Second chance

By City_lightzz

36.7K 2K 220

New is an owner of the Cafè, and is a Single Dad. But what happens when one day his one of the customer start... More

Promo 🤖
1. "Cute"
2. Be serious!
4. Try again
5. Moving in
6. Drunk in Love
7. Tease
8. One step ahead
9. Dating
10. He's Back
11. Fix it
12. Unreachable
13. Fresh start
14. Final Stop

3. I'm here for you

2.5K 144 7
By City_lightzz

For the next few weeks, New avoided Tay.

Whenever Tay is around, New would take over the cashier spot or work in the back room. He was careful enough not to cause any problems in the café and Toptap just let him be. If he’s doing anything that would jeopardize their work, he’s sure the Toptap would talk to him.

Tay dropped by constantly, not missing a day. On some days, he’d have Arm with him but mostly it’s just him. He had wanted to talk to New to apologize for what he said the last time and it’s frustrating him that he couldn’t get any timing at all. ‘No luck today either.’ He sighed as he went up to the counter to pay for his drink.

The Gods must have other plans today because New suddenly came out from the back room.

“SHIT! I have to fetch Pleum and the deliveries are still coming in. Toptap can you-”

“I can fetch him.”

New hesitantly looked to the side at the familiar voice and bit his lip.  “You don’t have to.”

“Look New… I’m your best shot. Pluem knows me and I know him. He will be safe with me. I promise.” Tay gave him a reassuring smile.


Toptap nudged New, a silent gesture to trust Tay. The youngest had a point. It’s important for Pleum to recognize who was fetching him and he has seen Tay thousands of times. Finally New nodded. “I’m sorry to impose on you. So when you get there, try and wait by the park first. That’s where I usually wait. If he isn’t there after five minutes, you can ask the school guard for him. He still might be playing inside. And oh it’s on gate 3 and the address-”

“NEW! Breathe.” Tay calmly said and his demeanor is slowly affecting New as the older let out a deep breath. “Gate 3 and it’s the school near the park, yes? Got it. I’ll bring him back safe.”

“Are you sure it’s okay?” New worriedly asked again.

Tay nodded. “You have a lot on your plate right now and if there’s anything I can help you with, I’d gladly do it. Well then, I’ll get going.” He made his way to the door when he felt a small tug on his arm. He looked back to see New catch up to him.

“Thank you Tay. I owe you for this.”

Tay placed his hand atop the Younger’s and gave it a squeeze. “You don’t owe me anything. If you feel bad about it then maybe just coffee? Prepared by you?”

“I can do that.” New chuckled and he felt a tug when the younger gave him a big smile, his deep dimples showing.

45 minutes later, a beaming Pleumki was running towards New. “Hey Bud!”

“Tai fetched me! We ate ice cweam and play arcade! Hey Pa, can he fwetch me again? Can he?” Pleum was doing a little dance and New couldn’t help but smile.

He pushed his son towards the stairs. “Maybe. Go freshen up! You stink!”

“I love you Pa!” Pleum gave New a kiss on the cheek before waving to Tay.

New let out a relieved sigh and turned to Tay. “Thank you, Tay. It means a lot to me. Also, Tai?”

Tay shook his head. “Anything for-.. I’m glad to help. Tai is easier for him to say I guess i don't mind it. Hey can I stay here for a bit while I do some studying?” He bit his lip as the words ‘anything for you’ almost slipped. He’d have to be careful because he wouldn’t want to scare the older away.

The younger nodded. And as he watched Tay get busy, he couldn’t stop his heart from fluttering.

It was 7 pm when Tay started gathering his things. He got so busy that he lost track of time. He felt guilty as he noticed he was the only customer left and Toptap was slowly setting up to what looks like a party. As he was about to leave, New stopped him.

“Hey listen. Would-.. Would you like to stay for dinner? We are having a small get together later and I’d love it if you say yes.” New asked shyly.

Tay sucked in a breath. Honestly he wasn’t sure what to do and he wouldn’t want New to think that he’s taking advantage of the situation. “New if you still feel indebted to me, please don’t. I’m very happy that I could help you even just for that.”

New shook his head. “I insist please. These past few weeks…”

“You don’t have to explain New. It’s okay. I was out of line.”

“No, no. You didn’t know and it’s unfair for me to avoid you without explaining anything. I’d love it if you stayed for dinner but only if you’re not busy. It’d make me happy too.” New was blushing by the time he finished and Tay had to chuckle.

How could he say no?

Tay nodded and placed his bag down.

And oh it was worth it. His knees almost gave out when New gave him the warmest smile. The younger held his hand in excitement and dragged him towards the neatly decorated table. When New let go, he felt disappointed, already missing the warmth.

“Wait here for a bit. I’ll put the food in the containers.” New said before disappearing towards the back room.

At the corner of Tay’s eye, he feels a shadow leering at him. Toptap was leaning on the counter watching their exchange. He had a smile that Tay couldn’t quite get. He approached the youngest and sat in the chair across. “So.”


Toptap eyed him carefully. “I’m assuming you’re serious about New.”

“I am. Although I’m not sure how to approach him without stepping overboard. But yes I am serious.”

“He’ll come to you. You’ve climbed your way up significantly today. Pleum means a lot to New. He is his world. Good job on offering to fetch him. I mean the kid has already taken a liking to you.”

Tay felt odd and somewhat suspicious. “It was the right thing to do. I’d do anything to help also why does it seem like you want to help me? And what’s the nature of your relationship with New?”

