☆☆Fighting To Survive, In A d...

By Lattysweets

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"Don't touch me!!" I cried, I was tired, lost, hungry and miserable, however I was not going to allow these m... More

(1)•From one disaster to another•
(2) •Abducted•
(3)•My conscience or my life•
(4)• Double lost•
(5)•Out at Sea•
(6)•Encounter with the enemy•
(7)•Starting a new•
(8)•Cut above the rest•
(9)•What's this?•
(10)•Na ramp wid no man•
(12)•Reason for the animosity •
(13)• sex or lust?•
(14)• If looks could kill•
(16)•Come hell or high water•
(17)•Bumpy road•
(20)•Tek who fi idiot?•
(21)•Dicked down•
(24)• Cuss her out•
(27)•Aye sah•
(28)•Make up your mind•
(29)•Moving along•
(32)•Victory at last•
(33)•Getting to know him•
(35)•Controlling my anger•
(36)•Tying the knot•


72 9 0
By Lattysweets

                (Chapter 25)

               [Itrisha's pov]

  "Why are you here? I'm not joking with you all," I said nonchalantly. "Neither are we joking with you, you need to eat." She said sternly.

  I laughed a little, "oh wow, someone is forcing me to eat, humn," I said, I took up the plate and drank the soup.

  Kristen came in and took the plate, "do you feel like you could eat something more?" Ms. Eloise asked, "no," I replied trying to be civil.

  The children came in and came straight to me, I lifted the twins up unto the bed and Lori sat beside me, as they told me about there day.

  Ms. Eloise did not leave until I went to bed, I didn't bother to look who was on the verandah, but I knew someone was there. Kristen came to bed but I wasn't asleep and I think everyone knew and was watching me.

  I got up put on my boots and went to walk outside, I sat down on a bench near the gateway. I just sat there while more than a dozen pairs of eyes watched me.

  After sitting there for about an hour, I stretched and walked back to my tent, Mishand took the place of Diana who was sitting thier when I past.

  I didn't say anything to her, but it bothered me that they were keeping such close watch on me. I wondered if it was the money then decided against it.

  What would they do run away with it, I went into the kitchen and made a fruit snack, it was now eleven thirty in the night.

  Not wanting to sleep I took up my phone and browsed for a while. A thought struck me and I jumped out of my seat.

  "Mishand, I think we are being tracked," I said hurriedly, "by whom?" she asked surprised. "By Reneize's phone," I said quickly, a guard who was high up in a tree house whistled softly. He must have heard me.

  Mishand jumped out of her seat, I stood on the verandah feeling my nerves pulling, I did not want to wake anyone on a false alarm, but my hackles was rising.

  Everol came up to me after a short while. "How do you know they may be using Reneize's phone as a tracker?" He asked quietly. "I'm not sure I just have this deep gut feeling that something is going to happen." I told him.

  Two persons stood in the shadows near the fence in the yard, they looked to be guards duty. "We turned off Reneize's phone," Okang said coming up on the verandah.

  "We quarreled today, it's most likely she called Annette, I think they are using Annette's phone and Reneize is the connection to her." I told them thoughtfully.

  Mishand came back with Sleven and Chrushnar. "What the fuck is this? where is Kemeil?" I asked lowly but angrily.

  But they didn't get to answer, one of the elderly spaniard guard came almost breathless, he told us that the twins send word, that thier were a tracing on the call that went out to Annette that evening.

  "Itrisha how come that thought came to you, can you give us something more?" Okang asked. I concentrated for a minute and then I told them.

  "I've been checking the time span from when Kemeil and the others left, to the time when you all said we need to leave. Something didn't quite add up, but then I thought about it like I did since night.

  Annette did not know where I live, I've been living thier for quite a while," I spoke slowly. "A few days after Reneize and the others came we had to exodus. That was too much of a coincidence, I checked the time span and I feel like someone may have picked up a tracker.

  Also how come chief Anlong only just recently found, where we use to live in Uraguay? I can't figure it out, because I don't know all the plans and things you all do.

  That's my thoughts." I finished. "Ok so tell us what to do now, you have taken long enough." Ms. Eloise spoke from below the verandah. "I think we need to pay more attention to the warriors they may sell us out," I spoke lowly but I knew they heard me.

