By MoxyWasHere

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Samara, a 21 year old girl, who was abandoned by her parents for not being 'normal' joined the Avengers after... More



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By MoxyWasHere

(Samara's POV, also the cover is a Mosasaurus only the scariest dinosaur that once lived in the waters in the dino era, and maybe could still be alive since the Volcanos are lava and lava goes out when touched by water, creepy asf)

i open my eyes, and everyone surrounded me. i didn't know why. i couldn't even move.

"You idiot! why did you take on that dinosaur without help? you could of died!" Miles scolded me. i scoffed at him.

"Why did you help me? thought you wanted me dead." i said la ting heavily, still in my wolf form.

"Because your the one with the tempad." he said calmly, i rolled my eyes, of course that's why. "Why did you go out there in the first place?"

"I uh... he was about to come inside and i saw him, and heard his growling, so i attacked him before he could get to you guys."

"So you basically saved us?" Sylvie asked, i nodded slowly.

"Thanks i guess?" Steve's female Variant said, which i didn't know the name of, i didn't quite catch all their names yet. i look at my side, and it's covered in leaves, they must have figured out a way to make a bandage, since we are all in the wild, and in the dinosaur era, there's nothing really here.

"Tomorrow, we will go looking around." Bruce's female Variant crossed her arms.

"The Volcano will erupt tomorrow. and we will all be dead." Miles turned his head to Bruce's variant.

"We will avoid it best we can." Carly sighed, everyone laid back down and went to sleep, and i tried my best to sleep with this aching wound.

in the morning, i woke up and saw Miles outside just laying there looking around, Sylvie, Carly, and Monica were awake, while the others slept still. i tried to get up, but my wound kept refusing to let me.

after a few tries, i got onto my feet and went outside limping. "Why are you out here?" i asked and laid down next to Miles.

"i like the scenery." he said and licked his lips sighing.

"Yeah, i've basically lived in the wild my whole life, my parents abandoned me when i was 10, not wanting a shapeshifter as their daughter, my mom didn't want to leave me, but my dad dropped me off in the woods and left. i had to fend for myself, not really knowing how, but i learned." i said, i saw some dinosaur mothers teaching their young how to walk and hunt. it was the cutest thing.

"What was she like?" Miles looked over at me, i wrapped my tail around my wound as it started to ache again.

"kind, loving, didn't care who i was she just loved me unconditionally, since i'm her daughter, she had that mother's love. I miss her." i said, i saw Miles smile out of the corner of my eye.

"She sounds nice." Miles cleared his throat, i nodded.

"My dad drove me to the woods, not caring how young i was, i could have gotten eaten within the second i arrived, but i didn't, i turned into anything that could climb a tree just to get away from predators." I laughed, he snickered and got up.

"We need food" he said and turned around to walk inside the cave, i laid my head down on my paws and sighed, watching the trees hiss in the wind, and i watched the volcano in the distance. waiting for it to roar and launch lava out of it.

"What happened to you?" I turn my head and see Loki again, his stupid illusion.

"Loki! what are you doing?" i said in a loud hushed manner, Loki rolled his eyes as he got closer to me.

"Where are you? and what happened to you?" Loki demanded to know, i growled at him and turned my head the other way. "you're such a child!! Tell me where you are!"

"you aren't my friend, you aren't my father, and you certainly aren't the boss of me!!" i snapped, i heard footsteps inching closer to me.

"Unless you want to live, i suggest telling me where the hell you are." Loki's eyes turned to pure irritation and anger.

"Why is he here?" Sylvie asked next to me, i explained to her how it's an illusion and he's not actually here.

"Where are you guys?" he asked again.

"Why do you want to know? you just want to kill us." Sylvie said irritated.

"guys!! code red!!" Natasha's male variant said, who barely talks, pointing at the volcano, it started to erupt and Loki looked at the volcano, i saw his eyes widen and they turned back to me.

"You idiot!!" Loki shouted.

"Sorry have to go." i touched his illusion and he dissolved into green smoke, as i got up hissing in pain, and we started to run the opposite direction of the volcano. Miles grabbed the scruff of my neck and pulled me off a cliff with him, and we landed in water, all of us. as big lava balls landed in the water, it wouldn't kill us. But the water creatures could.

