Final Fantasy VII: Lifestream...

By JairusTLS

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Sector 7 is gone, destroyed in Shinra's terrible act of retaliation. Cloud and the others, having barely esca... More



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By JairusTLS

Kunsel and Marissa already had a table for us by the time we got to The Don's Delight a few minutes later, so we all had a seat. Then I filled them in on all I'd done today, from my therapy session with Madam M to my workout in the gym with Jules and arranging for our disguises at the clothing shop with Lydia. I finished up with how I'd tailed Tseng to Drunkard's Bar and eavesdropped on his meeting with Elena, where I'd watched him promote her into a Turk.

It was still a little hard for me to believe. I liked her, and to find out she was really one of our enemies had been a shock, to say the least. I'd been thinking of stopping by to see her since I was here in town, but in light of what I'd just found out, I didn't think that was a good idea. So I just sighed and put the matter out of my mind.

"You okay?" Kunsel asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. Just a bit of a bummer, that's all. She got me out of a real jam that night, fought with me against those Vice thugs. But now she's the enemy, and I sure as hell don't like it."

Lena, who was sitting on my left, gave me an encouraging smile. "I know it sucks, Jessie, but it'll be okay, you'll see. No matter how it goes with Elena, you've still got all of us."

"Hear, hear!" Biggs agreed, lifting his glass.

"Totally!" Wedge grinned. "And don't forget Cloud and the others. They're all with you, too. We all are."

I smiled. "Thanks, guys. You're the best."

"Anytime," Marissa chuckled, returning the favor. Then she handed out three plastic cards, one each for Biggs, Wedge, and Lena. "Here are your ID's for the train, everyone. Jessie's already got hers. I should have the Shinra ID's for you in a few more days."

"Then we'll be good to go," Biggs said, taking his.

Kunsel looked at me. "Marcus'll have the portable battle simulator ready for you in the morning, Jessie. So all you've gotta do is pick it up at his shop and we'll get started. Marissa and I programmed it with the specs for your new gear so you can use it in there. Won't be the same as out here, but it'll let you get a feel for it."

"Awesome!" I said. "I'll head over there and get it once I've finished my next session with Madam M. Then we'll take it for a spin and train for a few hours. I can stop by the gym later in the day to meet Jules for my workout. Gotta get some new clothes, too."

"Sounds like another full day for you," Lena teased.

I smirked. "Like always."

We ate together and talked, planning for tomorrow and everything that was gonna come after it. I was a little nervous about going back to the Shinra Building—I had a lot bad memories there—but I knew what I had to do, what I'd decided on days ago. And I wasn't gonna back out now. So I just relaxed as best I could, enjoyed my time with my friends, and pushed my worries aside for tonight.

A little while later, we left and headed back to the inn. On the way there, I heard back from Tifa, who I'd shot a text to earlier before going after Tseng. It seemed they'd been on the road all day and had only just stopped for the night. She'd done some of the driving, which was why it had taken her as long as it had to reply.

Camping outside tonight. Cloud says it's better that way. Less chance of Shinra finding us than if we stayed in town.

I messaged her back. He's probably right. What's it like?

Her reply made me smile. It's beautiful, Jessie. Grass and hills, even patches of trees. So different from Midgar. But the stars are the best. I see so many, way more than I can count. Aerith says she's gonna try anyway. I haven't seen a sky like this in years.

Sounds wonderful! I answered. Where are you guys?

In a field, about two days east from Kalm. Tifa came back a second or two later. Cloud, Barret, and Red are putting up the tents. We've got a nice fire now, so I'm working on dinner with Aerith.

Kunsel and Marissa had gotten three rooms for us at the inn. Lena eagerly pulled Wedge into one of them, and I giggled as they wished us goodnight and quickly closed the door behind them. Kunsel had been planning to share a room with Biggs while letting me and Marissa have the last one, but I gave him an impish grin and urged him to go and be with her instead. I couldn't help laughing when he blushed and his eyes went wide when he finally got the hint.

"Go on, shoo!" I teased. "You two have fun!"

Marissa easily overcame Kunsel's hesitation with a long and steamy kiss that promised a lot more to follow, and when she pulled away, she beckoned to him with her finger and a naughty wink. Kunsel's shyness evaporated almost instantly, and he gladly followed her into their room after wishing Biggs and I goodnight.

