Returned /// Umbrella Academy...

By tommo_the_tease_91

7.2K 124 18

Svetlana Hargreeves aka Number 8 finally returns to her childhood home for her father's funeral. She reunites... More

Cast & Extended Summary
C H A P T E R 1
C H A P T E R 2
C H A P T E R 3
C H A P T E R 4
C H A P T E R 5
C H A P T E R 6
C H A P T E R 7
C H A P T E R 8
C H A P T E R 9

C H A P T E R 10

256 5 3
By tommo_the_tease_91

Group Training

"None of you business Number One."


Today had been the one day of the week that Svetlana hated most, group training day. They'd all meet together and spar to see who would win, whoever won the last match got an extra hour of leisure time whenever they wanted.

Svetlana hated these days because, frankly, she never won. At 14 years old, she didn't have complete control of her powers, so everyone else had the upper hand. They could just distract her and boom, they'd just won the match. Mr. Hargreeves was always upset with her because of it, he'd always send her off to the cell and that's what frightens her most.

She quickly changed into her uniform and headed downstairs for breakfast, Mr. Hargreeves always got up at the break of dawn so he never joined the children for it. She realized the only other person in the kitchen was Ben so she decided to enter. He was sitting there silently, reading his favourite book, The Catcher in the Rye. He'd read it so many times that the spine was so broken that the cover had cracks in it. She sat down beside him and waited for him to notice she'd arrived, he was so lost in this dream world that it took almost five minutes before he noticed her.

"Oh, hey Svetti." he smiled, putting his bookmark in the novel and setting it down on the table.

"Morning," she smiled back, knowing he was equally as nervous for today as she was. "Worried about today?"

"Mhm, I just don't wanna hurt anyone." he muttered, looking down at his lap. "I'm too dangerous for this."

"Hey, look at me." she said, grabbing his arm. "You're not going to hurt anyone, trust me I won't let it happen. If you get anywhere close to doing so, I'll just..." she maneuvered her hand so a small ball of her power emerged from her fingertips.

"It's so cool how you can do that, I wish I could make a tiny tentacle come out of my palm." Ben stated, making Svet burst out in laughter. "What?"

'Nothing, nothing, it's just that all I'm imagining is an itty bitty tentacle just wailing around." she said in between laughs. 

"Just think about it, a tiny tentacle just being able to come out of my hand and doing whatever I want it to." they both laughed, Svet could see the pure bliss on Ben's face and that's all she ever wanted.

Ben was prone to isolating himself from the others, he hated the thought that he could hurt somebody. Svetlana, Diego and Klaus were always trying to bring him outside of his comfort zone, like convincing him to sneak out to the doughnut shop late at night or go outside even if it wasn't leisure time.

Luther walked into the kitchen and looked at the two sitting there laughing with a look of disapproval on his face. "What are you two laughing about?" he huffed, crossing his arms. "Shouldn't you be focusing on training day?"

"None of you business Number One." Svet scoffed, both her and Ben's expressions had gone serious when Luther walked in the room.

"You know you'll never win with that attitude." he sneered, a vile smirk creeping onto his face. He was just trying to get a rise out of Svet, he knew he could, all Luther wanted to do was win the competition and rub it into everyone's faces. Svetlana had no doubt he would win because he was Mr. Hargreeves' favourite and everyone knew it.

"Yeah, well, you know what? You can suck-" Svet started, raising her hand that was now engulfed in her magic. Ben grabbed her arm before she could do anything and she was interrupted by yet another new person entering the room.

"What's going on here?" Diego asked, looking around curiously. His eye caught Svet's and he raised his brows in question, she just rolled her eyes and quickly glanced at Luther. "What'd you do?" he asked Luther, glaring at him.

"Whatever, I'm gonna go find Allison." he shrugged, pushing by Diego and walked out of the kitchen.


A few hours of worrying later and now it was finally time for group training. They all piled into the room, standing in the order of their numbers. Svetlana's anxiety spiked as Mr. Hargreeves approached them, she didn't know how he'd partner them off today. Sometimes it's by who's on your right or your left, perhaps he'd choose random today. He walked back and forth in front of them, instilling fear into their young brains.

"Number One and Number Eight to the mats." he ordered, both Luther and Svetlana curtly nodded and made their ways to the mat. Luther had maybe been the last person she wanted to go up against, Allison being a close second. The other's knew of her struggles with her powers and took that into account, they would never use their abilities to their full potential knowing she  couldn't. "Abilities only." he reminded the two children, not wanting them to solely resort to hand-to-hand combat.

The two of them stood in a fighting position, waiting for Mr. Hargreeves to tell them to start, he hesitated before yelling "Fight!" and they were off. Circling around one another, both of them were waiting for the other to strike first.

Luther was getting cocky, his smirk raising and it made Svetlana's blood run cold, then he pounced, attacking with her fists. It had caught Svet off guard, so instead of using her powers she just covered her face with her forearms. She could hear Reginald yelling at her to defend herself, but she couldn't focus on her powers when Luther was pounding on her.

Suddenly it was like everything went silent, her ears were ringing and her heart was pounding in her chest. She looked up at her hands, which were now glowing red, she took a deep breath and suddenly Luther was being flown across the room. Svetlana looked around and Luther was engulfed in the red mist that followed her powers, she glanced down at her hands to see herself surrounded in the same red glow as Luther.

She looked at Mr. Hargreeves as he approached her, his lips curled up slightly, yet she couldn't tell if it was from pride or disgust. He snatched her arm and her power disappeared, now she was just the same as she was when she woke up this morning. She frantically looked over at the others, Klaus and Diego looked amazed, Ben worried, Allison and Vanya looked terrified, that was what scared her most,

being feared.

"You should NOT have lost control of your abilities, Number Eight!" he snapped, pulling her down the hall. She knew exactly where he was taking her and her anxiety skyrocketed. "Now, you shall stay in here until you can gain control and you've lost three hours of leisure time just for your failure in training today." He shoved her into the dark room she was so familiar with and locked every lock he had put on the steel door.

Svetlana sat in her usual corner of the room and pulled her knees up to her chest. Thinking over how the hell she just threw Luther across the room, sure she'd accidentally thrown small things like a pot or a book across the room, but never a human being. Luther was also at least five inches taller than Svet, he had the advantage he needed to win. Somehow there was something in Svetlana that was different, more powerful than she realised.


I just wanted a short chapter that
dealt a bit more into Svetlana's
experience in the academy

Hopefully you all enjoyed!
Don't forget to vote!

Ok, but 2.1k reads...
holy crap you guys are awesome <3

Thank you all for your endless support <3

-sarah xx

Word count: 1340

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