Blonde boy

By orangebananamonkey

411 23 79

she's snapes daughter and she loves draco but snape doesn't approve of it.. He knows that family and knows ho... More

prologue p1
prologue p2
prologue p3
prologue p4
prologue p5
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
hey besties

chapter 9

17 0 8
By orangebananamonkey

It was the day after the Hogsmeade trip. I was walking back from lunch, heading to the library to study for a herbology midterm. Suddenly I was pushed into a storage closet- the same one draco pushed me in a few days ago. "you really got to be more creative if you are going to keep doing this, Mr. Apple." I said his nickname playfully.  I casted a spell of light to see the closet, but instead of the blonde-haired, gray eyed boy, my eyes landed on the brunette, scarred, four eyed boy. "um Potter what the fuck." I glared.

"shut up, Snape im not interested in what you and Malfoy do in this closet, I just need to ask you some questions." He said pulling his wand up to my throat threatening,

"oh you are, well lets here it then."

"you are Malfoy are dating, why?"

"well you see, youll understand when you pull your head from the clouds, chosen One." I laughed and he dug his wand into my neck, I only smiled back.

"Why was Blaise your worst fear, and why did you get him expelled."

"oh man potter, you are truly nosier than Pansy, and that's hard to beat." I smiled but my palms grew sweaty due to the mention of Blaise's name. He drew his wand to my neck even more, I was sure it was going to leave a bruise.

"Listen, Snape I don't trust you, I don't trust your dad, or Malfoy. I need to know what you are doing, and what your plan is with Sirius Black." He said sternly.

"ah is this about that Sirius guy? I heard he was besties with your family, until he turned them in, such a shame you never learned from your dads mistakes, and chose mud bloods, and blood traitors as friends, over pure blood, royalty." I wasn't a pure blood, but I knew it would make him mad. "you know, im quite upset that the Dark Lord didn't kill you as well. Such a shame really, a waste of oxygen." He snapped.

"fulgari." He said making bindings go around my legs and arms, so I couldn't move.

"oh harry, I didn't know you were into this kind of stuff." I smirked. "really a shame I'm taken, or else I would love to see what the chosen one could do." His face was turning, red from anger.

"you are no help, Snape, just like your dear dad."

"shame you don't have one." I laughed.

"sliencio." he screamed silencing me. He left the closet. "colloportus." He said, from outside the door locking it and me inside. It felt like hours, trapped in darkness, not being able to move or talk.

After what felt like an entire day, Filch came to the door, trying to open it, once he found out that he couldn't open he made several comments about how Dumbledore shouldn't of banned the torture of students and walked away based off the sound of the mumbling got quieter. A few minutes later what I assumed to be Filch and another teacher came to the door again. The unknown teacher mumbled the spell to unlock the door. It opened with a flood of light. I was temporarily blinded by the light, but the light was immediately blocked by my dad who ran up, undid the silent curse, and undid the bindings. "what happened y/n? who did this to you?" he was furious, rage pouring out through every crevice of his body.

"no one dad, just a goody Gryffindor that hates Slytherins, im fine really, just mad my Sunday was ruined." He didn't believe me and walked me to the hospital wing to stay the night. Like I had thought it had been hours. It was almost curfew by the time I made it to the hospital wing. Meaning I was locked in the closet for 13 hours. Potter will pay I thought.

Although I spent the better part of the day in a closet, I was tired and fell asleep as soon as I hit the rock-hard hospital bed.

I woke up in the morning to dad angrily whispering to madam Pomfrey. It looked like they were arguing about how long I should stay in the hospital wing, dad obviously wanting me to stay longer, and Pomfrey saying I was good to go now. I sat up and stretched me hand, they were sore from being in the same place.

"y/n." dad whispered. "are you okay? Feel better? Tired?" he said holding the back of his hand to my forehead like I was sick. I grabbed his hand and removed it from my forehead.

"im fine dad, really." I stood up and gave him a hug, he squeezed me. "now I heard Madam Pomfrey say I was free to go, so im going to go lay down in my own bed. Will you give me my schoolwork at dinner tonight?" I asked him, moving to leave the room.

