
By Phantasmal-wanderer

112K 5.5K 1.4K

He wanted her; She'd always tell -- "I hope that you burn forever in hell." He has her in his grasp; This typ... More

Warning! Please Read!
Character Aesthetics
Track Blues Part 1
Track Blues Part 2
He's Got Issues Part 2
The Game Part 1
The Game Part 2
Sister Sister
Biding Time
Empty Christmas Part 1
Empty Christmas Part 2
Resistance is Futile Part 1
Resistance is Futile Part 2
Elder Brother Part 1
Elder Brother Part 2
Second Game
Destination Japan
Past Mistakes
Building Blocks
Into the Woods Part 1
Into the Woods Part 2
Kill La Killian
Trial and Pursuit
Thundering Footsteps
Burned to Ashes Part 1
Burned to Ashes Part 2
Flames of Rebirth Part 1
Flames of Rebirth Part 2
Check Engine Light
Midnight Dinner
Dreaded Reunion
Divide by Zero
Pillow Talk
Selflessly Selfish
Prison Break
What is Love Part 1
What is Love Part 2
Getting To Know You
First Date
Welcome Home
Betwixt Life and Death Part 1
Betwixt Life and Death Part 2
The Dark Mother
Head Mathis
Mother Dearest
Wedding Jitters
The Ceremony
New Start
Phantom Pains
Slow Killer
Dreaming of Coffee Beans
Suspicious Behavior
Rude Awakening
Surprise Acquaintance
Never Smothered
Introducing Fear
Code White
Hug Me
Dead on Arrival
An Unwilling Choice
Seeing You Again
Give Her to Me

He's Got Issues Part 1

3.3K 110 8
By Phantasmal-wanderer

I woke up groggily, I didn't know where I was. My mouth was dry and my throat was sore – as though I had been screaming.

Why...was it so sore?

Maybe I overdid it with running the day before?

My memories were a little foggy. I found it strange that I couldn't remember what I had been doing – nothing made sense. I was drawing a blank, shifting my legs briefly as I held in a small groan. I felt out where I was with my body.

I knew that the room was dark and I was laying on a bed. My arms were wrapped around a bare chest. I let out a small sigh of relief at that information -- Jack was next to me.

Everything was fine.

I had the worst dream of all time, and I can't imagine my brain thought of something that vivid and cruel. To think that I would have a dream, no, a nightmare about Chris and Jack being shot at – a good part of the school getting gunned down...

I clenched my eyes shut and then opened them back up as I furrowed my eyebrows. I pushed the nightmare out of mind.

Beating Lindsay Chamberlain's top running score must have really had me stressed.

And above all else...hearing that woman's voice, too?

A small pulsing headache was at the back of my skull. I slowly let out a breath to help with the pain. It only brought further attention to my sore throat. I wanted to swallow, but I had a feeling that if I did that I would only be in more pain.

I needed to start calming down or I was going to give myself an aneurism.

"Jack...what time is it?" I asked, straining my throat as I did so. I squinted my eyes to peer up at his face through the darkness. I couldn't get a clear picture of it since most of the room was drenched in absolute darkness.

My vision was swirling for some odd reason, and the headache persisted. It was the headache of a lifetime, I never experienced one as severe as it.

There was a soreness in my neck as well – that one was a little hard to explain. I summed it up to just working out a bit too hard. I wasn't a stranger to sore muscles, but this pain didn't feel like it was a sore muscle that I was familiar to...it felt different.

I snuggled my face deeper into the exposed chest, knowing that Jack always made things better. He was so supportive and caring. He was protective of me, but not possessive. Jack was just the right combination of what a boyfriend should be.

My dad introduced the two of us, since Jack's dad was a friend of my dad's. Ever since my father took my sister and I in, Jack helped me assimilate into normal society. He was my anchor and I never left his side from that day on.

He was my best friend before my boyfriend.

I depended on him. I was lucky that he was so patient with me. When we started going out last year, my dad was beyond happy. Jack really is the best, and I was blessed to have him by my side. I wouldn't be the person that I was today if not for him.

