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Av jerry_zh

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𝐼𝓃 π‘œπ“ƒπ‘’ 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒 π“Žπ‘œπ“Š π“Œπ’Ύπ“π“ π“π‘œπ“‹π‘’ π“‚π’Άπ“ƒπ“Ž π“‰π’Ύπ“‚π‘’π“ˆ π’·π“Šπ“‰ π‘œπ“ƒπ‘’ π“Œπ’Ύπ“π“ π’·π“Šπ“‡π“ƒ π“Ž... Mer



452 50 16
Av jerry_zh

Later the night after dinner the Morris family took their farewell from the packhouse and went home. Zayn may or may not have teased Eliot the whole time by clinging to Ryan for a boy's night out but in response, Eliot had dragged Ryan outside to their car even before the family could wish their goodnight's to each other.

Zayn had always seen Eliot as his younger brother and is very protective over but that doesn't help when he enjoyed taking a piss out of him. He knew it's just a matter of time and then Eliot's nerves would eventually calm down, but he isn't going to waste the chance while it lasts.

When the malik family went back to their living, Evander asked everyone to have a talk with him before the guests arrived. Evander and Avery sat on one couch while Zayn, Zaviya and Mike sat on the opposite one.

"Hey, pup's, how's everything going?"

"Dad, I'm not a pup anymore." Both the siblings groaned altogether.

"Well that's isn't gonna change the fact that you still are my pups," Evander said, chuckling at his grown up kids behaviour, as he sat next to Avery pulling her into his arms.

"Who is coming, tomorrow dad? And what's so special with them?" Zayn asked enthusiastically. It's the only question that has been going in his head since the morning.

"Well, that's what I want to talk about with you guys. Whoever is coming tomorrow is a very close friend of mine and I want you guys to behave properly in front of him." Both Zayn and Zaviya nodded to their father's words.

"Not just that, they are going to live with us. So I want you to help them with anything they need or want."

"How long are they gonna stay with us, are they from our pack?" Zayn can't help but ask.

"I don't know how long they are gonna stay, though I wish that they never leave this pack again," Evander said feeling a bit sad for all those years he didn't have his best friend with him. Avery softly squeezed his hand, like a soft 'everything is fine.

"So as I was saying, you two are gonna behave and make them feel like home." He then turned towards Zayn "And you, my son are going with me tomorrow to pick them up from Heathrow airport. We will leave in the afternoon, alright?"

"Yes, dad."

"Dad, is Harry coming?" Zav can't help but chipper in between the conversation.

"Yes, of course, zav. Now off to bed you all go. See you in the morning. Goodnight." Evander ended the conversation not wanting to talk anymore.

They all wished goodnight to each other and went to their respective rooms. Zayn tried to ask who Harry is to his dad but all he got was a 'tomorrow' and was ushered back to his room. 

"Hey zav, wait up a second," Zayn said and rushed towards her before she could enter her room.

"Mike if you don't mind, can I take her for a second?" 

"Sure, buddy." He pecked her cheek and went inside.

"What do you want now, zaynie?" Zaviya asked, totally not in a mood to talk.

"Cut out the tantrum already, I won't take much of your time. Just tell me one thing then go all bunny." He said, making her irritated.

"You get out of here and now I don't want to answer anything." 

"Ok, I'm sorry. Please, please, please big sister." Zayn took her hand in his, stopping her from going inside her room. He pleaded giving his puppy eyes, which he knew no one could resist. Zaviya tried her best but failed to resist his puppy fact.

"Fine, what's the deal?"

"Who is Harry?"

"What's gotten you so interested in him huh?" She smirked at his brother.

"Don't give me that look zav, you know I have a girlfriend." His words made her smirk free even more.

"What? I didn't say anything." She said innocently.

"Yeah sure. I'm just curious, why are you so excited for him? Who is he?"

"Harry was my friend when we were kids. Well more like I was a kid while he was just a baby, so small, so tiny. I don't know what happened then but one day he just left the house and went away with his father. Since then I've never seen him and it's already been eighteen years. That's why I'm so excited to see him again." She says happiness is clearly visible in his head.

Zayn pondered in his head but he came out with nothing. He doesn't remember anybody ever knowing 'Harry'. "Did I know him?"

