☆☆Fighting To Survive, In A d...

By Lattysweets

3.2K 400 76

"Don't touch me!!" I cried, I was tired, lost, hungry and miserable, however I was not going to allow these m... More

(1)•From one disaster to another•
(2) •Abducted•
(3)•My conscience or my life•
(4)• Double lost•
(5)•Out at Sea•
(6)•Encounter with the enemy•
(7)•Starting a new•
(8)•Cut above the rest•
(9)•What's this?•
(10)•Na ramp wid no man•
(12)•Reason for the animosity •
(13)• sex or lust?•
(14)• If looks could kill•
(16)•Come hell or high water•
(17)•Bumpy road•
(20)•Tek who fi idiot?•
(21)•Dicked down•
(27)•Aye sah•
(28)•Make up your mind•
(29)•Moving along•
(32)•Victory at last•
(33)•Getting to know him•
(35)•Controlling my anger•
(36)•Tying the knot•

(24)• Cuss her out•

63 10 0
By Lattysweets

                  (Chapter 24)

                [Kemeil's pov]

  We shuffled to find hiding places, as the driver asked who was at the door. A female voice hesitantly answered "receptionist".

  Francis who was still keeping an eye through the window, ducked as a spray of bullets entered through the window.

  The door was being knocked off, I lifted Petran from off the bed, laying him as best I can in the bathtub, as Sleven quickly issued out our guns and threw extra loaded clips in our directions.

  We caught them has experts, being used to moving fast as we had trained ourselves to do. The driver was sitting in a corner holding his chest, a bullet had penetrated his right shoulder from behind.

  Sleven held up a gun to him and he shook his head no, he did not know how to use it. The coast guards were already given back thiers, so they could defend themselves.

  Francis sneaked a peep through the window and said. "Two shooters with long guns," Crushnar went there with the rifle and fired blindly out, just then the door was broken in and tear gases were thrown in.

  Devin flung them back out into the hallway and through the window and we all positioned our selves to fire. The taxi driver was bleeding, but we couldn't help him at this minute.

   He hitched closely to the wall covering his face from the tear gas. More tear gases were thrown in and Devin was fast to throw them back out again, my eyes and throat burned from the smoke.

  The first man came through the door was shot by Chrushnar, who lounged against the wall beside the window.

  Jamie was barely hanging on in the ceiling above the door, while one coast guard was under the bed and the other was positioned at the closet door.

  Francis peeped through the window and beckoned to Chrushnar who took out one of the shooters while Francis fired several shots in the other direction at the other.

  Devin through a bottle of water through the door into the hallway and we heard feets withdrawing.

  We were surrounded, Devin slid the door outside with his feet, while holding his gun ready, Jamie then fired several shots to the hallway through the roof from his position in the ceiling.

   Men dropped and the chaos started, Devin finished anything that dropped near the door and I pointed my gun out and started firing to the direction where the shots were being fired from.

  "Cheif said he wanted them alive," someone bellowed and I fired rapidly in that direction, Devin fired in the opposite direction as we peered out swiftly to see men dodging in both directions.

  I signal to the coast guard and they quickly bandaged up the driver's wound. "We are getting out of here, I will lead providing cover and Jamie will bring up the rear and we are taking the stairs." I told them.

  Sleven hoisted up the two bags of ammunition, Devin kept watched as Crushnar reloaded, Petran was tied to Francis' back one of the coast guard held up the driver as the other gathered our stuff into three backpacks.

  Sleven lighted the bags and what ever pieces of clothes we couldn't carry, I took one long range rifle slinging it over my neck as Devin said "we need to move."

  With my two glocks in hand, I walked out quickly as Devin fired covering shots, dodging and firing, as I walked quickly taking down anything in our path we cleared the way to the stairs.

   With Sleven behind me helping to cover Francis with Petran and the coast guard with the driver, Jamie, Crushnar and the other coast guard smoothly guarded our backs

  We were used to being in deep shits, but this one was very tight. Not loitering on the stairs I held up an officer who I shot in front of me to shield me, we cut down the two flights of stairs fast.

  Getting into a vehicle was no easy task as we took a van parked closest to the exit, as we reached the car park, bullets flew as we were engaged in a tight exchange of fire.

  The officer that I had held was shot dead in my hands, guess they didn't care for thier own, I thought as I dropped him. Sleven hot wired the van, then Francis put in Petran and the driver.

   We walked beside the van has Sleven slowly drove towards the exit. Each of us hopped in one at a time. I took off a couple grenades off dead soldiers and police officers who really didn't look like law men.

