Star Wars Female!Reader Insert

By Amberdolphin1210

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Hi. It's me, your girl, Y/N! You know how Peter Parker was pulled into another dimension in the Movie into th... More

How I got here
Them finding out
Unfinished Businesss
The First Few Weeks
Meeting the Chancellor
Aftermath part 1
Cut and Run
A little preview for really far into the future
Incorrect quotes that may or may not show up in the chapters

Aftermath part 2

748 11 192
By Amberdolphin1210

The Bad Batch has just been "captured" by the "insurgents", and they're being taken through the camp, and are surprised by their findings.

"These aren't Separatists.  They're Republic fighters." Echo frowns.

Tech asks, "Why would Tarkin send us to attack our own forces?"

"Because we refuse to fight for an Empire." Saw answers.

"You're Saw Gerrera.  Trained by Captain Rex and General Skywalker to fight for the Republic." Tech announces, confused.

One of the Republic fighters takes away Hunter's gun, handing it to Saw.  Saw walks right up to Hunter.

Saw asks, "So, the newly declared empire sent you to wipe us out?"

"We're here to neutralize a group of insurgents." Hunter replies.

Saw replies, opening his arms wide, gesturing to the entire camp, "Well... here we are.  What are you gonna do?  Strike us down like you did the Jedi?"

Crosshair asks, "Is that a request?"

A chuckle is heard from a short, hooded figure that's been watching the group.

Hunter orders, "Enough!  We expected to find battle droids, not..."

Saw finishes, "Civilians?  Times change, targets change.  Why don't you take a look at the insurgents you were sent to destroy?  Makes you wonder what else they're lying about.  We're lucky we were warned you were coming."

Echo asks, "Someone warned you we were coming?"

"Yeah.  A kid." Saw nods before ordering, "Let's mobilize.  Pack up the camp."

"Saw!" A female voice calls.

Saw looks towards the armoured and hooded figure, who has a small bit of red hair poking out of the hood.  The figure has a carpetbag slung over her shoulder underneath the hood.

"What is it?" Saw asks.

The figure starts speaking a language that Tech can't translate. (I'm using a few internet translators, please forgive me for the possible mistakes.  Seriously, I put that first one through then translated it back and it said "Banquet?".  You do NOT want to know what the others translated back to.  If you could give me the proper translations, that'd be great!)

"'uQ'a' batlh." She smiles. ("They can be useful.")

Saw asks, "How?"

She answers, "choraQDaq latlh lutu'lu'.  DISlaH tugh qaDanganpu'." ("They aren't like the others.  We can trust them.  They can find my sister.")

Saw asks, "Are you sure?"

"HIja'." She nods. ("Yes, I am.")

"What's your plan, kid?" Saw frowns.

The kid replies, "ghaH vItlhap.  jIyaj.  nap." ("I follow them to their ship.  I demand.  Simple.")

Saw starts, "How do you know-"

"vaj tugh ngabchoH.  HIvje' vItlhutlhbe'bej." She frowns. ("They have honour.  They won't kill unless I attack first.")

"Fine.  But be careful, kid." Saw frowns.

The kid grabs his arm and replies in Common, "I make no promises."

She then walks off, Hunter and his group walking to Saw.

"What's going on here?  Who are these people?" Hunter asks.

Saw replies, "Villagers, croppers, former Republic fighters, all now displaced refugees since Palpatine unjustly appointed himself Emperor."

Tech replies, "According to reports, the Jedi made an attempt on the Supreme Chancellor's life.  His actions were a defensive measure."

Saw retorts, "And I figured you for the smart one.  With the Jedi decimated and the clone army under his command, Palpatine will have control over the entire galaxy.  Unless we stop him."

"The war is over." Crosshair sneers.

Saw frowns, "If we give up now, everything we fought for... everyone we lost, will have been for nothing.  I won't let that happen.  The Clone War may have ended, but a civil war is about to begin."

"With a handful of fighters and limited firepower?  You don't stand a chance." Hunter frowns.

Saw frowns, "Not alone we don't."

The figure from earlier appears and smirks, "Someone I knew once said, "Give me 12 highlanders and a bagpiper and I'll give you a rebellion."  He won with his rebellion."

"Bagpiper?" Tech asks.

"A musical instrument player from my planet.  It's exactly what it sounds like." She frowns, giving a visible shudder.

Saw clears his throat, getting back to the situation at hand.

"We should leave if we're gonna make the rendezvous." Another fighter frowns, then asks, "What do we do with them?"

Saw frowns, "The clones once helped us free Onderon, so we'll give them a choice.  The old ways are done."  He holds Hunter's gun to his chest.  "You can either adapt and survive," He then flips the gun, so the handle points to Hunter, "or die with the past.  The decision is yours."

The girl walks off, seeing something in the forest as Saw turns off the camp's light and everyone else walks out of the camp, leaving the clones alone in the dark of the forest.


"Who said they're innocent?" Crosshair sneers.

Hunter asks, "What's wrong with you?"

"Me? I'm following orders." Crosshair retorts.

Hunter frowns, "Exactly."

Crosshair growls, "Those insurgents are plotting against the Emperor.  If you don't have the stomach to do what needs to be done, then you're not fit to lead this squad."

Suddenly, a branch snaps, getting Hunter's attention.  Hunter goes to pull out his gun when an orange light appears, stabbing the thing of Hunter's attention, before the light fades and the thing is thrown above the clones, landing in front of them, revealing a probe droid.

"You were being followed by more than us, boys." A female voice announces, an orange lightsaber extending, revealing a dark core.

"More than us!" a high-pitched voice squawks.

"Another Jedi!  One survived!" Crosshair exclaims, about to aim his gun.

The girl throws Crosshair's gun into the air with the Force.

"There's no need for that.  I'm no Jedi. In fact, I'm pretty sure they'd call me Sith if it weren't for my eyes not being that disgusting colour." She smirks, walking out of the forest to reveal the girl from earlier with a small, blue bird on her shoulder.

Her hood has been thrown away, revealing a blue helmet with spikes and blue armour around her body, glowing in the light of the lightsaber, the carpetbag slung over her shoulder.

(That, minus the axe. Replace it with the lightsaber)

"There was a Force Sensitive in the camp?" Echo exclaims.

"That's right, 1409, Echo.  Nice to finally meet the Bad Batch." She smirks before retracting her lightsaber, clipping it to her belt.

The bird on her shoulder squawks, "Nice to meet you."

(It's a Budgie.)

"Who are you?" Hunter asks.

The girl frowns, "I'll answer that after you look at that droid and start to put the pieces together."

Tech frowns, "That's a probe droid."

"Tarkin's spying on us now?" Wrecker asks.

Echo frowns, "The Jedi never did that."

"Exactly, boys.  Tarkin doesn't trust you and was testing if you'd commit the ultimate sacrifice that a normal person with a heart wouldn't do." The girl frowns, picking up the droid and crushing it with the Force.

Hunter then whispers, "Omega..."

Echo asks, "What about her?"

"She warned me about the mission.  And Tarkin.  She said not to return to Kamino, that it's not safe for us anymore." Hunter explains as the group walks back to the ship.

"And now she's in danger." The girl growls. "What's with the stupid Empire and putting kids in danger?"

"Empire is evil!  Empire is evil!" The bird squawks.

"Get back to the camp, kid." Echo orders.

