Duck Sauce

By puffdaisy

231 2 1


Duck Sauce
Guys Who Lie
Hairless Cats
Blue Cheese
The Use Of The Word "Nigga" or "Nigger"
The Internet

Movie Theaters

18 1 0
By puffdaisy

-Movie Theaters-

Yup. I'm talking about the movies. I hate going. I refuse to sit in a giant room, with a movie that's blasting so loud that my ears are bleeding. Just no. Then you've got the 5 main groups of the movies. The mutes, the loud laughers, the lip flappers, the construction workers, and the normal people. The mutes don't laugh, don't talk, don't move, zip, nada, zelch. The loud laughers.... are...exactly what that says. They laugh obnoxiously loud. The lip flappers, they feel the need to talk about everything, weather it makes sense or not. The construction workers are the people who get up and bulldoze past everyone with their asses all up in your face. I do NOT, and I need to repeat this for emphasis, do NOT want a wiff of your butt barnacles as I'm trying to chomp away on my twizzlers. KEEP YOUR CRUSTY BEHIND OUT OF MY FACE. And then to the normal people. They're normal. They laugh at the funny parts, maybe sniff a little at the sad parts,and just enjoy the movie. And then at the end of the suffering of being shut in a room with the most annoying people on earth, you try to get out. Only to be shoved down the stairs, pushed into the garbage cans, and all that other good stuff. I prefer to wait for whatever movie it is I would like to see to come out on dvd so I can watch it in peace in my own home, with my GIANT bag of twizzlers where NO ONE CAN JUDGE ME WHEN I PIG OUT! Thank you.


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