A heavy burden; a true story.

By JuliaGolafshan

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Day 1
Day 5
Day 22
Day 25
Day 26
Day 28
Day 30
Day 39
Day 49
Day 61
Day 89
Day 92
Day 94
Day 100
Day 102
Day 104
Day 106
Day 113
Day 118
Day 132
Day 139
Day 140
Day 153
Day 164

Day 112

99 5 0
By JuliaGolafshan

~ Day 112 ~ 

~ 13 / 01 / 2013 ~

I just checked my weight (because I won't be able to check it tomorrow morning at the usual time), and I feel sick.

89.7 kg.

That's 0.9 MORE than last time, where I weighed 88.8 kg.

I haven't done much exercise this week because work has been so busy, and we get home at a time when I can't go to the park and do laps. 

So the only exercise I've done this week is a calorie-burn workout once, and 5 laps at the park yesterday (it started raining and I had to leave 15 laps early).

 But even though there's been a lack of exercise, I don't understand why I put on nearly a kilo! 

I did have a 'bad day' yesterday though, and I ate bread and icecream - which was stupid of me to do, but I'm not going to beat myself over for it, because I've been eating so well the rest of the time for the last months or so.

So this weight GAIN is really making me upset, especially because I'm meeting up with a friend that I haven't seen for ages. I REALLY want them to think I've lost weight.

I also can't wait to see people I havent' seen for months; some friends of ours went over to America for 3 months, and they get back in March I think. 

By that time I want to be at 80, so that when they'll see me, they'll be so stunned, and they won't believe it.

Anyways, I feel pathetic right now because I was going so well.

And yes, I know I'm not, and it's just an obstacle, and I can do it, and blah blah blah - but right now I feel pathetic.

At least people that are pro-ana know they won't eat :/

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