A Mafia Pact

By AWwritesUread

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The Rossi family are known throughout the world as the most powerful Italian mafia with control over all Ital... More

Main Cast


2.2K 161 18
By AWwritesUread

It took many kisses to convince Annalise to go home with Anastasiya. She was way past tipsy and simply wanted to be in the arms of her fiancé. They had told her it was bad luck and that she would officially be Mrs. Luciano Rossi in the morning before she agreed to leave with them. Luciano thought it was cute that she only wanted to be with him, especially after Anastasiya mentioned that her brother would be sleeping in the same home as his woman. 

"You have nothing to worry about," Brandon informed Luciano as they made their way back to the Rossi estate. "Please, I know he's in love with my wife." Brandon nodded not denying that fact. "He does love her, but he knows he's no good for her. Maxim wrote the book on how to be a fuck boy. He only wants the best for Annalise, which is why he never made a move. He loves her from a far and it works for them. Hell, it works for you."

Luciano looked at him crazily. "You want as many people who love your wife to be looking out for her. This merger...this marriage...you guys just shined a bright red bull's eye on your backs. My sister has a lot of admirers, but they're also allies and friends in this business. Something tells me she's going to need it being married to you." 

Luciano looked at Brandon before looking out the window. The Rossi and Monroe families were tied in status and hierarchy in the mafia world, but the Monroe's were both feared and loved by many while the Rossi's were simply feared. They didn't have allies as much as they had lower families that dreaded what would come of them if they refused a command from Agosto Rossi. 

Maxwell Monroe was a charismatic man with equally charismatic children and for every enemy he had two powerful friends. Luciano didn't want to think of the dangers he could be bringing into Annalise's life because of their union. She would no longer be a Monroe and he didn't know what that meant for her.

The men slept at the Rossi estate as the wedding would be taking place in the expansive gardens in the backyard. Annalise and Desi stayed at the Ivanov estate a little over half an hour away with both Adele and Amelia. They were going to have an early morning start on enjoying a good breakfast before getting ready. As Annalise lay next to Anastasiya she couldn't help but smile at all her life had turned out to be. 

She always wanted the white gown and the big wedding and now she was getting it. Allies and partners in both the mafia and business worlds had already arrived to witness her wedding. She smiled widely at the thought of Luciano being speechless when he sees her for the first time. She hoped he'd cry, but she knew that was wishful thinking. There'd be too many important people in the audience as witnesses.

"Go to bed," Anastasiya mumbled as she wrapped an arm around her best friend. "I can't! I'm too excited!" Anastasiya had forced Annalise to drink tons of water and swallow Tylenol before heading to bed. She didn't need a cranky bride on her hands. "Are you happy?" Annalise looked at her best friend and nodded. "Do you love him?" Again, she nodded. "Then that's all that matters. Tomorrow will be perfect." Annalise squeezed her best friend's arm before turning to try and sleep. 

She knew she'd only get a few hours, but she wanted to get as much as possible so she didn't have to cake on the concealer in the morning. "Good night, Anastasiya." Anastasiya mumbled something in return causing Annalise to chuckle. She hoped Desi was doing alright in the room next door. She wasn't buying the crap she was trying to sell her. It was apparent something was going on between her and Brandon and she wanted to know what.

Annalise woke up to her mother and mother-in-law singing Good Morning songs and opening curtains. Anastasiya hissed like a vampire before throwing a pillow over her face. Adele grabbed the pillow from her and chuckled. "Rise and shine, my beautiful ones." Anastasiya groaned. "Mama Addie, you're on 100 and I'm going to need you to get down to a 5." Adele swatted Anastasiya's butt causing her to sit up. 

"We haven't got all day! Let's move it ladies." Desi mumbled as she walked into the room and crawled into the bed sandwiching Annalise. "You three are worse than herding cats." Amelia called out. Adele scowled at them. "Don't make me get the hose." At that all three girls were up and out of bed. "That's more like it. Breakfast is ready downstairs."

They all made their way downstairs to find Dmitri and Maxim making their plates. "No boys allowed," Anastasiya whined shooing her father and brother out. "Alright! Alright!" Dmitri chuckled before giving her and Annalise kisses on their heads. "You get out!" Maxim rolled his eyes at his younger sister. 

