Deranged // Taekook

By supermochii

42.1K 2.9K 1.1K

[ONGOING] [REVAMPED] [DARK] A man like Kim Taehyung doesn't deserve love or praise. A man like Kim Taehyung d... More

+ Information
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight: EXTRA
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen: EXTRA
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two: EXTRA
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty: EXTRA
Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Twenty-Three

1.2K 80 22
By supermochii

Raise your hand if you forgot I and this hook existed 🤚🏾🤚🏾🤚🏾🤚🏾🤚🏾

Double update since most of you have read chapter 22 before but most of you probably forgot since I barely update.


"Jungkook, you have to find it in yourself to forgive your parents," Dr. Irel said, making his patient frown.

"They hurt me...they don't care about me."

"I understand," Dr. Irel nodded as he watched Jungkook nervously pick at the skin around his fingers. He already had bandaids on three of his fingers. He frowned. "What's bothering you, Jungkook?"

"They came to my apartment on Monday," the younger boy started, "Mother...she begged for me to let them stay."

"And you told them no, didn't you?"

Jungkook nodded as he squinted at his lap, pressing his lips in a thin line. That wasn't why he's ashamed.

"I-I...I felt good," Jungkook said, "I felt good when I told them no."

Red — Taehyung — had released his father a day after he revealed his name to Jungkook. Shock and happiness had run through his body when he watched the news anchor talk about the Jeons' sudden downfall. They lost their house, their other estates, their savings, their company, their cars, everything. They lost everything.

"I-I felt...I felt powerful."

Jungkook can survive on his own. His parents had been funding his living, sending him money for rent and other bills, but he saved most of it. Not to mention, Taehyung secured the savings they had for him — he'll live well without them.

"Why do you think you felt good? What gave you power?" Dr. Irel asked.

"They...The-They did nothing...they did nothing but kick me while I was down..." Jungkook answered, "wh-when they found out what happened, they wanted me to hide and stay quiet."

"So this is revenge for you?"

Jungkook nodded. When he denied them help, Taehyung had been with him. They didn't see him — he had been standing in the kitchen so he could hear them but he couldn't see them as well. They had begged and begged and it made Jungkook feel so good, watching his father fall apart, crying and pleading.

Just the way Jungkook did every single time his father beat him for something he couldn't control. Just the way Jungkook did when those boys raped and beat him over and over again.

It felt amazing to be on the other end this time.

"Please, son, we have nowhere else to go."

Jungkook was tense as he stared at his parents' tear-stained faces. But he didn't feel bad, he didn't feel sad. The discomfort he originally felt when his parents showed up was fading away to make room for a new feeling. A feeling that made him stand a little taller and fight a smile.

"That's not my problem," Jungkook said as he slammed the door in front of them, not wanting to waste his time anymore. His father began yelling, demanding his son let him into his small apartment. The man called him a disgrace, disrespectful, ungrateful and so on but it didn't matter. He was above them now, that's all that mattered.

"You did good," Taehyung praised as Jungkook stared down at the floor between him and his front door. He placed his gloved hand against Jungkook's waist, squeezing a bit as he made the boy turn to face him.

"You're not feeling bad for them are you?" Taehyung asked, disappointment evident in his voice. He grabbed Jungkook's chin and made the eighteen-year-old look at him. Jungkook shook his head but he couldn't find his words. He felt as though something was blocking him from swallowing as his heart beat heavily in his chest.

Why did he feel bad? What happened to the good feeling?

"I didn't go through all the trouble for you to cry about it," Taehyung chastised, squeezing Jungkook's chin a bit.

"I-I know."

"So don't make me think I wasted time for myself and The Family."

"Y-You d-didn't."



Jungkook flinched, pulling himself out of his thoughts. He looked up at his therapist who was frowning deeply at him, tapping his pen against his desk.

"What else is going on in your life? Anything good?" Dr. Irel asked, "I'm trying to piece together some things. You're on a strict schedule and I remember you would call me many days after you've settled in. Is there something that's...throwing you off?"