  "That's a very strong point, I stand with you on that," Nicolette commended. "And what makes you think that?" Okang asked.

  "The warriors are watching us, why? they should be paying more attention to the roadways." I said but I was in deep thoughts and checking my memory.

  "They are on the front line, especially the chief one I spoke to today." Everol said. "No they aren't," I told him lowly. "The chief one is in front of the camp right now, to your extreme right, you have to look really good to see him." I told them lowly.

  Everol turned around and begin to look into the darkness. "He is leaning against a tree, look for the glitter of his warrior jewels," I told him, "I see him." Everol whispered after a while and the place was very quiet.

  "How do you do that?" Sleven asked quietly. "He keeps watching me, I can feel his eyes." I told him quietly. "You are not the only one to say that, my wife told me that he keeps watching her too," Okang spoke quietly.

  "How is he watching the frontline and ensuring that those who are under his command, is guarding as they are supposed to?" Chrushnar asked somewhat angry.

  "Good question, now what is it you spaniards have hiding, that you are not telling me about?" I said looking out into the dark where I could still see the warrior.

  No one responded for quite a while, "Petran is dead," said Ms Eloise sadly, the place was quiet. "He's moving and he's not alone." I whispered.

  "Someone should follow him," I suggested, "Petran, Petran, Petran oh no." I murmured, Everol was quietly instructing one of the head guards that someone need to follow the warriors, without being seen.

  "Did Petran went to see Annette before he left?" I asked while thinking. "Yes he went for his daughter to stay with us, but he wasn't planning on returning her to Annette." Ms Eloise said.

  "The twin techs just reported that the tracker barrier that they have put in place here can be traced but weakly and unlikely, they are doing what they can now." Mishand said coming back.

  "What should we do in the mean time?" Crushnar asked no one in particular. "Shhhh, I'm trying to think." I said, "You said Petran is dead, where is his body?" Everol gasped and I looked at him, someone sniffed and started to cry silently.

  I knew from experience that they handled thier grief differently. They wouldn't call the persons name and they would mourn quietly.

  "We buried him close to the desert, but when we went thier to retrieve the body, it was not there. We looked around but there is nothing suspicious, it seems like a wild animal has dug up the shallow grave. It is also said that a cannibal tribe lives near thier.

  Our problem is we had buried a dead taxi van driver next to his grave and we found his body just not Petran's. We removed it and sent it to the morgue." Chrushnar finished sadly.

  "Who took the body to the morgue?" I asked, "Uncle Vaughn did," replied Crushnar. "Shit!" I said loudly. "They know him from the funeral home, so I don't think we need to worry, he also didn't leave his correct name." Said Everol.

  "I think a few of you should scout the area, without the tribe that lives here knowledge. I also think we need a hideout that they don't know about either and we need to do so as soon as possible." I told them.

  "Clever idea," Everol said. "Told you she is a smart ass." Ms Eloise said in spanish. "Get some rest," she said to me in english.

  I went inside leaving Everol sitting on the verandah. I finally went to sleep about three in the morning.

  When I woke up, I was alone and Ms. Eloise was on the verandah. "Good morning, I hope you have gotten some rest, you have training in half an hour." She stated, what a greeting I thought.

  "Good morning," I said and bit my tongue to not hiss my teeth, it was a nasty habit I had. Guess she will always try to order me around, my belly was cramping small signs of my monthly menses, I will not be hackling up my body.

  I went and prepared breakfast and was finished by the time the children arrived back. I sat an ate with them and Kristen, while Ms. Eloise ate on the verandah.

  Then I bathed and washed my hair, the water drum in the bathroom was a great idea, it was my idea but Kristen put it in.

  The teenage youths are the ones to make sure water is always available, it was to build thier muscles and a form of discipline.

  I personally think it's just work, that reminds me I have yet to keep something for them. After talking to Ms. Eloise, she thought we should  celebrate new years and give them thier gifts then.

  "Itrisha you need to go to training," she said, as we walked to the storeroom, she would not leave me alone until I came with her.

  "Good we will just have to do it here instead," she said and I was a bit lost. "What are you talking about?" I asked her, "training," she replied taking my phone, I grabbed after it but she wheeled off speedily into the clearing.

