I Hear You

By Only_4_LisKooK

58.9K 2.8K 704

For her, love is as hard to come by as if it were made in Heaven. For him, love is asking oneself whether he... More



5.4K 91 17
By Only_4_LisKooK





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The beginning of the story is like this.

Lalisa Manoban, a woman, twenty four years old, with a height of one hundred sixty meter, appearance mark maybe eighty five.

After the graduation, she stayed in N city for establishing her business, then after  a year and half, she had failed. She returned to H city to launch her new life.

When she hadn’t formally found a job, she was forced by her creditor,Jisoo, to join a love program in a network station that would be broadcasted in the internet.

The day she arrived at the recording site, Lisa met her partner for the first time, that is “boyfriend” Jeon Jungkook .

Jeon Jungkook  a man, twenty seven years old, his height is one hundred ninety meter, his appearance is a full mark.

He graduated from a famous university, at currently he works at research institute related to prevention of animal disease.

Until today, Lisa still remembers that day clearly. That time the spot was very noisy, it was voices everywhere. The employees of the production unit were running around. She wore a very beautiful windbreaker jacket, she styled her hair into a ponytail.

She was holding a cup of yogurt. She couldn’t find Jisoo. She looked around then she noticed a certain man on the sofa, he was playing with the phone.

Her first respond when she saw him was she thought about his long legs.

Her second respond, she felt he was so cold and hard to get along.

Just as expected, when Lisa took the initiative to greet him and asked him about a man called Jungkook, he just looked especially impatient when he raised his head. He looked at her, then said: “I am Jeon Jungkook .”

Then he lowered his head then continued to play the game.

She found the person, Lisa was unable to handle the awkwardness. She introduced herself then sat down. She took out the material that Jisoo gave her before and saw it. She attempted to chat with Jungkook’s Last night I already memorized it regarding your basic information, work, hobbies, personal strength , reputation. If not let’s we test each other out?”

“It’s good that you remember it.” His attitude were so senseless.

It was obvious he didn’t want to respond her.

“Do you remember everything about me?” Lisa asked.

“On the way here, I already skimmed it all, it’s not bad.”

Lisa looked somewhat disbelief about his statement: “Then let me ask you, what is my most favorite snack?”

“Chocolate bean with banana flavor.” He didn’t even raised his head.

Well? It’s true.

He extended his legs, and continued to play with his phone concentratedly. His body language showed a statement “If you dare to say something again, I wouldn’t mind to move my leg to kick you to leave this world.”.

Lisa never had experienced to deal with this kind of person, at this time she didn’t know what should she do, she just forced herself to be quiet and not provoke him.

Finally Jisoo appeared, she explained the basic situation to them both. The timelLisa listened to her, she peeked at Jungkook for a while. She noticed he basically didn’t listen to it, he was just busy with his phone.

Luckily, the recording turned out to be smooth.

This program invited three couples with different length of relationship. Couple that has been together for five years, three years, and half years to be guests.

Among them, only Lisa and Jungkook, the temporary couple to be a substitute in the program, presumably after the editing, it would be completely they would have no weak point.

The recording program would be two days, the first day was at outdoor scene. The major content was the competition between the three couples. It had mountain climbing, double manned bicycle and tennis.

It was completely consuming physical energy activity. After the recording was done, Lusa’s whole body was full of sweat. She immediately knelt down and drank her cola, there’s no elegance in her.

Jungkook took a cold water and very carefree and leisurely passed her and turned to other side to take a call.

She examined his proud and aloof back part, she felt he was not a normal man.

At final editing replay, both cameras were turned to be brighter. There was a scene of a man carried a woman on her back to go up the mountain. Lisa’s shoes on her right foot was slipped down. Jungkook heard it then stopped his step. He retreated, and bent his waist to pick it for her, he returned it to her.

But after that the shoes kept on failing down for three times, at last Jungkook picked it up, and with rare initiative, he said: “If you make it fall down again, then you just go down the mountain later on with barefoot.”

There was one more, everyone had reached the top of the mountain and they went to pluck red bayberries.

The men plucked, and the woman would take it by the basket. Jungkook plucked a several then the time he threw it, one by one it “carelessly” pounded at Lisa’s head. She yelled “Aiiyoo…”. He heard it and turned his body, assessed the distance between them for a while: “Retreat back two steps, and put the basket a bit higher.”

She who was basking in sun, was almost unable to control her twitchiness. She retreated back two steps, and followed his instruction. 


She raised it higher.

“It’s not enough.”

She raised it again higher.

“Straighten your arms, passed your head.

She followed him, then once again she was pounded by the berry on the nose.

“O… enoug
h.” There was no guilt in his voice, “Now put it lower a bit.”


After the program, Lisa took a rest three days at home. Jisoo called her to express her sympathy. They both chatted about Jungkook  .Lisa couldn’t help but to ask: “He is really strange, where did you find him?”

Jisoo laughed: “He was invited personally by Chief Lee. It’s strange if you don’t feel he is a bit weird. He was the top student of L university, he was the top score of science department. His major is cool zoology. His brain definitely doesn’t work as normal person. He and you are similar, you both never be in a relationship, so you both are novice.”