The girl frowns, "No.  After you guys save Omega, we need your help.  And, being a Force user, I can help you."

"We're taking the word of a child now?" Crosshair asks.

Tech frowns, "I would not discount Omega's insight."

The girl inputs, "A state of heightened awareness is not unusual for an enhanced clone such as herself."

Everyone stares at the girl who still hasn't revealed her face.

"Oh, come on, Tech.  You were going to say it if I hadn't been here.  Let's blame the Force for my knowledge right now because a spatio-temporal hyperlink would be too complicated." The girl smirks.

Echo asks, "What's a spatio-temporal hyperlink?"

The girl shrugs, "I dunno.  A guy I know made it up because he just didn't want to say Magic door."

The bird squawks, "Like a matterbaby."

Wrecker asks, "What's a matterbaby?"

"Nothing.  What's the matter with you, baby?" The bird replies, making the teen chuckle.

The teen turns serious, "When Nala Se spoke of five clones, Tarkin assumed that meant your group, but Echo was a reg.  The fifth is Omega.  Techy over here confirmed his suspicions after analyzing her DNA while you were in the infirmary."

"How did you know of this?" Tech asks, suspiciously.

"Call it a vision." The girl replies, finally taking off her helmet to reveal-

"Y/N?!" Wrecker and Hunter exclaim.

Tech frowns, "That's not Y/N."

Not-Y/N smirks, "Good.  You know Y/N.  She is alive.  Do you know where she is?"

Tech stares at the teenager, trying to figure out who this girl is.  She has the same E/C irises, same face, just different hair and with all original limbs, plus a beauty mark on her right cheek, just above the cheekbone.

Echo frowns, "She's on Kamino."

The teenager panics, "We have to get to Kamino now!  Both girls are in danger!  If I'm right, they're probably picking apart Y/N's brain right now, trying to get information about enemies, past allies, and future threats!"

"Empire is evil!  Empire is evil!" The bird squawks.

Hunter asks, "Who are you?"

"My name is Jade, my bird is Sapphire, and we all are going to Kamino for my sister and Omega!  No excuses!  Get onto the blasted ship!"


Y/N groans, opening her eyes to see her hands restrained near her thighs.  She then realises she has no armour on.

"Peter Cushing!  Or is it Stephen Stanton?" She immediately guesses.

"Ah, good.  You're awake." Tarkin smirks.

Y/N replies, "I expected you to do this to me.  However, I was just unprepared.  I am so glad I paid partial attention to Huey when he listed the rules.  Jr Woodchuck Rule Number One, Always expect the unexpected!  Rule three, No matter how hard things get, never give up on a fellow Woodchuck.  Too bad there are no fellow Woodchucks around.  And of course, Rule 1118, Woodchuck chief must always-"

"That's enough, little Jedi." Tarkin glares.

Y/N stares at Tarkin for a moment, her previous comment dying in her throat before she bursts out laughing.  She almost loses breath for a moment from the insane laughter.  Sure, she's imagined being a Jedi in her youth, but she changed her mind when she found out about all the emotional restrictions.

"Jedi?  Pffffftt!  That's a good one!  Jedi have lightsabers!  Then again, so do Sith... and the Grey Jedi, and then there are those crazy people who fight without powers, but me?  A Jedi?  Puh-lease!  Be real.  Jedi restrict their emotions!  That's one of the more stupid things I have ever heard!  I'm one of the most emotional people I know.  I hide, not restrict." Y/N laughs.

Tarkin asks, "How else would you explain your ability to just "know things"?"

Y/N frowns for a moment, then lists, lifting her fingers with each name, "Dimensional travel, Time travel, Trolls, Goblins, Gruesomes, Pixies, Fairies, Dragons, and of course the occasional rogue gnome.  Then again, of course, I could've come through a spatio-temporal hyperlink."

She finishes with a childish grin, which irritates Tarkin.  Might as well stall.  Who knows how long she's been out and how long until the boys get back?

"What is a spatio-temporal hyperlink?" Tarkin asks.

Y/N shrugs with a childish grin, "No idea.  A guy I know made it up because he didn't want to say magic door."

Suddenly, a sense of Deja Vu goes over the girl, although she's not sure why.  A small frown etches itself onto her face.

"You are here to tell us what we want to know." Tarkin glares.

Y/N smirks, "That's gonna be difficult.  What I know and what you want to know are two different things.  I mean, I know how people assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big... ball.. of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff, while you may want to know how a Dalek has the anger and power of a Sith but can't climb stairs!"  She then natters on, glad she's a time-travel geek, "Oooh, or maybe you want to know how to work a Tardis.  I have bad news for you there.  You don't work the Tardis, the Tardis takes you where and when she wants to go.  Or maybe who'd win in a battle between King Kong and Godzilla.  I'm afraid I don't know that one, haven't seen that movie.  Or Maybe you wanna talk about Symbiotes.  They can kill you just by touching you."

Tarkin nods to someone out of Y/N's vision when suddenly an electric shock goes through the teen's body.  She feels her muscles pulling into each other and pushing out again repeatedly, screaming at her in pain until the electricity cuts off.

"Yowza!  What was that?  Palpatine's electric jazz hands?" Y/N asks, her breath heavy while her mouth feels dry.

"You know what we want to know." Tarkin frowns.

Y/N frowns in thought, clearing her head from the electric shock.  She's read fanfictions about Jedi readers that have been captured and played that video game with Cal Kestis, where they wanted the location of other Jedi and Force Sensitives.  Then they turned them into Inquisitors.  Too bad she's not Force Sensitive.  Should she be mild-tempered with Tarkin or be a total jerk?

"A mix." Y/N mutters.

Tarkin asks, "What was that?"

Y/N lies, "I know a mix of information.  I'm not entirely sure what you want, and if you force me to use the knowledge part of my brain, you'll just get random names and actions.  Whether they're significant or not is a different story.  Sometimes it ends up in music.  You may wanna record everything I saw from this point on, normo."

Tarkin nods, electricity coursing through the teen's body again, this time a scream escaping her lips.  When the electricity stops, she's breathing heavily.  Her mouth feels like a desert while her body feels numb and her vision gets cloudy.  It's hard to even move her fingers.  She has to say something and seem like she's in a trance, otherwise, it'll be worse.  She forces her body to shudder once more against its wishes, making it scream in pain and she stares at one point in the room, the floor, as an idea comes into her head.  She looks up and coughs all over Tarkin, being unable to cover her mouth.  Well, he shouldn't have electrocuted her if he didn't want germs.

"I need water... You want me to talk, I need water." Y/N croaks out.

She feels something being brought to her lips and drinks.  It's water.  Tastes odd, but Y/N dismisses it because she hasn't drunk much water on this planet anyway.  Her mouth feels better as she subtly smirks.  Might as well make the room kind of awkward while she's there.

She whispers in a hoarse voice, "Tony Stark, Iron Man,
Nick Fury has a plan,
Big shock, Pepper Potts,
Arc Reactor Core.
Asgard, ancient war,
Loki and his brother Thor,
Bruce Banner, radiation,
Transformation, roar.

She smirks, getting loud enough to hear and sings off-key deliberately. (You pick where you go off-key!)
"Coulson and Maria Hill,
They're the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,
Clint Barton, Hawkeye,
Black Widow, Russian spy.
Captain Rogers, World War Two,
Bucky, Peggy, I love you!
First Avenger, here we go,
Everyone assemble!
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning.
We didn't start the fire!
No, we didn't light it,
But we tried to fight it!"

