(Countryhuman) Deep In The Fo...

By chasemegames

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Countryhumans "My Prey" it's a countryhumans story but They are have animal appearances. it's not omegaverse... More

Lost in the Forest
list of more What animals they are
Toyed with
Meet up
Beware of the bite
The bat Cave (zeal x phil)
Out in the town (egypt x Phil)
Thank you for 100 followers
chapter ?? meet up
Chapter 9?
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
13 (Phil x Canada)
chapter 14 (Phil x Egypt)
chapter 15 (Germany x Phil)
I'm still alive
Chapter 16 I think.... (Kzk x Phil)
chapter 17 (kzk x Phil)
Chapter 18, Mexico's nightmare
chapter 20 - safe with us
chapter 21 - back in our arms
chapter 22 - the force field is back up
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25 - im not giving up
Chapter 26 - Where have you been?

chapter 19 A dead rose with blood

567 20 36
By chasemegames



'Hey, Lika. What's with the nickname Lika? Don't tell me it has a deep meaning too'

'Hmm, no. It's just from a name'

'What is it?'


'It's an interesting name' Zack says, admitting his feelings about it. Zack tries to remember if he had heard it before, but he doesn't seem to remember anything relating to the name. Phil notices that Zack is deep in thought, so he continues on with what he's doing. It's best not to bother the man.

About a few minutes later, Philip starts to hum a nice tune. Zack has told Philip to keep quiet but he's not going to lie, Phil's humming is quite soothing and pleasant to hear. 'Oh, are you done? Do you want some fruits?' Philip offers him a bowl of freshly cut fruits. Zack stands up and walks towards Philip. This action makes Phil put the bowl of fruits down on the table for Zack to eat. Phil then goes to get a spoon for Zack.

Quite a while after Zack started eating fruits, he placed his spoon down on the table to drink some water. He then started intently at Philip. Suddenly, a thought came up in his mind...

'Mahal' Zack said in a calm voice.

Phil was at peace, he even seemed quite happy a while ago, but as soon as Zack said "Mahal", Phil suddenly looked terrified. Zack's used to the stares of other people with evident fear in their eyes but he's uncomfortable when they seem scared even though he's trying to be nice. Zack is confused... did he do something wrong? He just said one word.

Zack tries his best to be calm, he walks towards Phil to check up on him. Who knows if he's suddenly having a random heart attack or something?

'Don't touch me' Philip yells it like a command.

Zack is bewildered to hear these words.

He didn't do anything wrong... di he?

'Don't... Don't call me that!'

'Don't you ever say that word ever again!'

Phil became so stressed out by such a small thing. He can't understand why Phil reacted like that.... What's with rhe name?

Everytime he tried to calm Phil down, get closer to him or try to put his hand on Phil's shoulder, Phil would continue to freak out. Even Zack is getting stressed out now, just by looking at Phil.

'Okay.... I won't call you that again... Calm down...Lika...'

Phil calmed down when he heard Zack say "Lika"

It's like a switch has been flipped on Philip. What just happened?

Phil's eyed were so furious, not he's all calm again.

Zack is extremely confused......

'I-... I'm sorry for reacting that way... I just... Please just don't call me that again...'

'I won't... I promise...'

Zack has a hunch that it's probably because of some trauma Phil had experienced.

The aura became tense....

When they ate at the table in front of each other, Philip didn't make eye contact. Phil would sometimes steal a glance at Zack, but he didn't look at Zack straight in his eyes...... He's very much avoiding Zack's gaze. Zack doesn't really mind because he's used to this. Him and his siblings used to avoid each other's gazes, as if they were strangers...

After a few more hours, Zack led him to their final destination.

'Where are we?' Philip asks with a mix of curiosity and fear.

'This is where our connection ends'

'I've saved you from danger, more than twice'

'The orders given to me have been... changed...'

'What happens to you now does not concern me. Whether you get hurt or die, It is not my fault'

'You're on your own now

'If you can get back to them- if you wish to go back to those men then I won't stop you'

'I'm only following my orders'

Phil tried to get close to the man and ask him but the man suddenly turned his back and flew away.

Phil has a very bad feeling about this place. He does not feel safe... to be more precise... he can sense danger... dangerous predators... near...and hungry...

Phil senses them getting  nearer. He bites down on his lip and starts to slowly walk away. He prays that they haven't smelled his scent yet.

Out of panic he starts running. He doesn't  want to die yet....

They sensed him already.... long before he started walking away.

He freezes in place when three men appeared in front of him. One has wings... while tbe other

'Well, well, well... And what do we have here? A cute little bunny rabbit?'

'Too bad I've already eaten...'

'What about you, Stephen? Maybe show this little bunny a good time

Phil doesn't open his eyes. He's  too scared of what they'll do to him.

They start laughing maniacally. Phil shivers as one gets too close to him... breathing  down his neck.

No one's going to save him...

'Hey now, little bunny. It's not nice not to look at the people  you're talking to'

Someone grabs him by the chin and forcefully makes him open his eyes.

'Take a good luck at us, little bunny. Who'd  you want to have fun with first?'

Philip looks at all of them... they ate all covered in blood. Some of them have blood around their mouths.... their claws and clothes are stained with the blood of their preys...

'I-I... I was about to go h-home...' Philip just hopes that they have a little sympathy left...

'Why not go home with us? You're  way cuter than those two'

Phil sees a severed head of a bunny girl.... the other girl got brutally mutilated... while the other girl seems to have gotten her heart ripped out... as well as her other organs... They are both bunnies... Seeming to look alike... Phil suspects that they are sisters.

Phil gulps, these men are dangerous... They are going to kill him...

Phil doesn't  know what to do... he drops to his knees  as tears are to fall from his eyes. 'Please... please don't kill me' Philip pleads for his life.