Lisa opened her mouth, but didn’t expressed her opinion.

“Why? Do you have interest on him?” Jisoo reflected, “But he is quite hard to pursue.”

Lisa’s lip twitched, and after the phone was hung up. She thought inside her heart: “Have interest in him, Me? Hehe…”

The next day, Lisa without stopping to rest took a private job. She helped a newly married couple to take photos on the campus. For this reason, she accompanied them to take the train to W city, returned to the place when they first met and be in love.

With the background of oriental cherry, their photo showed the aesthetic style with youthfulness.

When she returned, Jisoo’s program already broadcasted in the network, it was a success. The rating was higher than the prediction. Because Lisa was just too busy, she just glanced at it for a while.

She slept for eleven hours, she made up for her lack of sleep yesterday.

The time she was awake it was half past nine at night, she felt a bit hungry.

She went to the fridge to look for something to eat. She ate something while looked at the variety show. She also logged in to her WeiBo, she opened it and noticed something strange.

How can her followers increased sharply to ten thousand?

She had four hundred twenty five new comments? And several hundred personal massage?

Is this her account? She was quivered.

Lisa looked at it hurriedly. It was hers. Her nickname is: Lilly

She cautiously opened her comments.

“Ya, Why when I browsed around your account, I couldn’t find Jungkook’s phot? Don’t you hide him so deep.”

Her whole body was full of cold sweat, she shivered and opened the other comment.

“It is really no you guys’ photo together. It’s bad.”

Next one.

“I watched the program. Haha… You both are too adorable. You guys have thirty cm difference. Will it be tired to kiss?”

Next one.

“Hurry up show a public display of affection for me to see.”

Next one.

“Tour group travels somewhere, it shows a clear interest. I am sitting to wait for you guys photo. Meow Meow….”

“Waiting for your to show off your mad devil man.”

“Why do you not brave enough to post for your photo?”


Lisa looked at the photo for ten minutes, and locked her account. Then she drank a water, then after realizing it, she sprayed it to the screen.

She has been in WeiBo not for long time, usually she would post her photograph and cold jokes. There was not many photos showed her private life.

Besides, she didn’t even complete her form, how could these people find out about her?

She thought about it then she posted the photograph, she took. She also changed her nickname to “L” .

It was too troublesome. She was a bit at loss. She called Jisoo, the main culprit.

After she called her for the thirteen times, Jsioo answered the phone. She told her about it, then she just laughed freely: “It’s okay, It is the period of entertainment, they just see you as fun matter, there is no other meaning."

“But now it looks like everyone misunderstood my status with Jungkook? What should I do?”

“Oh like that.” Jisoo thought about it, then said: “Anyway you are single, Jungkook also a single man without girlfriend. It wouldn’t be too disturbing if other misunderstood you. The cyber world is like that just lively, but the moment you switched off the computer, the world in a flash would turn peaceful. Don’t you worry about it too much.”

Lisa was a bit puzzled: “Your words didn’t it was too easy?”

“That, for real, we didn’t expect this will gain people’s interest. We just did it for testing, but this situation is really completely unexpected, so…” Jisoo’s voice swiftly feeble, “I want to apologize to you. Don’t you mind the chaos in the internet. The most important thing, don’t you clarify it, and explained that the nature of your relationship.”

“A?” Lisa could understand her hidden meaning.

“I say truthfully to you. I has been staying in the office for three days. The directors are all here. Everyone is on the meeting to preparing this. Our first step is to decide this to be air, and exceed other competition program.” Jisoo was smug: “You should help me, don’t be underming.”

“You mean that you let me to continue to pretend with Jungkook as a couple?” Lisa exposed her innermost thought.

Jisoo didn’t respond, after a second, she said something with a kind of negotiation voice: “If you are willing to cooperate then I will help you to ask director to apply for “fee”, I guarantee it will be reasonable.”

“Fee… Jisoo, you…”

“Don’t you forget that I still your creditor. You owed me thirty five thousand Yuan, as well as, in the lowest point of your life, I never leave and give up on you, I accompany you to pass the difficulty. This is the priceless friendship.” Jisoo said it with a display of feeling signboard: “Now it is the critical moment of my career. If you are willing to help me, I will be very thankful. If you refuse, I will also be very understanding. I will not complain because of this. Lali, I respect your choice.”

Lisa was speechless.

“I will hang up first. If you couldn’t handle it, then take a nap. Consider my advise for a while.” Jisoo said: “Actually if the partner is Jungkook then it also would be okay for you.”

She said it then hung up the phone.

Lisa threw the phone to the side, then she opened her WeiBo. She felt a bit complicated and looked at the newest comment, it was completely let her throat to rush forth.

There was one comment that  said: “A question. I really want to consult seriously. According to man’s long leg and inner length would it be direct proportionality. A hundred ninety meter man, how long would be his inner thing? Is there someone kind to help me measure?””


Lisa couldn’t help to curse Jisoo for a while.

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