano, turning the play into a recital. Larry had to close the curtains on her as she stood up and demanded applause from the crowd, eager to give an encore.

Mrs. Kwak was pleased with the Club’s performance. The turnout was unprecedented, filling the auditorium with mostly the female student population highly anticipating the appearance of Song Joong Ki and his rumored ‘new’ girlfriend. It was the first big scoop of the following semester. Many speculations circulated, some to claim they have seen Yeo Been frequently being the passenger in Joong Ki’s car, others would intelligently notice that Yeo Been’s sweater was definitely the same sweater used by Joong Ki a few days ago, while some would personally go to Arno’s Diner just to chance a sighting of the elusive Song Joong Ki. Trailing them became the hype, a challenge of sorts on who can produce the best crumbs. And it wasn’t entirely for supporting the rumored couple, the students naturally pinned on Song Joong Ki, and whoever becomes his next eye candy will simply have to share the spotlight, whether it burned her or made her shine. So, it follows that Joong Ki and Yeo Been’s scenes were what the crowd came for knowing all too well that the plot was a love story between two college students separated not by distance or a forbidden love out of betrayal but by the loss of memory of the male lead portrayed by Joong Ki. The female lead, Yeo Been’s character, would try to win his heart back, and would succeed because that is what all plays should be. All must end happily ever after. Always. 

The ending scene:

Yeo Been’s Eun-Jung and Joong Ki’s Shi-JIn characters were out in the garden as the night rain started to fall. Ahn and Chul-Wook were tasked to activate the sprinklers from above as they dangle from the stage overhead walkway, mimicking the pouring of steady rain.

This was the last scene concluding the play, wherein Yeo Been’s character, Eun-Jung finally gives up on pursuing Joong Ki’s character to stay in South Korea, paying him one last visit to bid him a remorseful goodbye while Joong Ki’s character Shi-Jin will finally admit that he has remembered everything, including their relationship, and his love for Eun-Jung.

“Your friend told me that your family is leaving for the US tomorrow. I know, I have been pestering you since you got back here in Korea, forcing you to remember. I’m so sorry if I did more damage to you than let you heal. I really thought that when you see the places we went to before would bring back your memories like they do in the movie. I was stupid to think it was that simple. I’m really sorry,” Yeo Been delivered her lines, caught up in the emotion the character evokes. She was in tears, her eyes puffy from crying, tears effortlessly spilling.  Yeo Been continued.

“I became selfish the moment I learned that you came back, I felt I needed to be part of your life again, that I can just come in the picture just as I easily came to yours when we first bumped into each other. Now I know, I can’t. So for the last time, allow me to be selfish please? I swear I won’t bother you again,” Yeo Been tells Joong Ki’s character as she slowly closes the gap between them, hugging Joong Ki tightly by the waist. Sobbing silently in his chest, murmuring words made audible by a mini microphone. 

“Your mind may never remember me, but I hope your heart can. Remember me please. Remember me please,” Yeo Been repeatedly whispers to Joong Ki’s heart, her embrace tightening, not wanting to let go.

Joong Ki was moved as well. He savored every line he had to deliver and internalized his character, reminding himself of the pain that the two main characters must have felt, imagining the feeling of loving too much, drowning in it, and being completely broken the next. Joong Ki imagines if this plot happened to them, then he would feel sorry for Yeo Been. His connection to his character resonated well, he was as emotionally invested as Yeo Been.

“Eun-Jung,” Joong Ki answers, his hands removing Yeo Been’s arm from embracing him. Yeo Been hesitantly allowed her arms to be taken away, her lips quivering, sensing her time was up. Her eyes watery and pleading. “Eun-Jung, I’m sorry,” Joong Ki said, his eyes glassy.

“No. It’s okay. I understand,” Yeo Been answers, forcing herself to smile. 

“I remember everything. It came to me in waves. I remember your face the first time we met. I remember your scent the first time we shared a kiss. I remember your laugh that night when we had too much to drink, I remember your dress when we first dated, I remember your face as I watched you sleeping, I remember you loved me so much. And the feeling of blissfully drowning in it. I remember everything. God, I’m sorry, I should have come forward sooner. I’m sorry Eun-Jung, I remember now. Baby, I remember now.” Joong Ki held Yeo Been’s hands and buried his face in them, letting his tears drop on her palms.

“You do? You remember me. You remember me!” Yeo Been repeated, telling herself rather than asking Joong Ki, both of them drenched from the ‘rain.’

“Yes, how can you not tell me all this time? I treated you like a stranger. I walked past you. I ignored you. I’m sorry, I hurt you like I did before. Why didn’t you tell me?” Joong Ki apologized, his voice shaking as he guided Yeo Been’s hands to cup his face. Trickles of water mixing with his tears. 

“I couldn’t,” Yeo Been said in between sobs. “I can never pressure you. I wanted you to feel it again. I thought I could remind you of magic. Because you never tell someone who DOES NOT remember you, that they love you. I can’t tell you that you love me. That’s not fair.” 

Yeo Been’s words hit Joong Ki hard. He knew her lines but hearing her say them now, on stage, amidst the pouring ‘rain’ hits differently. And just like on the rooftop, it felt real. He wanted to take her pain away and ‘act’ his character away to sooner relieve ‘Yeo Been’ of the ‘conflict.’

Joong Ki wiped Yeo Been’s tears, his other hand cupping her cheek. Yeo Been returned his gesture, letting a wide smile across her face while her eyes still blink the remainder of her tears. The heavy feeling was gone. “So you’re not leaving Shi-Jin?” Yeo Been asked.

“No. Never again. From now on, I’m always by your side.,” Joong Ki assured Yeo Been. They were gazing at each other, basking in the moment. And such heavy scenes only felt right to end with a—

“Hug. This is the part where Yeo Been’s character jumps to Joong Ki’s character for a bone crushing hug. This is what my script says Mrs. Kwak,” Larry reads his copy, he, and the club moderator, Mrs. Kwak were watching the two leads towards the finale from the side of the stage. They were anticipating the next scene.

“No. Never again. From now on, I’m always by your side,” Joong Ki delivered his lines before dipping Yeo Been, his back bending forward, Yeo Been’s waist bent backwards in an almost instantaneous motion, and then it happened. The open-mouthed, reciprocating, angle-changing, 10-second kiss. 

“Oh. My. God,” Miri mouthed. Her fingers petrified on top of the piano keys she was supposed to play at the finale.

“Honey, did they—? Did they just—?” Chul-wook pointed his fingers towards the two at the center stage, confirming to his girlfriend Yeon-Jin what his eyes were seeing.

“My precious,” Nam Joo-Sung uttered.

“That IS NOT in the script,” Said Larry Kang who was wide-eyed — he and THE REST of the audience.

After what felt like a minute, Joong Ki and Yeo Been finally broke the kiss. Yeo Been’s lipstick is a shade lighter, stubble marks on the make-up applied on her chin, and both of their lips are more plump than they were a minute ago.

Joong Ki cleared his throat, he almost forgot his last line. A quick glance at his mic lapel to check if it was still attached to him, then he proceeded. “Saranghaeyo Jeon Yeo Been.” 

“Nado saranghae Song Joong Ki,” Yeo Been answered, delivering her final lines as well.

Needless to say, Inzaghi University shook.


A/N: The long wait is over. I’m sorry for making y’all wait. Thank you for reading.

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