(DISCONTINUED)Future Us Prich...

By MamaxLegendary

10.2K 278 779


πŸ’œβ€WELCOME BACK!β€πŸ’œ
πŸ’œβ€Character and Story Setting IntroπŸ’œβ€
πŸ’œβ€Inside The Home of The Nelson-Jackson Household Housetour!πŸ˜ƒβ€πŸ’œ
β€πŸ’œHouse Tour! Part 2!πŸ˜ƒπŸ’œβ€
Prologue: We Still Got It pt. 1 (🌸)
Ch 1: We Still Got It pt. 2 (πŸ‹)
Ch 2: Zendaya Nakia Nelson-Jackson LIVE! On Jimmy Kimmel! pt 1
Ch 3: Zendaya Nakia Nelson-Jackson LIVE! On Jimmy Kimmel! pt 2
Ch 4: Family Dinner and Quiet, Cuddle time with Husband
Ch 6: (CAUGHT!) + Prince Rogers Nelson-Jackson on Jimmy Fallon! prt 2
Ch 7: (CAUGHT!) + Prince Rogers Nelson-Jackson on Jimmy Fallon! prt 3
Ch 8: (CAUGHT!) + Prince Rogers Nelson-Jackson on Jimmy Fallon! prt 4
πŸ–ŠNotta chappies sowwy😚ONLY 4 my Prichael comeback readers! PLS READπŸ–Š
β€πŸ’œEvelyn Prince Nelson-Jackson's mini bedroom tour! + his new song Inside!πŸ’œβ€
PLS READ: πŸ–Šnotta chappies sowwy just an A/NπŸ€—πŸ–Š
PLS READ:πŸ–Šβ€πŸ’œNotta chappies! sowwyπŸ˜˜πŸ€— just an A/N!πŸ’œβ€πŸ–Š
Ch 9: Their 41st & Live on a Super Star Hostess prt 1 (πŸ‹)
Ch 10: Their 41st prt 2
Ch 11: Their 41st prt 3
πŸ–ŠNotta chappies! sowwy! 😘 just an A/N!πŸ€—πŸ–Š
πŸ–ŠNotta chappies sowwy!😘 just a A/N!πŸ€—πŸ–Š
Chs 12 + 13: Space Jam 2 Reunion (extended)
πŸ–ŠNotta chappies sowwy!πŸ˜‹πŸ˜š just an A/N!πŸ€—πŸ–Š
Ch 14: Space Jam 2 Reunion! prt 2 (extended) (πŸ‹)
Ch 15: The Beginning in the Calm before the Storm prt 1
Ch 16: The Beginning in the Calm before the Storm prt 2
Ch 17: Shots in the Dark
Ch 18: The Phone Call...
Ch 19: Gone Too Soon
πŸ–ŠNotta chappies sowwy!😘 just an A/N!πŸ–Š
Ch 20: Celebration of Life prt 1
Ch 21: Celebration of Life prt 2
Ch 22: Celebration of Life prt 3
Ch 23: A 1K READS SPECIAL surprise performance!πŸŽ‰β€πŸ’œ
πŸ’œβ€Notta chappies Sowwy! just an A/N!β€πŸ’œ
Ch 24: Dearly Beloved...(πŸ‹πŸŒΈ)
Ch 25: We're Gathered here Today...(🌸)
πŸ’œβ€βœ¨Notta chappies! sowwy! A/N!βœ¨β€πŸ’œ
Ch 26: To Get through this thing called, Life...(🌸)
Ch 27: This Is It prt 1 (🌸) (+600 FOLLOWERS PARTY!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰)
Ch 28: This Is It prt 2 (🌸) [last prt] (FINALE) (+600 FOLLOWERS PARTY!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰)
Epilogue: Special (πŸŒΈβ€πŸ’œ)
πŸŽ‰πŸ’œβ€βœ¨2K READSSSS~?!πŸ˜­β€πŸ’œβœ¨πŸŽ‰
πŸ˜­β€πŸ’œβœ¨πŸŽ‰3.5K READSSSS~?!πŸ˜­β€πŸ’œβœ¨πŸŽ‰
β€πŸ’œVOLUME 2~!πŸ’œβ€

