By Toveeya

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Living in mystic falls,Bonnie Bennett craved adventures,something different. When two very hot strangers ente... More



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By Toveeya

waking up in a strange bed seems to be the norms for Bonnie. The bed seemed comfortable enough like those beds you won't mind dying on. the curtains were kinda too dark for her liking,it made the room look like a bdsm dungeon (not like she's ever been to one,but the mind is a great thing). Her mind was kinda foggy,trying to dredge up her last memory was giving her a migraine,'what the hell did I do last night?' she wondered.
She got up to relieve herself of the pressure on her bladder. Looking at herself in the mirror,almost made her pass out. She looked like crap! and that's saying it nicely. The bags under her eyes were big enough to go shopping, And for some stupid reason,she forgot to wear a bonnet,so that's not gonna be fun,seems the migraine is just gonna be doubled. At times like these being a black girl was not fun. Running her fingers through her hair,she noticed a weird bracelet on her wrist. It was kinda pretty,with some strange charms on it. "How did this get here?" She asked aloud. "Pretty isn't it?" "Gah!" She exclaimed,startled. "Who the hell are you?"She asked,seeing an unfamiliar face smirking at her. He stood at the entrance of the bathroom,looking like a GQ model waiting for a photoshoot.

His hair was raven black, his eyes a mixture of gold and gray, perhaps? he was tall, very tall, with a swagger to his looks, he was very good looking and he knew it. "You shouldn't be here," Said Damon, approaching the stranger. "Oh, I'm sorry, I must've gotten lost looking for the bathroom". He said, looking anything but sorry. "Who the hell is he? and where the hell am I?" She asked, embarrassed at the fact that two hot guys are in a room with her in her ugly moment. "Still in the institute, Bonnie. And he's about leaving, right?". Asked Damon, not so pleasantly. He scoffed then walked out.
"How are you feeling?" Asked Damon, curiously. "I don't know" She answered honestly. "I feel weird". "It was a long night, you're probably tired, so that's understandable". "No, no, not that, I feel weird, my powers feel weird". She said, panicking. "Oh" Muttered Damon. "Oh?" she asked, infuriated. "Look, how about you just get ready and meet everyone downstairs and we'll all talk okay?" "Why are you being so sensible? I don't like it". Said Bonnie, scrunching up her face at him. "Just get ready, will you!". He snapped, walking out. "yep, that's more like him". She muttered.
She found a spare toothbrush, which she used. A block of scented bar soap and some spare clothes neatly folded on the bed. She fixed her hair in a messy bun and looked as presentable as she could.

" Took you long enough judgy, I was beginning to get worried," Said Damon. That shifted the room's focus from whatever they were discussing to stare at her. "Why does it feel like I'm in trouble?" She asked, laughing nervously "Probably" Answered the mysterious stranger. "You!" She exclaimed angrily. "Great, here we go again" Muttered Damon "You tried to kill me!" She exclaimed angrily. He was also in her room! She must've been seriously out of it to not have recognize her attempted murderer. She tried conjuring up a flame to throw at him, but nothing happened, instead, she got an electric jolt to her wrist. Looking down she saw the unknown bracelet glowing brightly on her wrist. "What the hell" She muttered. "You really need to start meditating, Bonnie cause your temper tantrums are beginning to get annoying," Said Damon wishing he was at the boarding house where there was no shortage of bourbon cause he desperately needed one. " What the hell's on my wrist?" She asked curiously. "Hey, Bonnie, how are you feeling?" "Um,I'm not sure" she replied, sincerely confused. "How long was I out for?" "A day, 3 hours,42 minutes and 9 seconds, but who's counting?" Replied Alec. That earned him a weird look from everyone present. "Okaaaaay" Drawled Bonnie. "So anyone wants to tell me why that ass is here?". She asked, glaring furiously at said person. " You can always just call me Xanda, like I've said before". He replied nonchalantly. "I will call you whatever the hell I feel like". She sneered. " Bonnie, can you please just stay calm, for like 5 minutes?,I really do not have the energy for this right now". Groaned Damon. "He tried to kill me!". She exclaimed angrily. "Well actually I did not, trust me;if I had wanted you dead,you'd be dead". He said nonchalantly. " I'd like to see you try". She sneered. "Bonnie?,I know you're probably confuse and probably pissed off". " That's an understatement of the century". She muttered. "But...." Continued Alec, like he didn't hear her. "If you can maybe just sit still for a minute,I'm sure Xanda can explain himself". Said Alec, calmly, giving Xanda a pointed look. " Right. I guess that's my cue". He snickered, acting nervous, which everyone could tell was a bloody lie. "So where do I begin?". Pause for dramatic effect. " Are you fucking kidding me right now?" Snapped Damon. "I kinda like him". Smirked Magnus. " Of course you would". Muttered Isabelle. "I'm from a place that is quite different from this one. Very different actually. Beautiful would not be enough to describe it, magical in everything. You can feel the magic in the air,the plants, the people, everywhere. It is quite a peaceful place. Well, it was, until they came". He said darkly. " The invaders". He continued. "Tall beastly things that are quite hard to describe. Nothing but mindless puppet. We tried fighting them off as best as we could but they were quite strong.
            "I and my beloved, Serin, that was her name,were expecting our first seed. It was a joyous moment for us. They attacked my home, showing no mercy. The first blow to the head killed her. I watched helplessly as she bled to death". He narrated solemnly.
       " I'm sorry for your lost". Said Clary. "Me too, but that still doesn't explain why you're here and why you tried to kill me". Said Bonnie, trying not to sound too bitchy and self centered which she was failing mightily at. " After slaughtering half of my people, including my wife, they just paused,and started walking towards the woods. I followed them, and saw a purple vortex, whirling uncontrollably. They all jumped in, including the one that killed my wife. I jumped in before it closed and it led me here;more specifically, your house. They said they were looking for the destroyer, whatever that meant;they killed the lady of the house". "Did you even try to stop them?". Asked Bonnie, solemnly, tears cascading freely from her eyes. " That was not my fight and I'm also not stupid enough to think I'll be strong enough to defeat a whole army of them". He said, calmly. And well, you know the rest". "That was you?" Asked Bonnie. "Yes, and whatever they're here for or whoever,I really hope you all fare better than my people". He said ominously.

                    Please, please, please vote and review. Your comments will be really appreciated. It gives me the strength and the will to go on. That helps me know if I'm improving or if I still suck at it. So please votes and comments. Thanks and lots of love

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