  Unpining them I threw them in several directions of the shooters, I was last to hopped into the van and then Sleven pressed gas, speeding off.

  The first vehicle started to follow us I flung a grenade into it, our back up should be somewhere near the town by now hopefully.

  An high speed chase ensued and I picked up a shot in my left arm, one of the coast guard try to bandage it up but that wasn't happening as more armed vehicles were coming upon us.

  I took the long range rifle and asked him to hold it steady, while I took out a few drivers along with Crushnar. Sleven turned off the road and drived through the bushes.

  We came to a stop beside a truck, where our back up should be waiting on us. We drove through the bushes for sometime, until we turned unto a road leading out into the desert and I lost consciousness sometime after.

           *                  *                  *

  Opening my eyes few days after we were in an open field, Sleven and someone else was carrying me on a makeshift stretcher.

  I tried to speak, they stopped and put me down. I was in so much pain and they all looked tired and aghast.

   I moaned in pain has I tried to move, but Sleven told me not to. My left arm was bandaged with pieces of our clothes, I touched my stomach and my hands were wet, when I looked at it, it was blood.

  One of the coast guards checked me over, I looked for everyone but did not see them. "Where is Petran?" I asked, "he died yesterday." Jamie said sadly, coming to stand over me. "Please save your energy Kemeil."

  I was trying to get up but could not. I was so thirsty and in pain, I slipped in and out of consciousness. I vomited but only a little yellow liquid came up.

           *                *                 *

  Waking up to the sound of gunshots, I saw Dr. Hitcha going out of the tent, I was so weak, whatever they gave me had made me drowsy.

   I looked at Devin who was fast asleep, my eyes went down to his foot and it was cut open. I stifled a gag, a barrage of shots were fired and a commotion was heard around me, but I was too weak to get up.

  I didn't know where we were, but I knew my family was here, they came and talked to me in my semiconcious state. It was quiet for a few minutes.

  "Archer take her to Nicolette's tent," I heard my mother say. "Good Lord, now I am so muddy," "I told you she was a mad black bitch!" "shut up and don't speak about her like that," "she nearly killed all of us," "I think she is stressed out," "shut up all of you, shhdgvsgsvsvg, I couldn't place the voices to the persons as I slipped back into unconsciousness.

            [Itrisha's pov]

   I knew I fell but I must have been unconscious when I hit the floor. Only a dim night light shone from a corner of the room I was in.

   Oh Lord, not again I knew Ms Eloise's wheelchair, it was on the opposite side of the tent. "I must be going mental." I sighed sadly not realizing I had voiced my thought.

  She wheeled over to me, "you must be," she said quietly, "even so mental people need to eat," "ooaahhh," I sighed lowly.

  I tried to sit up, I needed to pee. "A piss bucket is under the bed." She said and someone moved from a corner towards me, it was Nicolette.

  She helped me to sit on the bucket and pee then washed my hands. Ms Eloise told someone outside the tent in spanish to tell Margaret to bring the soup.

  "Did I shot anybody?" I asked Nicolette quietly, "nearly," she answered quietly. "You need to be evaluated," Ms. Eloise grumbled.

  "Am I under arrest? because this surely feels like prison." I said calmly. "You need to watch your tongue or else you will be leaving here with your bags alone." Ms Eloise said angrily.

  "Your husband has been alive all these years now, fucking some nice black pussy and getting other children. If u tink u bad try stop mi when mi a lef wid mi pickney dem, outta order." I snapped at her angrily.

  She looked appalled in the dim light and I wasn't sorry for speaking to her that way. I think she was just too much in my face, she act like government over everybody, well she wasn't over me or my children.

  "Listen to me I am not a child, you are not the government and if you treat me like shit, that's the same way I'll treat you, I'm not lesser than you and you are not greater than me. I did not ask to be here, on top of your son taking advantage of me, while you say nothing about it."

  I wanted to go on but held my tongue because I didn't want to say anything in anger that I may really regret. She looked at me and I stared back at her, with the hurt still in me from Kemeil's betrayal in marrying Mariah.

  He may be with her right this minute and I am back with his families living in bushes and his mother now threatening to send me away without my children.

  At this point I don't think they even like me one bit, I really need to leave and I hope they don't come where I am.

  Margaret came in with a bowl of steaming soup, she placed it on a nearby table. "Hi, how are you feeling?" she asked. "Unliked." I told her.

