An Executor's Will (RWBY x St...

By Synclair123

4.4K 120 9

During the Grimm's attack in the City of Vale, two students known as Lupin Fulgaras, a wolf Faunus and a huma... More

Prologue: Warping Problem
Episode 1: Encounter
Episode 2: Beacon Academy
Episode 3: Tag Team
Episode 4: School Life
Episode 5: Jaune's Struggle
Extra Chapter
Episode 6: Blake's Identity
Episode 7: Truth
Episode 8: Chaos
Episode 9: Recovery
Episode 10: Recuperation
Episode 11: Improvement
Episode 12: New Semester
Episode 14: Day before the Dance
Episode 15: Dance Party
Episode 16: Warping Problem
Episode 17: Planet Char
Episode 18: Team TL vs. Zerg
Episode 19: New Enemy
Episode 20: The Dark Templar
Episode 21: Civil War 1
Episode 22: Civil War 2
Episode 23: Saving Tassadar
Episode 24: Before the Final Assault
Episode 25: War at Two Sides
Episode 26: A Noble Sacrifice
Episode 27: A Familiar Sight
Episode 28: Back to Remnant
Episode 29: Discovery
Episode 30: To Each their Own
Episode 31: Answers
Episode 32: Results after the Battle
Episode 33: Departure
Episode 34: Moving on

Episode 13: Questions Asked

42 3 0
By Synclair123

I was walking on the corridors alone because Lupin went on ahead of me to take an evening bath. Surprisingly, that Neptune guy was good at playing that board game.

While walking, I saw Ruby ran outside her room and bumped into someone.

A new student? I thought.

"Sorry, are you okay?" Says Ruby.

A green haired girl extended her hand to help her up. "I'm fine. Just watch where you're going." She was together with someone else.

"Oh, haha right. Sorry. I'm Ruby. Are you new?" Says Ruby.

And just then, a black haired woman approached her. "Visiting from Haven actually."

For some reason, my senses are screaming danger right now at the sight of her. Huh? Why am I suddenly in high alert?

They went silent. "Oooh you're here for the festival." Says Ruby. "Oh, but exchange students have their own dormitory."

"I guess we just got turned around." Says the man.

"Don't worry. Happens all the time." Says Ruby. "Your building is just east of here." The three started walking to my direction. I stared at the black haired woman because she ticks me off the wrong way.

"Thanks, maybe we'll see you around." Says the black haired woman.

"Yeah maybe, oh uh and welcome to Beacon." Says Ruby.

I was bringing the board game that Ruby left behind since she forgot about it.

As she walks past me, we were looking at each other in the eyes.

"Hey Theo!" Ruby greeted me.

"Oh Ruby. You forgot this." I handed it to her.

"Thanks." She replied.

As the three turned around the corner, the green haired woman spoke. "Do you know that guy?"

"No. But I think he's a dangerous individual." Says the black haired woman.

"Right. Then I guess we'll have to eliminate him." Says the man with them.

"No. We mustn't gather unwanted attention. Just observe him for the time being. We'll dispose of him if he's a nuisance to our plans." Says the black haired woman.

* * *

A few days has passed. We were attending Professor Port's lesson. Another boring session.

Lupin was sleeping beside me. I was struggling at keeping my eyes open. I was still listening but, it seems worthless.

Jaune sits closer to Weiss. "So Weiss. You know uh, I was thinking that after this. Maybe we could go grab a bite to eat."

A rival has shown up huh? Hang in there Jaune. I say in my mind.

Time reached at 16:00. Our class has finally ended.

"Weiss? Did you hear me?" Says Jaune.

Weiss stood up and started walking away. "No no no. Yes!"

Jaune sighed in defeat and planted his face on the table.

The others started walking behind him. Yang tapped on his shoulder. "One day."

We passed behind him too. "Good Luck man." Says Lupin.

"Hang in there buddy." I said.

We were heading to our rooms. I changed my outfit since I'm going out to resupply again.

