There's Always A Reason (Nial...

By vinylhoran

38.1K 646 112

Lana James loses everything she has ever known as her best friend loses his battle against cancer and leaves... More

One: Diagnosed
Two: Tattoo Me
Three: Unwanted Goodbye
Four: Surprise
Five: Concert
Six: After Party
Seven: I Can't Stop Missing You
Eight: Management
Nine: Truth or Dare?
Eleven: Airport
Twelve: Take Me Home
Thirteen: Will You?
Fourteen: Nothing's Fine I'm Torn
Fifteen: Saved Each Other
Sixteen: New Years Eve
Seventeen: Give Me Love
Eighteen: Same Mistakes
Nineteen: Fear Is What It Really Is
Twenty: Small Bump
Twenty One: Wake Me Up
Twenty Two: Harry's New Girl/ Valentines Day
Twenty Three: Back For You
Not a chapter. Update to come this weekend.
Twenty Four: 5 Seconds of What?
Authors Note
Twenty Five: Alone
Twenty Six: Just Us
Twenty Seven: Epilouge
helloooo <3
hi guys!

Ten: First Date

1.3K 25 5
By vinylhoran

Harry's P.O.V.

--------2 days later--------

"Harry. I need your help." Niall says coming into my room in Lana's house.

Over the past two days we moved from the floor in Lana's room to our own rooms in this huge house.

I share a room with Louis, Zayn and Liam share another, and Niall stayed with Lana, much to her mother's objections.

"Yeah, what with?" I ask.

"I need to plan this really special first date for me and Lana. I really want to take her into Times Square. But I know people are going to recognize me. And after we go to dinner and come back here I'm going to ask Lana to come home to Ireland with me for Christmas." Niall says, looking quite serious.

"I think we can help you with that. Get the boys and then come back in and see me." I say.

Niall turns and leaves and I go back to my phone. I go on twitter and follow a few fans. I can just see the looks on their faces when they get the notification.

First, they might scream. Then, they will check to see if it is really me. Then, they will scream some more.

I smile at the thought of making their day. Then my thoughts drift to Niall and Lana. It's been about four days, and already they share an unusually strong bond. It scares me that they are as close as they are and the have barely just met. I know that they have something special but with things moving so fast for them I can't help but be scared that something bad will happen. Then the boys come back into my room.

I sit up. "Right. So here's what we're going  to do." I say quietly.


---The Next Day---

Lana's P.O.V.

It's been 3 days since the boys moved in for 2 weeks. Since then we've gotten closer, and the boys moved off of my floor and into their shared rooms.

I made Niall stay with me. My mom hated the idea but while the boys were moving their stuff to their rooms I sat her down and talked to her about it.

--Flashback 1 day ago--

"Mum. It's not a big dealI know Niall isn't like that. Nothing is going to happen. And I'm 18 I know how to handle myself." I say.

"I know sweetie but I'm just worried that he's going to hurt you." She says.

I sigh. "Mum. When I was at the concert, I was surrounded by thousands of other fans. I was scared for my life at some times. And with one look. ONE lucky glance downwards Niall found me. He must have been watching me the rest of the night because when Moments came on and I started to lose it, he brought me up on stage with him. He just sat me down next to him and he held my hand. He didn't do anything else. He didn't try to make me stop crying, he just let it  happen. And he sang. He sang for me mum. If I hadn't asked him too, he wouldn't have sung the last chorus. When we went backstage and he asked me what was wrong it was so easy for me to open up to him. It was something small that told me that I could trust him with everything I had. I know he's special... There's something about him that makes me want to dance around and be happy all the time. You know that I've never been one for commitment but with Niall everything is different. I'm even learning new things about myself." I pause. "Mum. I told them about dad. I know. I know. And you know Aaron is the only other person that knew. But I don't have Aaron anymore mom. I have these 5 amazing guys, that really did save and change my life."

She just looked at me for a minute. "You really care about him don't you?" she asks.

"W-Well.. Yeah. I mean. Out of any of the girls in the crowd. He picked me. Me. The girl who was crying her eyes out. He just feels so different then anyone I have ever met." I say.