Tarkin asks, "What are you on about?"

Y/N gets louder, starting to yell as she continues singing, moving her head up and yelling at the ceiling while going off-key in the most random places.

Red Skull,
Arnim Zola,
Battle for humanity!
Stones of Infinity:
Power, and Reality!

Tarkin perks up, "Tell me about the Stones of Infinity."

Y/N growls, looking up with a smirk as she tells him of something that doesn't even exist, but not before a thought goes through her head.

"I really need to focus on one fandom, not sixty."

(If you obsess over Marvel, you already know this information. You can skip the explanations if you want.)

"They are six powerful stones.  Six elemental crystals that each control an essential aspect of existence.  Space, Time, Soul, Mind, Power, and Reality.  Only beings of immense power can directly wield the Infinity Stones, such as Celestials and the Mad Titan Thanos.  Lesser beings would face dire consequences: Johann Schmidt was cursed to Vormir to guard the Soul Stone after touching an active Tessaract, which had the Space Stone.  Someone exploded after touching the Power Stone.  The Mind Stone can control someone's mind, making them mindless slaves.  The Soul Stone is different...  To ensure that whoever possesses it understands its power, the Stone demands a sacrifice.  To take the stone, you must lose that which you love.  A soul for a soul.  Thanos had sacrificed his daughter to take it." Y/N explains.

She closes her eyes, trying to remember the rest of the stones and their powers. "There's the Power Stone, which reacts to anything organic.  The bigger the target, the bigger the power surge.  The Power Stone was a powerful weapon capable of granting a person great, cosmic power, but was highly likely to kill any organic beings that touched it.  The Reality Stone, even more dangerous.  My sister would kill for it.  It manipulates Reality.  Thanos used the stone to turn a dagger into bubbles just before it stabbed him, among other things.  The Space Stone held dominion over the fabric of space being able to teleport its users anywhere in the universe.  I'm not entirely sure what else it is capable of, so moving on.  The Time Stone's guarded on my planet by Wizards, the Masters of the Mystic Arts.  The name is self-explanatory."

Tarkin narrows his eyes at her, "You're giving all this information up willingly.  Why?"

Y/N chuckles, looking him straight in the eyes as her pupils shrink in crazed joy as the truth spills from her lips, "Because the Empire will never find the stones.  The Wizards won't let you touch the Time Stone without shoving you into a Time Vortex.  There's nothing you can do to get those accursed stones!  You can't find Earth, you can't find Asgard, Knowhere, Virmir, or anything!  Even if you could find them, they would tear you apart, atom by atom!  Even if you had the Force you couldn't touch any of them!  And don't even get me started with the TVA!  They'll prune you just by messing with the timeline!"

She lets out her laughs in short bursts, before laughing insanely.  Suddenly, she feels her body scream in pain, electricity coursing through her veins.  She groans as she feels smoke coming from her skin.

"Let's try that again." Tarkin glares.

Y/N glares at Tarkin's blurry figure, coughing some more, giving him the not so subtle hint she needs water.  The bottle that had water earlier is brought to her lips and she grabs the bottle with her teeth, ripping it out of the hands of whoever was holding it.  She wraps her lips around the bottle's neck, holds her head up, and chugs the water in the bottle quickly and easily.  Binge drinking soft drinks as a kid prepared her neck and throat for that.  (I can do it. It's not unrealistic.) She tosses the bottle away, clearing her throat slightly.  She blinks her eyes, clearing her vision.

"That's better." Y/N sighs.

Y/N glares into the floor, smirking as she finishes the song, even changing her voice to imitate Groot.  She's still deliberately out of key except for Groot's part.

"War machine,
Falcon spin,
Bucky Barns is back again,
Star-Lord, Gamora too,
Drax, Rocket,
"I am Groot".
Ultron in Sokovia,
Civil War,
Scarlet Witch and Spider-man.
Doctor Strange,
And the Wasp,
Black Panther in Wakanda,
Captain Marvel,
Goose the cat,
Been flying higher,
Further, faster,
Thanos and Infinity War,
I can't take it anymore!

Tarkin demands, "Where are the Jedi?  Where is Obi-wan Kenobi?"

Y/N smirks, looking back up, her mind drifting to Shrek 3, "Well, I don't know where he's not."

"Are you telling me you don't know where Kenobi is?" Tarkin asks.

Y/N nods, "It wouldn't be inaccurate to athume- I mean assume that I couldn't exactly not say that it is or isn't almost partially incorrect."

Tarkin gives the most confused face Y/N's ever seen on the man to the teenager and asks, "So, you do know where he is?"

"On the contrary.  I'm possibly more or less not definitely rejecting the idea that in no way, with any amount of uncertainty that I undeniably do or do not know where he shouldn't probably be, if that indeed, wasn't where he isn't.  Even if he wasn't not where I knew he was, that could mean that-" She then interrupts herself, bursting out laughing, unable to keep a straight face.  Her lungs scream at her, but she ignores the pain in favour of her laughter. "I am so sorry!  I just couldn't help myself!  Oh, you should've seen your face!  Oh, wait... you can.  Get a mirror.  Hehe. But I wasn't lying." Y/N chuckles. "Wish I could've taken a picture.  Oh, you're going to destroy a planet in comfy fuzzy-wuzzy slippers because your feet are humongous!"

Tarkin glares, making Y/N chuckle a little more.

"Fine. Where is Ahsoka Tano?" Tarkin glares.

Y/N's smirks again, hearing bongo drums playing in her head as she speaks in her best Mexican accent, "Oh, well you see, now, that's complicated.  You see, when I first saw Ahsoka, she was in a bad place.  She was chosen to be a Padawan to the Jedi Master Anakin Skywalker.  Skywalker was all like, "I don't need a Padawan!  I lead an army!  I don't do babysitting," and Tano was like, "Well, you're stuck with me, Skyguy, and I don't like it either.  You're too bossy!" Fast forward a few hours, Skywalker's adopted her, and he's all like, "Screw the Jedi!  I am now a father to this reckless child who reminds me of myself," And she was like-"

Tarkin interrupts, "What does this have to do with where Ahsoka Tano is?"

"I'm getting there, I'm getting there!  You wanna hear the story or not?" Y/N scoffs, "You put a credit in me, you gotta let the whole song play out.  I'm like a human jukebox.  OH!  My Abuelita had a jukebox in a restaurant.  Yeah, only played Morrisey.  And if anybody ever complained, she'd be like, "Oh, porque?  Gusta mas?"  And El Chicanos, we call them mas, "then, adios!" What can I say?  We relate to his melancholy ballads, you know?"

"What are you talking about?" Tarkin asks.

Y/N winces, "Damn it, I'm distracted from the story.  It's like when Luis was injected with Truth Serum.  Anyways, fast forward quite a bit, and suddenly, she's trapped in prison for a crime she didn't commit, so she ran away to clear her name, and she runs into Ventress, who is like, "I know you're innocent and stuff, so let me help you track down the real baddy" And Ahsoka agreed, but was then was arrested by Fox, who was like, "I don't care you are innocent, you're getting arrested because I'm a dummy who follows orders" and I was like, "Damn, if I ever meet you, Imma gut you like a fish and hang you outside to scare off intruders."  Then they finally found out she was innocent, but Ahsoka was like, "You all betrayed me, I can't trust you anymore! You've all broken my heart!"  And she left.  Fast forward a few years and she's hanging with Rex, who turns on her because of his inhibitor chip, and he's like, "I don't wanna hurt you, but I'm forced to!  Go find the truth" and she's all like, "I can't kill my clones I fought with!"  And you know the rest."

