Deranged // Taekook

By supermochii

40.9K 2.8K 1.1K

[ONGOING] [REVAMPED] [DARK] A man like Kim Taehyung doesn't deserve love or praise. A man like Kim Taehyung d... More

+ Information
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight: EXTRA
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen: EXTRA
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-Two: EXTRA
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty: EXTRA
Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Twenty-One

1.1K 84 43
By supermochii

Reminder: Veleno = Jimin

I'm terrible at POV consistency, when you start reading, it starts with Koo's POV (3rd person) and then slowly it turns to third person omniscient, but keeping the name Red. Lol 🤦🏾‍♀️🤚🏾


Jungkook silently cut an onion, blinking occasionally from the stinging in his eyes as he moved his head away from the onion every now and then. He usually chewed gum so the onions wouldn't make him cry, but he didn't have any. Today was Sunday which meant he was staying at home. He had already cleaned, so much so that his hands were still red and a little sore; he washed his clothes and his bedding; he sprayed his mattress and his cushions; he went around his whole house spraying bug spray just in case; and now he was making himself something for lunch.

He chewed the bottom of his lip. He didn't feel good today. Actually, he hasn't felt good since yesterday...after he saw Red. He felt a twisty feeling in his stomach while a weight found its way on his chest. It made him feel bad and all he wanted to do was lie down, but he knew he couldn't do that. He contemplated calling Dr. Irel but Dr. Irel was always closed on Sundays and he didn't want to disturb his therapist even though the doctor told him calling him anytime was okay.

He cut a little harder, slamming the blade of his knife against the cutting board.

Seeing Red wasn't what made him upset. No, he was happy since he hasn't seen him for a week. Instead, it was the man sitting beside him: Veleno. Jungkook had nothing against Veleno, if it weren't for that man, he wouldn't know so much about the mafia. But...seeing them together after having not seen his deranged idol for a week and knowing about their sexual past turned Jungkook's mood sour.

He bit harder onto his lip as his eyebrows furrowed.

He remembered the first day he met Red. The man had said, "Veleno can only please me so much". Veleno had talked about his and Red's sexual past in the interview and Namjoon had even mentioned it a few times in his book. It never really bothered him before, but since he and Red have been together more often, the idea of the man he idolized and loved so much being around another man with whom of which he's had several sexual encounters disturbed him greatly.

The knife sliced through the skin on his index finger. "Fuck."

He had also managed to break skin on his lip and hadn't noticed the stinging pain until now. The cut hurt worse, but the stinging felt...nice. Yes, the stinging felt very nice. Rubbing his tongue again his lip, Jungkook made his way towards the bathroom where his stock of bandaids was located.

"Why were you cutting that onion so hard?"

Jungkook jumped and gasped out as he pressed his body against the wall next to the doorway of his kitchen. His eyes frantically landed on Red who was sitting on one of his chairs with one of Jungkook's books in his hands. He wasn't wearing a mask today, showing Jungkook his flawless face and beautiful red hair that was beginning to curl a bit due to it being overgrown. Jungkook just stared, taking in Red's appearance.

He was just too perfect.

"You were cutting so hard and so lost in your thoughts that you didn't even hear me walk in or felt me staring at you," Red noted as he went back to the book. He tsked and shook his head. "What if I was a murderer?"

"Oh, you're not?" Jungkook asked, tilting his head to the side just a bit.

"Nope, I'm not. I'm a saviour, a...a...Angel of Darkness as you put it — murderer is so negative."

Jungkook continued staring, watching him turn the page in the book. The book was about a victim who survived being tortured in the Irish Mafia because she was the enemies daughter. He had a lot of mafia and victim-related books. He's read all of them and planned to buy Namjoon's book soon as he had to return the library's copy.

Finally remembering he had cut himself, Jungkook pulled himself from his trance and made his way towards the short hallway. He put on a new pair of gloves and silently cleaned his cut with soap and water before placing a soft cotton pad against it and wrapping a bandaid around it, holding the pad in place.

He removed his gloves and threw them into the trash before pulling on a new pair and walking out of the bathroom.

"Why do you seem so negative today? Are you mad?" Red asked as soon as the younger man appeared in the living room again. Jungkook ignored him as he walked back into the kitchen to finish his lunch, irritated that he was running late on his schedule. If it was too late, he'd have to skip lunch.

He wasn't mad, he could never be mad. Jungkook doesn't get mad easily — he gets scared, he gets frustrated, and he gets hurt, but never mad. And right now, he felt unreasonably hurt and stupid.

'Veleno is special, they have something'

'But...Veleno has Ghost...why does he get to have Red too?'

'You don't even have Red, so what does it matter?'

He dumped the onions in his pan, noticing Red in the corner of his eye as the man appeared in the doorway.

"Oh, I understand," Red said, amusement in his voice as he walked to lean against the counter near the oven where Jungkook was standing. "Are you...jealous."

"No," Jungkook responded as he started adding rice to the onions while shaking his head.

He noticed the knife in the older man's hand. He had the tip of the blade pressed against the countertop as he lazily twirled it around and pushed it from side to side with just his index finger which was covered by black, leather gloves. A small smirk played on his lips and his eyes had that uncomfortable piercing gaze that Jungkook had grown to enjoy.

"I don't enjoy explaining myself to people, Jungkook," Red stated as he changed his position so he was resting his back against the counter with his knife in one hand and the blade twisting on his opposite finger. "I don't like doing it for Satan, Luci or any other person who thinks they have authority over me."

"I-I don't."

"You don't what?"

He added water, coconut oil, and salt to the mix before placing the lid over the pan and turning to face the redhead. "I don't have authority o-over you."