I let out a tired mumble. "I have to go..." I held onto his chest tighter, my words contradicting my actions.

After that nightmare that I had just experienced, I did not want to leave him. Still, I needed to practice running since winter break was coming up. That meant that spring break was just around the corner when the final scores would be announced.

I wasn't going to let Lindsay Chamberlain win, even if that meant leaving Jack after the terrible dream. I was hoping for some encouraging words from him to hype me up. "I have to go and run..."

A dark chuckle swept through the air, and I instantly tensed up. My grip on the body that I was laying on went lax, as though I didn't want to keep holding onto it.

That...wasn't Jack's laugh – that wasn't even similar to his morning voice.

That didn't sound like Jack's laugh at all.

"You know my name, beautiful," he pulled me in closer to him, his arms wrapping around my upper body to keep me secure. I felt like a petrified statue that couldn't move their arms, I forgot that I had any limbs at that moment and was only focusing on the sudden panic.

"Why don't you say it?" He taunted, my eyes were wide with fear as I stared into the darkness. "I love the way it sounds coming from your lips." My blood ran cold at that fact that everything that happened in my dream was real.

Jack and Chris were....

They were....!

Almost everyone from my school was...

He took me...Why did he take me?

Was he going to kill me, too?

After coming to my senses, I instantly began to push away from him. His grip on me didn't loosen, and it made struggling against him that much harder. It seemed like my strength was at half its regular power – it must have been from the drug that he injected me with...

It must have been the sedative.

My arms started to shake and tremble from the strain I was putting on my muscles. "N-No!" I yelled, but putting all my weight behind my efforts wasn't amounting to much progress. "Please, let me go!" I kicked out at him at seeing that my arms weren't pushing him, but at seeing what I was doing, he trapped my legs underneath his, effectively trapping me against him once more.

He breathed into my hair deeply. I strained my neck away to not feel his vile breath on my body. "Shh, it's not time to get up yet." Cold panic swept over me the longer that I was next to him.

This was the same man that had helped in killing...he had killed...!

"Let's enjoy each other's company."

His relaxed words sent shivers down my spine. He was acting as though he didn't kill people from my school – along with Jack and Chris...!

"No!" I yelled, doing my best to try and squeeze under his muscular arms. I managed to succeed only because he reached out to grab me to place me in a more secure position against him. Once I had been freed, I stared at his body as he sat up on the bed. I backpedaled, not keeping track of where the bed ended or even began.

I let out a few rushed breaths and kicked myself directly off the large bed. My back hit the ground before my butt did, and I let out a pained groan and turned on my side. My hands quickly going to rub the spot that I had hit against the floor.

It would definitely cause some bruising for sure.

I didn't know where I was.

I didn't know how I would escape.

My heart was thumping wildly in my chest – I was in a room with a murderer.

"Vienna, you're so energetic this morning," I looked up to see his head peering over the bed down at me. His hands were propping him up as he leaned over the edge to stare at me. I blinked my eyes, not even registering what he had just said – he said a different name.

That wasn't my name that he had spoken, but he was looking at me as though he were talking to me.

He smirked and my blatant confusion that was spreading across my face.

Who the hell did he think I was?

"That's right, Ari," he said, and I caused a flinch at my nickname coming from him. "Your name is now Vienna," I stayed silent, taking in his words. "The old you is dead. This is your new life and you had best get used to it," I couldn't help but clench my hands in anger at what he was currently preaching from his high pedestal.

I didn't like that he was talking down to me...while he was talking down to me.

"Whether you want to resist and suffer is ultimately up to you."

Despite my situation, I narrowed my eyes. I might have been on the floor, but I would not continue taking his words sitting down. I would show him just how wrong he was – that he would definitely regret taking me.

"I'm not a pet – and that's not my name." He stood up from the bed, slowly. Placing one foot down on the ground. The action indicated that he was going to come towards me. I crawled backwards, not getting very far before my already bruised back made contact against the hard wall.

My eyes were frantic for anything that I could use to fight him off with. My throat was still sore and tears welled up in my eyes when he rounded the other side of the bed to stand in front of me. I felt my resolve instantly vanish – I wouldn't be able to fight off the man that was now standing a few feet in front of me.