Different dinosaurs landed in the water on top of us, keeping us under water almost drowning. I saw many of those water dinosaurs come to the surface and snatch the other dinos that fell with us, we all began to swim to shore as fast as we could to get away. Miles helped me, noticing that i wasn't going very fast with my injury.

we get to this beach, and Miles pulls me onto the sand, and we all laid down coughing. Dead dinosaurs littered the place.

I get up and look around, the Volcano didn't look like it was stopping anytime soon, and there was a stampede on the cliff, many dinos fell into the water, blood sprayed everywhere and it turned the water red.

"Everyone alright?" Tony's variant asked, we all nodded, i stared in complete awe at the whole place. only about 30 minutes ago it was beautiful, now everything turned red. red.

"We have to go." Miles said as he walked up next to me, he watched the water go red, and my eyes just stayed widened. i flinched as i saw a baby Long-neck dinosaur fall into the mouth of a Mosasaurus.

"Samara let's go!" Carlos called after me, i started to shake, my whole body shut down and i was shaking. i was cold, and scared.

"Standing here and watching them die isn't getting us anywhere." Miles said, i snapped back into reality and turned to him.

"Let's go." i said and we all began walking along the shore in the beach looking for a safe haven.

a bunch of footsteps were heard behind us, and we turn around. another stampede was running towards us, and we took off running, we weren't fast enough and got caught in the stampede, T-Rex's, Spinosaurs, Velociraptors, and all types of carnivores killed many of these Dinosaurs as their last meal before dying, the saddest part was they had no idea today was the last day for them to live, they were completely oblivious.

i ran between two Long-Necks and i swerved between them trying to be careful not to be stepped on, i lost the Variants, they were stuck on the stampede as well.

i got kicked by a dinosaur behind me and went flying forward, i dodged the incoming footsteps and then got trapped between the carnivores, the worst place to be trapped.

I didn't realize where we were headed until last minute, when i saw a cliff. I stopped running and all the dinosaurs tried to turn, and many of them fell off the cliff, the survivors kept running when they turned.

i turned around to run back and was face to face with a Spinosaurus. i had no idea where the Varinats were, i was alone. i had no where to run, if i were to follow the other dinosaurs this massive spinosaurus will run after me and kill me, i'm no where near as fast as them. The ground was shaking, making it harder for my balance to not fall off this cliff behind me.

I roared loudly to seem big, and he roared back as he just stared at me. i was waiting for him to run after me, he never did, he just stared at me, taunting me.

that's right, i'm a shapeshifter mother fucker, i can turn into a dinosaur.

i've never done this before, my first time turning into a dinosaur, i feel myself get higher and higher, heavier, and heavier, i felt my arms get shorter, large nails take place where my others were, and teeth grow.

i look at myself, i was a spinosaurus, just like him, he looked at me confused, i could see it written all over his face.

This is why you don't mess with me bitch.

i ran after him snd he charged at me, i dodged to the side and clamped onto his neck, he roared in pain and i flung him down to the ground, stepping on his stomach to keep him down, he kicked and kicked, until he bit my leg throwing me off, i fell down, and i realized how hard it is to stand up with such tiny arms. he did the same to me, stepping on my stomach, he went to finish me off and i roared at him, nipping at his face whenever he bent down to bite me.

i kicked his stomach ripping it open, and blood poured onto my scaly skin, which was gross, and he roared as he fell in pain, i stood up, which was very hard, and i finished him off breaking his neck.

i turned around and saw all the Variants staring at me, just staring, in complete awe.

A portal opened behind them and in came Mobius, Hunter B-15, and the Avengers, and their eyes widened as they stared at me, they probably didn't even know it was me.

"Guys it's me." I said, and they immediately calmed down.

"All of you, come with us." hunter said. as i started to walk over to the portal, before i could turn into my normal self, i saw a T-Rex approach us.

"Shit!" Mobius yelled, The Variants ducked but he wasn't after them, he was after me. realizing i'm still in dino form, i roared at him and he showed his massive teeth, i did the same, look buddy! i have the same thing!

He charged at me, unexpectedly and bit my neck, i hissed in pain, as he dug his teeth deeper and deeper into my neck, i kicked his stomach and turned him around and began to push him towards the cliff, he tried to push back but i was just bigger and stronger than him. His foot slipped off the cliff and he latched onto my back and pulled me with, as he fell.

"SAMARA!!!" i heard Loki scream.

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