Almost Perfect

By PsykoticOffenses

2.5K 193 72

'He came out of the car with his hair swept back, no slacks nor suit, black jeans and his lace up boots, he t... More

Elizabeth Jade Jackson (partially edited)
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25

chapter 13

84 8 1
By PsykoticOffenses

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

The annoying vibrations from my phone became louder and louder each time, however the yearning of sleep depraved me from turning the alarm off. The room was dark and the breeze from the cold morning seeped into the room through the open windows. I still had not gotten used to waking up so early and settling into the timetable even after being here several months. Well four months at most. I tossed and turned in my cosy bed as I searched for my phone. Finally, the phone came into grasp as I squinted my eyes from the bright light in order to turn the piercing alarm off. My eyes had become accustomed to the blinding light so I thought of going through facebook and stuff while I was on it.

I was still in bed twenty minutes later however Lauren was already up and had taken the bathroom hostage. For quite a long time at that!

I placed my phone onto the bedside table and removed the covers, immediately regretting my decision of doing so. The cold breeze devoured me in its wrath and soon enough I was back in my covers warming up.

After minutes of deciding what to do, I got out of bed hugging my quilt and walked towards the cupboard to retrieve my school uniform. I heard the bathroom door unlock and Lauren sauntered out, all dressed in her uniform. I don't know how she did it, but she was definetly able to rock the school uniform. She was extremely pretty which made it seem like there was no effort put in place.

"Mornin!" She said enthusiastically.

"Morning Laur."

"I'm going down for breakfast, you want me to wait?"

"It's fine Laur, don't worry bout me, im gonna take my time."

"Cool, I'll see you in class then". She smiled at me as I waved her goodbye. After slamming the door behind her, there was an eery silence in the big room. I walked towards the windows hugging the duvet tighter around me as I closed the open windows.

I jumped when I heard a sudden buzz coming from my phone. I walked towards it and read the text.

Eliot: mornin Lizard :)

Me: mornin Elephant ;)

Me: c u in skl, gtg get ready...

Eliot: iyt cya

Me: bye

Eliot: :)

I threw my phone onto my bed and quickly got ready after seeing the time on my phone. It was 8:15 and I had five minutes to get ready and eat and get to class before I received yet another detention.

I had grabbed a blueberry muffin from the basket in the cafeteria and sprinted towards class before the bell rang. My face clothes were covered in muffin crumbs by the time I made it to class, having a few seconds to spare before the loud bell sounded as a warning of getting a move on because class was about to start in two minutes. If it was for any other teacher, I may have not died to get to lesson on time, but this was R.E with the strictest teacher on the face of the entire planet! Ms Thorn was a replica of a monster with long grey hairs plastering her skull. She had narrow black eyes and wrinkly skin. She walked around with a black and gold cane and wore nothing but black. She dressed smartly, too over done. Deathly silence would fall upon a passer by and in class, no one dared to breathe.

I raced into the class to find that Ms Thorn had already taken her place at her front desk. I took a seat next to Eliot who looked and smiled at me. I watched the clock which was placed on the wall above the smart board. Seconds ticked by quickly. Tick tock tick tock. Until the hands of the clock struck 8:30. Another piercing bell went off and by the time it was over all twenty students had there bums on chairs in silence waiting for Ms Thorn to give her commands. No one dared to look in a different direction other than at Ms herself. Her hawk like eyes scanned the room and our eyes followed.

She cleared her throat and commenced with the class.

After an hour of endless debating and copying things from the board in utter silence, the class came to an end. I loved debating, however Ms Thorn made it hard for me to enjoy it. We tip toed out of the classroom in hope of not making any sudden movements further we were put into detention. Trust me, nothing was worse than having a detention with this witch. I would rather sleep happily six feet under the earth than sit in her lessons let alone detention.

We all breathed sighs of relief as we stepped outside the classroom.

"Well, fuck that took long" Eliot said.

"We have finally escaped from her clasps. This is what freedom feels like!" I stretched out my arms and we both chuckled.

"I've got a free period. What 'bout you?"

"Yh me too." Suddenly my stomach dedided to growl in hunger. Hearing Eliot snigger made my cheeks a crimson red.