Ch 5: (CAUGHT!) + Prince Rogers Nelson-Jackson on Jimmy Fallon! prt 1

324 9 13
By MamaxLegendary


!RE-EDITED! A/N: heyyy again my loves! 🤗❤💜 hope y'all enjoyed part 1! Now, part 1 is Prince FINALLY experiencing the new world and era with his good ole friend, Jimmy Fallon and accepting Jimmy's 2-night interview VIP style! The two discussing about how it's like to be back out in the open new world once again as Prince, they also talk about Prince and Michael's upcoming wedding anniversary and Prince's work force now inside back home with his youngest son Evelyn. 😚😚🤗❤💜



Date: July 12, 2020
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, the Strip, Jimmy Fallon interview talk show building
Time: late evening


3rd POV (mainly Prince's POV):

After slipping out of the luxurious black, 90s Cadillac limbosine at the back entrance of Jimmy Fallon's upgraded talk show building to avoid the paparazzi and fans in Vegas, Prince Rogers Nelson-Jackson stepped out of his car seat. Before he did, he gave his husband Michael one last kiss on the lips before he was driven off to the rehearsal studio buildings in downtown to meet with his sister, Dunk (Janet). The service driver comes out and walks over to the right side of the car to help his boss Prince getting out of the car by offering his white-gloved hand and holding onto Prince's famous pearl shell-white, gold-crested Gucci made cane. Prince gives his butler a small smile and a kind 'thank you' before the other man nodded in return with a 'Of course sir' and returned to the driver's seat and hops back in the car.

The engine starts off as Prince watches the car move along and waves a goodbye to his husband through the window, double checking that they'll be alright back on the road. As he let's his dark blue long-sleeved glove that's covering his hand and arm along with his humongous wedding ring showing out to the public view and not under his glove, he puts back down his arm at his left side. With his right hand holding tight onto his lifesaving cane close to his chest, the back door of Fallon's building swung open by a black, bulky security guard that must be one of jimmy's VIP guest security guards, greeting him.

"Hello sir, Mr. Nelson-Jackson, Mr. Fallon deeply welcomes you back here again." Security guard Jeff, was his name, said kindly to Prince as Prince gives the man a kind smile back and a little nod as he says his thank you back and walks up to him hurriedly as he sees Jeff stretch out his right arm as he switches sides to hold the heavy metal back door with his left arm. "If you would follow me please sir, so that I can take you to your VIP back stage dressing studio." He tells him politely and a little protectively to avoid the legend from fans and paparazzi from finding out that the Prince Rogers Nelson-Jackson is here and not at the front of Fallon's building.

While Prince follows his VIP security guards, 4 more unfamiliar new VIP security guards follow at Jeff's sides, and back as they must've been assigned to guard Prince in and out. As Prince walks along his group of security guards and with Jeff that he remembers 2 years ago from returning back to this place; He wears his famous, African colored scarf robes and Chinese-style dark red and purple chrome soft, sleek-leathered blouse shirt along with Gucci grey comfortable dress leggings. He has freshly done and skimmed through his huge ball of his afro hair with a 4 tooth comb prawn, adding a stylish black purple-bowed fedora that's slanted just a little to the left of his hair. He still wears his dark caramel-gold edged sunglasses to cover his still-beautiful, outlined black mascara face that's been perfectly blushed up with a tad bit of glittery makeup along his nose and beautiful cheek bones. His eyeshadow being, a dark blue, glittery shadow to finish the touch. He also wears slightly, peach-pink lip gloss that defines his light pink, luscious lips that his husband LOVES dearly kissing so much. He then wears his famous silver-chained Prince symbol long necklace with a couple other gold chains to be added as well as one of his beautiful, well-storage kept 1-inch, Prince stilettos that he even made his own shoe brand collection store in a replica of his shoes: Only Made for Pride, For Women and Men, as his shoe store's motto line, that he proudly wears in his since of style. He doesn't wear any bracelets or anything but only one of his long feathered earring that still dangles on his left ear and obviously, his beautiful wedding ring over his left, gloved ring finger.