Tarkin asks, "What does this have to do with where Tano is?"

"I just told you, she was in a bad place, emotionally speaking." Y/N frowns in her normal accent.

Tarkin's eye twitches in anger, and yells, "Where is she, LITERALLY speaking?"

"Oh... She's done dead.  The ship crashed and wiped out all the living things on that ship.  She's dead.  DEAD!  Hear that, Vader?  She's dead, all because of you!  Just like Padme and her children!  I tried to warn you.  Oh, and Palpatine, I know what you did to Fives.  I don't care what you do to me.  Whatever you do to me will come back and bite you in the butt.  Especially after what you did with Order 66."

Tarkin grabs her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes.

"What do you know about Order 66?" He asks.

Y/N answers, "Everything.  Clone Trooper Tup's inhibitor chip malfunctioned, making him execute the order early.  It takes away a clone's individuality, making them nothing more than meat puppets.  They deserve better than that... Fives was the first to find out."

She breathes deeply, glaring at the ground.  She then lets her knees buckle, glaring at the spot on the ground before looking back up to Tarkin, tears glistening in her eyes.

"We didn't start the fire, Tarkin. I can't tell you anymore right now." Y/N breathes out weakly, doing her best not to glare at him.  That could make things worse.

Tarkin starts to walk out of the room, unimpressed, when Y/N mutters one more thing, catching his attention.

"What was that?" He asks.

"Sana girsin keman yayi." She smirks just before another jolt of electricity goes through her, making her pass out.


The Bad Batch comes out of hyperspace, Jade watching Crosshair with suspicious eyes.

"What are you looking at?" Crosshair sneers.

Jade walks up to him and whispers, "Someone I know who doesn't have full control of his actions because of an inhibitor chip.  Fight the orders, Crosshair."

She walks back to her spot when her eyes land on a Bat'leth.  Sapphire chirps at the weapon, looking back at Jade.

"She almost came on this mission?" Jade asks, her fingers running over the sharp edge of the weapon.

"I'm getting no response from com-scan.  This is unusual." Tech frowns.

Hunter orders, "Bring us in.  We'll find out what's going on."

Jade frowns as the ship lands.  The group walks out of the ship, Jade taking the Bat'leth in her arms, then attaching it to her back.

"Be quiet, Sapphire.  This is dangerous." Jade whispers.

The bird on her shoulder nods, burrowing into her owner's hair.

"Stick to the plan.  Split up, find Omega, meet back here at the ship." Hunter orders.

The door opens slowly, and the group starts walking into it, Jade quickly hiding behind a crate, knowing the outcome.  She closes her eyes, using the Force to map out the room with her mind, feeling everyone else's presence in here.  She counts them, then freezes as she feels more than five.  Wait until they've been captured, then vent.  Hunter holds his hand up, making everyone stop moving as a whole bunch of clones appear, aiming their guns at the group.


Crosshair sneers, "As expected."

"The Empire does not tolerate failure, Sergeant." Tarkin announces, making his presence known.

Hunter frowns, "There were complications."

While everyone's focus is on the Bad Batch, Jade walks over to a part of the room where she found a vent.  The only issue is, it's high up.  She's going to have to wait for everyone to leave before she can get up to it.

"Yes, the probe droid's report was quite detailed.  Conspiring with Saw Gerrera.  I assume you know the punishment for treason." Tarkin frowns.

Hunter asks in disbelief, "Treason?"

Tarkin orders, "Throw them in the brig."

Jade waits until everyone has been taken out of the room, then smirks, using the Force to open the vent.  She puts the grate on the ground gently, jumps up into it, and then pulls up the grate with the Force, screwing it back into place.

"Dangerous." Sapphire chirps.

Jade smirks, "Time to find the group again, Saph."


"Well, the plan wasn't a total failure." Tech announces, drawing everyone's attention to Omega, who waves nervously.

"Goody." Crosshair sneers.

Omega frowns, "I warned you not to come back."

Hunter smiles, kneeling down to Omega, "Had to.  We were looking for you."

"Me?" Omega asks.

"What do you say, kid?  You wanna come with us or did we get captured for nothing?" Hunter asks.

Omega, still in disbelief, asks, "You came back for me?"

Hunter nods, "That's right.  And Y/N.  Or you can stay on Kamino if-"

"No, it's like I said before.  I want to go with you!" Omega exclaims, standing up.

"How touching." Crosshair sneers, ruining the moment.

Hunter glares at Crosshair and they have a tense stare off for a moment.  A tapping sound is heard, getting Tech's attention.

"Uh, Hunter, how are we breaking outta here?" Wrecker asks, pretty loudly, trying to interrupt the stare-off.

"I'm working on it." Hunter frowns.

Crosshair sneers, "You know what you should work on?  Explaining when you went soft."

"Stow it, Crosshair." Echo orders as a thump is heard.

"Don't you see we're locked up in here because of him?  He had us disobey orders." Crosshair sneers.

"I never thought you disobeying orders was a problem." Tech frowns.

"Yeah.  We do it all the time." Wrecker exclaims.

Crosshair shakes his head, seemingly battling with himself, which Omega catches, before he yells, "Good soldiers follow orders!  Every choice you've made since Kaller has been wrong.  First the Padawan, then Gerrera.  And then that other girl.  You're becoming a liability."

Hunter frowns, "We can debate my choices later.  For now, let's focus on getting outta here."

Another tapping is heard, getting Tech's attention again, and this time, Hunter notices it.  Another tap happens, in the oh so familiar to anyone from Earth pattern, "Shave and a Haircut" knock.

"You're angry." Omega states, looking at Crosshair, who's massaging his head as she sits beside him.

Crosshair sneers, "How perceptive."

Omega frowns, "I know what you're going to do, but please don't."

"What do you know?" Crosshair asks.

"I know it's not your fault.  You can't help it." Omega frowns, putting her hand on his shoulder.

Suddenly, the regular clones walk up to the security field.

"CT-9904, you're coming with us." A clone orders, addressing Crosshair as the security field deactivates.

Hunter exclaims, "Oh, no, no, no.  We stay together."

The clone then hits Hunter in the chest, making him double over as the other clones aim at the others in the group.

"Stand down!"

Crosshair stands up, being led out of the room.


Y/N groans, opening her eyes when she feels something, something warm in her heart, a tugging, a longing, something pulling her out of the room, but she's restrained.  She pulls against the restraints, but nothing happens.  She's stuck, but something continues to try to drag her.  She hasn't had this feeling in a long time.

"Could it be?  No, that's impossible..." Y/N mutters.

She growls, trying to escape to follow the tug on her, but her efforts are futile.

"Damn it."

She starts singing sadly, hearing her own voice and a second, blurry but comforting voice.  She ignores it, just comforting herself with the music in her mind.

"I couldn't speak at all
Now every word means nothing
Nothing I say explains the sound of my longing heart
If I had my way
I wouldn't have to say it
I find you in the dark

What's the sound that a longing heart makes?
What's the sound when it breaks?
What's the sound that a longing heart makes?
Oh oh oh oh
That's the sound
La da da da
La da da da..."