I resorted to begging – maybe he would let me go home if I begged.

"Please let me go. I-I won't tell anyone-! I swear."

I placed my arms up in front of me and watched how he took each step closer and closer. I swallowed painfully and looked at him while tears were running down my face. He squatted to his knees in front of me and gently took in my hands.

I started to shake, even though I wanted to remain strong. I watched breathlessly as he placed my hand up to his lips. He gave the knuckles of my hand a brief kiss, and this caused nausea to form in the deep pits of my stomach.

"Where would you go?" He cracked a slow smirk. I only stared at him, getting over my initial shock of his outward affection towards me. "You're home where you belong, beautiful." He took a moment to stare into my eyes.

That wasn't right – this wasn't my home.

This would never be my home – my sister wasn't here.

Jack wasn't...He wasn't...!

I shook my head adamantly refusing his words. The tears that wanted to show I had to blink them away. "N-No," I stumbled, not being able to feel my tongue in my mouth. It had become numb from the fear that overcame me. I didn't like how Aidan was speaking to me. "No, this will never be my home."

After a couple of seconds of looking into my eyes, he spoke:

"We will be doing a small game today."

"G-Game?" I asked, surprised at the change of topics.

He nodded and let go of my hand. I let it drop down to the ground, still not feeling like I could move. Aidan stood up and walked over to the bathroom that was directly beside me. He turned on the bathroom light and I flinched while clenching my eyes shut. It was bright – the room had been almost completely dark.

After opening my eyes I could see that the room was very big – I stood up slowly as I had my back against the wall for support. My legs were now trembling as my body was still in its state of frozen terror.

"It's something that we do with all of them that we take," he stood in front of the bathroom mirror. There were large white rugs placed at the double sink. It was directly across from the luxurious shower that not even my father had in his house.

I remained where I was standing, not trusting my legs to walk anywhere. They were trembling, badly. "It's a game of tag." He walked out of the bathroom after running his hand through his hair as he walked over to the large closet.

I tensed up when he passed me, but he didn't even look in my direction. I relaxed as he opened up the large closet to reveal a plethora of shirts and pants hanging up from various hangers. I recognized a few of the brands even from far away -- I helped our maid iron all of dad's suits for father's day one year.

It was mostly high class – was this man wealthy?

Did he get that much money from selling other people??

I instantly began to feel sick at that thought.

Aidan looked over at me after putting on a button up shirt. He rolled up the sleeves up to just below the elbows and I started to tremble once again. I was running out of time to run away from him. I knew that I had to act now or I wasn't sure if I would get another chance.

He was beginning to button up each of the buttons, looking down for a brief second. That was when I booked it to the door that I assumed led out of the room. I pulled down on the door handle but found that it was locked. I pulled at it a few times, in frantic disbelief that it hadn't opened. I didn't want to face the reality that there wasn't an escape.

Not wasting any more time at the door, I then quickly turned around. There was a balcony that I could try, which was also the only window to the outside in the room. I took a few rushed steps, venturing halfway across the room when Aidan stepped out, now fully dressed.

I let out a small breath at being caught, and was unable to move from my legs. He slowly smiled at me, taking in my frazzled appearance. I couldn't tell what emotion was on his face – his eyes glinted with dark amusement, as though he liked to see my struggles. "Vienna, you aren't trying to escape, are you?" I remained silent, staring at him like a deer stuck in the headlights.

What was he going to do to me-?

Was he going to...?

"The game hasn't started yet..." He walked over. I was screaming at my body to move away from him, but couldn't get my legs to move. He placed his hand on my upper back as he turned me around gently and walked to the door.

He rose his hand to the scanner located to the right side of the door. In seconds the door slid open automatically. I stared in shock – this door could only be opened by him. He wanted me to see it – he wanted me to burn this knowledge into my mind.

I didn't even have a chance at escaping.

"...Why bother with the handle?" I asked after a few moments of gathering my courage to talk. I didn't look him in the eyes, finding the ground far more interesting. He chuckled while sliding his hand to meet mine.