He glanced at the soy sauce which was slightly behind Red and sighed, he was making him late for eating. It made him feel worse. He loved Red's presence but he didn't feel good and he just wanted to eat and sit down.

"Exactly," Red feigned an 'awe' as he leaned over and pinched Jungkook's cheeks. "I guess I'll have to explain myself to you because you're not authoritative at all — it's pitiful really." He handed Jungkook the soy sauce and the boy began mixing ingredients to glaze salmon. He'd just save it for dinner, it was too late to eat lunch now.

"First and foremost, your mother has made great deals with us, I guess I have to thank you now because the amount of money and valuables I'm about to contribute to The Family will save me for a while. So thanks, Jungkook, for having shitty and filthy rich parents," he said as he watched the younger boy place fish on a baking pan. He placed two.

'Awe he's cooking for me too? How domestic' Red thought.

"How d-did you manage to convince my dad to give you money?" Jungkook asked with a frown.

"We didn't, but your mother loves your father so much," Red shrugged, "so after Luci had a lovely chat with your frantic and rather amusing father, I left. What I had in mind was to pick you up and spend your Saturday stalking Schneider, however, my plans were interrupted by Veleno — he's upset because a while ago I cut things off between us—"

That caught Jungkook's attention.

"Veleno doesn't like being rejected, he's insecure and relies on constant validation to make his world go round so when someone delivers a major blow to his ever-growing ego, he acts out. I think he has some type of personality disorder. Histrionic? I don't know nor do I care. So he decided to tag along with me to annoy me. I couldn't pick you up because having...outside affairs that won't contribute to The Family is forbidden."

Jungkook set the pan on the oven top aside as he stared at the redhead. He wore a blank expression but he could read amusement in his eyes as he rotated the tip of his knife around the padding of his thumb.

"I understand why you'd be jealous. Veleno is very attractive isn't he?" The older man continued. Jungkook frowned. "He's very smart too, but you know that. Unfortunately for Vel, he does stupid things when he's not supervised. He's like a child: in constant need of attention and validation, needs supervision 24/7 — I pity Ghost for many reasons, most of which involve Vel."

"Am I like that?"

Red hummed. "No, no, you don't need attention, you don't even crave it, you're so invalidated that validation scares you away and you're independent, I don't need to supervise— what are you—"

Red's entire body stiffened and he even managed to drop his knife when Jungkook's lips landed on his. Jungkook had no experience in kissing and so he pressured Red to take control which the older man did with no hesitation, aggressively pressing the younger man against the counter.

Jungkook released a shaky breath when he felt Red's hands slipping underneath his shirt. He rubbed his thumb against the waistband of his underwear that were peeking out from underneath his joggers. Jungkook nervously placed his shaking hands atop the older man's shoulders, squeezing as the man pushed his lips harshly against his while licking his bottom lip.

His stomach tightened when he felt Red brush his fingers against the waistband right beneath his belly button.

The older man hummed as he pulled away, a string of saliva forming between them as he did so. He kissed him again, breaking the string as well as telling Jungkook that it was over.

"That was surprising," Red said, "you almost made me forget why I came here."


"This is his house?" Jungkook asked as he looked up at the mansion before him.

"Parents, but yes," Red nodded. "He stayed at the uni dorms during his freshman year, but his parents found out he was shooting heroin and decided to make him move home so he wouldn't get caught."


"You know the drug—"

"Does he do other drugs?"

"Yeah anything he can get his hands on," Red answered as he turned to face Jungkook who looked way too happy with the response. "You're happy that he's an addict?"

"I-I'm happy that he's ruining his own life."

Red smiled and nodded his head slowly as he turned back to look at the house. Schneider should be arriving soon, he was scheduled to go to a rehearsal dinner for his father. He saw one of the members from Hoseok's gangs rush out of the house, a wad of cash in her hand with a small dog. He frowned, wondering why the girl decided to steal the small dog but decided not to ask. He did tell them to take whatever they wanted.

"Who was that?" Jungkook asked as the girl hit the pavement running.

"A robber — some of Guns' gang members like to tag along during my trips to take a few things for themselves, it's not easy to build your wealth when you're working directly under someone."

"What happens if you don't contribute?"

"It depends on who you are and what you've done."

Jungkook nodded as he nervously looked around the area. Daniel had moved from his old house where he and his friends attacked Jungkook four years ago. He shuddered at the memory, digging his nails into the palm of his hand. Just the thought made his skin crawl and his stomach churn.

"Who are the other people?" Red asked, "you said there were other people, remember?"

"I-I don't know their total there were f-five guys..."

"And they did what?"

"I-I don't want to talk about it."

Red hummed. "I thought we were close, Jungkook. You kissed me remember?"

Jungkook pressed his lips in a thin line as he frowned down at his shaking hands. Red could practically see the gears winding in the younger boy's head as he thought of what to say and how to say it.

He trusted Red, he didn't know why, but he did. He just...he didn't want to be ridiculed the way his father ridiculed him.

"What's your real name?" Jungkook asked and Red stared at him.

"You understand that me exposing my face and my name to you is a death sentence to me just as much as it is to you?" Red asked as he drummed his fingers against the steering wheel. "So if you tell anyone and they end up being the wrong person, I'll die, you'll die."

"I promise I won't tell anyone," the younger boy quickly said, his eyes wide. "I won't even repeat it without you being around."

The redhead released a breathy chuckle. "You're way too eager to learn my name, Jungkook. But I suppose you'll need something to scream. It's Taehyung — Kim Taehyung."


Word Count: 2339


I originally wanted their first kiss to be over killing someone, wouldn't that be romantic? 😩😩😩😩

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