๐ˆ๐ง๐ง๐ž๐ซ ๐‚๐ก๐ข๐ฅ๐

By TrusfratedJeonBooty

60.3K 1.8K 1.3K

A Normal Oneshot book where the maknae like of BTS are your brothers. They can be anything ; Mafias, CEOs, De... More

A/N Note
J.JK - Meeting Him
J.JK - Meeting Him Pt.2
K.TH - Scared
P.JM - Sick
OT3 - Hello
OT3 - Hello Pt.2
K.TH & J.JK - Period
K.TH - Failed
OT3 - Misunderstanding
J.JK - Kidnapped
P.JM - Little Space
OT3 - Angry
K.TH - Jealous
J.JK - Bullied
J.JK & K.TH - Adopted
OT3 - Heart broken
K.TH - Needed Love
J.JK - Paralyzed
P.JM - Girlfriend
K.TH - Mansion Rules
OT3 - Unexpected Meeting
OT3 - Unexpected Meeting Pt.2
J.JK - Lost
OT3 - Wisdom Tooth
K.TH - Rescue
J.JK - Shots
K.TH - Slapped
J.JK - Babysitter
P.JM - Cuddles
J.JK - Babysitter Pt.2
K.TH - Gun
J.JK - Betrayed

OT3 - Vampire

1.4K 46 42
By TrusfratedJeonBooty

Suggested by Suga_TheRapperCat hope you like it

Jungkook : 23
Jimin : 24
Taehyung : 25
Y/N : 16

Jungkook POV

Hey I'm Jungkook and I have 2 brothers and 1 sister . Our family isn't normal at all . My dad is a Vampire and our Mom is a human . Whenever a baby is born and the parents are a vampire and human , there is a 50% chance that the child will be a vampire and 50% of being a human , you really can't predict . Jimin Hyung and Tae Hyung are both vampires along with me . About 17 years ago , our mom got pregnant again . We thought it'll be a vampire but to our surprise it wasn't .

Y/N was a human which really surprised us . We all agreed not to involve Y/N in this Vampire mess so we hid the fact that we aren't like her for the past 16 years . But we know that one day , she'll find out . We are just waiting for the right moment . We never want her to be scared of us . We don't really feed off of human blood . We usually have animal blood . There is a secret cabinet in our rooms where we have a stash of blood just in case we lose control .

When Y/N was 4 years old , our mom passed away . Our dad died during mom's 5th month of pregnancy with Y/N . Mom had cancer and she knew it very well . She also told us when Y/N was only 1 year old . She said that when she's gone , we'll have to take care of her . So for 3 years , she thought us everything about taking care of a girl .

We all have powers . I have the power to hypnotise and suck dangerous Venom to save people . Jimin Hyung has the power of teleportation and can see stuff from far away even if the thing is in another country . Tae Hyung has the power to make people sleep and can tell if a person is lying . The one power that all 3 of us have are mind reading , speed and invisibility . Although these are only our main powers ,We have a lot of other specialties as well but we don't use them that much.

Well Y/N doesn't have any powers except being the cutest idiot on earth . The only people who knows that we are vampires are our 4 best friends and a few other people . I don't think Y/N will ever be a vampire but if she ever does , I'll always accept her . Our best friends names are Jin , Hoseok , Yoongi and Namjoon . They look at Y/N like their own sister . They visit us often and Y/N likes them too .

Anyways Summer vacation is next week so we still have to go to school which sucks . Well Y/N has to go to school , we go to the university connected to the school . It's currently 6:40 in the morning and class starts at 7:30 . Well me and hyungs only need 15 minutes to get ready but our little princess takes a year just to find her clothes .

Jungkook : Wakey Wakey Sleeping beauty

Y/N : let me sleep some more Oppa

Jungkook : Baby it's 7:10


She immediately got up and got ready . As soon as she came out , wearing her uniform , she looked at the clock in a hurry and say that it's only 7:05 . I laughed at her cute like angry face . She jumped on me and pulled my hair but I obviously don't feel pain from that . I separated her from my precious hair by holding her waist and picking her up in the air . Her hands were still trying to reach me and she was kicking her legs with a mad expression but I just laughed seeing her useless attempts . She pouted seeing me laugh at her and stopped struggling while looking down .