Toptap put up his hand. “Slow down brother. You don’t need to worry about me. I love him dearly and I just want what’s best for him. And don’t be jealous of me… that’s the last thing you should do.”

“Hard not to. You guys are so close and well…”

The older continuously shook his head. “You don’t under-“

“BABBBBYYYYYY!” An incoming shriek echoed throughout the café and Toptap pursed his lips. A tall man ran towards Toptap and he stood up just in time to embrace the new comer.

“Hey Welcome Back!!” Toptap got kissed on his forehead by the man.

"ahem" Tay coughed.

“Ya! Would you stop that?? That’s gross!” New came in holding a huge tray to which Tay offered to take. The older was making gagging reflexes and the new man just threw a table napkin on his face.

Toptap chuckled at the exchange and noticed Tay’s confused state. “As I’ve said you’ve got nothing to worry about because I have a boyfriend plus I’m married… to him and I'm New's Cousin! Honey, this is Tay, Tay this is Mike my Husband"

Mike and Tay shook hands. “So you’re him. Nice to put a face on the name that’s making him blush or so I hear."

“MIKE!” New exclaimed and was looking back and forth to a smiling Mike and a smirking Tay. Out of frustration, he threw the napkin squarely on Toptap’s laughing face before stomping his way out of the room.

Dinner went smoothly as planned and New found Tay to be a funny guy. He appreciated how he tried to be a lively guest and realized that maybe Tay wasn’t so bad after all.

New was cleaning up when the Songs bid their farewell as Tay carried the sleeping Pleum in his arms. When New saw this, he hurriedly moved to carry his son but Tay just whispered, “It’s okay. Where’s his room?”

New pointed at the stairs and Tay nodded before carefully bringing Pleumki up in his room. He watched them disappear and his heart swelled. He has never seen his son open up to a stranger like he did with Tay.

When Tay came back downstairs, New was waiting at the couch by the window. He gestured for the younger to join him. “As promised, here’s the coffee I made.” He handed Tay a cup before sipping his own.

The older plopped down next to him, not sure how to start a conversation but he was nervous for nothing because New took it upon his hands to start one. “Listen before I lose my nerve. I want to explain a few things…” He paused to take a sip before continuing again. “Six months ago, my soon to be ex-husband decided he wanted divorce. It never really occurred to me that it was possible. I just… always thought that he’d fight for me, for Pleum but he gave up. He took all of his belongings and left.”

“He’s a dick.” Tay suddenly voiced out. “Sorry… Uh… I didn’t mean-"

“It’s okay. All of my friends call him that. Anyway… one month after, Pleum developed a trauma and refused to speak to anyone, even me. The kid took it hard and it almost broke me, seeing him like that. He’s having a hard time adjusting to everything so I decided to live on the second floor of the café. It was supposed to be a store room but I figured we needed a fresh start and a new environment. Going back to a place where there are five years worth of memories was very hard. Pleum had it hard.” New deeply sighed and he flinched when his hand suddenly felt warm. He looked down and sees Tay’s hand placed on top of his.

“I’m sorry. It’s hard on you too. You sacrificed a lot I’m guessing and let me just say your raising Pleum amazing. If I may say something? I hope I don’t go out of line.” When New nodded, Tay squeezed the younger’s hand. “I know you have to be strong to get through this and for Pleumki but you don’t have to be strong all the time. It’s okay to break down and cry sometimes. It’s okay to feel sad sometimes. You’re going through a lot and I want you to know there are people who care about you so please don’t bear it all by yourself. And… should you ever need someone, you can always talk to me.”

New stared at Tay in awe. He nodded before squeezing the older's hand back. Tay’s words hit home and he was right. “I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you. Hey, you haven’t touched your coffee.”

“Right! Sorry.” Tay took one big gulp before leaning back, letting his muscles relax. “AH! That hits the spot!”

“How is it?”

Tay tried to hide behind the tiny cup which sends New into fits of giggles. “You’re going to make fun of me.”

“C’mon. Tell me!” New nudged Tay’s arm.

“Honestly? You’re coffee tastes amazing. It’s really good – somewhat sweet today.”

New blushed, biting his lip and avoiding the younger’s gaze. “Don’t lie. It’s not that amazing. It’s just like any other coffee.”

“I can prove it.” Tay licked his lips and he leaned towards the younger’s direction.

New gulped and unconsciously licked his own lips too. He stared at Tay’s bright, glazed eyes and his heart started beating fast. He didn’t notice that he too inched forward.

Tay stared at the older’s wet lips, eager to have a taste. He leaned a little more and when he sensed New inching closer, his lips curved into a small smile before closing the gap between them.

As soon as their lips touched, New was done for.

He elicited a soft moan when Tay pulled away, sucking on his lower lip. And that was all it took for the younger to delve into New’s supple lips, slowly darting out his tongue; looking for that perfect mate. He let out a deep groan when he felt a slight brush against his seeking tongue.

Tay leaned forward and pushed New on the couch, surprisingly carefully placing their cups down. The older wrapped his arms around Tay’s broad shoulders – bringing him closer to his now flushed body, and the younger snaked his arms around New’s waist.

They were pressed against each other that no light could pass through.

All New knows is that soft lips were pressed firmly against his.

And oh it was indeed sweet.


Today's Update ☺️😊

Hope you like it!

I included Mike and Toptap because I rarely find their Aus 🙁

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