We took the last one, and it was too cute to see how awkward Biggs was about sharing a room with me. Certainly hadn't been what he was expecting, but I'd really wanted to give Kunsel and Marissa a chance to spend some quality time alone together as a couple—they'd been doing so much to help me and deserved a reward.

I plopped down on the bed. "Well, Biggs, looks like you and me are the only ones not getting any action tonight. But at least our friends are sure to be happy, and that's what matters."

"Guess you're right," he agreed. "You go on and take the bed, Jessie. I'll, uh, have the floor. It's better that way."

"You alright?" I asked.

He nodded as he took a pillow and spare sheet from the closet and got set up. "Yeah. Just a little surprised, that's all. And... I'll get my own room tomorrow. No offense. Just less awkward."

I smiled. "None taken. And I get it, believe me, so no worries. I did kinda spring this on ya without warning."

"Thanks," he said. "Should I kill the lights?"

"Please," I nodded, laying down under the blankets.

Biggs flicked the switch and took his place on the floor. "How's the rest of the gang doing out there?"

I held up my phone. "So far, so good. They've left Kalm and are on their way east, so I guess they found what they needed there. Camping out under the stars now. I've been swapping messages with Tifa, so she filled me in. Want me to tell her hi for ya?"

"Uh, sure..." he blinked. "Just don't go overboard."

"Trust me!" I grinned.

After Biggs had wished me goodnight and rolled over, I went back to my texts with a soft giggle. Sounds good, Tifa! I wish I could be there and have some of your cooking. I'll have to tell Wedge about it tomorrow. And by the way, Biggs says hi and that he really misses you. So, anything you want me to say to him for ya?

Really? she replied. Well, sure. Tell him I said hi, okay?

You bet! How'd it go in Kalm?

Tifa came back a minute later. Got the info we were looking for and then some. A thief stole Barret's wallet. Red chased her all over town and we cornered her. She got away, but she did leave the wallet. Cloud thinks we'll probably see her again, and so do I.

Sounds like she's trouble, I replied. Better be careful.

We will. How are you feeling, Jessie?

I messaged her back, tired from the long day but not ready to sleep just yet. A lot better, Tifa. Made it to Wall Market today. Madam M and Jules were a big help. Met Lydia, too. Totally geeked out when she saw me walk into her shop, but she's a great kid.

Ha! I bet she did. I'm glad you're doing well.

Thanks. I replied. There is something you guys should know, though. The Turks are gonna be leaving Midgar soon. Saw Tseng in town earlier, so I followed him and listened in on a meeting. They'll be out looking for you. And they're gonna be part of the attack on Fort Condor, too. Dunno the details, though. Watch your backs.

Will do, Jessie. Thanks for the heads up. I'll be sure to tell Cloud and the others when we're done here.

I sent her another text. Tell them I miss them, would ya?

I'll do more than that, she answered. Hold on.

Just a moment later, Tifa sent me a few pictures, and I smiled when I saw them. The first was a group shot of the others, all sitting around a bright campfire under the open sky. Two tents stood behind them, and it looked like they were all having a late dinner. The second was a selfie Tifa had taken from her place by the fire. And the last one was a photo of Cloud. He looked a little surprised, and I realized Tifa must've taken the picture just as she got his attention.

I eagerly messaged her back. Love the pics, Tifa! Thanks!

You're welcome, Jessie. We miss you, too. Barret wants to toast some marshmallows after dinner, oughta be fun. Red doesn't eat much of what we do, but I think Barret's gonna try to talk him into having one. Aerith's all for it, of course. Already working on Cloud.

Well, if you can get him to toast one, send me a pic! I replied. I'd love to see him kick back for once. It'd be so cute!

Tifa readily agreed. Definitely! I'll make sure he does.

Thanks, Tifa. Guess I should turn in.

Alright, she answered. It's been really good chatting with you, Jessie. And while he doesn't really say it much, I know Cloud thinks about you a lot. He misses you. Still wears that pendant you gave him, and sometimes he takes it out and looks at it for a while.

Butterflies filled my stomach. Can I talk to him?

Sure, just a minute. Take care, okay?

You too, Tifa. I told her. Thanks so much. I won't be long, I promise. Don't wanna make it easier for Shinra to find you.

She replied after a moment. Right, and you're welcome.

Goodnight, Tifa. I replied.

Goodnight, Jessie. Here's Cloud.