They all start laughing again.

'This one is just as entertaining'

One of them, who seems to be leader grabs him by the hair and licks his Tears. 'You're tasty and delicious'

Philip continues to cry. They do not seem to have mercy on him as they hold him down and start bitting him all over. His ears bleed from the bites.

'N-NO- please! Don't kill me!'

'This one's a boy'

'Does it matter? They are much better. Women can't compare to the quality of this one'

'We can't kill this one'

'He's  valuable'

'Probably  worth a lot of money

'But let's have some fun with him for a While before we sell him'

'Good news for you, little rabbit. We're not going to kill you. You're rarer than female rabbits' deeming you extreme valuable'

Philip starts to tear up even more... 'Please... not again...' he pleads in his mind.

They tie him up but they do not cover his mouth.... he screamed so loud although  no one seemed to hear his cries.

From a distance someone watches him intently. 'I told you to behave. He will be harmed even more if you do not behave. When they try to sell him I'll buy him. But if you do not behave, then good luck finding him'

'As I've said, I do not say empty threats, Belarus'

After a while they finally stopped. They only hit him 1 time near his mouth since they do not want to badly injure his face.

'They are all ruthless... just like Spain and America...' Philip says in his mind as tears flows down his face...

His body is quite injured... they bit down hard on his shoulder and on his thigh. The wounds are much deeper there.

He manages to escape when they were all asleep. Him being all bloody with his clothed torn, he doesn't know if he can even go back alive.... he's much more vulnerable to predators because of the state he's in.... predators can easily smell his blood.

He feels like he has ran for hours....

The rain started to pour and a cave caught his eye. Nowhere else to run, he decided to go there...

The cave seems more peaceful and safe

He found a rose on the ground... soon he realized that dead roses are scattered everywhere... seeming  like they all belong to the rose bushes outside rhe cave. He picked one up and noticed that it's stained with blood.... his eyesight became quite blurry because of exhaustion... he didn't realize that not only was the rose that he picked came from a puddle of dried blood, hebis also bleeding out because  of a stab woud? How come he hadn't noticed....

He tries to cover the wound with his hand... trying not to let much blood flow out. Soon a man in a cloak with white hair comes into his view. The man has furrowed brows. 'Haha... I'm helpless and pathetic  aren't I?' Phil says before collapsing. The man managed to catch him before he hit the ground. The man does not say anything. He examines Phil's wounds and sees that he's not only bleeding from his stab and bite wounds but also from...... behind... as well as something else dripping from his behind...

The man cleaned him at a nearby lake and tended to his wounds.

When Philip woke up, there's a bonfire next to him. He's still in the cave. There's a pillow.... and a blanket with him... he examined himself and found that his wounds have been tended to. He is covered in bandages. His torn clothes are all gone... but he's perfectly  covered  by bandages... as if someone covered him in bandages to cover him up so he wouldn't  need clothes..... 

'I look like a mummy' Philip mumbles

There's also a cloak right next to him. As well as a note... that is.... printed?

"Wear it"

The note said.

Phil wore it as the note said... but then he remembers the man he saw right before he collapsed in the cave....

The man in a cloak cloak white hair... he thought about this cloak being the one the man was wearing yesterday, but the man is too tall to be wearing this... and this cloak seems to be dark green... this cloak is a bit too bit for Philip, but it seems too small for the man to wear.

He thought about Zack being the one who tended to his wounds and gave hin the cloak although  he thinks that thus might be impossible....

'Could he have been ordered to leave me there to... to let that happen to me.. again?'

The thought  saddens and disgusts him. But even if that is true or not Phil would forgive him since there might be grave consequences for Zack if he didn't obey his orders.... Phil wipes the tears off his face as he remembers about what happened last night...

The last time before... yesterday, was with Egypt.... but also before
Egypt was Canada...

Canada and Egypt were nice to him.... He didn't hit Philip or anything like that...

Phil thinks that it might be impossible to go back to Germany's or any of their places but he still has to try......


Belarus is absolutely  panicking  right now. She couldn't sleep last night. She should have kept her mouth shut and behaved like what they said... Do not try to do anything to contradict their plan but she did.. she was cocky and showed up her authority when she could have just been quiet....

'Zack, You have to help me!'

'They.... how... how could you follow his orders? How could you have left him there!!?'

Zack did not say anything  oever rhe phone but he wanted to say "I didn't  know that... that that would happen.."

But why should he care?

'How could you! Why... why can't you all just help me! I just want him to be safe back to the other side..... You're heartless  just like them... you've  never had a heart just like them! You haven't changed a bit!'

Belaurs shouts as she cries...

Zack had already hung up after she said "how could you" again.

Belarus feels so guilty... she should have protected  Philip... she should have been better... but because she couldn't be nice... Phil was harmed in the worst case ever... Phil had to go through his trauma again.... Belarus feels even more guilty as she knows thay Phil would never blame her and tell her that she's done nothing wrong and she shouldn't be mad at herself  that something like that happened to Philip again...

'Are you done whining?'

'You evil bastard! How could you!?'

'Why did you let that happen to him!?'

'And that shall  happen to him again if you do not behave and help our clan

'If you help me then I shall bring him here and help you two get out of here. But if you do not help and continue to act like you're better better everyone else, then that shall happen to Philip again and again and again'

'And you know what would happen if he gets sold to that mass market.... most of them are killed on their first day with their masters. He'll become a slave-'

'Fine... I'll help you... if you ever do that to him again I swear I'd kill you, you bastard!'

'Then we have a deal. Don't we, Belarus? Because  if we don't... then he's deemed useless  to me, and therefore should just be sold. Off. To. Pigs.'

Belarus glares at the man, not having any choice she shakes his hand.

Dec 22, 2021

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