  She looked at us and then stepped out of the tent, I got up and walked to the tent door lifting the flop, I looked out into the night.

  I was into a tent that wasn't raised and we were behind Nicolette's tent, I sighed and went to sit back down on the bed.

  "Tell Everol I need my guns and I'll be leaving, with my children." I told Nicolette. "If this soup doesn't poison me that is." I said sarcastically, taking up the bowl I took a sip.

  Putting it down I got up and went outside, I went straight to my bathroom with Nicolette trailing behind me.

  After using the toilet I took a shower and brushed my teeth, I was feeling very weak. Clutching my clothes to my private area I stepped out, Nicolette handed me a towel and I thanked her.

  I went in and looked at my children, Kristen was sitting up on her bed. I changed my clothes and told her good night, she sleepily responded and I went to sleep hugging my children to me.

  I stayed in the whole day the next day and I knew Nicolette spend most of the day on the verandah, I went to bathed after five in the evening.

  My stomach couldn't take anything heavy, so the next morning I just drank some tea and forced down a few crackers, I knew Sleven was on the verandah, it's like they were guarding me.

  Or making sure I didn't leave, after dealing with my morning hygiene, I walked to the front of the camp, a few faces turnt to look at me with some of them skinned up.

  I spat nastily on the ground which was one of thier cursing ways when they were having a dispute between each other.

  The guard at the gate didn't stop me as I went through the gateway, he didn't wish me good morning and neither did I, after it caan knam.

  He shouted in spanish to a boy in his teens, to tell Everol that I had gone through the gate. I went to where the vehicles were parked and covered.

  Pulling the cover off my van I opened it and went in, I was going through my stuff when Everol came to the van door.

  He cleared his throat, "what are you doing?" he asked, in his just wake voice. "I'm cleaning my van, is something wrong with that?" I asked calmly.

  He stepped away and went to sit under a tree, I cleaned out the van and took out some soon to be expired foodstuff. The same warrior that I saw before, came and spoke to him a while.

  After he left I came out of the van, Everol got up and came towards me. I picked up the big green tarpaulin that was used to cover the van. He took one end and helped me to cover back the van, tying it down with some pieces of cords that were attached to it.

The camp was situated on a rise so I know they can see us from up thier, the view was only interupted by the trees.

  "Where are my guns? and I want to leave." I said calmly to Everol, "I can not allow you to, you are my responsibility." He replied, "I feel like an outsider here." I told him, "I don't know why you feel like that, but you could take certain things off your mind and try to relax." He said rubbing his hand behind his neck.

  I sighed, "I want my guns today." I told him, "you'll get them when I'm sure you're in your right mind," he said seriously.

  I laughed softly. "So you think I'm not in my right mind? hahahahah, man I think so too, but I still want my guns, today." I told him seriously.

  He stood thier looking at me, I felt like someone was watching me, but I wasn't sure and I didn't turn around.

  "Let's get back to the camp and you need to eat, you have lost a lot of weight." He said, I did lost a lot of weight my clothes were almost falling off me.

  He took my hand and pulled me towards the camp, his eyes screamed of lack of sleep.

We met Nicolette at the gate and Everol told me later, he told Nicolette to take me to my tent and make sure I eat something in spanish, they smiled a little as if they were just exchanging pleasantries.

  I hung my head and looked to the side like I usually do, so they think I don't understand them. She told him Devin needed him at the sick tent.

  We parted ways and my mind kicked into gear, as we walked to my tent, I didn't pay any mind to those looking at me. Sleven and now Devin I thought, they had both left with Kemeil.

  Reneize walked past me hissing her teeth nastily, I slowed to a stop and turned to look at her. "Damn bitch," she said stopping near the kitchen.

  I turned to look at Nicolette, then it dawned on me, they were body guarding me.

  I walked over to where Reneize stood at the kitchen and saw Paul her children's father walking towards us, Paul was a spaniard.

  "Were you by any means speaking to me a while ago?" I asked calmly. "Yes, you are a mean ungrateful bitch," she yelled and turned back around washing some dishes on the outdoor washing counter.

  "I don't understand, what do you mean by that?" I asked her calmly again, an audience was gathering, it was a small camp after all.

  "You and Annette were such good friends and you two were the only blacks here, yet you turn your back on her the minute you got some money." She shouted then turned around washing the dishes angrily.

  But something was not adding up and I was thinking deeply. "So Annette was calling you all the while, you were still in Uraguay?" I asked patiently.

  She looked at me then cut her eyes, oh shit, I thought, Annette and Reneize is the reason why I had to leave my container home, again.