"Let's get you summin to eat!" He said grabbing hold of my wrist as he dragged me along the busy corridors. Small fireworks erupted inside me every time he touched me. The tingly sensation that he left me with when he released me, sent an ache for him to hold me longer than he had. The intensity of my crush was increasing by the second and may have gone completely out of control if it wasn't for Laur and Lea.

we reached the canteen and entered the queue of people. The thing I liked about the canteen was that they have you a variety of choices, not just one thing every time. My old school was best at making us completely hate lunchtimes cos when you were hungry you would have no choice but to eat whatever they gave you. I think starving ourselves was a much better and soothing thought.

Finally making it to the front of the line after ten minutes, I ordered a blueberry muffin and a cup of coffee. Funnily enough, Eliot decided to order the same so once we grabbed our food, we walked over to a deserted table. Well the whole canteen was basically deserted, only a few people were crowded around one table with textbooks in their hands. Probably revising for an upcoming test of some sort.

"Liz?" Eliot asked me breaking the awkward silence between us.

"Yes?" I replied curious to know what he would ask. A swirl of different questions rolled around in my mind. My fantasies were going way overboard...

"can you help me with the math homework Mr Gibson gave us? I kinda forgot to do it."

My heart sank and disappointment refilled the excitement and curiousity which poured out of me. To be honest, for a boy like him, it was expected for him to ask such a question. Well really, it was expected from everyone to ask that in this generation; like who actually remembers to do there homework? I guess I was so bored I actually completed it afew days ago.

"Are you being serious! He set it two weeks ago, and we have maths next period, and the class starts in like twenty minutes and he gave us like four pages full of 6 mark questions to solve simultaneous and quadratic equations..." I was cut off when I felt my bag being pulled away from where it was leaning on my leg. I looked towards Eliot to find shuffling through my bag. I guessed he was looking for the answers.

Before I had a chance to speak I heard him mumble : you talk to much. How he had the nerve to do that with a grin on his lovely, beautiful and sexy face amazed me!

"Really! I can't believe you."

"You should've just given it to me in the first place..."

"I was trying to flipping tell you that you clearly don't have enough time to do it." I didn't really know why I was angry, and I didn't want to argue cos it seemed as though he always won in the end, yet I was still going to try to get my point across, whatever my point actually was.

"All that time you were lecturing me, I could've finished the first few questions on the paper."

"That doesnt justify you going through my bag, I've a right to privacy!"

"Oooooh, it's like ive never seen makeup or pads before." He shook his head and sniggered. Sarcasm dripped from the words that left his childish mouth. Oh he really got on my nerves sometimes.

"You are so childish, dumb ass it's called asking aswell, what if I went through your bag and took out your wallet and started splashin your cash on whatever the fuck I desired?!"

"My wallet has nothing to do with snooping through your bag to get homework out, and I did ask for it!"

"You are so annoying." I growled in frustration and then found my leg moving on its own as I ended up kicking him in the shin. At first I was shocked myself, but I chose to ignore it as I felt the biggest grin walk across my face.

He didn't even budge and his leg was like a flipping brick wall. A few nanoseconds later the pain from toe punting him came oozing in. I think I hurt myself more than I hurt him. But I wasn't gonna let him know that.

"Was that meant to hurt?" He asked smirking.

I growled again and now I knew I was defeated.

"Just hurry the hell up you fucktard!"

He sensed my annoyance, smiled and then bowed his head to continue with the math paper.

Hi guys, im truly and really terribly damn sorry that the update is so late, first I went on holiday, then I came back to find that I missed a few exams, I was studying my head off, then I had a coupla more exams and then I had to finish all my coursework which I still havent done yet, and ive got GCSE's after the easter break. Really sorry guys if I update late and im sorry that my chapters are so small.
Hope you enjoyed it though, please vote, comment on anything and share the book.
Have a lovely day.
okay I'm really damn sorry, this is the LAST EVER TIME I will change the name of my story, I promise, I never thought through before what I would call it, but the new title is better then before so yeah, I am so damn sorry x
Stay smiling :)

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