"You look beautiful, Lise." Annalise shook her head as she rubbed her eyes. "I'm pretty sure I have drool stains on my face, Max." He walked up to her and held her chin in his fingers. "You're still beautiful." He looked at her the way he had always looked at her, but for the first time she felt guilty.

"You can't look at me like that anymore, Max. You can't say that stuff anymore." Everyone was busy making their plates trying to ignore them, but she knew Anastasiya was watching closely. "You're right. You're going to be a married woman in a few hours." She nodded preparing to move. 

"Just because I can't say what I want doesn't mean the thoughts aren't still there, kroshka. As for how I look at you, I look at you like you're the most precious thing in my life and you are. That's never going to change." He kissed her forehead and left the kitchen.

"I can't even get one guy to like me and this bitch has two whole men swooning over her," Anastasiya chuckled. "Hush up, little girl." Adele chided. "Maxim has always had this schoolboy crush on Lise, that's all." Annalise could tell her mother was trying to soothe any worries that may have found their way into Amelia's head. 

"I love your son," Annalise smiled placing her hand over Amelia's. "You what?!" Desi, Amelia and Adele asked in unison causing her to chuckle loudly. "I love Luciano. I'm in love with him. There's no one else for me, so don't let Maxim or anyone else get in your head, Ma." Amelia smiled at the beautiful girl before looking at Adele. "We did good." Adele nodded in agreement before everyone began eating and talking about the day's events.

Luciano stood in front of the mirror taking in his all-black suit. He knew Annalise wanted him to have some pop of color, but he liked what he liked. Black was life. He wondered what she was thinking and how she was feeling at the moment. The guests had already arrived and he knew the ladies were on their way. 

He would be heading out to the alter in a few minutes and he couldn't believe it, but he was nervous. He was Luciano Gianni Rossi. He didn't get nervous. Yet here he was wringing out his hands for the millionth time as he thought about the woman whose smile changed him without even trying.

"You're nervous as fuck," Dante laughed loudly as he stood beside his older brother. "Shut up, dipshit." Dante rolled his eyes as he pulled on his sleeves. "You lucked out, brother. She's amazing and she loves you just like you love her." Luciano eyed his ever-astute brother. 

"It's obvious to anyone willing to pay attention. Don't fuck this up. Love her with everything you've got. Protect her at all costs. And have fun making my nieces and nephews." Luciano chuckled at that and pulled his brother in for a hug. 

"When you going to settle down and get married." Dante shook his head and shivered. "Never. You're the eldest son tasked with bearing an heir. I'm living my life for me as much as possible and that doesn't involve me settling down anytime soon." Luciano knew his brother. He wasn't a player per se, but he did enjoy his fun and relationships tend to get in the way of the type of fun he partook in.

"Look at my boys," Agosto smiled as he walked up to them. "You ready?" Luciano nodded taking in his father's suit. He just screamed power. "This is a good match. You and Annalise are perfect in many ways." Luciano smiled at the use of the word that he felt defined his future wife to a tee. "Come on, the priest is here." They made their way out and Luciano took in just how big of a deal this was in their world. 

Families from all over sat on chosen sides to offer up their support and allegiance. The Rossi side had a few more open seats in comparison to the Monroe side, but overall, the venue was packed all for him and Annalise. "They're here," Brandon whispered as he made his way to the side of the alter to stand next to Dante. The music began playing as the talking ceased.

Luciano could see Anastasiya walking down in her silver beaded off-the-shoulder gown and smiled. She was a good friend and it was obvious she would do anything for his Anna. He wanted her surrounded by people like that, which was why he made it a point to tolerate Maxim. He watched as the Russian smiled at his sister. 

Next was Desi who looked beautiful in a matching gown only this one was one-shoulder. She smiled widely at Luciano mouthing 'you're going to die' to him before taking her place. The music changed and everyone stood. Luciano was a tall man, but Annalise's lack of height and the crowd in front of him blocked his view until she was standing in the aisle.

Luciano forgot how to breathe. She was a vision in white lace and beading. He remembered her telling him that it was always her dream to wear her mother's wedding gown and she had finally gotten her wish. She was beautiful and, in that moment, Luciano could feel the tears prickle. 

He blinked them away as she stood in front of him smiling that smile that made him want to give her everything in the world. They stood there just staring and smiling and he knew that he'd spend the rest of his life making sure Annalise was as happy as she was in that moment.

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