  I stood thier thinking frustratedly, all this while they were chatting me and killing me behind my back. "You fucked so many different men I don't know why Mr.Kambo don't just take his children, you should be glad he still keeps you around, must be to take care of his children." She finished nastily.

  No she wasn't finished. "Whoring bitch," she said, her fiancé called to her, "no I'm not finished with this bitch yet and I'm washing the dishes." she snapped at him.

  "After all we have been through, you have even take it upon yourself to tell Petran that she was pregnant for your ex." she yelled.

  "My ex?" I asked with my eyes wide, "yes the security guard you were fucking behind Annette's back. She wouldn't lie on you like that, you have been a back stabbing bitch." She flung at me angrily.

When I looked at the audience we had including Ms Eloise, I knew they actually believed Annette's lies just like Reneize and they were all looking down on me.

  I laughed bitchily. "Oh my, hummnn! that was such a lame ass speech, I thought I did something wrong. I have nothing to justify myself for." and I spoken very loudly like she was just doing so all our audience could here.

  "I never knew Annette was such a liar, I would really love to hear all else she told you." I shouted at her, "Annette is not a liar you left your kids on her and went to dash out your pussy all over the place."

  "Why u an' nasty Annette a discuss mi an' mi pussy?" I asked her, "cause u a gwane like u descent," she said, Nicolette was pulling my hand telling me to "lets go."

"Lawd Jesus, tek d case an gi mi d pillow," I said and started to laugh, I was going to give it to her.

  "From I born I hear say it takes a bitch to know one, hear wey mi say nasty whoring gal," she turned round to answer me, but I stopped her. "Errrrrrrkkkkss! I screeched stretching my hands near to her face.

  "Dirty dawg don't mi allow u fi chat, mek mi talk now, c u waan crowd, look around, u nuh c umuch jankro come pitch?" She hissed her teeth.

  "Numba bloodclate one," I shouted with attitude, "u say Annette ano liad, so big stinking ole gal, yuh first pickney a really fi Paul bestfriend Horan?" Paul gasped and the whole place was quiet.

"Eh? a ask mi a ask yuh, cause d pickney certainly favour him an u say Annette a no liad, but she tell mi say Paul did a suspect u and Horan." Paul's mouth dropped open.

  "A so it go when u a dig one hole u fi dig two, Paul wey u ago mi no done yet." I shouted at Paul who was turning to walk off.

  "Annette tell mi say three months old Pauleize a fi Rodney," Paul walked off clearly embarrassed, Reneize started to walk away but I grabbed her and pushed her on the ground, then I doused her with the soap water she was using to wash the plates.

  She was trying to get up and two guards were coming towards us. "Anyone a uno sick ina uno rass head today touch mi, uno set a rubbish," I kicked her back down into the mud and threw the rinsing water on her.

  While she struggled to get up, I pushed off the plates and cups she was washing on the ground, those clean and unclean. I took a ladle and slapped her hard on her hand as she finally managed to get up and came towards me.

  Someone lift me up from behind and she came towards me trying to hit me, wrong move, I kicked her straight in her fucking face, "you an Badminded fuckout Annette come suck out mi battyole when mi done shit," I shouted at her as someone marched with me towards my tent.

  "You and all a who dey yah wey a scandal mi name fi mi look bad, come labbajuice out mi bumbo-ole," I shouted as whoever it was put me down at the steps leading up to the tent.

  To all of those still looking towards me, I said. "I don't want none a unuh like mi, cause mi no like uno neither and none a uno no deal wid mi, unuh fuck off." I finished and walked up the steps.

  I had a nasty headache, I looked down at Nicolette and Okang, "I should have really find myself a man." I said bitterly.

  Okang stood thier and Nicolette came up the steps, I went inside but the children and Kristen weren't here.

  Just then I heard singing coming from the back, I listened to them singing, I would have to thank whoever took them so they didn't see or hear the scene of that awful cursing.

  I tried to eat but couldn't, so I made some tea and went to sleep, Ms Eloise was on the verandah instead of Nicolette when I woke up.

  The children were eating in the kitchen, Kristen came in looked at me and told Ms Eloise that I was awake in spanish.

  She drove in, in her wheelchair and parked beside the bed. She told Kristen to bring the soup when it was hot. "You have to eat something," she said to me, I only looked at her and roll my eyes.

  Kristen came in and placed the tray on the bed beside me, I looked at the bowl of soup then at Ms Eloise.

To be continued...


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