Before I could pull my hand away, he was interlocking his fingers with mine.

I flinched at the unwanted contact and tether to him. I quickly went to pull my hand away from him but he once again squeezed my hand painfully. A few of my fingers cracked from the pressure that he was putting on them.

I let out a gasp and relaxed my fingers, allowing my arm to limply hand by my side. I didn't want to cause any more unneeded harm to my body – he was only holding my hand.

"To throw you off, beautiful." He leaned down and whispered into my ear, causing me to lean my head away. I was growing uncomfortable with the way that he was talking to me. I didn't want to be this close to someone that had killed...someone that had killed...!

A picture of Jack smiling appeared in my mind before it quickly went away.

"I like to see the despair in your eyes when you realize that there isn't an escape for you."

He pulled me out into the hallway, using our conjoined hands as leverage. I almost stumbled from the quick action. I couldn't help the tears that welled in my eyes again.

He was terrible – vile, and sick.

Did he get off on seeing my hopes being thwarted?

"Where was I?" He asked rhetorically and then smiled. "That's right...the game. You see, if you manage to escape from the property within the time limit then...you will be able to go home."

He did – this game was just another illusion of freedom.

He really did like to see the hopelessness in people's eyes when they realize that they are trapped. I had to take his words with a grain of salt – he wouldn't jeopardize his entire illegal operation if one of us managed to escape.

This had to be a lie – or it wasn't as easy as he was making it seem.

I tried to have my voice remain strong. I gave him a sideways glance, not bothering to hide the suspicion that lingered in my eyes.

"And...I'm supposed to believe that you'll keep your word?"

"I think that you're underestimating the seekers in this game."

I found a small surge of courage.

I would escape from this place – I was the fastest-!

Well...Second fastest in the state of Florida.

"And you're underestimating me."

We stopped walking, and I looked fearlessly at the man, not ashamed of the words that had escaped from my lips. He turned to look at me with a prideful smile. I almost recoiled in alarm at the thought that he was...proud of me.

I kept staring at him and then tried to take a step back when I saw a dangerous gleam in his blue eyes – the hunger In his eyes as though he were looking at prey.

He pushed me harshly into the wall, which once more agitated my back. He brought his face close to me – our noses were almost touching.

I let out a few strangled breaths from the panic.

Did I set him off with my snarky comment?

Was he going to...? Was he going to kill...?

"I like a woman that can be my equal," Aidan spoke in a hushed whisper, bringing his mouth up to my ear. "A strong woman that isn't afraid to speak her mind..." Tears were now spiraling down my face and I dropped my entire body weight as I slid down the wall.

I wanted to get away from him –

Please, he needed to leave me alone!

"Uh-uh..." he lectured, falling down with me, making sure I didn't hit the floor hard. "You won't be able to get away from me that easily, Vienna."

"Th-That's not my name...!" I whispered out.

I meant to yell it -- to stick up for myself.

But...I couldn't.

"You're not good enough."

I felt him take a bundle of my hair and sweep it to the side, away from my neck. I froze as I looked at him with wide eyes. His mouth went down to my neck and then I felt his wet tongue lick it. It sent shivers down my spine, and I tried to pull away from him. "N-No!" I yelled, but then I felt his teeth bite down on my skin, causing me to let out a small exhale of panic. "D-Don't! Stop!" I tried to kick out my feet from underneath him.

He was doing something that only couples did with each other-!


I could hear Jack's final words to me: "I love you, Ari."

It felt like a betrayal – and I couldn't get away from him.

Then, he started to suck on the skin.

I had to get him to stop.

This was wrong – this was wrong – this was wrong!

"Please!" I almost whined, the voice sounding unfamiliar to me. I never felt so pathetic in my entire life. Yet, my pleading and begging only seemed to fuel him more. With a shaky hand I tried to pry his head away from me with my one free hand, but he merely intertwined his fingers with that one as well. I was completely stuck and frozen there.

I let out a sob this time.

I couldn't fight back.

The noise brought his attention back to me as he gave my neck one last lick. It sent an uncomfortable shiver through my spine. The spot on my neck started to burn from what he had done. He pulled his head away from me and looked into my watery, tear filled eyes.

