Survive (Promised Neverland...

By NatashaD2967

865 12 0

Season 1 is over! Season 2 in another book! Remi, a young girl who never really had a presence, discovers the... More

Another Enemy
William Minerva


73 0 0
By NatashaD2967

Remi POV

It was the next morning. I was woken up by Emma and the kids jumping on me, so I wasn't in a good mood. I still kept my usual smile and gentle voice, making sure my act isn't see-through. Just then, Norman came down.

"Good morning Norman", I greeted. 

"Good morning Remi", He greeted back. Emma noticed him and greeted him which he returned. Just then Ray came up from behind, greeting him too, except he had this look in his eyes. Also, Norman seemed hesitant. If my theory is correct, Norman should have figured out Ray's identity yesterday night. Ray must've explained why he did it to him. Judging, by the way, they're acting, he's on our side. But there must be a catch if Norman seems so nervous. 

Hmm... What does Ray want the most...

My eyes narrowed. Ah, it seems I'll have to talk with them. 


"So, have you figured out the mole?", Emma asked. Ah, this is going to be hard to explain.

"Well...", Norman began. 

"Oh, it was me", Ray blurted out. Norman looked at him like 'why would you just blurt that out?!' while Emma was still processing. She paused for a second before her expression changed.

"It was you?!!", She yelled while pointing at Ray. She then calmed down again.

"Huh? wait what? I'm sorry I blurted that out without thinking... huh?", She mumbled. Ray smirked proudly at Emma's confusion to which I face-palmed in defeat. This boy...

"Hai!! Let me explain!!", Norman exclaimed, trying to calm Emma down. I couldn't help but let out a small giggle. They all looked at me confused.

"What's wrong?", Emma asked.

"Nothing. It's just been so long since we've been like this. Y'know, like teasing each other and laughing together...", I trailed. They all smiled at me. 

"Anyway, mind explaining?", I repeated. And after that, Norman began...

"So, He's working for Mama but he's not our enemy, and he was doing that this whole time for our sake?", Emma summarized.

"yeah", Norman confirmed.

"I was actually planning on telling you once you got back from the gate.", Ray sighed in annoyance, "But you went and left little Bernie there, and started talking about getting everyone out. I hadn't planned for any of that". 

Norman and Emma gulped in guilt. But I'm pretty sure neither of them regretted it.

"Mama found out, so I had to keep her in check, and you guys were being reckless", Ray finished, "So I figure I'd keep both sides at control".

"So in other words, you backed us up after we messed up? And you're still against the idea of getting everyone out?", Emma briefed.

"But I've changed my mind now. I'll help everyone escape", Ray concluded. Ah, he's gotten better at lying. If only I hadn't known him so much, I would've believed him...

"That isn't like you...", Emma trailed. Ah. she's catching on. She must be mad. I went over and held her shoulder, telling her to calm down and think rationally. He did all this for us.

"You think he's lying?", Norman asked. Seriously, neither of them is good at lying, I swear.

"Nah, I'm really glad! Ray's agreed to help us out for real, and we can trick Mama with fake news! This is awesome!", She smiled. Oh my, she's better than both of them. A small smile settled on my lips. 

"But, I see... you knew all along... It must've been painful... Seeing all those kids get shipped out", Emma mumbled. She slowly walked towards Ray. Norman was going to step forward, but I held my hand out in front of him. he looked at me and I shook my head, telling him to stay put. 

"Hey... did your transmitter experiment, involve actually messing with someone's ear?", Emma finally asked. I knew she'd figure it out. I'm not going to help you this time Ray. 

The boys froze, while Emma and I stayed calm. 

"What happened to those kids... they weren't shipped out early right? You didn't sacrifice anyone for us right?", Emma pushed. Ray's expression slightly changed and Emma noticed it. We both knew she hit the nail on the head.

"O-Oh, it's okay! thanks to that we can escape now!", She exclaimed, and then walked closer and grabbed his arm. I could see she was really mad. As expected.

"But... don't do that again... Your not alone anymore...okay?", She slowly spoke. Ray paused for a second before smiling.

