π•³π–Šπ–’π–” π•³π–Šπ–†π–—π–™

By roughietough

64 32 3

Scarlett (You) transfers to a grim academy, Hemo Academy, for a better education. It's not all that you expec... More

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2 1 0
By roughietough

A) "Raise your hand for working with a partner!" Mrs. Verlice called. You raised your hand.
C) "Raise your hand for working with a partner!" Mrs. Verlice called. You didn't raise your hand and you watched all the other students. "Raise your hand for working alone!" She said. Once again you kept your hand low. You just didn't have a preference.

Mrs. Verlice counts the votes and while she does so you look around, feeling eyes on you. You weren't sure if you were just overthinking it or if they actually were staring at you, but you knew you wanted to vanish. You especially regret wearing bright clothes.
"Alright... I've calculated the total amounts, and the class voted to work together. This does not mean you are handing in one assignment, you are each making your own individual projects, got it? You are only working together. And remember, school appropriate." She shot a horribly cold glance at the students that made you shiver, you've never seen that type of sternness in a person. When her eyes connected to yours she gave a light smile, and you...

A) Were too shocked to smile back.
B) Quickly return the smile.

Then she sat back down at her desk and started writing feverishly with her fountain pen. At least she seems to like me... I hope?... You think to yourself. The class laughed lowly to themselves from her remark and instantly joined into pairs. You felt uncomfortable, but quickly started looking around nervously, hoping someone else was free to work woth you. After a minute or two you were starting to think that you were just going to have to work alone, when suddenly a girl in a black knee lengthed dress with a white corset overtop came to you. She wore a dark pink bow and high white socks, and elbow lengthed white gloves, and on her feet were Mary Jane school shoes. She had her hands on your desk and she was leaning slightly towards you. Her long dark brien hair brushing the desk and her fluffy bangs resting gently over her forehead. She opened her mouth to speak.
"Hi there, I'm Rosetta." She gave an open mouth smile.
"Hi, I'm Scarlett." You introduce. She nods and asks,
"Wanna be my partner?" She was the only one willing to be your partner so you agree. 
"Yeah, sure." You smile.
"Great!" She cheers and pulls her chair over to you and sits down. You admired her long brown hair, that got darker at the tips. Her sharp eyes looked up at you, causing you to flinch.
"So, are you going to make a poster perhaps? A video? Maybe a PowerPoint?" She asked smiling.
You were taken aback at the many questions she fired at you.

A) "I was thinking about doing a poster."
B) "I was thinking about a PowerPoint."
C) "Honestly I don't know what I want to do yet."

A) She smiles at you before putting her finger on her chin.
"Hmmm, I'm just going to say this now, making simply only a poster is kinda slacking in this school. But I'm all for the idea!" She says.
"Oh... Well, maybe I'll add a video or collage of memories?..." You say feeling troubled by what she said.
"Whatever you do, don't stress it. Just... enjoy your time here...like us." She said and you were left speechless out of confusion.
B) "PowerPoints are fun. I have a tip, go ALL OUT. That's what this school is all about. Add videos, pictures, transitions, design and of course, make the content fun. And you can't hand in something that's only digital, so maybe make props. Mrs. Verlice will love it!" She fantasizes.
"Oh... really?" You ask.
"Yeah. Hey, I've been here since grade nine, I know a thing or two about the grading methods." She gave a closed mouth smile.
"Oh, thanks for the advice!" You smile.
C) "Well, hey, don't worry about it! Maybe I can inspire you with my project. This school expects some crazy talent and results. They like it when we go all out. Like making props. They love those... Whatever you do though, don't stress it. Just... enjoy your time here...like us." She says trailing off. You look at her confused. Those two statements seemed very contradictory.

