Lonely Ninth 2, Electric Boog...

By Diamondragon23

21.7K 583 242

Alternate universe of Lonely Ninth. I just wanted a predecessor oriented story, so here it is! Read Lonely Ni... More

Ghostly protection squad
Quirks of the Past
Testing Abilities
And His Name Is...

...All for One

2.1K 55 23
By Diamondragon23

  "Deku, who is that? What did you take from him?" Uraraka asked, worry creasing her eyebrows.

  Aizawa pulled his goggles down and prepared his capture weapon.

  "Thirteen, get the students out of here. Midoriya, we'll talk later. I'll hold him o-"

  Blackwhip lashed out and grabbed Aizawa, preventing him from leaping down. The students gasped in shock, while Aizawa didn't seem surprised.

  "You know who he is." Izuku said quietly.

  Aizawa gave the greenette a nod.

  "You know exactly what he's capable of. You won't even get close. Erasure might not be able to erase all of his powers. The only one here who can stand up to him is me. Help Thirteen evacuate the others. I'll hold him off."

  "Izuku no-" Nana began.

  Aizawa frowned.

  "What makes you think I'll leave you here with him? How do we know you don't work for him?"

  Izuku's eyes narrowed.

  "Work for...him? Wait.. What?" He asked in confusion.

  Aizawa pulled his goggles down.

  "You have multiple quirks. How can you not be working for him?"

  The other students were watching the exchange in confusion. Thirteen was on the same wavelength as Aizawa.

  "You... Don't work for All for One? You're not here to scout for powerful quirks?" Aizawa asked

  "Hah! As though I'd trust someone chosen by that oaf with such an important job." All for One said from Izuku's left.

  The greenette spun, throwing Aizawa at the students and Thirteen.

  "All of you run! Get out of here! Mr Aizawa, warn the school! Let Nezu know the ninth is facing him!"

  Blackwhip grabbed the villain and tossed him back to the courtyard as Izuku leapt off of the stairs and raced after him with float.

  Blackwhip lashed around Izuku as he floated a few meters off the ground. Danger Sense buzzed in the back of his head, and a trickle of smoke seeped from his forearms, curling around him like a cloak. Brace hardened Izuku's skin, making him near indestructible, and Deadeye was kept at the ready, just below his skin.

  All for One gazed up at his opponent, a surprised look on his face.

  "You have their quirks... I recognise each of them... How interesting. There is no lightning, no hum of power in your body however... Can you not use One for All itself?" He asked, his grin growing wider.

  Izuku scowled, Blackwhip stabbing forwards like a spear, straight towards All for One.

  The villain dodged, floating up to Izuku's height with one of his own quirks, Air Walk.

  "Now then... Shall we begin?"


  Aizawa was able to herd the students back onto the bus and drive a distance away. Thirteen joined them, reassuring the students that Midoriya would be alright. They could still see the USJ around a thousand meters away, bright lights and clouds of dust flaring within the glass dome.

  "Mr Aizawa, how could we just leave him?" Uraraka asked.

  Aizawa had his phone to his ear, ignoring the students.

  "Aizawa, we're on our way. The sensors and cameras suddenly cut out, which would never happen under normal circumstances unless the cameras themselves were destroyed. What's going on?"

  "It's All for One. He was after Midoriya. He said Midoriya had something of his that he wanted back. Midoriya used some kind of black tentacle to grab me and toss me away, yelling for us to run."

  Nezu hummed thoughtfully.

  "Midoriya could be a former underling who ran away once he was gifted powerful quirks..." Nezu muttered, a little unsure.

  "He gave me a message for you." Aizawa said.

  "What is it?" The rodent asked.

  "He said to tell you that the ninth is fighting All for One. Do you know what that means?" Aizawa asked.

  There was a long pause. The class were quiet, waiting for the conversation to continue.

  Nezu cursed, and spoke into the phone.

  "I didn't think it were possible.. I thought it would have died with him for sure... Aizawa, Midoriya is the only one who can stop All for One, ignore all of my previous theories!!! Aizawa, this is good. This is a very very good thing. Midoriya is in possession of the only quirk that can stop that man, and he's unlocked yet another of it's secrets it seems."

  "So.. Midoriya is not an undercover villain working for the symbol of evil."

  Nezu laughed, the small chuckle becoming a full blown evil cackle.

  "No, he's the successor of the previous number one hero, the symbol of peace's chosen heir. It seems we owe that boy an apology. We'll be there in 10 minutes, I'm activating turbo mode!!"

  Several cries of "No!!" Came through the phone, then the call cut to static and disconnected.