Jungkook pressed his lips together as he started rubbing his hands against his thighs. He could tell his doctor about Taehyung, but he wouldn't believe him. He feared Dr. Irel might think he's delusional or seeing hallucinations — who would believe Jungkook knowing how he is and knowing his obsession with Taehyung.


"Do you have someone in your life? A friend...someone deeper?" Dr. Irel.

"M-Maybe..." Jungkook pressed his hands together. He frowned. What was Taehyung to him?

"That's good, Jungkook!" Dr. Irel smiled, "I remember you told me you were always so anxious at the idea of being with someone. I'm proud of you — did they have anything to do with you forcing your parents away?"

Jungkook quickly shook his head. He didn't like lying to his doctor as he's grown incredibly close to the man over the years, but he simply couldn't know that he managed to grab the attention of a mafia member. That could get Taehyung in trouble.

But he was grateful for Taehyung. In the few months that they've known each other, Taehyung has already done so much for Jungkook that he wasn't even aware of. The parent thing only made Jungkook possibly love him more.

"He...helped me," the eighteen-year-old started, "he supported me."

"If he's influencing you to do bad things and rid you of your empathy, he's not good for you—"

"Dr. Irel, m-my parents...they deserved what happened," Jungkook quickly said, "why...why are y-you taking their side?!"

His doctor sighed. "I'm not taking anyone's side, Jungkook. I understand your parents abused you, they didn't understand and refused to understand what was happening to you and I know, after what those boys did to you, they made you feel as though you did wrong. But don't let hatred cloud your judgement — think with a clear head of what you truly want. If you don't want them in your life, then that's okay. But revenge is never the answer."

Jungkook slowly nodded, staring down at his lap as he bit his lip. He didn't want to get mad at his doctor, but he felt as though the man was trying to tell him to forgive his parents for what they put him through. He couldn't. Most people say forgiveness helps, but he couldn't.

"Do-doctor...I want to leave."

"We have fifteen more minutes left."


Dr. Irel sighed before leaning up in his chair and over his desk to catch Jungkook's gaze.

"I'm here for you, Jungkook. Not for your parents, not for the man in your life, you. And if you do something uncharacteristic or allow your negative emotions to cloud your judgement, I will tell you. I'm not saying what you did was wrong and that hatred is wrong, I'm telling you to think with a clear head. Okay?"



"Tae — c-can I call you Tae?"

"If I can call you Koo."

That made a small smile appear on Jungkook's face as he stared down at his hand intertwined with Taehyung's. They were seated in Taehyung's car, in the line at a fast-food restaurant because Taehyung wanted a milkshake before he started the second to last step.

It's been almost two months since they've started the stalking process and Jungkook now understood why Taehyung is so efficient with his murders, especially the ones he takes his time on. Jungkook wondered which was better: sharing this intimate moment with Taehyung or being stalked by Taehyung.

They've gathered enough information on Daniel now and Taehyung found out where the other guys lived as well. Besides the two attackers that have already been found, one was just moved out of juvy to a low-security prison, the other left Korea and was going to university in the UK, and another was living a sad life working at a fast-food restaurant.

The Family had personnel working in prisons but Jungkook told Taehyung to leave the guy in there and get him when he's released. He mostly just wanted Daniel to suffer — he was the one who hurt him the most.

"His parents are gone out of the country, I picked the perfect day to begin — I just want to scare him, cut him up a little bit. I'll take him to the Grounds and I'll have some fun with him there. Our hackers will have him confess in front of the busiest part of South Korea and it'll leak over into other countries where we have Land."

Jungkook nodded, a small smile spreading on his lips as he stared at their clasped hands. A wild thought ran across his mind — he wanted to touch Taehyung's skin — but he quickly pushed it aside.

"Thank you," he said and Taehyung just hummed before pulling Jungkook's face close to his.

"Let's see what your tormentor has to say for himself," he said before pecking Jungkook lips and getting himself ready.

_____ _____ _____ _____


Seokjin looked up from the papers scattered on his desk, a cigarette hanging haphazardly between his fingers. He sighed when he saw Jimin leaning against the doorway, an easy smile playing on his lips as he stared at Seokjin.