"yes, I will y/n. go to bed, no funny business." I nodded and went to the dungeons. 

I didn't want to go back to my dorm, but I didn't want to invade dracos dorm. Thinking about it for a second, I decided to try dracos dorm, it was early enough for him to still be in there. I walked over and knocked. He answered immediately.

"y/n, where have you been, I have not seen you in like in forever." He said taking me in and giving me a hug.

"hey, it's a long story, but I need to sleep, but don't want to go to my dorm with the bitch in there."

"yeah yeah yeah come in." he responded. He was wearing his slytherin robes, he tie was untied and his hair was slicked back. I moved over to his unmade bed and laid down in it, smelling the usual smell of minty apples. "im going to class, ill talk to you later." he said giving me a kiss on the cheek.  He left his room and I feel back asleep.

I woke up to the sound of draco opening the door. I sat up groggily and gave him a half-hearted smile. "hey." I said tiredly

"hey Lav, how are- what is on your neck?" he asked interrupting himself.  He rushed over and touched my neck. it was probably bruised from where Potters wand dug into my neck. "you haven't talked to me all day because you were kissing up to someone else?" he accused, thinking the bruise was a hickey, a hickey he didn't cause.

"what no!" I was shocked he even thought of that.

"you cheated and then came and slept in my bed, y/n? no wonder you were tired you probably didn't sleep any, huh?"

"draco let me explain its not like-"

"out." He whispered. "OUT!" he yelled pointing to the door. I didn't know what else to do so I left. Grabbing blankets from my dorm, which pansy happened to be in.

"oh, look who finally decided to stop snuggling up to Malfoy." She sneered. I wasn't in the mood, and was so mad at her and Draco, I left the dorm and burst out crying, running up to the astronomy tower. It was freezing but id rather be here than the dungeons.

I cried for hours, until I couldn't anymore, I laid there freezing, puffy eyed, numb. It was dark out by now, and I lit a small fire from my wand warming up my skin, until I fell asleep. I woke up early the next morning, my toes and fingers numb from the cold. I walked inside and sneakily go get clothes from my dorm without waking up Pansy. I got dressed grabbed my stuff for class, and Ares and left the common room.

I walked down to dad's classroom and sat in there, playing with Ares until the first set of students arrived for potions. I put Ares up and went to Defense against the Dark arts. It passed by in a blur of colors, and glares from the golden trio. I think a student even audibly gasped when she saw my neck, also thinking it was a hickey. I asked Lupin to go to bathroom. Once I was there I looked in the mirror for the first time since Sunday.

My neck was different shades of blue, greens and purples, making it look like someone sucked and bit on my neck for hours. I felt bad for draco, of course he would have thought it was a hickey.

I covered it with a spell, and by the time it was well hidden, the bell rang, and I went to Potions. It was the first class with both Pansy and Draco. I walked in and went to my regular seat next to draco. He was there but looked a mess: Dark circles under his eyes, His shirt was untucked, his hair was a mess. My heart hurt knowing I caused that pain. He glanced over at me. "have more fun last night?" he asked numbly. I couldn't handle it and put my head in my hands.

Dad introduced the class. He asked us to make a truth potion with our table partners and gave us the instructions on the board. He walked around the room like always, and Draco started working on the potion, I knew he wouldn't let me help, so I go out my parchment and ink. I knew he wouldn't give me a chance to explain the truth so I wrote it down, every detail, every second being trapped in that dark closet, every thought I had during those 13 hours, everything.

Towards the end of class, draco seemed to have finished the potion. If he did it correctly It would be a truth potion, if he did it incorrectly it would be deadly. Knowing my chances, I took the ladle he used to mix the potion, mixed it up a little bit, grabbed some of the potion in the ladle and sipped it. Draco realized what I did a second too late. "y/n!" he exclaimed, but he made the potion right I could feel the truth slipping off the edge of my tongue. I handed him the note.

"heres the truth." I walked up to dad, unable to stop the words from spilling out I yelled: "draco and I are dating and have been for 2 months." And walked out, I could feel dad and every other students glare as I left the classroom.

"talk to you after class, Malfoy" I heard him mumble.

a/n any thoughts 🙈

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