"What about Aaron?" she whispers.

"Mum, you know he was different. No one will ever replace him. Ever. You know that I had feelings for him, you know I loved him, but I never could have told him. It would have been impossible, and it's still almost unbearable that he's gone, but if we had been together... I don't want to imagine what I would have done with myself." I whisper with tears coming to my eyes.

She sighs. "I know. I just.. I miss him."

I nod. "I miss him so much. So much it hurts to breathe. But Niall fixes that all. I'm starting to eat again. Mum, I've been sleeping at night. Like full 9 hours of sleep with Niall. If he moves to another room I won't sleep." I say.

"Okay. He can stay in your room. But I'm still watching you." She whispers smiling.

--End flashback--

"What are you thinking about Lana?" Niall's voice interrupts my thoughts a quirky smile on his face.

"Shopping. When I get the chance." I say smiling, I really do need to shop...

He laughs, then becomes serious. "Lana, I want to talk to you."

My breath stops short and my palms start to sweat. "Yeah? What about?" I ask shakily.

"Calm down love. It's a good thing." He says smiling a little. I automatically relax.

"Okay, good. Go on." I say leaning in closer to him like every word he says is pulling me closer to him.

"Well.. Um. So you know I have feelings for you.. So. I was wondering if you would go out on a date with me tomorrow night?" He asks, eyes casting downward and a slight blush making it's way into his pale, Irish, cheeks.

"Of course!" I squeak smiling widely.

"Okay. Awesome! Well you get to meet Eleanor tonight. And she can help you pick and outfit for tomorrow night.  Is it okay if she comes to visit Louis?" Niall asks.

"Eleanor Calder? As in Lou's girlfriend? Yes!" I jump up and hug Niall then run to my room to put on a different outfit, considering I was still in sweats and Aaron's old favorite sweatshirt.

I walk into my closet and search around. I grab a pair of ivory floral skinny jeans and a turquoise v-neck top and pull them on. Then I pull half of my wavy blond hair up, and slide my feet into my moccasins, and I glide back downstairs and join the boys watching T.V.

"You look lovely Lana." Zayn says as I sit down next to him on the floor and lean back against Niall's knees.

"Thank you Zayn." I say smiling. "So what are we watching boys?" I ask, seeing that Harry has the remote.

"Spongebob!" Harry yells.

We all laugh. We watch Sponge-bob in peace for a while until a commercial comes on, I take the remote from Harry and start scrolling threw the channels.

"Ooh! Say Yes To The Dress is on!" I yell and put it on.

"Ewwww!" The boys chorus, Zayn tries to tackle me and get the remote but misses.

I go to stand up but Harry grabs my leg and I fall down again. Next thing I know I'm pinned to the ground by Zayn and Harry is tickling my sides.

"No! Harry stop it!" I manage through laughing.

"Niall!!!! Help me!" I scream turning towards him.

He chuckles and gets up off the couch and pushes Zayn away and then pulls Harry off me. I jump up and into his arms. "Niallllll." I whine. "The boys are being mean to me." 

He kisses my temple. "Not anymore they aren't." He says as he sits back down on the couch and I situate myself in his lap. 

Somehow I managed to keep the remote so Say Yes To The Dress was still on. I glance up at the T.V. Watching in awe as some girl comes out in the dress of my dreams.

It's white, of course, and strapless with a sweetheart neckline. It has simple beading and embroidery around the waist and it flows down to the floor. I wasn't one for huge wedding dresses. I like them simple.

"You would look beautiful in that dress." Niall whispers in my ear. 

I look up at him and smile. "That's my dream dress." I say.

"One day, you will have it." He whispers as he kisses my temple again.

I press my head into his neck and breath in his already familiar scent. I close my eyes for what seems like a second, but when I open them again the boys are gone and it's just me and Niall sitting on the couch. 

"Where is everyone?" I ask looking up at Niall through my eyelashes.

"They went to meet Eleanor at the airport. They should be on their way back now." he says.