You started brainstorming ideas and realised that you were going to need to up your plan. Rosetta started writing quickly on a paper in lovely handwriting. You watched her for a second then she looked up to you and smiled.
"Alright students, if you don't have a partner yet come to me and we'll work it out. That's it for today. You're excused." Mrs. Verlice says. Rosetta stood up and moved her chair back to her desk that was across from yours, before speaking up.
"Well look at that, the time's already gone. Next up is our electives. I'll be looking forward to meeting you further." She smiles at you and waves goodbye before leaving with a squad of people. You watched the students leave through the door, trying to remember what your next class was.
That's right... I took French as an elective. Time to find it. You think to yourself as you ventured out to the dark and tall hallways. You pulled out the campus map and scanned it, still feeling eyes on you. After meekly adventuring through the dark academy you found that your French class happened to be on the fourth floor.
By the end of the year my legs are going to ripped. You thought as you went up the stairs out of breath. You turned into a big room and saw the desks were formed like bleachers, rows going up. You saw there was a free space on the third row up. Quickly you got to it. However, when you sat down your pen rolled off your desk and down the stairs. Silently you were screaming at yourself as you started to stand up once again. Just as you were reaching for the pen a tall boy with brown hair that faded into red tips and a lip stud on the bottom right corner of his mouth bent down and picked up your pen, giving it to you.
"Ah... Thank you." You nod to him embarrassed. He was silent as he went to get a seat.

It was now lunch after three hours of classes and you found the cafeteria after a bit, certain that someone was following you. When you stepped into the eating room what you saw shocked you. About twenty of the thousand students were in the Cafeteria. Where were all the rest? It was like they simply vanished. Maybe the food sucked? But wouldn't some of them at least eat in there? The line for the canteen wasn't long at all, and while you were waiting someone came up behind you and poked your shoulder. You turned around to see the pink haired Epiphany. The girl from the morning.
"Hey!" She exclaimed. You answer back with a wave and smile.
"You're ordering too?" She asks.
"Yeah. I'm starving." You say. She makes a face of agreement and comments, "Right?? Is it just me or is the timetable at this place weird?" You thought about it for a moment as she continued,
"I've never been to a school that starts at nine thirty and goes 'til four thirty. I eat breakfast early so getting here and not being able to eat at eleven or twelve was a big smack." She says. You guys move up the line.

A) "Yeah, it does start and end kind of late..."
B) "I don't think it's that weird."
C) "I feel your pain."

A) "Ah well, something I'm just going to have to get used to. I'm going to need to sneak in some snacks. Wait, what if I get expelled? Do you think there's a big rule against snacking in class?" She asks. You laugh.
"I don't think you'll be expelled." You smile and move up the line.
B) "Oh, really? Well, I'm new in this area of town. I guess things are different around here." She says looking around. You too have never had a timetable like this, but it wasn't weird to you because it was only an hour off. You move up the line silently.
C) "Aghhh. Will we make it??" She whines holding her stomach. You can't help but laugh. "Don't worry, look, we're already here at the front of the line." You point. Her face lightens up and she gives a big smile. "Great!"

A young lady with tucked back beige hair took your order.
"Hi, I would like....

A) The chicken sandwich please."
B) The salad please."
C) The soup please."

"Alright, your total will be eight dollars please." You hand it over to her and she hands out the food lightning speed. You wait for Epiphany to finish ordering and then you two sit down in the practically empty cafeteria. When you eat your food, you realize it's delicious. In fact, it's the best food you've ever tasted. It's delectable.
"Oh my goodness, this is the best food I've ever eaten." You say shocked.
"I was just about to say that. I have never tasted such good food.... I don't understand how nobody wants this. Like seriously, where is everyone when this is the type of food they make?" She says equally as shocked. After pondering this for a moment the two of you finish eating, chatting away.

You and Epiphany shared numbers at the end of the day by your locker.
"I'll see you tomorrow!" You wave goodbye.
"Yep, See ya!" She waves back and gets in her car and you in yours.