"Hey Lupin. Do you have plans for today?" I asked him as I changed my shirt.

"Nah man. I'm taking a break. Feel free to go without me. Professor Port's lessons really drained me somehow. I'm going to eat dinner early and then, go to sleep." Lupin yawned as he changed his outfit too.

"Alright." I said. "You sleep late these days. Try not to overdo it." I went out of my room.

I head to the City. I decided to eat there since I was already hungry.

I saw Coco going out of her favorite shop.  I waved my hand as I greeted her.

"Yo Theo. What're you doing here?" She asked me.

"Buying some supplies. I forgot to resupply since we've been having normal classes lately." I answered her.

"Right. I can see that. Oh, wanna hang out with me?" Says Coco.

"Uh...what about Fox and the others?" I said.

"Meh. They're at Beacon. Trying to help Velvet on a little assignment."

"Hmmm." While I was thinking, she grabbed my hand and dragged me inside her favorite clothing store.

"Hey, what're you doing?" I asked her.

"I could use some help you know?" She said.

I blinked twice. "I'm not sure I'm the right person for this kind of thing."

"Oh come on. It'll be fun! I barely get to spend time with you since Velvet and you train together. I wanted to talk to you since you're our friend and all you know?" Says Coco.

I sigh. "Okay."

We spent time together. I never knew that she was one of those types. People who likes doing fashion as a hobby.

I was having a hard time deciding since I don't really know about fashion that much. Most answers I give her are 'yes' or 'it's good'.

After spending time in that shop, we head over to another shop where I bought some supplies for my weapon.

"You're weird you know that? It's rare for someone to constantly buy supplies in cities like this. Not that I'm against it though." Says Coco.

I sigh. "Well, let's just say that I have a terrible experience with being underprepared for anything."

She laughed. "Oh I see."

We were walking in the plaza. We sit down on a bench and talk about things.

"So uh...I have a question." Says Coco.

"Yes?" I drink my bottle of water.

"Do you have someone you like?"

I finish drinking and covered my bottle. "What do you mean? I believe I mentioned it before. I like every-"

Coco interjected me. "No not that. Let me rephrase it so you'll understand."

I nodded. "...Okay."

She cleared her throat. "Do you...have a girl you want to go out with? You know, romantic feelings for someone?"

I went silent. That was a surprise question because no one's ever asked me before.

"Why do you ask?" I said.

"Nothing, just interested." Says Coco.

"Hmmm." I went thoughtful. "I...can't say I do."

"And why's that?" She asked me.

"It's just that...I don't have time to think about those things yet. Besides, I don't think someone would accept my offer if I do. I literally have no idea how romance works. But I know how people deal with it. I saw people experience those things most of the time." I answered her and then, chuckled as I think of Jaune trying to court Weiss but failed.

Yes, I don't really need someone to go out with for now. I'm not really the type to be together with someone else. I say in my mind.

And then, she leaned closer. I leaned back because she was too close. "And what if someone asked you out? How will you answer?"

Why is she asking me this all of a sudden? "I..." My mind went blank. I was speechless and then, I started thinking. "I don't know the answer. I can't really picture someone asking me out you know? That's impossible."

Let's test him shall we? Coco says in her mind.

"Theo, the reason I'm asking you this is because I wanna go out with you." Says Coco.

"Huh?" I blinked twice. "What? Huh? Huh?" I was confused. She suddenly asked me out. "Even for a j-joke, that's going way too far Coco." I said while blushing.

"I'm serious you know?" She really was serious based on her expressions. That's a cute reaction. She thought.

I sigh. I went silent for a minute to think about it and then, I spoke as I clenched my fist. "I'm....afraid I have to refuse."

"Why?" She asked me.

"Because I'm not ready yet. I don't want to cause any problems for my partner. Besides, I'm not the type to stay still. I'm sorry. I'm not yet ready to enter in a relationship like that." I answered her truthfully while looking straight to her eyes.