The phone rang softly only a minute later, and I quickly answered, rolling onto my side so I wouldn't wake up Biggs, who was already out. His snoring wasn't as bad as Barret's, luckily enough, but if I had to, I'd reach down and give him a little smack on the head to get him to quiet down a bit. So I put him out of my mind.

"Cloud?" I said.

When his soft, sexy voice came over the line, it made my heart skip a beat or two. "Jessie. It's... good to hear you."

I giggled. "You too, hot stuff."

"Uh, thanks..." he said.

It was just so cute how, even after I'd said enough naughty things to him during the nights we'd spent together to set his ears on fire, Cloud was still so adorably awkward about it. I loved teasing him and making him squirm. It was fun and helped nudge him out of his shell a bit. He was a dork, but he was my dork. And I loved him.

We talked for a little while, telling each other about what we'd done over the past two days. I kept my encounter with Sephiroth, the Shinra infiltration I was planning, the tournament, and my intent to dive into the sewers to rescue those women Corneo had captured to myself. He'd only worry, and there wasn't anything he could do to help anyway. So I kept the conversation light and cheery instead and simply enjoyed this little moment I could have with him.

"Hey, Cloud," I said. "Do me a favor, okay?"

"No problem," he agreed.

I smirked even though he couldn't see it. "Toast a marshmallow for me. Won't kill ya to have a little fun."

"Well, okay..." he sighed. "Guess I could try."

"Thanks, merc!" I laughed.

He went on. "Sure. We'll probably turn in soon ourselves."

I stifled a yawn. "I hear ya. So, you're on the trail?"

"Yeah," he said. "We'll find him. Seems like Sephiroth's heading the same way we planned on—east and then south toward the marshes on the other side of the continent."

I frowned. "That's a bit convenient, don't you think?"

Cloud felt the same way. "I don't like it either, Jessie. Not much of a choice though but to keep going."

"Be careful, okay?" I reminded him.

"Will do," he promised. "Heard there's this big chocobo farm about four days' drive from here, north of the marshes. May have to see about getting a few birds for us to ride when we get there. I doubt the truck'll make it to the mines if the road's out."

I had to agree. "It won't, Cloud. Not in a place like that."

"Yeah," he said. "Better get some rest, Jessie."

"Will do, honey!" I promised.

His hesitation was too cute. "Uh... yeah. Guess I probably should, too. In a bit. Talk to you later, Jessie."

"Now don't forget about that marshmallow!" I teased.

"I won't," Cloud assured me.

I knew he wouldn't. "Thanks, Cloud. I love you."

"I... miss you," he admitted.

I felt another explosion of butterflies in my stomach at his words. I knew he wasn't ready to say the other ones yet, but these still made me deliriously happy to hear them. I pressed my lips against the phone for a minute, making sure Cloud could hear it.

"There's your goodnight kiss, merc," I whispered. "I'll give you that and a lot more when I see you again."

"Looking forward to it," he answered.

I sighed happily. "So am I. Goodnight, Cloud."

"Night, Jessie," he replied.

Then we both hung up, and I laid there for a while feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. Although the pain and memories from what I'd gone through during Sector 7's fall still lingered in the back of my mind and would for a while, I thought I could put them aside at least for tonight. Talking with Cloud had cheered me up, and as I got comfy in bed, I fell into a nice, good sleep thinking about him.

— — — — — — —

The marshmallow slowly turned brown on the end of the stick as I held it over the fire and hoped I was doing this right. Tifa had snapped a picture as soon she'd seen me settle in with it, and I didn't have to ask her if she was gonna send it to Jessie. Aerith sat on my left, toasting her own marshmallow and grinning at me.

"That's the spirit, Cloud!" she giggled. "Isn't this fun?"

"I guess," I said.

Barret finished eating his, then used his stick to stab another puffy marshmallow from the bag next to him. "Sure it is, merc. You just ain't never had no fun before, so it's all new to ya."

"If you say so," I shrugged.

Tifa laughed, sat down on my right, and got her own marshmallow going. "Should've known Jessie'd talk you into it. You'd do anything for her—even have a little fun—and she knows it."

I couldn't deny it. "Yeah..."

"Ain't no way out for ya now, merc," Barret chuckled. "Girl's got ya wrapped 'round her finger nice an' tight."

"So I've noticed," I agreed.

Aerith finished off her marshmallow. "Oh, but we know you like it. You just pretend you don't because you've gotta keep up that cool merc act. But it's good to lighten up sometimes."

Tifa nodded. "Definitely!"