It was your second day at Hemo Academy. You got out of your car saying goodbye and you were just as nervous as you were yesterday. The dark building felt like it was leaning over you, and you gulped before entering. Beautiful and prestigious students entered along with you, trying not to watch you. You did get one pressure off you though, your outfit. Today you dressed similar to the way others did. You were wearing:




You were thinking about how if you wanted to fit in, you might need to buy some new clothes. You see that Epiphany is still wearing a bright outfit. Before you left for first period Epiphany complimented your outifit and you thanked her.
As you walked to your social studies class you realised that you still felt like you were in bright poppy clothes. Everyone snapped their heads to your being and indulged in staring at you. You wondered if maybe there was a secret element to the clothing that you weren't getting, or maybe you had the
air of an outisider. You were a newbie, weren't you? Epiphany had thought you fit in. As you went up a flight of stairs it seemed everyone in the low-powered ceiling lights and and candlelight from the gothic candle wall holders stared at you.
You finally made it to class and sat down thankfully. Every class is just starting to get into topics now, and when you had history class, you were excited that it was a get to know you project. Something simple. When you walked into the class and sat down at your spot you noticed Rosetta smiling at you. You smiled back and waved. Mrs. Verlice spoke up.
"Alright everyone, just another work period." She said. People got up and you could hear the grandfather clock ring down the hall, as it was now twelve. Rosetta came towards you and sat down.
"Hey Scarlett, I see you're already fitting into the school." She says looking at your outfit.
"Oh... yeah." You laugh awkwardly. Although you didn't feel like you fit in.
"It looks pretty nice on you." She compliments.
"Oh... thank you very much." You smile. You thought about asking her to explain why everyone dressed so gothically but you backed away from doing it. It felt like a silly question to ask. You thought about asking Epiphany, but she hadn't brought it up herself or mentioned any unnerving feelings about the place either. You had a feeling she wouldn't notice it or think of it as weird.
So you two got to work. The next few days at Hemo Academy are spent with taking notes and starting new assignments. Your time with Rosetta was pretty good. She was quite intrigued with you and had asked to exchanfe numbers with you. Some of her conversations were interesting, some confusing, and some just really good advice about how to be a student at the academy.
"I'm happy you're enjoying your time here so far! The school recently went through a bit of a change so this is still exhiliarting for me!" She had told you one day. You weren't sure if you actually enjoyed the school or if you too, were exhilirated. When you asked what changes had happened to the school she replied with, "Oh you know... Just some application process changes and a few other... touchups... the building had an extra infirmary added in which I think is a good idea, and another student lounge, which I haven't been in." She saw your puzzled expression and continued to say, "Well, the whole community is pretty excited, and worried too... But I think this is a change for the better. I've never been in such a diverse school!" She said with obvious fantasizing. You were confused because you had thought the school wasn't too diverse. Everyone dressed similarily and everyone had high grade averages, but you guessed she probably meant the uniqueness of the entire campus, and there were many students attending. More than you've ever expeirenced before. Besides, she had arrived in grade nine, she has gotten to know the people and has probably met a bunch of unique students.
You got a lot of work done with her, which surprised you because she was mischievous and silly as you discovered, but clearly determined and smart as well.
On the first day of your second week, Rosetta asks you to work with her in the library during the lunch hour.
You accepted because you still needed to finish up a few extra things. Most lunches Rosetta is with her two best friends Casper and Serenity, so this was a nice surprise for you.
When you walked through the large doors into the big dark silence of the room it had an eerily still feeling that freaked you out. Where do all the students go? You wondered.
The library had two floors, the top one being a mezzanine with grand pillars holding it up. Flowers in vases were sitting around everywhere. The room smelt sweet and old. Most things had an enjoyable smell at Hemo Academy, specifically like a subdued perfume and incense, and occasionally in the classrooms a whiff of dust.
After glancing around the library for a bit you saw the other students in the aisles. Their nimble fingers picking which book they'd like, and their dark yet vibrant eyes watched you walk through, until it was Rosetta's eyes watching you.
"Hi, Scarlett." She said in a smooth voice.
"Hey." You greeted back with a smile.
"Do you want to work in the back or the front?" She asks and you look out to the library.

A) "Hmmm... maybe the front."
B) "I'm okay with working in the back."

(If you choose A, go to the chapter called 'Working in the Front'. If you choose option B, go to the chapter called, 'Working in the Back'.)

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