My lips were trembling, and that's where his eyes landed next. My eyes went wide while I shook my head. "Please don't! Please, leave me alone," I took in a shaky breath. "L-Leave me alone!" The heart in my chest was thumping wildly as my anxiety flared up.

I was too scared to even think that he was about to kiss me.

No...No, Jack-!

This wasn't right – this wasn't right!

"Vienna..." He spoke slowly. I didn't respond to that name. It wasn't my name. "You're mine," I couldn't help but let out a flinch when he said those words. The tone that he used scared me. "I can do whatever I want with you."

I stared at him and then started to cry as my face scrunched up. My breath hitched in my throat. He tilted his head to the side as he watched me accept that there was nothing that I could do. This man was psychotic as his lips curled upward from amusement. He then slowly brought his lips down to meet mine.

The wooden floor underneath us creaked, and a man let out a small surprised sound just as Aidan brought out a hand gun from the back of his pants. The reaction had been so quick that if I had blinked I would have missed it.

My eyes widened and I quickly looked between the man and Aidan. I realized that one of my hands had been freed from Aidan's grasp from when he took out his gun. I didn't make a move, hoping that he would let go of my other hand as well – then I would be able to get away from him.

"S-Sorry, boss!"

Aidan narrowed his eyes at the man and slowly stood up. He released his remaining hold on me, and as soon as he did I scrambled away underneath a table that was along the wall. I bumped into one of legs of the table in my hurried panic, causing the entire piece of furniture to wobble before it adjusted itself.

I held my knees close to my chest, wanting desperately to appear small and invisible as my hand found its way shakily to my neck. The pad of my thumb brushed against the bruised part of my skin. It stung when I lightly touched it and I let out a small cringe.

I didn't know what it looked like – but I could already tell that it would probably be there for a couple of days. I held in the whimpers that built up in my throat.

"Ben..." Aidan said dangerously. I stared fearfully up at the man that had kidnapped me by the small opening that the table I had hit underneath provided.

He had never spoken to me like that before. He was scary – but this was terrifying. His gun was still aimed at the other man who had his hands up. "You shouldn't be on this floor," he spoke slowly. I wondered if he did that to invoke fear in the other man. It worked as the other man started to visibly shake – he was holding back his fear.

"I'll give you five seconds to explain."

The man, Ben, didn't miss a second to respond. I held my knees tighter against my chest, glancing behind me to see nothing but hallway. I wouldn't get very far before Aidan would catch me, and it would just result in a waste of energy.

"The other men sent me...b-because you d-didn't show up for the g-game."

I whipped my head back to see the two men. Aidan stared at Ben and then slowly lowered his gun. I let out a small breath of relief from underneath the table. It seemed like the tension that had been built in the hallway was slowly being alleviated.

Then, Aidan crouched down to look me directly in the eyes. Once again the man had been fast. I flinched at the sudden face staring down at me. I placed my hands on the ground, about ready to spring up to my feet and make a run for it, even if it would have been useless.

I didn't want to be close to a monster like him.

I blinked my eyes a few times almost in disbelief – how was he moving so fast?

He had a small, timid smile on his face as he offered his hand out to me. "Vienna, it's time for the game to start. I hope that you're ready." I stared at the hand with wide eyes and dug myself deeper towards the wall.

I wanted to believe that I was safe down there. I knew that the table would do virtually nothing to prevent the man from getting me.

Aidan then smirked darkly.

"Are you going to make me go under there and get you?"

A/N: I see a lot of stories where someone gets injected with something and they just shrug it off. Whenever I get injected with anything, like the covid shot for example, it took me days to recover. 

Maybe I'm built different (maybe I'm weak, haha)?

Fun fact: Back when I was in middle school I needed a tetanus shot for like 7th grade or something, and so my middle school was offering free ones. Those that decided to get the shot that day and went to school...these freaks that were my classmates...decided to punch people in the shoulder where they got injected. I of course decided to stay home -- I wasn't going to get hit in the arm, no, no, nope!

Thanks for all your continued support! <3

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