By MoxyWasHere

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Samara, a 21 year old girl, who was abandoned by her parents for not being 'normal' joined the Avengers after... More



21 0 2
By MoxyWasHere

(Samara's POV)

as we fell, we got caught in vines that held us up, keeping us from falling, i look up and i'm ways away from the top, the T-Rex got caught in vines as well and snapped his jaw at me, whenever he swung closer. i kicked his face back roaring at him. he's no shapeshifter, it's not like i can speak to him.

"I'm alright guys!!! i'm stuck on some vines!!" I yelled on the top of my lungs so they could hear me.

"Hang tight, we will find a way to you!!" i heard Loki yell, then silence. I heard a few vines break, and i lowered along with this T-Rex, he was closer to me and i kicked him, bit at his face. We were both covered in blood, this is not how i wanted to die. The T-Rex bit my leg and latched on, not letting go digging his teeth deep. I roared in pain and tried to attempt to use my other leg to scratch at his face.

"We don't- AHH- have much time!!" i yelled, i didn't get a response back. i saw two Pterodactyls fly down, giant ones, and they both bit at the T-Rex's eyes to make him let go of my leg.

"Shift into something smaller." one of them said, it was Loki.

"i'll fall!" i said.

"We'll catch you." the other one said, which was Miles. i turned into a wolf and slid through the vines and started descending to the ground, until i was stopped, and i look up to see both Loki and Miles carrying me by my back, up towards the surface, and the other T-Rex ended up falling to his death.

once we got to the top they put me down and turned back into their human selves, but i stayed as a wolf.

"Let's go." Mobius said, everyone went through the portal back to the TVA.

"do you understand how dangerous that was!?" Loki shouted at me.

I growled "Who are you to lecture me and criticize me!?"

Thor got in the middle of us "Enough." he said, me and Loki glared daggers, the Variants had those neck things on to keep them from going anywhere, i knew i was in deep shit, for going along with the Variants, and almost dying from a volcano.

Mobius paced around the room with his tempad and a hand on his forehead, thinking, i saw Ravonna, Hunter, and other minutemen that surrounded the room.

It was silent for a while, the only sound was Mobius's footsteps.

"The dinosaur era?" Mobius sighed breaking the silence, i looked between each Variant.

"What are you going to do? Prune me?" I snapped, Ravonna stepped up.


"no!" Mobius interrupted, as the Minutemen turned on their Prune sticks. i kinda wish they would Prune me, to get out of this mess. "you have a lot of explaining to do, get the Variants into time cells." Mobius turned to Ravonna and the guards.

"Now tell me, what made you think it was a good idea to follow them?" Mobius scolded me, putting his folder down on the table in front of me.

"because i wanted answers." I said and crossed my arms. Mobius sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Answers for what Samara?"

"Why they do what they do! how they even got here!!" I snapped and threw my hand towards the door where the Variants left.

"You idiots messed up the timeline, that's how they got here!" Mobius snapped. "i have right here how you're whole life is supposed to play out." He waved a recorder in the air. He walked over to the computer, took out the other recorder replacing it with mine.

"Right here, you parents leaving you, it happened, now, if you didn't go back in time this is what would have happened." It showed me laying in Bruce's lab and i was breathing heavily as a wolf, i looked around confused but i wasn't savage.

"Is she awake?" Tony asked from the corner of the room.

"Yes, her blood pressure is normal, vital signs are regular, no signs of anything abnormal we should worry about." Bruce tapped away on his ipad.

"Good, all she needed was rest." Tony headed for the elevator. Mobius paused the recording and turned to everyone.

"You had no reason to go back in time, if she was still savage how did she manage to get here? how did she managed to go back in time to find you guys? to kill you?" Mobius fast forward a little bit and stopped the recording on a scene of me and Loki. What the hell...

"Loki, whatever happens, i'll always be here." recording me said as my hands were placed on each side of Loki's burnt looking face.

We all heard crackling in the background, and we were sweaty. "My mom.. i need to save her, this is my fight not yours." Loki pressed his head against mine in the recording. I let go of his face and bolted into the other direction, where there was an apartment on fire. Mobius paused it.

"You're father tried to kill your mother in a fire, Loki tried to tell you no and that he will go, but you didn't let him. now, this is the future and how it's supposed to play out Samara, along with Everyone else." Mobius pointed to each Avenger.

"since we caught the Variants, i'll bring you guys home and reset the timeline." Mobius stood up and turned off the projector grabbing his folder.

"What about you?" I asked stepping closer.

"This is where i belong Samara." Mobius sighed, i looked over at Tony with pleading eyes, i turned into a little kitten just to make Tony allow Mobius to stay at the tower.

Tony sighed. "Stay with us Mobius, we have plenty of room and this place doesn't really look like it suits you, and you know, you can always come back." Tony winked playfully.

Mobius smiled as he looked towards his feet. "fine, i don't see why not."

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