  Aizawa sighed, putting his phone away.


  The ground shook with a mighty shockwave, and something came sailing out of the USJ's main doors, hurtling for the bus.


  Izuku dodged another swipe of the Villain's knife hand, wrapping Blackwhip around the arm and throwing the villain across the USJ for the 20th time.

  All for One just laughed, picking himself up and choosing a different quirk to mess with Izuku.

  "If you cannot use One for All then you cannot truly face me!" The villain taunted.

  "Izuku run! You can't face him like this!!" Nana pleaded.

"C'mon kid, you've gotta go!" Daigoro said.

  Izuku spiralled around the fireballs launched at him, lashing out with Blackwhip again and slamming All for One into the staircase. The villain lay still.

  Izuku approached the villain warily, Blackwhip at the ready. All for One's arm stretched, grabbing Izuku by the throat and yanking him forwards, off balance.

  "Izuku!" The vestiges cried, unable to do anything.

  "Springlike limbs, such a useful quirk."

  All for One chuckled as Izuku thrashed in his grip, Blackwhip and Smokescreen going haywire.

  "Without All Might's strength you didn't stand a chance. Give me One for All and I might spare your friend's lives. I may be a villain, but I'm also a businessman, I follow through on deals and promises. Give me your quirk young Izuku, and I promise your friends will remain unhurt so long as I am the Symbol of Evil. If you don't, well.. I'll make you watch as I pop that brunette's head like a grape. After I take her quirk of course."

  Izuku pulled his fist back, his expression a mask of fury. All for One chuckled.

  "Go on, strike me, see what happens." The villain taunted.

  "Izuku, don't!" The vestiges called.

  Green energy discharged around Izuku like lightning, concentrated around his right arm.

  Izuku's furious glare became a victorious grin, while All for One's mouth hung open in surprise.


  He released Izuku and managed to take a single step back before the One for All fueled punch thundered into his face.


  All for One went crashing through the main doors and flying into the distance.

  Without missing a beat Izuku grabbed the open doorframe with Blackwhip, slingshotting himself after the villain. Float activated at the apex of his launch, and One for All further fueled the quirk, sending him rocketing after All for One.

  Izuku let One for All spread through both legs and straightened himself in mid air, flying just above the flailing All for One.


  The Villain's 'eyes' were wide as Izuku's red shoes catapulted him into the ground, the dirt and stone crumbling beneath the man's tough body.


  Izuku reached out and wrapped Blackwhip around him, yanking the villain back into the sky.


  Izuku's fist met the villains midsection, earning a wheeze from the man.


  All for One went sailing through the air, but was stopped when Izuku materialised before him, his fist at the ready once again.


  All for One's face met the Ninth's fist once more, sending him back towards the shattered ground below.


  Izuku followed the villain, snagging him with Blackwhip and throwing him high into the air.

  The Ninth landed on the ground, crouching down. One for All flooded through his whole body, the ground cracking because of his proximity to it.

  Float, Blackwhip, One for All and Deadeye were ready for the final attack.

  As All for One began his descent Izuku exploded from the ground, the wind howling around him.

  Float added extra speed to his ascent, bringing the hero and villain closer together at incredible speeds.

  Blackwhip soared into the sky ahead of Izuku, wrapping itself around All for One's throat. The villain was pulled towards Izuku at a greater speed than before, only able to watch as the small boy drew nearer.

  "Come on my boy!! It's time for the final attack! The Smash to end all others!!"

  "Don't be so dramatic Toshi. But seriously squirt, lay it into him."

  "Yes. My brother has sat on his throne long enough. End it Izuku."

  "Give it to 'im kid! Turn his insides to mush!!"

  "I think he's going for the head Fifth. Although whatever's left in there sure, go for it."

  "Hm. The kid's really doing it."

  "Finish him."

  "Be quiet Third."

  Izuku's leap, All for One's fall, Float's added speed and Blackwhip drawing them together would have been enough on it's own to kill a man.

  Add One for All, and it would most definitely be enough to take down a supervillain.

  Izuku's fist hammered into his nemesis's skull with the impact of a meteor strike.

  "UNITED.. STATES.. OF  S M A S H!!!" The greenette roared, following the punch through and letting go of Blackwhip, letting the force of the strike deal with the villain.

  All for One vanished, the only thing left behind a slowly quieting scream as he approached the upper atmosphere and went beyond:

  "Plus Ultra.."

  He grinned at his predecessors, who were cheering pretty loudly.

  "Mama.. I think I'm going to pass out..." He muttered.

  Izuku dropped out of the sky and went hurtling back to Earth.

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