"Oh." I whisper, still feeling sleepy and stifling a yawn.

"Come on, I'll make you something to eat, and some tea." He whispers standing up and carrying me into the kitchen.

Niall sets me on the counter and starts to make my tea. "What do you want to eat?" he asks.

I remember how I recently discovered my love for toast. "Toast, with nutella." I say.

Niall smiles as he pulls out some bread and sticks it in the toaster. Then he comes over and kisses my nose.

"For tomorrow you should dress nicely, but something warm." Niall whispers. "Have anything in mind?" He asks.

I shake my head. "No. I'm leaving the whole outfit up to Eleanor." I say.

Niall laughs. "You haven't even met her yet and you're letting her decide what you are going to wear?" 

I laugh a little too. "Well just because I haven't met her doesn't mean I don't know about her. I like her fashion sense." I say.

Niall nods as my toast pops and he spreads nutella across it, then cuts it in half and hands it to me. Then finishes making my tea. "Are you excited for tomorrow?" He asks.

I nod, while chewing then swallow. "More that you would know." I whisper.

Niall looks me straight in the eyes and smiles a genuinely happy smile.

Then I hear a loud bang as the crew bursts through the door. "We're home!!!!!!!!!!!!"  I hear Zayn and Liam yell from 3 rooms away.

"We're in the kitchen!" Niall yells.

I hear Harry laugh, "Big surprise there!" 

"Lana! Come meet Eleanor!" Louis yells. 

I take one last bite from my toast and jump off the counter top, walking out to meet the boys in the sitting room.

I come face to face with a beautiful brunette. "Hi. I'm Eleanor. I'm pretty sure we are going to be really good friends." She says smiling and giving me a hug.

"I'm Lana. And I'm really glad that I'm getting to meet you. This is amazing." I say. Eleanor smiles, and Lou puts his arm around her waist. 

"Isn't she lovely?" Lou asks me.

I nod and smile. Then I feel someone's arm wrap around me. I turn into Niall's side and smile as he kisses my forehead. I close my eyes and hug him. 

"Aww. You guys are too cute!" Eleanor says. 

I laugh. "Come on, we get to have girl time!" I say letting go of Niall to take Eleanor's hand and lead her up to my room.

I push my door open and step in. "Oh my god I love your room already." Eleanor says running over to my huge closet.

I laugh. "Thanks. Speaking of clothes. I was wondering if you could help me pick out an outfit for my first date with Niall tomorrow night." 

She squeals. "Yes! Of course, I'd love too! What did he say to wear?" She asks.

"Something nice, but something warm. I want to wear a dress. But other than that I'm stumped." I say, walking over to join Eleanor at the mouth of my closet.

"Oh my god! I've got it!" Eleanor yells diving into my closet to find something.

And I let her search.

------The Next Night-------

I glance at my clock. It's 5:30p.m. Niall woke up early this morning and left the room, I woke up to a text from him.

" 'Mornin' beautiful, I just want to let you know I'm not avoiding you today, I'm just staying out of sight. Wanna give ya the "Wow" factor ;) See you tonight. xx"

I read the text over 20 times throughout the day and finally I allowed myself to get out of bed and get ready for our date.

I place my iPhone on it's dock in the bathroom and turn it on, while turning the shower on as well. 

I shower and shave my legs, then as I step out of the shower and wrap myself in an orange towel I receive another text from Niall.

"Not long now love. I miss you. xx"

I smile and text him back.

"Miss you too. See you in 30. xx"

I walk out of my bathroom and leave my iPhone playing What Makes You Beautiful on  my bedside table as I walk over to my closet.

I pull on the white sweater dress and the silver leggings that Eleanor picked last night and. Then I brush out my hair and pull it to the side and quickly fishtail braid it. Then I apply some silver glitter eye shadow and put on some light pink lipstick.

I grab my UGG's and pull them on my feet, the inspect myself in the mirror. 

The sweater dress accents all of my curves, not that I have many, but it makes my body look good. The 3/4 length sleeves cover the scars on my arms from where I was cut with glass when my father threw me through the window. And the dress itself ends just above the middle of my thigh.

