A dream come true

By akari_neko-chan

28.6K 532 89

The Power Puff Girls and the Rowdy Ruff Boys have finally found peace within each other and surprisingly even... More

normal schoolday
The festival to fall in love
Authors NOTE
Avoiding a broken heart
Time to make my move
The dork returns
Prom night!!
Pls read super duper important

festival to fall in love (part 2)

2.2K 49 10
By akari_neko-chan

Momoko POV

When we reached the festival miyako instantly dragged boomer away. And kao raced Butch to the food stalls . So now I'm left here with my counterpart . He didnt say anything so I just walked in leaving him behind " probably he's depressed that ruby couldn't come " I played some stall games and found a nice spot to rest . I watched as lovely couples walked pass by holding hands and being all lovey dovey with each other. I sat alone on a bench thinking how.me and dexter used to be . He broke up with me because he wanted to spend more time with his inventions.

I was at deep thought. I snaped out of it when a shadow loomed above me. I looked up and it was brick.

Brick POV

I was walking around trying to find some thing to eat but I got lost in the process. Then I saw momo / bloss she was siting there all alone she looked lonely "man ,I never seen her look gloomy before I always see her all happy and care free " I walked to her. She was facing down so I came closer until she finally saw me . "Whats up" she said faking a small smile I frowned "hey , smile more it looks better on you" I saw her blush a bit but it quickly faded "why are you so gloomy I thought your were always Ms. happy go lucky " I said " mmm. . . . I think I'm a bit jealous all the couples here are so lovey dovey I ,guess even kaoru and butch " she said as she put on another frown then an idea popped up in my head "hey , do you want me to be your date for tonight, just for tonight? " I said "but wont that mean you'd be cheating on ruby?" She said " nah, its just for tonight and its not like I'm asking you to marry me, so what do you say? " I said extending a hand for her to take " mmm. . . . . Fine why not " bloss said then I smirked " you wont regret it , I'll make this the best night if your life " I said while pulling her up.

We went to the dart stall first then "BULLSEYE!!!!" I won her a pink rabbit with a big red bow just like hers then she finally showed that lovely smile of hers. Then we went to the mask shop I bought a red wolf mask for me and she picked a pink bunny mask. Then we bought some cotton candy 'man , she ate like 6 of them' then I laughed so hard her face turned red of embarrassment "STOP LAUGHING!!!!" She yelled at me while pouting while I regained my posture and walked towards her and held her cheek for her to look at me now we were face to face "you look cute when your blushing" when my words finally hit her she became redder than a tomato with ketchup on it. Good thing she just shrugged it of. Then we went gold fish scooping and I won one fish and she caught one as well. I gave her mine so the fishes wont get lonely. Now she had a bright genuine smile on her face. Then we went to eat takoyaki. After that we were going to the shrine.

While we were walking something caught my eye "hey, wait here a sec will ya " I said then bloss just nodes " I ran to a jewelry shop and bought a red jewel incrusted heart necklace. I bought it and went back to her " hey bloss close your eyes "I said " ok " then I placed the necklace around her neck then she opened her eyes and stared at it. She was speech less "B-Brick how did you even afford this" bloss said "I have my ways" I said smirking "wait a sec did you steal this?!" She asked "maybe ,maybe not I replied "BRICK!!" "Oh find, I bought it happy now?" I said " yep , its the most beautiful thing I've ever seen " she said "na I've seen better" I said "really, what is it?" Bloss asked " you " I said then she blushed then it was like gravity was pulling me towards her then I fest her soft lips on mine. Then we had to stop when air was beginning to be a bother." This id wrong Brick" She asked " nah not really remember your my date tonight so it ain't wrong and even if it is what happens tonight stays only for tonight and will forever be a secret " I said "even so- " I cut her of by pulled her in to another kiss . I broke the kiss and whispered in her ear saying " your mine and only mine and no one can cay other wise " oh crap I can't believe I just said that . That wasn't suppose to come out of my mouth that was just suppose to stay in my head .'ughhhh. . . . I Cant believe I just said that .'

Blossom / momoko POV

I cant believe he just did that . The words that he said made me blush so hard I probably looked like a cherry I took a glance at him and his face was as read as Rudolf's red nose. He broke the silence by saying coughing and saying " lets go they must be waiting for us " then we left in silence until we reached the shrine. The first to greet us was kaoru "what took you guys so long!!" We started to chat while we waited in line ."the line was so long it looks like it goes on forever "after we did our prayers we went to eat ramen. Kao and Butch looked as though they lost their appetite and decided not to eat after that everyone said their goodbyes and went home except for he Brick he had offered to walk me home " hey, you were right this has been one of the best nights of my life because of you " I said to him he smiled and said " told you so "when we reached the porch of my house I thanked brick and kissed him on the cheek we blushed and went our ways " bye Brick!! " I shouted at him he just smiled and waved . I went in and ran in to my room and plopped on the bed thinking " I think I'm in Love ". And let my dreams take hold of me.

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