Yes, you may think that Prince kinda overdressed a little but, a man like him never overdresses for anythang. As he was finally met at his very own, VIP backstage dressing studio by Jeff's help, Jeff tells him simple rules if he needs anything for help, he'll waiting outside and if he was ready to be led out by Jimmy's call to come out, he'll lead him down to the elevator. Prince nods in understanding and thanks him again and enters inside the dressing room with closing the door behind him. As he looks around the nice little area, he sees a movie actor chair sitting in front of the humongous dressing mirror, that's been made purple for him with his name etched in calagrafy (cursive writing) in gold. Prince Rogers Nelson-Jackson.

As he sees his etched name on the back of the small looking chair, his fingers touch the lines of his name as he looks down at it and gives a little nod of reassurance and double acceptance of entering back to the real world in so long. He then lays his cane close to a corner on the small couch and sits down on the chair and pulls out his phone from his purse. Texting his husband and kids letting them know that he made it at the place and he's safe.

He shoots the message in their little made family group chat by Zendaya and the boys and puts his phone back inside his handheld purse. He finally takes off his sunglasses and looks up at himself at the mirror. First time in a while since he left his home bathroom's mirror of privacy, he's looked up at himself in a mirror close to public. Still looking as beautiful from over 40 years ago, he thought to himself with a little, the smallest grin on his thin, glossed lips. He then double checks his makeup from removing his sun glasses by leaning in closely to the mirror by, lightly, touching with the tips of his fingers at his skin of his face. His beautiful face.

After trying to pass the 15-minute time before the actual show starts which his VIP security guard Jeff had reminded him through the door of his dressing room, Prince looks down at his opened left hand wear his wedding ring is shown. Thinking and hoping that it'll be a really good interview talk with his good friend Fallon. Telling great, happy and young memories worth of 40+ years of his life with Michael and to the fans out there that are still their fans from years ago, and to share to the rest of the world.

As a knock was heard and snapped him out of his thoughts about the interview back into reality, Jeff tells him that his 15 minutes were up and that Jimmy and his crowd of people were ready for him. "Alright! Thank you!" He shouts back politely over and looks back at front and back down at his wedding ring. He lifts up his hand and kisses his ring for a good night so that he can go home faster and early.

He let's out a hoping sigh as he stand up from the chair and starts sweeping his hands on his clothes neatly from wrinkles and untangling some of his long necklaces around his neck, especially his Prince symbol necklace. He gently pats his fedora hat comfortably on his head so it won't fall off when he walks out and he grabs back his cane and hand purse with his phone and small important belongs inside. He opens the dressing room door and looks around for his VIP security guard Jeff as he was just around the corner and leads him to the talk show elevator is what Jimmy had called it if he recalls.

As they finally made a long curb behind the stage, they made it to the elevator and before he stepped in, there were a couple more of rules that were needed to be heard. "Once you should be able to hear Mr. Fallon's introduction of a special guest entering the tonight's show, you'll hear some music being played and he'll call out your full name on time to let you enter. You can make a cool little fun pose while in the elevator as you wish, but that wouldn't be your taste if I do think, won't it sir?" Jeff asked, kinda in a little teasing manner as a joke to make the oldest Nelson-Jackson couple laugh, which was a success as Jeff was earned by a little chuckle and an understanding nod and a shake from his head to answer his question.

"No thank you, that isn't my style, you're right, Jeff. Thank you again for all of the help. It's good to see you again too." Prince delightedly says with slight happiness and excitement in his baritone, honey-sound deep voice and that made Jeff laugh. "Yes it is good to see you back here again too, sir. Welcome back." He smiles back him and Prince softly hums as he stands and waits patiently to hear his call as the evelator came up and ready.