Jade frowns, putting her helmet up so she can easily feel the air on her face.  They still haven't knocked down the wall.  Sapphire rubs her face against Jade's face as she closes her eyes, listening to the Force and what the Force tells her is happening on the other side of the wall and what her sister is feeling.

"I couldn't think at all
Yet all my thoughts consume me
They keep beating at me
Oh, that's the hardest part
And if I let it out
It might be terrifying
You need the night to see the stars

What's the sound that a longing heart makes?
What's the sound when it breaks?
What's the sound that a longing heart makes?
Oh oh
That's the sound
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh ohhh..."

She hears Y/N's voice, singing with her, only Y/N's voice is louder.  Y/N's voice is echoing to her through the Force.  No one else can hear it.

Jade whispers, "Can you hear it
Or is it too low?
Groaning like a ship
Twisting in a storm
Like an iceberg ripping through the hull of the boat..."

Y/N yells, "Can you hear me now?
Or am I too loud?
Don't tie me down
I can finally let it out!
Oh no!
Now it's starting to show
And I just can't escape it anymore!"

Their voices combine, a quiet voice and a loud voice singing together, Y/N's voice desperate and broken, begging for help that is taking forever to come, Jade's just quiet and comforting for her sister who doesn't even know she's alive.

"What's the sound that a longing heart makes?
What's the sound when it breaks?
What's the sound that a longing heart makes?
Oh, that's the sound
That's the sound
That's the sound

What's the sound that a longing heart makes?
What's the sound when it breaks?
What's the sound that a longing heart makes?
Ohh, that's the sound
Ohh, that's the sound
Ohh, that's the sound..."

Jade sighs as the song finishes and she feels her sister crying.

"I'll find you soon, Hermana.  I promise." Jade whispers just before turning again, listening for when Tech figures out how to get out.


"I've got it.  Why didn't I think of it before?  This is not a prison." Tech announces.

Echo scoffs, "Yeah, well, I beg to differ."

Tech explains, "This is a Kaminoan facility.  It was built prior to the Clone Wars.  There were no barracks or prisons when it was constructed."

"Well, how does that help us?" Hunter asks.

"Because while these cells were retrofitted to hold normal individuals, they could not possibly account for someone like Wrecker." Tech replies.

Wrecker gets up and smiles, "Oh!  You mean I could punch our way out?"

Everyone shushes him, making him realise his mistake.  Thankfully, the regular clones didn't notice his yell.

"Oh.  Right." Wrecker apologises, then whispers, "You mean I could punch our way out?"

Tech nods, "If you punch the correct spot."

"Right.  Show me where." Wrecker smiles.

"If this is gonna work, we'll need some cover.  Form a wall." Hunter orders.

The group forms a wall and Tech starts feeling the wall when suddenly, another tapping is heard.

"What is that?" Echo asks.

Another tap comes from the other side of the wall in the Imperial March rhythm.

"Jade." Tech whispers, quickly realising what the tapping means.  He feels along the wall, finding the spot, then he orders, "Hit this.  Here."

Wrecker nods, "Right.  Tell me when."

After a moment, Hunter orders, "Now."

Wrecker hits the wall, making a noise, but other than that, nothing happens.


Jade punches the wall after it vibrates and hisses, "You didn't hit hard enough, di'kut!"

She crawls away from the wall, awaiting the second hit, Sapphire chirping annoyed.


"Nothing happened." Wrecker whispers.

Hunter asks, "Are you sure this is gonna work?"

"Try it again.  A little harder." Tech whispers.

Hunter whispers, "You're all clear.  Make it count."

Wrecker nods, "Okay."

He pulls his fist back and hits the wall, leaving a dent in it.


Jade jumps back as the wall actually caves in slightly.

"Maybe I shouldn't have been so close." She whispers, blowing her pink hair out of her face as she crawls up to the metal, Sapphire snuggling into her hair.


"Oh, it still didn't work." Wrecker pouts.

Tech announces, "Oh, yes, it did.  Look."

Tech pulls the metal back to reveal a face, making Wrecker and Tech jump back slightly.

"Took ya long enough, boys." Jade smirks.

Hunter asks, "Is that Jade?"

"No, it's Jar-Jar Binks!  Of course it's me!" Jade whisper-yells.

Tech asks, "How did you find us?"

Jade jokes, "I just listened to the sound of a bunch of grown men figuring out how to play Escape Rooms, and failing miserably, it seems."

"Failing miserably!" Sapphire chirps.

"Were you the tapping?" Tech asks.

"Yup." Jade smirks.

"Shave and a Haircut, two bits." Sapphire chirps, making Jade chuckle and Tech raise his eyebrow.

Wrecker frowns, "I'll never fit through that."

Tech frowns, "Astute as always, Wrecker, but I was actually going to suggest-"

"I'll do it." Omega announces.

Hunter asks, "You sure, kid?"

"I'm sure." Omega nods.

Jade nods, "She's the only one that can fit."

Hunter frowns, "Okay.  Get to the console and hit the lever to lower the ray shield."

"Just follow me, kid." Jade smirks before putting her helmet down.

Omega crawls into the hole before the boys close it up behind her.  Jade takes her hand, pulling her through the vents.

"You look like Y/N." Omega whispers.

Jade nods, "She's my sister.  I haven't seen her for a while.  This is Sapphire, my animal sidekick.  After this, we're rescuing Y/N."

"Wait, where's the girl?" is heard beneath the two.

"You tell us."

"Harm her and you're a dead man." Echo's voice threatens.

"Operations, we need a status report on prisoner 0219."

Jade whispers, "You go down first.  If you're spotted, I'll jump down and save you."

Suddenly, the vent creaks beneath the two, making Jade scurry away from Omega.  It's not strong enough for them both.  Sapphire goes to make a noise when Jade shushes her.

"What was that?"

"Sorry.  These floors don't hold me so well on... account of them not being designed for... abnormal individuals such as myself." Wrecker's voice slowly announces.

Jade holds in a chuckle, shaking her shoulders silently.

"What's behind you?"


"Move away from the wall.  Now."

"Why don't you come here and make me?"

"Copy that.  The girl's still registered in lockdown.  Tell us where she is!"

Omega suddenly slams her fist into the vent, and she falls onto the three clones.  Jade pokes her head out of the vent, wincing at the impact Omega sustained.

"Hit the switch, Omega!" Hunter quickly orders.

Omega goes towards the switch when the clone grabs her ankle.  Jade rolls her eyes and jumps down, growling.  She grabs the clone's arm, twisting it behind his back.

"Hello, sweetie." Jade smirks in a posh accent.

One of the other clones aims his gun at her when it flies into the air.

"She's a Jedi!"

Jade chuckles, throwing all the weapons into the air, "No, sweetie.  I'm no Jedi.  I'm more like the Sith!  Only with morals."

Omega pulls down the switch, opening the security field when a clone grabs her from behind.

"Get off!" Omega exclaims, making Jade turn to her.

Jade growls, grabbing the Clone's arms with the Force and pulling them off Omega before throwing the clone into the wall.

"Don't touch the child!" Jade snarls, her eyes flashing to the glowing yellow Sith eyes.

She walks right up to him, activating her lightsaber.  The heat from the lightsaber pulsing through her body.  She goes to slam her lightsaber into his chest when she stops, remembering her sister.