"I promise. I'll never do it again", He finished. I was lost in thought when I remembered something. 

"Oh yeah, I have to show you guys something. I forgot to mention this earlier. Wait for me along with the other 2, I'll be back!", I exclaimed and ran off. I need to inform them about that.

"I crossed the fence and reached the secret spot, looking for the paper. Suddenly, I felt 2 people's presence. The only people who know of this place are...

"Norman, Ray, how long are you guys going to hide?", I asked. The bushes rustled, revealing the 2 boys.

"You found us", Ray smirked.

"So... what did you need?", I asked, turning to face them.

"Remi... you knew didn't you? that Ray was the mole?", Norman asked. Oh my, he figured it out. I paused for a bit before speaking.

"Yeah, I knew for a long time now", I admitted. They both were obviously shocked.

"Then why did you not say anything and continue to tell me all the plans?", Ray asked. 

"Because I knew you would never work against us. If anything, it would be for us", I explained, " I trust you more than you think".

He was startled by my words.

"When did you find out?", He asked.

"I suspected you already knew of this place's secret as soon as I found out. I kept laying traps in my words to see if you really knew. After that, when sister Kron showed up, My suspicions were correct. I was obviously shocked because I didn't know why you'd do that. But after a while of observing I found my answer. I just needed you to admit it, which you did", I summarized. The both of them just stood there in silence as I continued searching.

"Aha! found it!", I grabbed a piece of paper, "Let's go!".


"I gathered you here to discuss this. I checked this out before and I found out that there is a secret room in this house", I brought up. They all looked shocked but Emma and Gilda seemed to have already known.

"Yeah, I and Gilda observed Mama these past few days and found out that she disappears every night after 8", Emma joined in.

"Disappears?", Norman repeated.

"Yeah, she's nowhere to be found in the house. That means there is a secret room in this house", Emma finished. I opened the paper which had a map of the house's inside. I took out my pencil and drew a circle near Mama's office. 

"Here! It's right next to Mama's room", I began. I then explained why and how I found out, while Emma told her share.

"So in conclusion, there must be a door that leads to the secret room in both the bathroom and the bookshelf in the study. The room is most probably...", I trailed.

"For daily reports.", Ray continued. I smirked at him.

"Reports?", Don repeated.

"Yeah. Mama reports to HQ every day. That's what the room must be for", He explained.

"HQ?", Don was still confused.

"The place from where all the babies come from", Norman explained.

 "Ray, did you know there was a room here?", Emma asked.

"No, but I had a feeling", he replied.

"Let's check it out!", Don suddenly exclaimed, "if there's a way to contact the outside, we might learn what happened to Conny and the others".

I knew this was going to happen. How are we going to tell them... Ah, this is too tiring. I just want to stop already...

But I can't because I promised myself. Also, I have a feeling Mama is planning something.

"But can we really get in so easily?", Gilda questioned.

"Even if it's hard, we have to try!", Don shot back. 

"Wait, hang on. We gain nothing from that", Ray stopped them.

"even if there are comms, they're most likely linked to HQ and nowhere else", I continued.

"And Mama might not know where our siblings have gone. We can forget about finding clues", Ray finished. This is a trait we share. We can read each other's thoughts, not literally though

"If we're unlucky, the tracker will expose us", I added.

"We also don't know if that room has some kind of security", Ray pointed out.

"In conclusion, it's too risky", I concluded.

"But-", Don still protested.

"The risk far outweighs the reward", Ray spoke. Don gulped, unable to say anything. I hope he doesn't do anything reckless. 

"They're right. We need to focus on the sisters and avoid digging our own grave.", Norman cut in.

"Yeah. I've got Mama under control but if Sister finds out its game over. Keep that in mind.", Ray warned. 

"Don, can you help with the dinner arrangements", Ray asked, "It'll look fishy if no one's there-".

"I got it!", Don cut him off and walked away. Just as he walked past me I slowly whispered to him.

"Don, stay calm, don't act rashly, or you'll kill us all", I warned. I didn't notice Ray frown at our closeness. After my warning, He just gritted his teeth and walked out with Gilda. I hope they don't get caught.

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