He then hears Jimmy's voice shout with excitement for the familiar roaring crowd of applause, wolf whistles and excited shouts of their own as they were already HYPED to see the Prince Rogers Nelson-Jackson returning to the stage once again. Already feeling the welcoming return of his and his husband's fans in the mix of the big crowd, Prince became even more a little bit excited to see new faces and old faces of their fans together. He spreads his biggest, brightest, glossy smile as his full name was finally heard along with music of a band playing his #1 famous song Purple Rain.

Must be Questlove showin off. Prince laughs in his head as he also remembers an old, good friend of his from the other years. The elevator's doors slide open and Prince then enters as the elevator drops him down to the lowers floor level of the stage. FINALLY revealing a full, packed like a Baptist church on Sunday, of fans from old and new, on their feet, roaring their applause and whistle calls from other areas from the audience, and proud screams from crazy fans that have been dying waiting to see their Prince come back here. And they've got that wish.


Jimmy Fallon 3rd POV:

Fallon: "Welcome! Welcome! Welcome, welcome!" *Jimmy welcomes his audience after entering back inside from behind the blue curtain with an anchore along with Questlove getting his band started back up playing*

Fallon: "Aaalright everybody! Welcome back! To the Tonight Show! So glad, so glad that we're back here again with another tonight show and an interview starring a very! Special guest" *he says as he leans back a little with folded praying hands and looks back at the tv camera* "And a special treat for y'all for hitting twenty-seven million!" *he pauses as the audience riles up with more excitement after hearing the word million* "Twenty-seven million YouTube subscribers guys! Thank you so much to EVERYONE! *more crazy-loud applause and whistle calls from the audience of that news* "Thank you! Thank you guys again, so much! For uh..." *the crowd settles down as they let him finish his sentence* "For all of those subscribers guys And for keeping this channel still going! So!" *Jimmy claps his hands back as he's about to announce Prince's surprise arrival to the crowd* "With that being said! I gathered a little surprise for ALL of you in here and out there that's still watching at home" *he says as he gestures to the tv camera to the millions of fans out watching him right now*

*He then tells Questlove to get his band restarted back up with the music as they already know Jimmy's secret surprise to the audience as he shouts in his pride and happy voice*

Fallon: "EVERYONE! Please, welcome! The man behind Purple Rain, Kiss! ALL YOUR favorite hits of this legend! Please welcome back for tonights show! Mr. Prince Rogers Nelson-Jackson!" *Jimmy nods at all four of the syllables in Prince's name in old school accent and the fans and audiences jumped back up on their feets and went crazy again as they did what Fallon said to them*

*as the crowd goes wild again with higher whistle calls and shouts and Jimmy tap dancing to Questlove's band playing Lets Go Crazy, the next tv camera flips over to show the blue opening elevator doors, revealing Prince in his night evening outfit. His heels clicking out the elevator onto the stage, with the biggest smile he could best put on to the huge audience as he raises his right gloved hand, waving out to the crowd as his sunglasses sheild his eyes over the stage lights.*

*while his music is being played loudly over the crazy fans and audience, Prince gives his adoring fans and his husband's fans a couple of bows with his left hand placed to his heart as he inaudiblely says his thanks and blessings to their sweet and crazy fans*

*After giving love to his roaring fans from the audience, the wild applause continues while the whistling and shouts calm as Prince looks over his right shoulder as he finally sees his old friend Fallon having a good time over his music and walks over to him as the audience went louder again as they watch the two hugging out passionately as the two good friends haven't seen each other since Prince's long, hiatus*

*"It's so good to see you!" were heard from each other while they hug and rub and pat each other's backs the same as Fallon offers Prince to sit down in one of the empty recliner couch chairs. Prince did so as the audience still are on their feets, still not done yet giving their sweet respect to Royalty that's in the house.*

*The audience and band finally sit down in their seats as they respectfully wait for the two legends take their seats first, but more applause was mostly given to Prince from his fans. Then, the audience finally subsided by Jimmy's hand lowering them down after Prince gives his heart out to them along with his kind smile they haven't seen in such a long, time.*