"You're lucky I have the ability to give mercy." She glares as her eyes go back to normal, turning off the lightsaber and headbutting him, knocking him out.

"That was unsettling." Tech announces, making Jade turn to the clones.

Jade frowns, "As long as Omega isn't hurt, I shouldn't do anything that unsettling again.  The Dark side can be... consuming.  It's one of those things I wouldn't recommend using."

"Then why do you use it yourself?" Tech asks.

"Because the Sith weren't all bad.  Darth Plagueis could manipulate midi-chlorians to keep his loved ones alive, but he couldn't keep himself alive.  The Dark side is dangerous, but so is the Light.  Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, and a little bit of a bad thing doesn't always spell death.  But don't we have more important things to do?" Jade asks, clipping her lightsaber to her belt.

"Jade's right.  We need to find where they took Crosshair and Y/N.  Let's move." Hunter orders.

Jade starts running out, feeling which way to go with the Force.  The group encounters a few clones, but they don't notice the group.

"We're not going to get very far without our gear." Tech announces.

Omega tells them, "They started moving all your things to the hangar.  Your gear might be there too."

"Go to the hanger without me.  I have to find my sister." Jade frowns.

"Find Y/N!" Sapphire chirps.

Hunter goes to argue when Jade holds up her hand.

"It's not debatable.  I have everything I need.  You don't.  Put all of Y/N's things on the ship after you put on your armour.  I'll be back with Y/N." Jade frowns.

She runs off, listening to the tug on her heart.


Inside Y/N's cell, she sings to pass the time, knowing they'll be watching the security footage eventually.  Many of the notes are off-key, but Y/N doesn't care anymore.

"And if your heart surrEnders
We'll hold it up together
We were born ready
We were born ready
Don't care if the world ain't ready for me...

Y/N hears the door opening and sighs, "I don't have any information, Tarkin.  You've electrocuted any usefulness out of my brain.  Kenobi has the high ground."

A chuckle is heard, but Y/N doesn't acknowledge it.  What she does acknowledge is the restraints coming off of her legs and arms.  She falls forward, only to have arms catch her. She looks up to see pink hair and something blue, but it's blurry.

"Bunnix?" Y/N mutters.

"I've finally found you.  After all this time, I got you, Hermana.  I found you." A familiar voice breathes.  "What the hell did they do to you?"

Y/N feels herself being lowered to the ground before something is brought to her lips.

"Here, drink this, N/N."

Y/N feels a bottle being put at her lips, and she takes a sip before immediately spitting it back out across the room, shooting up with open eyes.

"That is disgusting!  Lemon water?  Are you kidding me?!" Y/N exclaims, making a disgusted face.

"There's also some Pepper in it."

Y/N twists her face at the sour taste before her eyes finally register who's in front of her.

"Jade?" Y/N asks, her voice now shaky.

Jade nods, "Yep. It's me."

"How are you here?"

"It's kind of hard not to hear when your sister in the other room screams that she's being attacked by a glowing vortex of death." Jade deadpans. "So, I just did what any younger sister would do.  Jump in with an awesome costume with no regard for whether I'd live or die with a few other things I was sure I'd need."

Y/N chuckles weakly when her eyes land on the bird on Jade's shoulder.

"You brought the Sapphire?! The Parakeet?!" Y/N exclaims.

Sapphire proudly announces, "I'm a budgie!"

Jade puts Y/N's arms around her neck and drags her out.

"I see you taught her a few new phrases." Y/N frowns.

"I thought you were dead." Jade chuckles.

Y/N jokes, "I thought you were smaller.  Did you dye your hair?"

Jade pushes the door open with a smirk, laughing before some troopers appear.

"Stop them!" One orders.

Jade shoves her right arm up, making everyone fly into the air.  Y/N's jaw hits the floor.  She stares at Jade as she puts her helmet back on.

Sapphire chirps, "Another one bites the dust!"

"What happened to you?" Y/N asks.

Jade shrugs, "I was trained by Ventress."

"In the dark side?" Y/N asks.


Another clone appears, which Jade flings into another wall, knocking him out.

"Head trauma!" Sapphire chirps happily.

Y/N frowns, "Did it hurt?"

Jade shrugs, "A little.  Had to make my own sabre with some Sarrassian iron.  Not a Kyber crystal."

"Is this permanent?  You being a Force wielder?" Y/N asks.

"So far." Jade smirks.

Y/N chuckles with Jade as they remember that they've just quoted Captain America.

"Wait, doesn't Sarrassian iron have dark side properties?" Y/N asks.

Jade nods, "Yup.  That's why I chose it."



Y/N and Jade turn a corner only to find a lot of clones.

"Karabast!" Jade curses.

The clones start shooting, making Jade drag Y/N out of the way of many bullets, Sapphire squawking in fear.

"Think you can walk on your own yet?" Jade asks.

Y/N moves her left foot and nods, standing up.

"I'm getting some crazy Deja Vu." Y/N smiles.

Jade pulls a phone out of her pocket, Y/N's eyes landing on it.

"You have my phone?" Y/N asks.

Jade shrugs, "I couldn't get into it.  I don't know the code."

Y/N blushes, "It's... Tup's birth number."

Jade chuckles, "Seriously?  Tup?"

"It was the perfect way to honour him when he died." Y/N defends herself.

Jade chuckles, typing in 5385, which unlocks the phone.  Jade smirks as she starts playing some music, singing along to the music as she fights the clones.

"Lightning is always such a buzz
Sleeping just like a vampire does
Creeping around your house because
I spread some gasoline"

She pulls a clone towards her with the Force, tilting her head slightly as she sings before sending him back, Y/N staring in shock.

"My food might play with me instead
My family loves to wake the dead
None of my dolls deserve a head
Let's test the guillotine"

Y/N shrugs, "I think it's just you who likes that game."

Jade continues singing, slicing through some of them with the Bat'leth.

"So you're a nice kid
Not a single vice kid
Boring as white rice kid
I won't tell you twice kid"

She pushes all the clones into the ceiling, making them leave their weapons on the ground.

"We have a situation!" One clone yells as Jade continues singing.

"I'm that dark type
Chaos, gloom and snark type
Circle like a shark type
Gonna leave a mark type
Am I the bad guy?

One of the clones who didn't leave his weapon on the ground tries to shoot Jade, who deflects the blast with her lightsaber.

"A Jedi!" Another clone exclaims.

"Not a Jedi, numbskull!  Not a Jedi!" Sapphire squarks.

Jade glares, "For the last time, I'm not a Jedi!  It's Force Sensitive!" She then deadpans, "I would say my interests are just different from yours."

Y/N chuckles, limping towards her sister who continues to sing, now snapping her fingers to the rhythm as Sapphire just chirps.

"I'm not a bad guy

I like it when I am in control
Bury some strangers in a hole
Let's go hide those stop signs that we stole
Close your eyes, open wide

My mummy always finds her light
Pugsly is good with dynamite
Thing is a handful in a fight
Want some more cyanide?"

She drops the clones to the ground, making them groan in pain.  She drags Y/N with her to an elevator, where she finally lets go of her sister.  She turns off the music, pulling her helmet off, tucking it underneath her arm as Sapphire lands on Y/N's metal shoulder.

"This is gonna take a while." Y/N frowns.

Jade asks, "So, what happened to your arm and leg?"