Y/N : Why did you do that Oppa ?

Jungkook : Otherwise you'd never get ready on time

Y/N : Hmph , I hate you

Jungkook : Aww I love you too .

Time Skip


Class was going to end 15 mins early because the teacher has to go home since his wife was going to give birth early . I decided to go to the backyard of the school . Nobody goes there but it still looks fresh and relaxing . I usually come here to clear my mind or in free time . I went out but the scene I saw shocked me .

All three of my oppas were sucking the blood off of some squirrels and birds. Their eyes were red and they had bloody fangs. T-they were vampires . I've read about them and everything I just saw resembled a vampire . Unknowingly I let out a shaky breath which unfortunately caught their attention. They were shocked seeing me there

Jimin : P-princess

Taehyung : I-it's not what you think .

Y/N : Y-y-you g-guys a-are v-v-vampires?

Jungkook : *sigh* Yes , b-but please don't be scared of us.

I couldn't function at all , I was shocked but also scared . I saw them come closer to me , I started panicking and ran away but Jimin oppa suddenly appeared in front of me. I got scared and started moving backwards but I felt my back hit a hard chest , I looked up and saw Jungkook Oppa behind me . I got scared and started shaking . My tears started flowing while looking at them . I felt someone hold my hand and it was Taehyung Oppa , I flinched and took my hand back .

Taehyung Oppa held both my upper arms and looked at me in the eyes . I suddenly felt sleepy and lost my balance . Jungkook Oppa catching me from falling was the last thing I saw before everything went black .


The Boys were surprised to see Y/N . They knew they'll have to tell her now but they couldn't do it in school . They were silent and trapped her between Jimin and Jungkook so that she wouldn't run away . Then Taehyung made her lose consciousness . They knew that she wouldn't calm down and it's not the right place to tell her the family secret . They had to go to a place where they can do whatever they want freely , The Red Vampire Mansion

That is the family mansion . Every vampire family has this type of mansion where only vampires or family members who aren't vampires but knows that the others are , can enter . The red vampire mansion is where Taehyung , Jungkook and Jimin go to whenever Y/N isn't there . Now that Y/N knows the secret , it'll be dangerous for her to live in their old house which means that she'll have to move in the mansion .

Even though They are vampires , they aren't afraid of sunlight . They still have some human qualities that they got from their mom which means they can do whatever they want during the day time . They reached their now New permanent home . They placed Y/N on the bed while caressing her hair . They were scared that she'll leave them after knowing the truth.

After a few minutes , she started moving . A second later she woke up . She looked around feeling confused . She didn't know where she was and she got scared . The last thing she remembers was getting carried by Jungkook . She couldn't see any of her brothers and the dark atmosphere of the room was giving shivers down her spine . She hugged her knees and started crying . Suddenly all three of her brothers appeared on her bed making her gasp in shock and surprise .

Y/N : *soft* O-O-Oppa?

Jimin : Princess , are you okay now?

Y/N : Y-yes O-Oppa .

They sighed , she looked so scared of them but not as much as before because deep down , she knew they'll never hurt her , it's just that her brain doesn't want to accept it .

Jungkook : we're really sorry for hiding this from you princess , we were just afraid that you'll leave us baby

'Does that mean they'll not suck my blood?' Thought Y/N in her mind . The others smiled at her thought . This was her fear . She was just scared that they'll suck her blood and was also scared because she's heard about that one night where the vampire's blood lust is uncontrollable.

Taehyung : No we'll never ever suck your blood princess

Y/N : Y-you can read minds?

Jimin : Yea we're vampires, all 3 of us have this skill .

Y/N : Wahh so that means I can never keep a secret?

Jungkook : Exactly .

She pouted making the boys shocked . She was scared just a second ago but now she was pouting but they weren't complaining . They knew that she still had a little bit of fear still somewhere inside her .

Taehyung : Baby are you still scared of us?

Y/N : Not that much , just a little

Jimin : Oh thank god . We love you princess and besides I don't regret you finding out about this anyway . You'll need to learn this one day so I think I'll tell you the entire family story.

Y/N : o-ok Oppa

Taehyung suddenly appeared behind her and made her sit on his lap . Then the three of them told her the whole story. She was shocked to know the whole story . She now admired her brothers even more for taking care of a 4 year old girl at a young age .