*As the two finally settle in their seats, Prince folds his left leg over his right leg, in his best known posture that everybody knows Prince is VERY ladylike in the half side of himself of his pride. Prince and Jimmy look back at each other but can't stop smiling while still hearing the adoring fans continuing to whistle calling them and mostly at Prince. They began to giggle over the audience and fans as Prince folds both his arms and closes his blue gloved hands on top of his folded lap as he couldn't stop giggling inside as he leans his head down while trying to calm down and gives the audience a little side eye smirk and a nod at them. He continues to smile big and wide as he wraps his hands over his left knee that's folded his right leg, with his fingers clutching at his sunglasses. Also confidently showing off his humongous wedding ring of 40+ years of marriage*

*After Jimmy calms down the excited crowd from Prince's unexpected special appearance with a gesture of his hand by lowering it down in the air, he then lays his right hand on the table desk as he faces back his happy smile at his friend Prince*

Fallon: "Uh... Welcome! Welcome back, Prince! It's so good to see you back here again! It really is!"

Prince: *he places his left gloved hand back over his heart as he leans back straight up on the chair and smiles sweetly at Jimmy for his sincere compliment* "Well, Thank you!" *Prince says in his calming, deep baritone voice and smiles back at him again as he let's down his hand back on his lap*

Fallon: "Yes! Of course! Of course, man! It's always a pleasure seeing you here again! Uhm..." *he looks off to the front after an applause from the audience as they ceased again while settling down and looks back over at Prince* "How-" *he pauses as he licks his bottom lips a little bit as he waits for the audeince and mostly Prince and michael fans calm down before he starts the real interview talk* "How are you doing today? How are you feeling?" *Jimmy asks him solemnly in his heart to his good friend as he watches Prince take in a moment to think about his question as Prince inhaled a breath through his nose and his eyes look to the side upwards as he tilts his head to the left while thinking a hum*

Prince: *puts both his blue gloved hands back wrapped around his left knee that's keeping his folded legs in posture as he sits up and finally looks back at Jimmy with little nods and a calm look from his side eyes* "I'm doin' better, Jimmy. I'm doing better." *he answers his friend with his head and chin tilted up with encouragement in his answer and his eyes too, along with a reassuring, spreading smile*

Fallon: "That's good! That's so good to hear from you, Prince!" *he nods as his wide eyes were full of relief then afterwards the audience and the band applauses respectfully at that response after hearing Prince and his husband's decade aged hiatus together at home, that they were both still alive and been doing well together. Jimmy earning a small, slow "Yeah" from Prince, still seeing his smile again*

Fallon: *as the audience applauses subside again from their clapping, Fallon then mentions about Prince's husband, Michael* "Now..." *he pauses as he lays his right elbow on the desk table and propping his fingers under his chin as he leans over to look at Prince more* "How is your husband doing? How's Michael been doin'?" *then a small few whistle and shout calls were heard again as the fans and audience heard Michael's name being said which made Prince pause again after replying a quiet, "Uhm..." to answer Jimmy's question, and scoffs a little laugh at them as he swiftly moves his eyes from left to back at his friend before answering him*

Prince: *Once the calls were quieted down again he could answer* "He's doing better too." *He says with couple more of little nods at Jimmy as Jimmy agrees* "Yeah, he's doing alot more better than me, actually." *He laughs a little at his little joke ad he heard Jimmy's little chuckle along too as they both nod their heads together*

Fallon: "Well, that's so great to hear that too! We're all so glad that you two have been doing better than last time. Uhm..." *he earns a little understanding nod and a hum from Prince and another respectable applause and woo-hoos from the audience* "Now, it's almost your guy's 41st wedding anniversary, am I correct?" *he asks Prince as he gestures his left hand over to answer him as Prince gives him his screwed eyebrows of confusion and thinks for a second and hums with a nod at them end as the crowd shouts and applauses with lots of happiness and excitement in their energy once they heard that news*