"Techno Union." Y/N replies.

"Did you kill them?" Jade asks.

Y/N frowns, "No."

"What about Trench?"

"I chopped off his arms and legs singing Look What You Made Me Do." Y/N smirks.

Jade chuckles, "We really are sisters, aren't we?"

"It's part of the L/N family genes." Y/N sighs.

After an awkward silence, Jade turns to her sister, a smile on her face.

"Let's do Get Help!" Jade smirks.

Y/N turns to Jade, a look of shock going over her face.  Sapphire starts chirping happily, whether she knows what the manuever is or not is unknown to the two teens.


Jade repeats, "Get Help!"

Y/N shakes her head, "Nope.  Not happening."

"Come on, you love it!" Jade smirks.

"Yeah, when watching it!  Doing it is another story altogether." Y/N frowns.

Jade smirks, "Come on!  It works every time!"

Y/N scoffs, "It's humiliating!"

"It'll be my turn next mission!" Jade exclaims.

Y/N exclaims, "No!"

"So you don't want to throw me next mission?" Jade asks.

Y/N glares, "Don't bargain with me!  You know I'd love to!"

"Do you have a better plan?" Jade asks.

Sapphire just chirps happily at the sisters.

Y/N groans, "Fiiiiinnnneee!"



The door of the elevator opens, revealing a sick looking Y/N, whose arm is slung over her sister's shoulder, who looks desperate, Sapphire flying above the two girls, chirping repeatedly.  Clones look at the two, aiming their guns.

"Help!  My sister is dying!  Get help!  Help her!" Jade yells before throwing Y/N, pushing her even further with the Force, slamming her into the clones, knocking them all down like bowling pins.

"I'm glad I have a thick skull." Y/N groans.

Jade chuckles, "Oh, it's a classic."

Y/N frowns, "That was humiliating."

"Not for me, it wasn't."

Y/N turns to Jade and asks, "Did we just quote that entire scene?"

"Most likely."

The girls exchange glances and start chuckling.

"Let's do it again in the hangar!" Jade laughs.

Y/N deadpans, "I can't toss you yet.  My muscles are still in pain from the electricity."

"No, we were gonna do that exact same thing.  Crosshair certainly won't be expecting it." Jade smirks.

"Neither will the others." Y/N nods, actually considering it.

Jade scoffs, "You can get a Bacta patch after if you get shot."

"Thanks for your concern." Y/N deadpans.

Jade grabs Y/N's arm, slinging it over her shoulder.

"This is where the fun begins." Jade smirks.

Y/N frowns, "Stop with the references.  They're my lines."

Sapphire chirps, landing on Y/N's shoulder and nuzzling into her face.


Hunter yells, "Tech, we gotta move.  Now!"

"I'm working on it." Tech replies through the comms.

Hunter orders, "Wrecker, clear the smoke on three."

"You got it, boss." Wrecker replies.

Hunter orders, "Omega, stay low."

Omega nods.

"One... two..."

Wrecker yells, "Three!"

He slams two pieces of metal together, clearing the smoke before throwing the metal into the other clones.  Wrecker goes to shoot Crosshair when Crosshair shoots him square in the chest, sending him flying.  Omega goes to help him when Hunter grabs her, pulling her out of the way of another bullet.

"Omega, don't!  He's using Wrecker as bait." Hunter exclaims.

"But he needs help!" Omega exclaims.

"Help!" A voice yells from behind Crosshair, making everyone turn.

The two groups end up staring at the two sisters, Jade's helmet off and her eyes display fear and concern as she drags Y/N, whose feet drag across the ground limply, her H/C hair singed as her robotic limbs just act as dead weight.  Everyone looks over to the sisters in shock and fear.  Even Crosshair looks concerned for Y/N.  Sapphire darts around the two girl's heads in a panicked frenzy.

"My sister is dying!  Get help!  Help her!" Jade yells before throwing Y/N, pushing her with the Force, turning her into a spinning projectile, slamming her into the clones and Crosshair, knocking them all down like bowling pins.

"Still hurts." Y/N groans, getting up.

Jade laughs, "Still a classic!  Echo, get Wrecker into the ship!"

Jade pulls Y/N up while Echo helps Wrecker into the ship, which starts up.  Y/N starts running when Jade pushes her forward with the Force, sending her closer to the ship.  Y/N quickly catches herself before she can slam her face into the side of the ship.  She sends back a glare as the regs and Crosshair get up.  She whistles, gaining Sapphire's attention.

"Come here, girl!" Y/N calls, holding her left arm out.

Sapphire glides over to the teenager, landing on her wrist, climbing up to her shoulder.

"Seal the bay doors!" Crosshair orders.

Jade pushes the clone closest to the console with the Force, making him knock his head into the wall.

"Liberty or death!" Jade yells.

Y/N rolls her eyes as she kneels down, waiting for Omega just before Crosshair shoots Jade.

"Jade!" Omega yells, only to be shocked at the sight before her.

Jade is holding out her hand, freezing the blaster bolt in place just before it can even touch her.

"Nice try, Crosshair." Jade smirks, moving out of the way just as the bullet starts moving again, flying out the door into the wet weather.  She turns towards Crosshair and glares at him, her voice becoming darker with each word, "With blood and rage of crimson red,
We fill men's souls with darkest dread,
We twist your minds to pain and hate,
We'll burn you all... that is your fate!"

She pushes Crosshair into a wall, starting to choke him with the Force, her eyes turning yellow.  Crosshair grabs at his throat, trying to pry off the invisible hands.

"Jade!  You're better than that!  Remember what Sidious did to them all!" Y/N yells.

Jade freezes, slowly turning to her sister, who's looking at her with worry.  Jade's eyes turn back to her normal E/C colour, and she lets go of Crosshair, running towards her sister.

"Sorry.  Lost my cool there for a minute." Jade apologises.

Y/N exclaims, "You can Force Freeze?!  What did that Dathomirian teach you?!"

Jade shrugs, "The true evils of the world are colonialist hegemony and pink glitter."

"Now is not the time to be an Addams!" Y/N yells. "And I already used that line on Sidious!"

Jade picks up a crate with the Force and throws it at Crosshair just as Omega starts running to the ship with Lula in her hands.

"Over here, kiddo!" Y/N exclaims, grabbing Omega's hand and pulling her into the ship.

"Are you alright?" Tech asks.

Y/N shrugs, "Being electrocuted can't stop my family."

Omega picks up a gun, quickly planning something.  Y/N looks away from Omega, limping over to the door.

"They're still out there!" Y/N whispers.

She sees Crosshair about to shoot Hunter when his gun flies out of his hand, a bullet mark on it.  Y/N turns to see Omega holding a gun.

"Good shot, kid." Y/N smiles.

Crosshair pulls out another gun only to have it thrown out of his hand by an invisible force.  Oh, wait, that's the Force.

"Touch the child and you're dead meat!" Jade yells, picking up Crosshair with the Force, her eyes flashing yellow for a moment before she slams him into a wall.

Everyone else gets on the ship, which starts to fly.

"Jade!  We're leaving!" Hunter yells.

Jade drops Crosshair and runs after the ship, doing a Force Jump, barely missing as Y/N grabs Jade's hand with her metal one.  Jade looks up in surprise, seeing Y/N's angry face.

"I lost you once when I left Earth, I am not losing you again!" Y/N yells.