"Respect, Jimin," Seokjin reminded him before sighing again, "what is it?"

Jimin walked in, making his way around Seokjin's desk before plopping his ass right on the surface, not caring about the papers he just sat on. He tapped his fingers against a plastic folder.

"I have information on your best friend which you would love to know," the younger man said, smirking at Seokjin who didn't seem phased by his actions. Seokjin was used to Jimin's flirtatious and seductive attitude. Jimin doesn't have a past with the leader like he and Taehyung, but there were times like now when Jimin was dangerously seductive for his own good. He's already been held at gunpoint for irritating Seokjin, but he didn't care.

"Who?" Seokjin asked, grabbing for the folder only for to be snatched just out of his reach.

"Nah ah ah, Jinie, you know I don't snitch for free."

Seokjin glared at him and Jimin kept his smirk, swinging his legs back and forth while holding the folder above his head.

"How do I know you're not just playing me?" Seokjin asked, "you've done it before."

Jimin hummed, tapping his fingers against the folder again. "Should I give you a hint?" before the older man could answer, he quickly said, "it's about Taehyung."

The boss man rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Is this some petty shit between you two?"

"Jin, you know I don't like being wronged. Taehyung pissed me off and he thinks he can just get away with it — I told him he doesn't want to get on my bad side but apparently he thinks I'm joking," Jimin said fast and spiteful, "I will not be viewed as a joke around here, Jin."

"I'm sure he's just going through some temperamental episode like always," Seokjin waved him off and shook his head. He hated being in the middle of a lovers quarrel, he found it stupid. He had no idea how many times couples have come to him to try to betray each other just because of something petty. "But since you're here, what do you want?"

"He told me he's washed his hands with me, so I've washed my hands with him. I want money for the folder."

Seokjin sighed for the nth time today. He needed entertainment and figured this would take his mind off things so he leaned down to peer underneath his desk. He grabbed a small, thin remote control before pressing in a code — making sure his fellow Crowned Member didn't see — before watching an unnoticeable area on the bottom of the desk slide open. He reached in and grabbed a wad of cash before taking out two hundred.

"Consider it a down payment," the older man said before snatching the folder out of Jimin's hands. Jimin took the cash, smiling as he slid off the desk and made his way towards the door. He didn't leave, opting for leaning against the doorway and watching.

Seokjin opened the folder, frowning when he saw pictures of Taehyung dressed in all black, covered head to toe in front of an apartment building. There were multiple pictures with different dates stamped on them. Jimin also took pictures of Taehyung and another boy who looked younger than the redhead. In some, they were holding hands.

This made Seokjin frown, his jaw locking as he feverishly flipped through the rest of the pictures. Taehyung was careful not to be seen and only someone who's been following him long enough — like Jimin — would know it's him. He seemed very much interested in the boy who was obviously not part of The Family.

"The boy is Jeon Jungkook," Jimin noted, "about four or so months ago, Tae was supposed to kill him but apparently, he didn't. Instead, he's been spending a lot of time getting up and close and personal with this outsider."

"They're together?" Seokjin asked, "does the boy know?"

"Seems so and I bet he does."

Words couldn't describe the anger that was building up inside of Seokjin as he stared at the pictures before him. He didn't like Taehyung one bit and had no idea why he ever pitied the boy and took him into The Family more or less made him a Crowned Member. He made nothing but messes and took things personally — Seokjin found the Crowned Member childish.

But this...this was the ending point. He at least trusted that Taehyung would follow the most simple and important rule: do not date outsiders. Taehyung may think he's invincible and that the rules don't apply to him, but Seokjin will show him.

"He knows better than this," Seokjin said as he picked up his business phone and dialled Namjoon's number, "he knows the consequences."

"Wait," Jimin walked up to him and placed his hand against the phone, lowering it, "I want to play with him first. How about we pay the lovely Jungkook a visit?"


Word Count: 2420

Jimin you jealous piece of shit? Why can't you just be happy with Yoobie? 😒🤚🏾

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