"Sure you won't try a marshmallow, Red?" Aerith asked.

"I appreciate the offer, but I'll pass," he answered as he lay stretched out on the other side of the fire.

Barret scoffed his second one and starting prepping a third. "Don't know what you're missin', man. Good stuff, these things. Bet even you'd like 'em if you'd give 'em half a chance."

"If you insist," Red sighed, standing up. "But only one."

"Comin' right up!" Barret grinned.

He'd cleverly attached the stick to his gun-arm, holding it out over the fire until the marshmallow had finished cooking and had turned a deep brown. I was surprised at how good he was at it, and I realized I'd never seen him cook before tonight. But he'd obviously learned how to do it somewhere. The marshmallow, just like the others he'd made, had come out just right, not too light and not too dark.

When he was done, Barret took it off the stick and tossed it to Red, who easily caught it in midair and wolfed it down in a single bite. I was a bit curious myself to see what he thought of it. Red swallowed, stood there for a moment, then blinked and licked his lips while we watched. As he did, he looked at Barret, then at the bag of marshmallows, which was still about half full. The girls were both eagerly leaning forward in anticipation, wondering if he'd liked it.

"Hmm..." he finally said. "Not bad. Do you have a stick?"

Aerith offered hers. "Take mine, Red! I'm full anyway. But how are you gonna toast one? Won't it be hard?"

He smirked. "Watch and learn, my friend."

She did, holding it for him, and he took one end of it in his mouth, holding it sideways firmly in his jaws. Seeing what he had in mind, she took another marshmallow from the bag and stuck it on the end of the stick. When she was finished, Red turned a bit so he was standing next to the fire instead of facing it as he held the stick over the flames. Then he whipped the bright, burning tip of his tail around and hung it above the marshmallow to cook it both ways.

"Damn!" Barret laughed. "Now ain't that a sight! Tifa, get a picture! This is one moment we gotta save!"

She held up her phone. "Already on it!"

As she was doing that, I took a bite of mine. Wasn't bad, really. Not my favorite thing, but I could see why the others liked them. No doubt Jessie would've had a few if she'd been with us. As I sat with my friends in our little campsite in a wide field of tall green grass near the edge of a small patch of woods, I finished my marshmallow and thought about her, glad she was feeling better. It had been good to talk to her, even if I didn't always know what to say. But she did.

"Want another?" Aerith asked, offering me the bag.

I shook my head. "No, but thanks."

She smiled, then took Red's marshmallow off his stick when it was done and tossed it over to him. He quickly dropped the wood from his mouth and snatched the confection out of the air like before, getting it down in only a few bites while we watched.

"Told ya you'd like 'em," Barret grinned. "Now, what's even better is when ya use 'em for s'mores. I shoulda thoughta that when we was out buyin' our supplies before we left Midgar."

Aerith giggled. "Great idea, Barret! We'll get what we need to make them next time we stock up. Sound good?"

He nodded. "Sure does! We gonna camp in style!"

"I'm up for it," Tifa added. "Cloud?"

"I guess so," I shrugged.

Aerith laughed. "Then it's decided! S'mores it is! Mom and I made them sometimes when I was a kid. They were a special treat we shared together. I'm glad I can do it with you all, too."

"It'll be fun," Tifa agreed.

"Guess we should turn in," I said, although I didn't get up quite yet. "We've got an early start tomorrow."

Aerith leaned back a little, put her hands flat on the ground behind her, and looked up at the sky. "It's so pretty... and so different. No plate blocking everything out. I like this sky, but I miss the steel one, too. It's a little hard to explain. Just used to it, I guess."

I thought I understood. "You grew up under the plate."

"Yeah..." she replied. "But I think I always knew I'd leave it behind one day and see more of the world. So anyway, how many stars do you think are up there in that clear sky, Cloud?"

"A lot," I answered dryly.

Aerith smacked me across the shoulder with a playful punch. "Oh, you are so terrible, you know that?"

I gave her a faint smirk. "You asked."

"Still gonna try and count them?" Tifa chuckled.

"Yeah, but maybe tomorrow night," Aerith yawned, standing up. "I think I'm just about ready to crash."

She did the same. "Me too, Aerith. I'll join you."

"We gonna set a watch?" Barret asked, getting to his feet as he took the stick out of his gun-arm.

I nodded. "Yeah. I'll go first. Get some sleep."

He waved. "Awright, then. Night!"