Fallon: *he then saw Prince spred his smile back up again while looking at the audience and his fans at the end of his eyes while still smiling at Jimmy* *Jimmy smiled at Prince and at the crowd and back at his friend as a large picture behind them on the city night green screen, shows a recently, 1 year old photo of the two couple at their backyard mansion family home, celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary last year with all of the Nelson and Jackson family there. Making the audience 'coos' and 'aws' at the year old photo as the photo shows the older couple wearing all pure, dove white, pearly outfits. Prince, worn his pure white jumpsuit dress with matching white heels along with Michael, wearing his famous, all white two-piece tux suit that Prince wanted him to wear on that special day. The two all kissing and wrapped around each other, looking so happy together on that day. It was their day.* *Jimmy then picks up a thin black cardboard that might be another, smaller version of the bigger picture that's shown behind them on the green screen of the night city* "Uh..." *Jimmy continues as he sneaks in a look at the miniature version of the picture from behind them and looks back up at Prince as he flips around the framed picture to his friend and got Prince's eyebrows up in a second once he recognizes their last year's anniversary party, earning a little "Oh wow!" From Prince* "So, this was from your guy's last year anniversary and as a good friend, a welcome back gift for you!" *Jimmy offered as he hands over the picture frame, making everyone at 'aw!' as well along with Prince as he grabs the picture from Jimmy*

*the audience gives a loud applause at that moment and some shout calls from the fans*

Prince: *After applause subside, Prince looks down, smiling lovingly at the picture of him and his husband, now holding it close to his chest then looks back up at his friend Jimmy with his smile again* "Thank you so much for this, Jimmy! I don't know what to say! I gotta give you a gift next time!" *Prince jokes, while making the audience laugh a little after grabbing his friend'sright hand as he was actually serious*

Fallon: *as the audience settles down again, Jimmy talks again* "Well, of course! You're very welcome, Sir! It's all yours! And, no! No, I don't like taking gifts from others! It's yours! Um..." *then Prince puts the picture frame to the coffee table on his left with his purse next to it and faces back to Jimmy* "Um... So, how are the kids? How's Zendaya been doing? And how is getting back to work now, feeling like to you?"

Prince: *he sounds a struggled little hum at Jimmy's question as he thinks for another minute* *he nods before he mentions about his 3 older children* "Um, the kids are doin' good too. They're also back at work as well." *he relaxes his shoulders a bit in his sitting position as he tries to continue his answers for Jimmy as he now got everyone's attention on him* "The boys are what they like to call it, 'Youtubing' again, now, and..." *earning an understanding nod and a couple of 'yeahs' from him* "My husband's been around, everywhere most of the time out of the house, meeting new people and new staffs around the world and around here too so."

Fallon: *he nods as he's still keeping up on track with his good friend's life behind the d doors for so long* "Well, of course! He's, he's Michael Jackson!" *that earned him a laugh from the audience a few cheers and a nod and a smile from Prince too* "He still has to work and be kept occupied from the outdoor activities and life! And so do you and like everyone else in this era! But..." *he pauses as he earns small agreement comments from the audience and a agreed comment from Prince as well*

Prince: "Yup, that's true, that's true. It's... It's a little bit difficult, but not as scary." *Prince then answered Jimmy's last question as he tilts his head back to the right side with another of his kind smile*

*after getting a couple of small cheers of agreements from the fans in the audience, Fallon continued as he was now curious on what Prince does for work while being at home most of the time.*

Fallon: *turning back over to Prince.* "Now, uhm.. I'm sorry! I just got a little bit curious of this... What do you do now, now that you're home most of the time but now walking around in the city exploring at night? Do you..?" *he tilts his head with his curiousness to Prince as he sees Prince looking back at him with a slight confused look on his eyes.* "Like, what do you do for work nowadays?" *Fallon tries his best to elaborate his question more better for the older man to understand with a gestured left hand in between his question.* "What does Prince do, now?" *Fallon asked the last time in a short way.*

Prince: *Slowly, tilting his head a little to his left while still had his folded hands holding onto his folded left knee that's hugging tight his crossed lap as Prince took in Fallon's question.* *he hums as he thinks.*