Hunter grabs Jade's other arm and helps pull her into the ship.

Y/N pokes her head out and yells, "Fight it, Cross!  FIGHT IT!" just before the door closes and Crosshair starts firing again.  As the ship pulls away, it gets out of Crosshair's range.


"Ouch!" Wrecker yells as Echo pulls a needle out of his arm. "Hey!  Hey, hey, hey.  What's that gonna do?"

Echo pulls something else out of the Medkit and replies, "You'll be okay.  Just hold still."

Wrecker scowls as Omega walks towards him, shaking the doll.

"Is this what you were looking for?" She asks.

Wrecker gasps, "You found my Lula!  Ow!" he exclaims as Echo shoves a needle into his neck.

Y/N chuckles before falling against one of the walls, completely exhausted and a splitting headache wracking through her head.

"Y/N?  I believe this belongs to you?" Omega smiles, holding something circular towards the teenager.

"You kept the yoyo.  Did you get a chance to use it?" Y/N asks.

Omega chuckles, "Only to keep myself from being bored.  I really don't know how to use it as anything else."

"That's okay, kiddo.  I'll teach you a bit later." Y/N smiles.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Jade asks.

"I was electrocuted by people who thought I was Force Sensitive because I know stuff and they wanted the Jedi's location, so I sent them on a wild goose chase for something that doesn't exist, and the adrenaline keeping the pain at bay has subsided.  Do you think I'm okay?" Y/N whispers.

Jade nods, "Fair enough."

Sapphire chirps, nuzzling Y/N's cheek before nibbling at it.

"Thanks, Sapphire." Y/N smiles.

"Can I kiss?" Sapphire asks.

Y/N raises her eyebrow at her sister, who just smirks.

Y/N sighs, "Oh, alright."

She turns to Sapphire and places a short kiss on her beak.  And by kiss, she just touches the outside of the beak with her lips for half a second.

"Thank you." The bird chirps.

Tech walks into the room with a scanner.

"Let's see here.  Hold still." Tech orders.

Wrecker exclaims, "Don't examine me.  I'm not a computer."

"This will take just a second." Tech frowns.

Omega walks towards the pilot's seats, and Y/N notices, gesturing to Jade to follow her.  Jade nods, patting Y/N's shoulder for a moment before getting up and following the child, Sapphire following her.

"Get that thing away from me!" Wrecker grunts.

After a few minutes, Tech finishes with Wrecker and turns to Y/N.  It's her turn.

"Would tending to my wounds be more effective if I were unconscious or just asleep in general?" Y/N asks.

Tech asks, "Was that supposed to be a joke?"

Y/N shrugs, "Joking in serious times helps distract me from pain."

Tech squats in front of Y/N, scanning her injuries with his med-scanner.  His eyes widen in surprise.  He obviously was not expecting to see those injuries.

"I was shoved in a torture chair made to get information out of me.  They got nothing but random nonsense, while I got electrocuted, like, ten times.  Heh.  Sent 'em on a wild goose chase.  Wait till they realise Infinity Stones don't exist.  Then Jade had the brilliant idea of doing the Get Help maneuver." Y/N explains. "Just finish the damn examination."


"First time in space, kiddo?" Jade asks, Hunter appearing behind her.

Omega nods, "First time anywhere."

Jade picks Sapphire off of her shoulder and holds her out to Omega.  Omega hesitates, which makes Jade roll her eyes and stroke the bird, who chirps happily at the attention.  Omega hesitantly touches Sapphire, who goes to nibble her fingers.  Omega pulls her hand away, slightly scared.

"No, no, it's okay!  She's just trying to get to know you.  A little nibble isn't gonna hurt much." Jade comforts, pulling her glove off and putting it near Sapphire's face, who nibbles at her owner's nails. "See?  Here, just hold out your hands."

Omega nods, opening her hands, Jade putting Sapphire in her hands.  Sapphire chirps happily, nuzzling at Omega's thumb.

Hunter frowns before complimenting, "Impressive shot back there.  Where'd you learn to do that?"

"I don't know," Omega shrugs, stroking Sapphire. "I never fired a blaster before.  I guess I got lucky."

Jade nods as the others come in, Y/N covered in bacta patches and Wrecker just limping.

"She's not the only one." Tech announces.

Wrecker scoffs, "I'm fine!  It'll take more than a blaster shot to take me down!"

"You were down." Echo frowns.

"Well, not for long!" Wrecker laughs before groaning in pain, then turning to the female amputee, "You guys should be more worried about N/N."

Y/N shrugs, "I was thrown across a room by someone I left on Earth, who happens to be Force Sensitive, which she wasn't when I left her.  And that was after a thousand volts of electricity coursed through my body.  I'll be fine.  I guess I'd be even finer if we had a Bacta Tank, but beggars can't be choosers."

Tech frowns, "You are incredibly stubborn."

Jade scoffs, "You're just realising this now?  I've lived with her since I was born."

"Since she was born!" Sapphire chirps.

"Aww, you and Sapphire are getting along?  That's so sweet." Y/N smiles, noticing Sapphire in Omega's hands.

Omega just chuckles, Sapphire flying to Y/N's head, nuzzling into her mohawk, and then falling asleep.

"What's the plan, Hunter?" Tech asks.

"Second star to the right and straight on till morning!" Jade smirks, posing like Peter Pan while her finger points out the window.

After an awkward silence, Y/N snorts.

"It's an inside joke, I guess." Y/N shrugs, suppressing her laughter.

Hunter frowns, "I thought we could go off on our own.  Lay low.  But with Crosshair gunning for us, now I'm not so sure."

Y/N nods, "Crosshair is a dangerous guy, especially now that he's been brainwashed onto their side."

"What about your friends?  Can't any of them help us?" Omega asks.

"That would be a short list." Tech frowns.

Jade chuckles, shaking her head, "I've just got a whole bunch of acquaintances that owe me favours."

Hunter smirks, "I can think of one."

Y/N smiles, "Ah, I know where we're going."

"How? Hunter hasn't even said anything yet." Echo says.

Y/N just taps her head with her pointer finger with a smirk.

"Plot a course for J-19." Hunter orders.

Echo asks, "J-19?"

Jade smiles, "Beautiful weather there. Not too sunny, not too rainy."

"We know a guy." Hunter smirks.

Y/N exclaims, "You left me out of the loop!  Sucks for you!  I snuck a peek into the loop!"

Jade frowns, "Just tell them you know who we're meeting and stop speaking in riddles."

Wrecker laughs, hitting Y/N with his Lula, making her shove him away.

"Keep it up and I will lick that doll!" Y/N exclaims.

Jade smirks, "I wouldn't reccomend that, sis.  You don't know what he's had it in."

Y/N frowns, "Fair enough."

Hunter smiles, "Strap in kid.  You're not gonna want to miss this view."

The group sits on their chairs, except Hunter and Echo, Hunter's given his seat up for Omega and Echo's given his seat up for Jade.

"You remember the Blue Lantern's, Jade?" Y/N asks.

Jade nods, "How could I?  You made me listen to it every night."

As the group jumps to hyperspace, Omega stares in wonder.

"I think now's a good time to recite it." Y/N smiles.

Jade rolls her eyes but complies.

"In fearful day, in raging night,
With strong hearts full, our souls ignite.
When all seems lost in the War of Light,
Look to the stars, for hope burns bright."

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