While he went into the tent he and I were sharing, Aerith and Tifa wished me and Red goodnight as well, then went into theirs. I watched as Red curled up where he was, preferring to sleep outside instead of in the tent with me and Barret. As the fire slowly dwindled and the sound of chirping crickets and burning wood filled my ears, I thought of what we were out here for, of Sephiroth and bringing him down, and of what was ahead of us on our journey. But mostly, as I sat and gazed into the fire, I found myself thinking about Jessie.

— — — — — — —

After my session with Madam M the next morning, I went over to the weapon shop to see Marcus and get the portable battle simulator. It was a gray device like a visor, and the signal could allow anyone nearby to join in the virtual session if the wearer wanted. Good for fighting in groups, like Kunsel and I were gonna do.

"J!" Marcus greeted me warmly when we walked in. "Been a while, hasn't it? Glad you're still in once piece."

I smiled. "More or less. Good to see you, too."

He held up the battle simulator. "Got this ready for ya."

"Thanks!" I said, taking it when he slid it across the counter to me. "Think I'll try it out! Ready, Kunsel?"

He nodded. "Whenever you are, Jessie."

Setting the field strength to include him in the simulation, I took a breath and put the visor over my face. With a slight jolt, the world went black all around me, and then I found myself inside a large, round blue arena, the floor patterned in circles and the dome overhead lined with a similar, shimmering grid but like honeycombs instead. It was actually kinda pretty the way the shapes glowed.

When I looked at myself, I saw I was wearing my new gear, at least in here. Hadn't been adjusted yet, but this was just an approximation. I liked it so far, though. The light daggers—I really had to come up with a better name for them—were switched off and tucked into the holsters strapped to my thighs. Everything else was in place just as the readouts Kunsel had gotten for me had shown.

He was there next to me, smirking as he gazed at my outfit. "Looks good on you. Better than I expected."

"You did a good job programming it in," I told him.

"Wasn't that hard," Kunsel shrugged. "Marissa did most of it. I just gave her the specs and a few tips."

I laughed. "Well, I like it! Wanna get started?"

He drew his sword. "For a minute or two, then we should head out and find somewhere more comfortable to keep ourselves while we're in here. We're still standing in the shop, you know."

"Ah, you're right!" I giggled. "Almost forgot about that."

"Ready?" Kunsel asked.

I pulled out the light daggers and switched them on. "Ready. Teach me the right way to swing these things around, okay? I don't wanna cut down the wrong target by mistake."

"Can't let that happen," he chuckled. "Now let's see..."

Kunsel worked with me for the next few minutes, helping me with my stance and positioning, the right way to hold the daggers, and more of the basics. I was eager to start fighting, but I knew I had to get these down first or I wasn't gonna make it very far. When we were finished, I sent the command to end the simulation, and we came back to the real world with another little jolt a moment later.

"How'd it go?" Marcus wondered when I took off the visor.

I grinned. "Great! This'll be a big help."

He nodded. "Good to hear, J. Word's startin' to spread around town about ya, by the way. That Firebrand's back and she's gonna fight in the tournament. Best of luck to ya with that."

"Thanks," I said. "Guess I got people's attention, didn't I?"

Marcus went on. "Sure did. Of course, most don't know you're her yet, either. Just that she's returned to Wall Market. So you can probably still get around without drawing attention."

I'd thought as much. "For now, at least. Makes it easier for me. But that'll surely change once the tournament starts. Oh, and I wanted you to know, J stands for Jessie. That's my name."

"Jessie?" he smiled. "I like it. You take care now."

"You too, Marcus," I replied.

Then I waved as Kunsel and I left. We decided to head back over to the inn where it was quiet to continue my training. We could just sit in his room or mine while going into the simulator knowing that nobody would bother us. So we did, and I spent hours in there learning how to fight with my new weapons. It was a bit different from the martial arts Tifa had taught me, but I figured I could mix some of the kicks that I'd learned from her into my new style. So practiced some of those as well, getting myself used to doing them again.

When we were done and had come back out to the real world, I felt good, not physically worn out at all. Another reason that I'd wanted the simulator—I could work on my training even while I was still finishing up my recovery from my injuries, giving me more time to learn and get used to my new gear and how to fight with it.

