Survive (Promised Neverland...

By NatashaD2967

865 12 0

Season 1 is over! Season 2 in another book! Remi, a young girl who never really had a presence, discovers the... More

Another Enemy
William Minerva


48 0 0
By NatashaD2967

Remi POV

Ok, this is a pretty bad situation for us. At least that's what I thought until I was met with a proposal for collaboration. 

"Let's team-up", Sister Krone suggested. I was a bit confused but I stood my ground, my hand was slightly spread out in front of the group in a protective manner. I was the only one who could fight here. 

I know that it's weird for me to be able to but, I've always had these abilities since I was a child. I had super senses. I found out the reason a while ago, and it still shocks me. But that's a story for another time.

"relax guys, Don't worry", I smirked and faced Sister Krone, "We'll hear you out".

Sister Krone looked a bit startled but smiled. Norman came and stood next to me. He gave me a reassuring smile and faced Sister again. Ah, he must think I'm just putting on a brave front. Oh well, a backup plan won't hurt.

"That's right, Let's team up so we can both get what we want", Sister Krone suggested, "You guys want to escape, and I want to become the mother of this drag Isabella out of here and take her position", she spoke. 

"Become the Mama?", Don repeated.

"Just so you know, I'm very serious. I want to escape my current situation too", She slowly unbuttoned a few of the top ones, revealing a number, just like ours. So my theory was right, the female children who are smart enough will be chosen to work for the HQ. Mama was kind of forced into this situation too, though that doesn't mean I forgive her.

"Girls who meet certain criteria and live up to the age of 12 have 2 options at the time of shipping", Sister began explaining, "Die, or aim to become a Mama".

"What are the criteria?", Don asked.

"Scores above a certain number, and the resident mother's recommendation, if you have those you can live on without having to escape", She replied, "Only girls."

She kept circling us while talking.

"Only girls?", Gilda repeated. 

"But I advice against it though, you'll end up with a body that can't take one step out of this compound", Sister unbuttoned her shirt to reveal a huge scar on her chest. It looked like she had surgery and something was implanted inside her. Must be a chip to monitor them. 

"What is that?!", Emma questioned

"I had a chip implanted in me", Sister Krone answered, "If an adult takes a single step outside the farm, this will discharge electricity and stop your heart".

"And at the same time if our heart stops beating from some external factors, they act as transmitters and let the brass know", She finished.

"So we can't kill any adults huh?", Norman mumbled.

"I can only live on the farm, so I want the best possible life I can have here", She buttoned her shirt back. "I want a human life as a Mama, even if it is just pretense, and for that, Isabella stands in my way".

I looked at her straight in the eye with an unwavering gaze. She looked a bit uncomfortable under it but didn't show. 

"If you kids escape, Isabella would be held responsible.", Sister smirked, "I won't stop you, run away, it'll only benefit me".

"You won't ship us out?", Gilda remained cautious and confirmed facts.

"I won't", Sister confirmed, "Let's cooperate".

She looked at me and I gave her my usual smile, though it didn't reach my eyes. I slowly stretched out my hand. She took it and we both shook.

"Fine, but you should know what you're getting yourself into", I mumbled the last part in a way only she could hear. She looked startled but gulped and smiled.

"Wait, what guarantee do we have that you won't sell us out?", Emma suddenly asked.

"You don't trust me?", mama smirked, "It's Ray. If Ray tells Isabella about my plans then I'm toast. But I can also end him by telling Isabella that he's a double agent. So neither of us will betray each other".

I already knew that which is why I agreed in the first place. 

"Isn't that fine?", Sister bent down to my height. I still had my calm collected gaze and just looked at her for a bit. She seemed a bit unsure and uncomfortable under my gaze so I smirked.

"Of course. We have a deal", I agreed. We smiled at each other and she then gained her confidence back.

"I also have other information that only I can give you. I will willingly answer any question you have! Come to my room tonight if you want!", She suddenly started doing the high knee exercise while talking. I just thought that she was super weird. Emma and the other's sort of shrunk back a bit so I took a step forward, making me act like a shield. She then gave us a little smile and walked away. Everyone let out a small breath of relief. 

I turned and smiled at them, comforting them that it was alright. 


After that, we all gathered in the dining room to discuss our next move. 

"She wants the best life for herself, even though she was just like us once?! That person doesn't care about us at all!!", Emma angrily exclaimed. 

"She's selfish, just like most humans", I lowered my gaze. 

"But she said she won't ship us out", Gilda cut in. 

"It's not that she won't...", Norman began. 

"It's that she can't", I finished. 

"if she really wanted us to escape, then she would've helped us outright from the start", Norman pointed out. 

"The reason she's babbling all her plans to us now is to win our trust", I continued. 

"But what does that achieve?", Don asked, confused.

"She wants concrete proof of our uprising", Norman revealed. 

"In other words, she can't report us without evidence. She probably doesn't have authority like mama to ship us out whenever", I explained. 

"Concrete proof", Gilda repeated in understanding. 

"Hey, what if she finds the rope we hid in that tree?", Don asked, panicked. 

"Don't worry, we can just say we used it for playing or something", Norman began. 

"But...", I trailed. 

"If she finds the transmitter-neutralizing device, it's game over", Ray cut in. 

"it'll be decisive evidence, we can't talk our way out of", I finalized. Don and Gilda immediately panicked. 

"Don't worry, I won't mess up like that", Ray eased, "Besides, it's not even done yet".

"If we make her think we don't know where the transmitters are, and how to destroy them, we'll be fine", Norman deduced. 

"Knowing that sister, she'll believe us if we play our cards right", I smirked.

"Are you really going?! I mean, it's that sister we're talking about!", Gilda hesitated, "it's nice that she says she'll tell us everything, but...".