She went silent for a few seconds and then laughed. "Pfft. Hahahahahaha! For a hopeless romantic, you really are considerate huh?" What was that? I thought my heart would explode.

"S-so? What's the problem? I seriously don't need that kind of thing you know?" I looked away while crossing my arms because I was embarassed. I never knew I could answer like that so, I was even more embarassed.

"I'm sorry. That was just a joke. I just wanted to mess with you." Says Coco.

" really are a tease you know that!?" I pouted.

She laughed even harder. I'm glad Velvet fell for this guy. I wasn't expecting him to answer me seriously though.

"Is that all? I need to go back to the Academy you know?" I stood up and took my things.

"Yeah, thanks for the great time Theo." Coco waved her hand and went back to her favorite shop.

* * *

It was already 17:00. I am now back to my room with all my things that I bought in the City.

Lupin was already sleeping. Well, with those eyebags of his, he would be sleeping this early.

I wonder where Ruby and her team went though. It's already evening.

"Guess I've got another time to be alone huh?"

It was still early so, I decided to use this time to train my semblance again.

I went out and head straight to the open area in front of Beacon Academy. I can't use the training hall since the door is already locked.

I was struggling. I can only create a single barrier at the moment. I was trying to improve my semblance so that I can cast multiple barriers at once.

"Damn. I still can't do it. It's really hard." I said.

I was having a hard time creating multiple barriers at once. I succeeded at creating a single one but, the 2nd one is unstable. It always end up as a weak one where a single punch can destroy it like glass.

I trained until 19:00 in the evening. I was so absorbed in training that I forgot to eat dinner.

My stomach growled. I chuckled. "I'm starving. Guess I'll go in the City."

"Hey Theo." I heard someone calling from behind me.

It was Pyrrah. "Oh, hey." I raised my hand.

She raised both of her hands. "I brought some." She shook the bags. She brought dinner.

I chuckled. "Oh, thanks Pyrrah. How'd you know I was out here?"

"You did say earlier that this place is your 2nd resting spot right?" Says Pyrrah.

"Oh. Yeah I did say that." I approached her. She gave the other bag and we both started eating our dinner.

We were silent while eating. As soon as we finished, we threw it in the trash can nearby.

"You're training alone?" Pyrrah asked me.

I wipe my hands with a handkerchief. "Yes. I need to get stronger."

"For the festival?"

"....just for myself." I said as I look down.

"I see." Says Pyrrah. "Theo I....I wanna ask you something."

"Hmm? What is it?" I turn to face her.

She was looking down. "It's about the party that will happen a few days from now."

"A party?" I was confused for a second. "Oh yeah. Right, there's that. Is there something you wanna tell me?"

She sighed. "You're my friend right? Promise me you won't tell anyone else."

"Of course. I can keep a secret or two." I said.

She went silent. " Jaune."

I blinked twice. Ah, yes. This situation is quite similar from mine earlier. "You mean you love him right?"

She raised both of her hands to deny it. "No I..." And then, she sighed while placing them on her lap. "Yes."

Well, this is a problem. Jaune wants to go out with Weiss and Pyrrah has the same feelings for Jaune. I say in my mind.

"What do you think I should do in this situation? Recently, I'm having a hard time to confess to him as time goes by." Says Pyrrah.

I went thoughtful while thinking about any answers that I could come up with. "I think being simple is the best. Why don't you just tell him how you feel while it's still early?"

She faces me. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you can confess to him while you're still students. That way, you can still recover from it if you're rejected since you guys can still move on at this stage." I answered her.

She went silent for a second. "How about you? If you were in my situation, are you going to do that as well?"

I answered immediately. "Yes. In situations like this, it's better to be early than to be late."

I brush away dirt from my pants as I stood up. "Well then, I guess I'll head back. I wanna sleep early for tomorrow."

"Ah, alright. Thanks Theo." Says Pyrrah.

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