The days passed, all of them full and productive for me. Mornings were spent with Madam M as she used her massage techniques to help restore and rebuild my muscles. After a taking a break for lunch, I'd go see Jules in the afternoon, working out and exercising for hours. Biggs and the others sometimes joined me for that, and pretty soon I was up to a jog on the treadmill next to Lena. I'd bought myself a few outfits at Lydia and Gant's shop, including some fitness clothes for when I was at the gym. And before long, I felt whole again.

I spent the late afternoons and early evenings in the simulator with Kunsel, learning all I could. He kept me on the basics all week, guiding me through them and doing a little sparring with me when he thought I was ready for it. But we didn't do any monster fighting yet. He wanted to be sure I'd gotten these skills down first, and by the end of the week, I pretty much had with all the hours I'd put in—I'd also go in by myself at night for a while to practice on my own.

I was busy working out in the gym four days after arriving in Wall Market when Kunsel came in to see me. I'd taken him and Marissa over to Lydia's shop to meet her earlier in the week and get an update about our disguises. They were coming along pretty well so far. And Marissa had gotten us our Shinra ID's yesterday, so it looked like things were all starting to come together for my heist. Tomorrow was the big day, and I couldn't help feeling a little nervous about it, but I was confident that I could pull it off. Still, it wouldn't be easy.

The tall red punching bag quivered as I threw jabs and kicks into it one after another, feeling stronger with every blow I landed. Imagining that the bag was my father's face helped motivate me, too. My hair was pulled back in its usual high ponytail, and my red Avalanche headband was wrapped snug around my forehead and over my ears. I wore a pair of gray sweatpants on my legs and a sleeveless, dark blue lycra top that hugged my curves close and exposed my stomach, which was looking a bit slimmer than before. I kinda liked that.

"Looking good, Jessie," Kunsel said as he walked over.

I turned around to look at him and grinned. "Hey, Kunsel. Thanks! I feel good, you know? So much better."

He smiled. "I can tell."

"So what's up?" I asked. "Oh, and toss me that towel, would ya? It's the white one over there on the bench."

Kunsel did. "Just came from Lydia's shop. She says your disguises'll be ready first thing in the morning, so all you gotta do is go over there and put them on before you head out."

I dabbed the sweat off my face. "Awesome!"

"I'd still feel better if I went with you," he said. "If I wore my helmet in there, nobody would know it was me."

I shook my head. "We've already got a big enough team as it is, and I couldn't ask any of the others to back out now. Sorry. Just wait here in Wall Market for us with Marissa, okay?"

He sighed. "Alright. Gonna worry about you, though."

"No surprises there," I laughed. After draping the towel around my shoulders, I patted him lightly on the cheek. "But I'll be alright, Kunsel. I should just be in and out if all goes well."

"Famous last words," he teased.

I put one hand on my hip and playfully wagged my index finger at him. "Now don't you go jinxing it, mister."

He chuckled. "Not a chance."

Early the following morning, all six of us headed over to Lydia and Gant's shop to pick up the disguises and go over the plan one last time before we got underway. And as we all stood around the counter in the outfits they'd made for us, I looked at my friends and knew we were as ready for this thing as we could possibly be.

Lena was wearing a knee-length skirt, a long-sleeved button-down shirt, hose, and a pair of high heels, looking the part of a typical Shinra secretary. She'd tied her short, dark hair back into a tight little bun with her bangs hanging down above her eyes, and she'd also put makeup on as well—a nice red lipstick, some blush, and a hint of eyeshadow. She'd curled her lashes, too, making them nice and full.

As Lena carefully helped Wedge adjust his fake moustache, he had a pretty hard time keeping his eyes off her. He was dressed up as one of Shinra's delivery drivers, his dark gray uniform crisp and clean. Kunsel had contacted Reeve and arranged for him to have one of the shipping containers the company used ready for us—I couldn't walk around the building carrying my gear out in the open.

As for Biggs, he wore a dark gray business suit, pressed white shirt, and a black tie, his shoes polished to shine. It was a little strange to see him without his headband, but obviously we couldn't wear them in the Shinra Building. Wedge had replaced his red bandana with a plain gray cap for the duration—he wouldn't wear one with the Shinra logo, and I didn't blame him one bit. Biggs was posing as a middle manager in the Urban Development Division, and he'd even tamed his typically unruly dark hair a bit to really sell the look.

"Too bad Tifa can't see you right now," I smirked.

He scratched his head. "Not sure what I'd say if she could. This isn't what I usually wear. Least I got a good shower."

I laughed. "You'd do fine, trust me."

"Thanks, Jessie," Biggs said. "I hope you're right."