  "Halo, boyfriend my son will kill you for his woman, you better not call back this phone if you want to live." She said into the locked phone. "You are not funny," I said walking over to her.

  A knife was flung in my path and I knew it was Diana, it stuck to the ground with the handle pointing upwards.

  I turned to see her coming at me fast, I ducked just in time as she kicked after my face. Staggering backwards I regained my balance, Diana's face was covered with a black mask.

  I was surely going to get my ass whooped today, a training sword hit me in my back and I turned seeing Nicolette, she was carrying a similar sword.

  These swords aren't sharp enough to cut you but could give you a hard hit.
I took up the sword as we danced around each other.

  I turned slapping Diana hard across her back with the sword as she crept up on me from behind, spinning her right into Nicolette coming at me, but she still managed to give me a hard slap on my butt.

  It stung but I controlled my anger, to not start cursing and get mad. My training sword was knocked from my hand as we bandied and I ran to a tree trying to avoid her.

  We went round and round the tree with me sighting some of her slaps, I was so pissed. As she was coming at me again after she just succeeded in giving me a hard slap, I turn and knocked her under her throat.

  "What kind of assassin are you?" I teased her taking up her sword, "just because you have given me a few slaps and think I'm not qualified enough to beat you, doesn't mean I am a quitter, uh, uh stay on the ground bitch, I'm going to cut your throat." I laughed.

  The hairs on my neck started to rise, I turned looking to the fence line, I saw someone moved and looked up to the guard in the tree to my right, he started to look where I was looking.

  "What is it?" Nicolette asked looking in the direction I was looking in, but the guards didn't see him neither did she, he was painted in green like the trees and his stance mimicked the forest around him.

  "Can I have my phone now?" I stretched out my hand to Ms. Eloise, she laughed and hand me my phone.

  I zoomed out my camera screen holding it high I snapped his photo, you could only see his eyes alone, if you look at the picture good enough.

  Everol and the others were amazed at the photo, they were also upset, the guards could not see the surroundings clearly, though they were high up that was clear.

  They would have to go back to the drawing board, I listened to the talks around me in spanish. They spoke openly even when I'm close by because they did not know I understood them.

  I learned a lot about thier business, both personal and otherwise. I knew that some of them did not like me that much, while some did.

  The stunner was learning that Kemeil and the others whom I did not see were here and he was badly injured, some the others were injured but not as bad as he.

  He had been shot several times and he was badly dehydrated, they were in the huge tent away from the rest of the others, the one I fired shots into.

  I don't see why they could not tell me that, but I pretended I didn't know anyway. I knew Mishand was fucking one of the head guards the one I knocked in his head, I should have knocked him harder.

  Now I know that it was Nicole's fiancé who shot me with the animal tazer. I heard she told him that he better hoped I don't remember.

  Speak of the devil, well rather think in this case and here he comes. He was carrying a plate of food and walking this way, he greet me but as he went pass me I stuck out my feet sending him and his plate flying.

  "Oops, good evening, you should watch where you are going," I told him unapologetically. He got up brushing himself off, took up the empty plate and walked off furious.

  "That was not nice, you did that on purpose," Kristen said from the verandah. "Did you ever saw me shot him with an animal tazer?" I asked her arrogantly. She screwed up her face but I just hissed my teeth.

  Nicole came to me in less than two minutes. "I want my dinner back," she said tearfully. "I can offer you some dinner, it is even nicer than that one." I said pointing to the food on the ground, I was really sorry about wasting the food.

  Nicole came at me and I got up and run from her laughing, "a ah, so you want to injure my godchild?" I said mimicking the South Africans.

  "How could you spill my food?" she said miserably, the camp is small so anything happening every one is quick to hear.

  "It would be nice to see him sprawled out on the ground again, humn, I thought we were friends, did you not saw when he shot this animal?" I asked her. "So you really wanted to shoot us then?" she asked.

  "Not really, only some of you," I said drawing my voice, as I saw a spaniard woman I knew didn't like me. The bitch wanted Kemeil, but apparently he only saw her as family. "I can't think straight when I'm horny," I said kinda loud. "I do fuckeries," I said laughing.