Jimin : Thank you , we know we're amazing

Y/N : Yah stop reading my mind would ya ?

Taehyung : No <3

'I hate you Taelien' Y/N thought knowing that they'll read her mind

Taehyung : YAH TF-

Y/N : This is such a good way to insult you while still remaining pure on the outside

Jungkook : Brat

A Few Weeks later

It's been a few weeks since the incident happened between the siblings . They are happy now . Y/N was trying to steal some banana milk but the moment she touched the carton , she was lifted off the ground but nobody was holding her . This was one of their other powers which aren't the main . She looked around and saw Jungkook looking at her with a smirk .

Jungkook : Aww my little sissy thought she could steal her brother's banana milk?

Y/N : Hehe sorry Oppa , can you put me down now

Jungkook : Hmm NO

Y/N : Pwease Oppa?

Taehyung : Hey what's going on?

He said , suddenly appearing out of nowhere making Y/N scream

Taehyung : calm down , it's just me and why are you floating?

Jungkook : This little brat tried to steal my banana milk , this is her punishment.

Y/N : Oppa you don't want your cute little sister to suffer like this right?

She said while acting cute towards Taehyung making him pinch her cheeks .

Taehyung : Let her go Jungkook-ah

Jungkook : fine

He let her go and she was about to fall on the floor so she closed her eyes waiting for the pain to come but surprisingly felt nothing . She opened her eyes just to see Jimin holding her waist so that she doesn't fall . He carefully put her on the ground and glared at Jungkook

Jimin : She could've gotten hurt .

Jungkook : aish it's not like I wasn't going to catch her if she fell .

Taehyung : Ugh whatever , anyone wants to play tag?

All : ME

5 minutes later

Now Jungkook is the tagged and he was after Y/N and VMIN was just watching them run around while following them . Y/N ran out into the backyard where there were some weird looking plants with thorns on them . Y/N was looking behind to see if Jungkook was close to her but she didn't see the plants and fell into them making the trio gasp and immediately rush over to her .

Taehyung Carefully took her out of the vines and placed her on his lap . This plant was what they use to catch animals . Small animals see these plants and sometimes sits on them . If they get close to the plants , they give out a weird gas that makes the animals come closer until they are pricked . The thorns contain some dangerous venom . The small the victim , the faster the damage . Y/N's body wasn't as small so she still had some time before it can fully take over her .

She was constantly crying in pain and fear .

Jimin : Y/N-ah , listen to me . In a few minutes something terrible would happen and to prevent that you'll have to let Jungkook do something to you

Y/N : L-like w-w-what?

Taehyung : Jungkook has the power of sucking venom , you just have to let him suck it out okay?

Jungkook : Yea princess , I promise I'll be careful

Y/N : W-will I-it hurt?

Jungkook : No princess , it'll feel just like an ant bite .

Y/N : O-ok .

Taehyung : Good now just close your eyes and open when we tell you to .

She nodded and closed her eyes . (No dirty thoughts please) She whimpered as she felt Jungkook sucking something on her neck . It hurt a but making her let out a small cry . The venom had already made its may through 30% of her body . Jungkook knew she was in pain so he caressed her hand gently , assuring her that it'll be fine . He finished sucking the venom and left Y/N's neck .

Jimin : You can open your eyes now princess

Y/N : I-is it gone?

Jungkook : Yes princess , it's all done

She opened her eyes slowly and sat up . Jungkook chuckled seeing her rub her eyes because for some reason her sight was blurry . He caressed her hair

Jungkook : You don't feel any pain right?

Y/N : No , only when you were sucking the venom . That hurt a lot and you said it won't *pout*

Jungkook : well it doesn't hurt for the others

Y/N : That's because all of you are vampires and you guys are so strong.

Taehyung : Well then you better go work out with Jungkook so you become strong

Y/N : Oh no not Jungkook Oppa . I won't even last a minute of his workout routine .

They all just laughed

The End

Onion haseyo PoTaeHoes, thanks so much for 1k reads and 100+ votes I sAlAnGhAe yOu

Vote or I'll tell your mom that you didn't do the dishes 🔪

Word count : 2408

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