"But really, why are we even working with her? What do we gain from it?", Don pitched in

"We might get useful information, and we can remove at least one thorn from our side", Norman explained, "That'll help us focus and work better".

Don and Gilda still didn't look convinced so I sighed and Emma got up. 

"It'll be alright", I began and smiled at them.

"We've gotta make the most of every opportunity that comes our way!", Emma exclaimed. The atmosphere slowly lightened and everyone regained their fighting spirit. 

"Remi, Ray, can you come with me? I want to discuss some plans", Norman called. 

"Yeah!", Ray replied and followed. 

"Go ahead, I'll catch up", I cut in and turned back to the group. I nodded at Emma, and the both of us turned to the other 2.

"Can you both do us a favor?", We asked in sync.


"I still think I should go alone", I grumbled as Norman and Emma prepared to leave. 

"We'll be fine, besides, you still have some plans to sort out", Norman reassured. 

"Alright then, but let me at least give you some important tips. Sister Krone is extremely observant. Just words and facial expressions aren't enough", I began, they looked at me confused and I sighed. 

"Don't ask about the trackers first. If you do, she'll catch on that you already know about them. And if you find out information about it, like where it is, pretend you never knew. Touch the spot or something. Body language is a major key in conversation", I advised. The both of them listened earnestly and nodded, before departing. I sighed, I hope it goes well. 

"Don't worry, the both of them are smart. They'll handle the situation", Ray comforted. I gave him a convincing smile. 

"Your right, let's get to work", I quickly regained my spirit. 


Norman POV

Shit! Remi was right!! body language is mandatory in conversation!! she found out!! I guess we didn't seem natural enough. Maybe I should've let Remi come here alone. Ah, no time for regrets. maybe next time I should listen a bit more to Remi? 

 "I'm surprised you knew how necessary body language was in conversation, though you didn't seem natural enough, so that means you were just informed. I assume it was either Remi or Ray, am I right?", Sister asked, smirking. 

"It would have been a better option to send one of them, don't you think? that way I wouldn't have found out so easily", Sister taunted, "So tell me, what are you trying to hide from me?".

We stayed silent. This is a bad situation for us, but Our next move depends on her response. 


Surprisingly... she let us go!


Remi POV

I had already asked Ray for the parts. I also finished making it, all that's left to do is test it out, before teaching Norman. 

I hope they all can get past the wall successfully, though I wanted to go with them. 

"Norman, can I talk to you?", I asked before he left for bed. He already told me that Sister found out, it's just a matter of time before she figures out that we have a transmitter-blocking device. I'm sure ray already hid it well though.

"Sure", he replied and we made our way to the secret spot. 

"What is it?", he asked. 

"Listen norman, I'm going to teach you something called breath communication", I began. 

"Huh? what's that?", norman asked, confused. 

"It's kind of like Morse code, except with your breath", I explained, "Don't ask me the reason, just trust me okay?".

He looked at me straight in the eye, looking for answers. 

"Alright", he sighed.

"Let's get to work". 


Still Remi Pov

I woke up, feeling incredibly weak. My head hurt so bad, I thought it was going to explode. I slowly raised my hand and checked the temperature. 


no no no no

this can't be happening!!



I can't be sick!!!

today is the day!!!!


I burst into tears immediately. I can't! How could you be so cruel, god? 

Now Norman...

It was supposed to be me!!!

Why now?!!!

I think I fell back asleep after that. Mama came in after and checked my temperature while I was asleep. She frowned. 

"It seems we'll have to switch them", She thought and left. Meanwhile, I was in a dreamless sleep. 

After a while, I woke up to hear footsteps come. It seems Sister has made her move. I'm still sick, so I can't help, but Ray already came by and told me he's got it in control. I had locked everyone out, not allowing anyone inside because of my guilt. Now I have to start preparing for Norman. I got up still feeling a bit dizzy and moved to my drawer. I took out 2 bracelets, 1 with huge beads and the other without anything. Both of them had a rectangular bead that was a bit larger than average beads. I brought one of them to my ear and tried communicating with the Breath communication. 

It works!

At least now I don't have to worry about Norman being alone. 

I clenched the bracelet tightly. I still can't believe that I got sick at the worst possible time. I'm glad he's not going to be eaten, but that place is still Hell. 

I need to rescue him as soon as possible. 

As I was lost I thought,  I heard a noise outside. I quietly stumbled to the door and placed my ear on it, trying to listen to their conversation. 

My eye's widened at what I heard. 

Sister krone is going to be a Mama in Plant 4? Wait that means... she's being disposed of?! Mama sure moves fast. 

Well, that's one obstacle out, though it is regretful that she has to die. 

I went back to bed and started thinking, planning. Today mama will reveal the news to Norman, tomorrow I will tell him everything I knew, Starting today, we will escape!!


"I've been expecting you, Sister Krone.", I smirked as she opened the door and came to me. 

"I believe this will be the last time we talk, am I right?", I turned to face her. Her eyes widened and she smiled in defeat. 

"So you heard", She began, "I came here to give you this", Sister stretched her hand out, revealing a pen. 

"What is it?", I asked. 

"I don't know, it's not an ordinary pen though. I found it in my days of training to be a Sister, I believe this will be of use to you when you escape", She said. I reached out and took the pen. 

"Thanks, but why now? why are you helping us now?", I asked. 

"Escape. If it's you brats, it'll be possible. Keep them all safe, I know you can do it", She replied. My eyes widened a bit. I turned to her and smiled. 

"I wish you all the best for your next journey", I reached my hand out for her to shake. She paused before accepting and shaking it. 

"yes, thank you", She then turned to leave. Well, maybe she'll live better in her next life. 

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