   Nicole and Kristen started to laugh, one of the guards close by started to laugh. I was not giving them any show this evening, I went inside and shared some food for Nicole, who demanded a lot.

  Today was new years eve, some of the supplies that uncle Vaughn and Chioma brought would be going into storage. The country was in a celebratory mood and the guards reports were that most of the warrior guards had to leave for tribal duties.

  Chrushnar and Everol wanted me to go with them and a few others to view the spot we would be building an escape camp at, in the afternoon when we were sure we may not be seen.

  Keane and his family came, they would take part in the tribes celebration. He would keep an eye on the warriors where abouts.

  He loved his wife and children he respected his wife's families, but he loved the spaniards more and he agree that some of them may sell us out if it benefited them.

  He put a lot of faith in the chief warrior and was very surprised I got the picture. He was not sure why he was watching us but promised to try and find out.

  Dressed in green camouflage that afternoon, we head out through the back of the fence. Heading upward and westernly, it was a good walk as we tried to be one with the landscape.

  I had my two guns and my sharp knife, a few fruit trees grew wild here and I have no doubt the tribal men harvest them in thier season.

  We would have to stay away from that path, I thought to myself. A green shifted in the distance and I paused. "He's up ahead," I told them.

  They decided to turn back and try another day, but has I saw the warrior moved I sprint after him. Leaves clawed at my masked face, as I ran trying to catch up with him.

  He stopped in a clearing some distance away, I wasn't sure if he knew what a gun is but I drew mines.

  "Why are you disguised and following us?" I asked, the others catching up with us. "Speak right now, I got cakes to go bake, I haven't got all day," I told him.

  A few other warriors came out of the bushes behind him and the others draw thier weapons. "I want you to be my wife, you are a fierce warrior." He spoke, and we all look at each other.

  "Me?" I asked him and he nodded yes. "Are you crazy, do you want my brother to kill you?" Chrushnar asked angrily.

  "I've not seen any man go into her tent, who is your brother?" He said and asked. "Humn, so you have been watching me all this time?" I asked.

  "Yes, I admire you," he voiced looking at me, nice compliments, but it kinda creeps me out.  His voice was rich and deep and he was tall and firm, his stance was like Kemeil but his warrior dress showing them legs on all. "Well she is already taken," says Crushnar.

  "I hope you find a wife soon, tell me has any one contacted you all about us?" I asked, "even if they do, we won't tell them your whereabouts, you all are like family." He said.

  "Thank you, shouldn't you all be at the tribes celebration?" I asked. "Yes we will go now." he said and bowed. Then they leave going in the opposite direction.

  "Why did they went that way?" Sleven asked with his face scrunched up in concentration. "That's what I'm wondering," Everol said thoughtfully.

  We followed a few minutes later and behold we came upon another camp. I turned to Everol but he looked surprised and confused like everyone else.

  Aborting our decision to find another hideout we head back to our camp. I went to bake, it was a stress reliever and the children would be glad to have cakes tomorrow.

  I went to bed in the early hours of the morning, but I managed to wake early and prepared the huge meal. The children were dressed and sat in a big decorated tent, they were excited and anxious.

  Some of the adults also came, we had them play a few ring games, we ask who wanted to sing, allowing them to just be themselves, it was heart warming.

  Lori sang a song in spanish Kristen had taught her, then we gave them food, after they ate we gave out presents. In the evening I serve cakes and a few sweets.

  It was good to see them enjoy themselves, Reneize came with her two children who I both gave presents. I avoided her on two occasions that she was trying to speak to me.

  I wasn't going to waste my time and energy hating her, but I didn't wish to be friends with her any more. Everol's wife and family wasn't speaking to her either.

  She tried to discredit me in front of everyone, but I'm keeping my guard up and try to live, after all everyday above the ground is a blessing.

  Sitting on my verandah after nine that night, I could still hear some of the teens who were still gushing over thier presents. I felt good to have made them so happy.

  I felt someone looking at me in the very dim light on the verandah, I looked around several times but didn't see anyone, maybe it's just my nerves tonight, I thought and tried to relax.

  "Do you have anymore cake left?" I jumped almost out of my skin, when did he reach up on the verandah and I'm sitting right here.

  I looked at him unable to speak.

  To be continued..


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