I smile approving of myself in the mirror. I then pull my gray beanie on my head, making sure to take a second to curly the loose tendrils that hang out of it, grab my white peacoat and walk downstairs to meet Niall.

He stands there with his hair perfectly styled and a white button down shirt on with black pants and his favorite pair of hightops on, holding his dark blue blazer in his hands.

I walk up to him and he pulls me into a hug. Then pulls back to inspect me. "Woah.." He whispers. "You look.... Amazing." 

 I blush pulling on my coat as we walk towards the front door. 

Niall opens my door for me and I slide easily into the passenger seat of my car. The sun has set already and it's mostly dark except for my headlights.

"Ready?" Niall asks, sliding into the drivers seat of my car.

"Yeah, let's go." I say putting my seatbelt on.

Niall turns on the radio, and somehow my Take Me Home CD, which is supposed to be in my room, starts playing. 

"Oh yeah! This is my jam!" Niall says turning it up. 

I laugh and watch him sing along to his own song, and I even join in with him a few times. 

We listen to almost the whole album before Niall pulls into a parking spot and tells me to cover my eyes with my beanie.

"Why? Can't I just watch where we're going?" I ask.

"No. It's a surprise!" He says getting out of the car and coming around to my door to help me out.

"Niall! I must look ridiculous!" I shout.

Suddenly Niall's voice is in my ear. "You look gorgeous." he whispers. Then he takes my hand and leads me into the unknown.


Niall's P.O.V.

"You look gorgeous." I whisper in Lana's ear while taking her hand and leading her into Times Square.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out to a text from Liam. 

"We're all set up here. Bring her up anytime." He says.

Harry's plan is to have the date on the rooftop of a building, allowing us privacy and there are security guards placed variously around this part of the city so I can avoid any mobs of fans. 

I smile and put my phone back in my pocket. I position Lana where I want her then stand directly in front of her. "Okay. Pull your beanie up." I say.

She does. The look on her face is priceless. "Niall... I've lived here all my life. And I'm only seeing this for the second time. It's amazing." She says, looking around to all the electronic billboards. 

Then she looks at me and smiles. "Thank you."

I get confused. "For what?" I ask.

"For being you. For finding me. For being here." She whispers eyes growing damp.

I smile and slide my hand back into hers. "You're welcome." I whisper as I kiss her temple. "Come on. I have another surprise." I say pulling her towards the tallest building in Times Square.

I push the up button on the elevator and wrap my arm around Lana's waist, waiting for it to come. As the doors slide open I see the elevator is empty. I smile as we walk into it and I push the button for the roof.

I lean against the back wall of the elevator and Lana leans into me. Putting her head on my shoulder. 

"This is already the best first date ever. I don't think it could get any better." She whispers, her breath tickling my neck.

I smile as the elevator doors open and we walk out onto the roof. 

I pull her straight over to the edge of the building. You can see the whole city illuminated by it's lights. She just stands there smiling. Taking in the amazing view. I quickly go over and turn on Liam's phone that he left up here so we could listen the play list I made special for this night, then I walk back over to Lana. 

"This is amazing." She whispers.

I smile. "Come on. Let's eat." I say guiding her over to the small table set up in the middle of the rooftop for us. 

Chinese food is strategically placed over the table and Lana smiles. "You remembered." She whispers.

"Of course I do. I will always remember everything you tell me." I say pulling her chair out for her .A few nights ago me and Lana were talking about food. She has said chinese food was her favorite.

She sits down and I push her in a little. 

We eat in silence, listening to the noise of the city and the music coming from Liam's phone. Finally when we stop eating I watch Lana get up and go to the edge of the rooftop again. 

Parachutes 'Kiss Me Slowly' comes on, and I walk over to Lana as the perfect line comes on and I sing. 

"I can see you there with the city lights. 14th floor pale blue eyes. I can breathe you in." I sing quietly into the wind turning towards Lana.