"No silly, he is a year older than you. You weren't even born back then. Are done with your Q&A session. I'm literally tired."

"Yes, thanks." He pecked her cheek and went towards his room.

Zayn went back to his room. He stripped down to his boxers and snuggled under his duvets. The name 'Harry' kept on swirling around in his head. He didn't understand why he was getting bothered just by the name. There was no reason, he never met him nor did he have known about him before tonight. But he felt that there is something and he can't wait to meet that person.

He kept switching his side but it was like sleep is too far away. He got up and went to his window, wrapped in his duvet looking out at the brightly lit night. For a few moments he forgot about Harry but then again after a few short minutes he was back at it. The more he thinks the more it makes him annoyed. 

"Harry, how can someone name their kid Harry in today's world? Feels like he is from some royalty." He muttered to himself as soon as sleep took him in its embrace.





The next morning he woke up late because of his all night long discussion over a name that still got no face. He freshens up with a speed that he never had when he would get late for school. With a spark in his steps, he went down to eat breakfast with his family. 

He greeted his mum with a peck on her cheeks, pinching Zaviya's cheeks and said good morning to his dad and Mike.

"When we have to leave for the airport, dad?" Zayn asked while taking a bite of his butter toast.

"We will leave at noon, their flight will get here in the afternoon. So it's better if we reach early." 

"Ok, dad. But who are they? I mean you say they are from our pack only, but I know nothing about them. And they are gonna stay with us, can you please tell."

"You look, excited son." His father gave him a look.

Zayn doesn't know what's with the looks he is getting every time he wants to know about those guests. Does he have something on his face, which everyone can see except for him?

"No I mean, I'm curious. Come on dad, just tell already."

"Ok, I'm just joking." Evander wiped his mouth with the napkin and stood up. "Complete your breakfast then meet me in my office I'll tell you."

Zayn turned towards Zavia and squinted his eyes, giving her a look of betrayal, "And you said you don't, anything except his name."

"It's not a lie. Now stop staring at me and finish up pup, dad is waiting for you." He again groaned at his nickname and stuffed his mouth with the food.

After finishing up, he went to his father's office knocking at the door. He didn't know what's so serious that his father wanted to talk in private, but looking at his parents he thought it might be very important.

"Come in son."

"Hey, dad. What is it that you wanted me here?"

"I wanted to talk to you about our guests. And what I'm gonna tell you is very important. You are gonna be the next Alpha of this pack so I think you should know a few things that have been kept a secret until now."

Zayn felt a bit confused, the way his father described things it felt he is going to be the Alpha tomorrow itself. And what does he mean by secrets?

"What do you mean by secrets dad?"

"Before I tell you that, you need to promise me that's except you nobody else can ever know about this. It had been kept secret from your generation for a reason and I would like you to keep it the same way. Alright?"

"Does mom know about it and zav?" Zayn can't help but ask what's it that had been kept uncommunicated.

"Your mom does but not your sister, she was too young. The only thing she remembers is Harry, her playmate." Evander softly smiled at the memories that were shared between his daughter and Harry.

"Ok, I promise dad. I won't if required I might share it with Ryan. You know he is my best friend and my-"

"And you're future beta, I know Zayn and that's fine but other than him, no one. Did I make myself clear?" Zayn nodded at Evanders' words and waited for him to continue.

"Do you remember Mr Styles? Our previous Alpha?" Zayn just nodded.

"Well he was not just our previous Alpha, he was also the father of our new Alpha who led this pack before me."

"What! Dad!...... but I was told that he.."

"I would appreciate it if you hear me out first then react. There is a lot, so if you keep interrupting it would make it chaotic."

"Sorry dad, I just... You continue, I'll be quiet now."

"So as I was saying. Mr Styles had a son, his name was Adrien Earl Styles, my best friend and the powerful Alpha of our pack. He was the one who led this pack and I was his Beta. We both were so close, just like you and Ryan. I had found your mum as my mate when we were in high school but Adrien was unable to find his mate for quite a few years. No matter how much he tried and put his efforts into it. After waiting for a few more years, Mr Styles finally made him take his duties and he became the first un-mated Alpha of the pack. It was rare but the council allowed it."

