You Are In Love

By derekfuckingdied

18.2K 759 225

Meredith is a bit of hateful person, and Derek is quiet and generally cold. They are both starting their inte... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 1

2.3K 66 28
By derekfuckingdied

"Hi- you're um- also an intern- right?" The small shaggy haired man asked.

"Yes." Meredith responded dryly.

"That's good- Me too. I'm an intern- so we will work together- which is good." The man stammered.

"Is it?" She asked as she suddenly turned and abandoned the man. She hated this. There wasn't single purpose she could think of for an "intern mixer." The interns are eventually going to get to know each other so why waste money and time on a boring party with dull obnoxious people.

Meredith needed a game plan. She couldn't leave, the old man who used to bang her mom and now was her boss was watching her like a hawk, so leaving wasn't exactly an option. She couldn't stand alone or else the clingy coworkers would try to mingle with her. Which would be bad because she was pretty sure that murdering a coworker the day before your job starts was a bad idea. So the only option was to stand by someone awkwardly so no one would approach her.

She scanned the room for anywhere she could hide, and saw a man sitting in the corner, slowly drinking a scotch. He was staring at the glass with boredom in his eyes. Meredith grabbed a chair and pulled it towards the man. She sat down next to him without saying a word, and began drinking her beer.

"Intern?" She asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Yup." He replied, ending their communication. They sat together in complete silence for an hour before Meredith decided it was finally an acceptable time to leave.

She stood up from her seat, turned to the man and said, "See you tomorrow."

He looked up to her, "Okay." He responded.

"Okay." She replied with a small smile at the corner of her lips. Meredith quickly walked out of the room to avoid any and all conversations with her future coworkers. Leaving the party knowing that there was at least one person there that wasn't completely obnoxious.


(The Next Morning)

"Hi!" The very loud blonde woman standing in front of her said as she stuck out her hand. "I'm Isobel but everyone calls me Izzie."

"That's- nice." Meredith said with a scowl on her face as she ignored the hand reaching out to her.

The blonde, now known as Izzie, looked to the red-head standing next to her nervously. "This is April." Izzie pointed to the other girl.

"Okay." Meredith said as she finished putting on her scrubs and looked around the locker room.

"And- um- you're name would be?" She continued. God will this chick ever shut the fuck up.

"Grey." Meredith responded.

"Great!" She said cheerfully. "So it's me, April, you, then there is George- he's the short one over there." She pointed to the man who tried to talk to Meredith the previous night. "Then there is Jackson, the one who looks like a perfect mannequin," She pointed to another man. "And there is another guy, but I got the sense that he wasn't all too friendly so I didn't catch his name, but he's the tall, dark, and handsome one." She finished by pointing to the man who Meredith sat with the previous night. The one she actually didn't hate. Meredith turned away from the women and immediately went to the man.

"Hey." She said casually.

He nodded up at her.

"Avery, Grey, Kepner, O'Malley, Shepherd, Stevens!" A man at the door of the locker room called out. "You're with Bailey, she's at the end of the hallway."

"That's the Nazi?" Bambi asked. Meredith had already decided that she would not be remembering these people's names so she came up with her own ones.

"She doesn't look like a Nazi." Dorothy replied.

"Maybe it's professional jealousy. They just call her that because she's the best." Barbie suggested.

The six of them approached the woman standing at the nurses station. "I have five rules. Memorize them."


(A little over a week later)

Meredith's original thoughts were already confirmed. She hated her coworkers. They were loud, and clingy, and wanted to share the moments of their lives or whatever bullshit. Barbie cheered, Dorothy squealed, Bambi whined, and Ken groaned. The only one she could stand was Derek.

He was quiet and never said a word more than he had to. He barely showed any emotion in his face and honestly Meredith loved it. They would sit together at lunch in silence and they would study together in silence and do scut together- in silence. Everything a girl could ask for. Plus he was the only other intern with half a brain so that helped.

"Grey." Bailey, her boss, called out. Bailey was the only other person in the hospital she liked. "You're on Mr. Gregory's craniotomy." She paused. "You and-" She looked through the group of interns who all had their hands up. "Shepherd."

"Thank god." She mumbled.

"What was that?" Bailey asked the an eyebrow raised.

"I'm happy to not have to spend the day listened to any of my fellow interns bitch and groan." Meredith replied.

"Part of being a surgeon is being able to work with others, Dr. Grey." She shook her head.

"I can work with others. I can spend the whole day doing stitches with Bambi, Barbie, Ken, or Dorothy. I'd just rather not." Meredith shrugged.

The other interns looked at each other confused. "Wait- are we Bambi, Barbie, Ken, and Dorothy?" Dorothy asked.

Derek bent his head down to his a laugh.

"Which one am I?" Bambi asked.

"Bambi." The others said in unison.

"Who's barbie?" Dorothy asked.

"Izzie." Ken replied.

"I'm not a Barbie." Barbie frowned.

"I- um-yea." Bambi stammered.

"Then you're Ken." Dorothy pointed to Ken. "Why am I Dorothy?"

"No clue." Barbie responded.

"Beats me." Ken said.

"Wizard of Oz." Derek rolled his eyes.

"Oh- I guess that makes sense." Barbie said.

"How does it make sense?" Dorothy asked with a frown.

"You know- she's from-" Ken started.

"She's from Kansas, I'm from Ohio." She frowned.

"But that's still the Midwest." Bambi shrugged.

"You know, some people consider Ohio to be on the east coast, and Kansas to be in the south." Dorothy defended.

"No way." Barbie shook her head.

"Where is Kansas again?" Ken asked, causing everyone to look at him with disapproving faces.

"Have you ever looked at a map?" Barbie asked with a judgmental tone.

"Yes- Shut up. I'm from Boston, could you tell me which state is New Hampshire and which is Vermont?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Dear god shut the fuck up." Meredith finally said. "New Hampshire is east, Vermont is west." She turned to Bailey. "See why I don't want to spend time with them?"

"Hey, why doesn't Derek get a nickname?" Barbie asked.

"Because I respect him." Meredith shrugged.

Bailey rolled her eyes. "Back to work all of you. Grey, Shepherd- just take care of your patient." She shook her head.

Derek and Meredith walked towards the patients room. "Drinks later?" Derek asked

"Sure." Meredith replied.

(Sorry there is no Cristina and Alex in this story. I felt as though Derek and Meredith might actually like them so I replaced them with April and Jackson. Also someone please stop me from making new books every week without finishing the previous one- I swear to god)

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