The song continues as I press my forehead to Lana's. She smiles up at me, looking straight into my eyes with her beautiful blue ones. I can't take it anymore. I slam my lips onto hers closing my eyes. I feel her relax as I put my hands on her waist and her own hands move up to my hair. I feel the same spark that I felt when I kissed her the night that we met.

I deepen the kiss, and I feel Lana smile into it, which makes me smile too. As I pull back she presses her forehead against mine again. "I lied. This night got better." She whispers.

"You ready to go?" I ask.

Lana turns to look out across the city and it's night lights. Her eyes go sad but only for a second. 

I pull out my phone and open up the camera. I pull Lana into my side and kiss her cheek, taking a picture as I do so. 

We both look at it. In a word. It's perfect. I caught Lana laughing, and my face while kissing her is priceless, and with the city lights behind us we look like we are glowing. "That one's a keeper!" I say.

"Send it too me!" Lana says.

I quickly send her the picture,and set it as my background, then go over and grab Liam's phone and dock, and take Lana's  hand and we go back into the elevator. 

On the way down we stay quiet. 

"This has been the best first date ever." Lana says smiling.

"It's number 1 on my top 5 best nights." I say.

She turns and gives me a look. "What are the other 4?" She asks.

"Well number 2 is the night I met you. And the last 3 are the last 3 nights we've spent together." I say.

Lana smiles and blushes, hugging me sideways. The elevator door opens and we slowly exit the building hand in hand.

We pause in the middle of Times Square to take another picture. I remember Lana's picture of her and Aaron at home. In the same place. I wonder what she's thinking. If she's remembering her time here with him. I avoid the question as we make it back to the car and I open her door for her again. Then close it as she situates herself.

I put Liam's things in the backseat then climb in the car starting the engine. 

'They Don't Know About Us' starts playing and I smile. Taking Lana's hand. 

We both sing along and as the song ends Lana leans over and kisses my cheek. I smile.

We let the album replay itself and Little Things is just ending as we pull into her driveway.

I get out and grab Liam's things, then open Lana's door. Then we walk up to her door. I hope Harry didn't forget. 

"Wait here." I tell Lana as I open the door and run through the house to the kitchen. Setting Liam's things down on the counter, then grabbing the two mugs of hot chocolate, that Harry didn't forget to make, and making my way back to the front door.

I open the door with my foot and see Lana just waiting, like I asked her too.

"Here you are love." I say handing her a mug.

"Thanks." She whispers taking a drink and sitting down on the marble steps. 

I sit next to her, taking a drink from my own hot chocolate.

"Lana... " I whisper.

She looks at me. Her eyes perfectly accented by the light and the glitter eye shadow she wears. And her beanie perfectly positioned on her head. 

"Yeah Niall?" She says.

"I.. Uh. Well.." I take a deep breath. "Lana, with Christmas coming up I get to go home to Ireland to see my family..." I say trailing off slightly at the end to judge her reaction.

She looks instantly disappointed. "Are you leaving me?" She whispers with an incredibly small voice.

"No. Lana. That's the thing." I set my mug down on the step below me. Turning towards Lana as she does the same and take both of her hands in mine.

"Lana. I want you to come with me. To meet my family and spend the holiday with me in Ireland." I say.

She doesn't say anything right off. Then she smiles widely. "Really? You want me to meet your family? And go home with you?" She asks.

"Yes! Of course!" I reply with more enthusiasm as intended.

She looks into my eyes and my breath catches in my throat. "Niall. I would love to go home to Ireland with you." She says.

I pull her into a hug. "Thank you Lana. You have no idea how much this means to me." I whisper into her ear. 

She smiles. "Probably more than a million stars." She whispers, looking up to the sky.

I smile and lean my back against the door frame, pulling Lana closer to me. She rests her head on my chest and we just sit there. Looking at the stars. 


Success! I really like how this came out. Probably one of my favorites so far. Well thanks for those of you who are reading this and have stuck with me. I would really like more reads so tell people about this! If there's anything you want me to add I will take ideas! So please share! and let me know what I can do to make my writing stronger! 

p.s. yes. i did change my name. sorry for any confusion!

Thanks Lovelies<3


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