Fallon: "Do you make or write any more music? Or do you help your kids write new music...?" *Fallon lowered his voice once Prince had nodded and began speaking once more to answer his question.*

Prince: "I sometimes do like to help my kids write their music in the recording session hut that we have. Um, especially with my youngest son, Evelyn!" *Prince says softly in his deep voice with a small, proud smile along with a few of cheers from the fans upon hearing Evelyn's name.*

Fallon: "Oh really? We've actually, well I actually!" *Fallon said after pointing his finger to himself slightly as he continues to Prince.* "Some of your son's biggest fans are in the audience somewhere, are a big fan your guy's recording collaboration sessions and concerts that y'all do as a uh, a father-son time is superdope! Really cool!" *Fallon exclaims with astonishing tiny impressed excitement and appreciation about Prince's youngest son.*

*The crowd then gives an agreed anchors while Prince nods slowly as he says his 'Oh, Thank yous! That's very kind of you!' sweetly to Fallon. The cheers settled down once again.*

*Fallon, three times repeatedly, cutting the air with his flat horizontal right hand as he wasn't joking about his deep appreciation for Prince and his son'swork as a duo together while the fans still going wild with their agreed cheers and wwhistle calls. Fallon, being heard after taking a quick look at the wild audience and over to his right shoulder to where Questlove and his band was, also being shown on the tv cam, clapping.*

Fallon: "No! Seriously!" *he said once settling down their honored applause. Making Prince giggle a little with his slight embarrassed blushing smile.* *he looks back at his friend with now wide eyes of full, respectable appreciation at Prince.* "I mean...! The way that you still manage to work your fingers to shred your electric guitars is just, amazing~!" *Fallon continues his 'fanboying' to Prince as the tv cam shows him leaning down over his head giggling at the playful, embarrassing appreciation from Fallon while more fans in the audience continue on their wild anchors and shouts of agreed cheers and whistles.*

*The crowd was quieted down once more.*

Fallon: *He turns back to Prince to get back his attention and ask him one more curious question before he ends to break the show.* "So, so..." *he puts his fingers to his chin as his right elbow then leans back on his desk table. Waiting for the audience and fans to calm down.* "So, will you two ever come back and do another concert together as father and son one more time, or...? Does that have to be limited now?" *He asks carefully as he watches Prince look to his left side while pursing his bottom lip and half humming.*

Prince: *He swiftly turns his head back to face Fallon with his pursed smile.* "That's for him to decide! Yeah...!" *he says softly while slowly nodding to Fallon.*

Fallon: *He lifts his left hand up and lowering it down while the two share slow, agreed nods as Fallon takes Prince's answer forward to put the show on a break.*

Fallon: *he smacks his left hand on the edge of his desk table lightly and gives Prince his kind smile in return as he got all of his first questions down* "Okay! Well uh, it's really good to hear that from you and your husband's been doing alot! Uh..." *the right tv camera shows the audience and Questlove and his band gives them another respectable applause and woop-woops in return as well for a quick minute while the camera, returning to Prince and Jimmy still smiling and nodding*

Fallon: *he slightly swings his rolling desk chair back towards Prince to his left side and continues on to start mentioning about commercial break to get into the next part* "Well. Thank you for teling us that you two have been doing ALOT better than last time we saw each other and uh..." *he and Prince looked at the audience and back at each other one more time with spreading smiles while telling him softly 'Of course!'* "And we'll take a 10-minute commercial break everybody!"

*Jimmy earns a small nod from Prince and letting the audience and fans make their break applauses while the front tv camera shows them hyping up again as it went to Prince and Jimmy leaning into each other while they start talking in low inside voices over the loud crowd as the tv finally goes to commercial break*


A/N: WHOO! 😥 almost 4k words written of 1st part of this interview! And that was ONLY the 1st part of this interview! 😅🤗 remember that this is a 2-night stay interview with Prince (Now in Las Vegas) and Fallon stay tuned in for the next 2 parts of this guys! Pls don't forget to vote, comment and follow for more content from this acc, My loves! 🤗❤💜✨

With love,


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