I leaned closer and gave him a little wink. "Tifa says hi, by the way. And that she really misses you. Like, a lot."

He stared at me. "Huh? She really said that?"

"Oh, yeah!" I assured him, smiling as I played innocent. Sure, I was exaggerating, but only a little. I knew they felt more than they'd said. "I tell ya, she thinks about you all the time. Might wanna ask her about it sometime and see where it goes."

"Uh, I dunno..." Biggs said, scratching his head.

I knew it was tough for him, I was just trying to give him a helpful nudge. "Well, think about it, at least."

He shrugged. "Guess I can do that much."

"Great!" I told him.

"I bet you'd love to show Cloud how you look, Jessie," Lena teased, taking the heat off her brother. "Wouldn't ya?"

I couldn't argue. "Oh, you bet!"

I was wearing a white, long-sleeved button-down shirt like Lena, a pair of pressed slacks, a belt, and heels. Like her, I also had makeup on, though my lipstick was a rich pink instead. And I'd freed my hair from its ponytail to let it spill down my back and over my shoulders. Lastly, I wore glasses, too. A pair of thin wireframes that sat on my nose. I'd had them made during the week as part of my disguise, and now I looked a lot like I had during my Shinra days.

Biggs glanced at his watch. "Train leaves in twenty minutes. Better go over the plan before we head out."

"Right," I agreed, serious now as I looked at everyone. "The four of us'll ride the train up to the plate and head over to the Shinra Building, just a group of employees going to work."

"Then we walk in and go upstairs, right?" Wedge asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. We'll take the elevator to the 57th floor. That's the main office for Urban Development, and it's where Reeve works. While you guys wait out in the lobby, I'll go and see him, and once I've got the container, we'll head up to the 60th floor."

"I'll carry the container from there," he added.

"Right," I said. "From my time at Shinra, I know that Scarlet always made an inspection of the weapons storage facility every day at 9:00 in the morning. She still does, as Kunsel found out for me. So we've gotta be on the 60th floor just as she goes in."

Biggs rubbed his chin. "And then we make our move."

I continued. "You all know what to do. There are guards there, and Wedge and I have to get past them to get to weapons storage. We'll tell them our cover story about Scarlet wanting certain materials moved to Advanced Weapons Research downstairs. They won't wanna cross her, so they'll let us in. And while we're gone, you and Lena keep the guards distracted. Buy us as much time as you can."

"Will do!" Lena promised.

"Wedge, when you and I get to weapons storage, hang back while I get the key from Scarlet, then move in when I tell you. I'll grab the gear and pack it into the container. Then we'll walk out, meet up with Biggs and Lena, and take the elevator downstairs."

Biggs took over. "Lena and I'll get off at the 20th floor and give you two time to get out before we follow. It'll draw less attention than if we all tried to leave together. Once we're clear, we'll meet at the cafe down the street and take the next train back to the slums."

Wedge grinned. "Mission complete!"

"One question," Lena asked. "How are you gonna get the key from Scarlet, Jessie? I doubt she'll just hand it over."

"With a bit of forceful persuasion," I smirked, lifting up a clenched fist to show what I meant. "And if that fails, that's why I asked if I could borrow your gun. I doubt she'd refuse to hand it over with that pointed at her head. She's a bitch, but she's not dumb."

Biggs nodded. "That's about it. Time to move out, guys."

"Good luck!" Lydia said.

I gave her a thumbs up. "Thanks! Be back soon."

She smiled. "I know you will, Firebrand. You're gonna pull off this heist and be an even bigger legend than before!"

"Count on it!" I winked.

"Be safe, everyone," Marissa said.

I took her by the shoulder for a moment. "We will, Marissa. And I appreciate all your help, everything you and Kunsel have done for me. I couldn't have gotten this far without you guys."

She laughed. "Don't remind me!"

"Watch your back in there, Jessie," Kunsel said. "I don't need to tell you the kind of place you're going into."

I knew all too well. "Not for a second. I'll be careful."

After saying our goodbyes to him, Marissa, and Lydia, we went out of the shop and made our way toward the town gate. My heart raced in both excitement and anxiety as we left Wall Market. The mission was a real thing now, not just an idea, and we were about to set out on it. We rode one of Sam's chocobo carriages back to Sector 5, right to the train station and just in time to get on board. And soon enough, we were on our way, not knowing then just how dangerous and involved this risky theft would eventually turn out to be.

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