"After a few years, he finally met his mate, our beautiful and lovely Luna. Her name was Harlyn Rose White, before your mum, she was the Luna of our pack. When Adrien and Harlyn took their position as the Alpha and Luna in the pack, Avery was pregnant with Zaviya. Everything was perfect, the pack was happy and after three years Harlyn got pregnant with Harry."

Evander took a deep breath and a very long pause, reliving all those dreadful memories hard for him too. Harlyn's death, those months when Adrien almost lost his mind, that horrible day when they had almost lost Harry, which made his friend leave his own pack, that made him fight down his best friend at the battleground. The day when everything good shattered into tiny pieces. Evander didn't notice that he had zoned out until he heard faint sounds of Zayn calling him.

"Dad...., you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm good," Evander said, clearing his throat and straightening his position.

"If you don't feel like continuing then it won't be a problem to me. We can talk some other day." Zayn said, clearly seeing the pain in his father's eyes. He was sure that whatever is to come next has caused great pain to his father.

"No, it needs to be done today only and before they arrive." 

"If that what you want, I'm all ears dad." Zayn softly smiled and waited for Evander to continue. And after taking a few deep breaths, that's what he did. He told him everything, from the day it all started to the day when he decided for the pack to bury the whole incident deep. The only thing he kept hidden from Zayn were the conversation that took place with the doctors, he felt it's not his right to tell him that.

"Who kidnapped him? And what happened that made Adrien leave?" Zayn can't help but ask. What he just heard was absurd for him to believe but he knows it's nothing but the truth. Even after listening to everything his father had told him, it didn't help him to decipher the actual reason.

"I don't know. Adrien didn't tell anything about that incident, he wanted to just leave and bury the whole incident. Everything that happened in that one day left the pack shaken, I tried my best to find anything but always came back empty handed. After so many years of Adrien never contacting us, I thought it would be better to just remove the whole incident from the face of this pack."

"So you just let him go, practically removing his existence?"

"It's not like that, Zayn, not at all. There is more on the inside and I don't think it's my place to tell you that. I just want you to know who he really is and respect him."

"So this Harry guy, his son is older than me?" Zayn asked, there is a certain emotion tubulating inside him, which he can't seem to point at. The more that emotion pokes his wolf the more angrier he is got. He doesn't know why is saying what he is saying anymore.

"Yeah, a year. Avery was pregnant with you when Adrien left the pack with Harry."

"Ohh, so he is already eligible for being the Alpha. And now that I know who he is, it's sure the only reason they are coming back is to take back what's theirs."

"Where are you going with all this Zayn?" Evander can't help but feel anger towards Zayn, he never acted this way.

"Can't you see dad? Something happened and they left, now after all those years or should I say precisely after eighteen years now they want to come back. Why? So now his son can become the Alpha, the name which was his and under some circumstances, he had to have it to you."

"Are you out of your mind Zayn? Since when you started to talk like this about someone. Here I was telling you how much they had suffered and you're acting like an emotionless person." Evander shouted, not liking the way Zayn was bending the whole situation into.

"Come on dad it's clear. Maybe his son had suffered a lot and he moved out of the pack. But now he may have become a strong high-rank wolf who could easily take back his family's throne."

"Shut up Zayn!" Evander can't help but shout. "What had gotten into you? Get over with this attitude before they come. I don't want any of this behaviour of yours in front of them. Now go and get ready we are leaving in an hour."

Zayn just huffed and walked towards the door. He himself didn't understand why he acted that way, but the hurricane he is feeling in him is only making him angry. When he was about to open the door, he heard Evander calling him.

"On the last thing Zayn, Adrien didn't give me anything which was his. He put his pack first and provided them what he thought was best for them and that perfect, in his eyes, was your father all those years ago. And for Harry, I can't believe you, how you were able to think so low. But don't worry, nobody is going to take your so-called throne because apparently, Harry is an Omega, Zayn. He was our precious little pup and still is, whom everyone adored in the pack. So either stay polite with him or totally stay away, your choice. But don't you dare to hurt him with this attitude of yours."

Zayn just nodded now feeling sad for what he had done and anger at himself for judging someone like that without any solid reason. He quietly said sorry and skipped towards his room, with his wolf still unsettled for reasons he didn't know.


-who are you messing with my brain and building a home in my heart?.........

Fortsett Γ₯ les

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