An Executor's Will (RWBY x St...

By Synclair123

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During the Grimm's attack in the City of Vale, two students known as Lupin Fulgaras, a wolf Faunus and a huma... More

Prologue: Warping Problem
Episode 1: Encounter
Episode 2: Beacon Academy
Episode 3: Tag Team
Episode 4: School Life
Episode 5: Jaune's Struggle
Extra Chapter
Episode 6: Blake's Identity
Episode 8: Chaos
Episode 9: Recovery
Episode 10: Recuperation
Episode 11: Improvement
Episode 12: New Semester
Episode 13: Questions Asked
Episode 14: Day before the Dance
Episode 15: Dance Party
Episode 16: Warping Problem
Episode 17: Planet Char
Episode 18: Team TL vs. Zerg
Episode 19: New Enemy
Episode 20: The Dark Templar
Episode 21: Civil War 1
Episode 22: Civil War 2
Episode 23: Saving Tassadar
Episode 24: Before the Final Assault
Episode 25: War at Two Sides
Episode 26: A Noble Sacrifice
Episode 27: A Familiar Sight
Episode 28: Back to Remnant
Episode 29: Discovery
Episode 30: To Each their Own
Episode 31: Answers
Episode 32: Results after the Battle
Episode 33: Departure
Episode 34: Moving on

Episode 7: Truth

101 3 0
By Synclair123

"Yeah, they're all over the news." Says Lupin.

"Of course! I don't think there is a faunus on the planet who hasn't heard of them." Says Sun. "Stupid holier-than-thou creep that use force to get whatever they want. Bunch of freaks if you ask me."

"I was once a member of the White Fang." Blake nonchalantly spoke.

Sun choked on his drink while Lupin was surprised.

"You were one of them!?" Lupin exclaimed.

"Wait a minute, you were a member of the White Fang?" Sun asked her.

"That's right. I was a member for most of my life actually. You can almost say I was born into it." Says Blake and then, she continued explaining.

"Back then, things were different. In the ashes of war, the White Fang was meant to be a symbol of peace and unity between human and the faunus. Of course, despite being promised equality, the faunus were subjected to discrimination and hate. Humanity still thought of us as lesser beings."

"And so, the White Fang rose up as a voice of our people. And I was there. I was at the front of every rally. I took part in every boycott. And I actually thought we were making a difference. But I was just a youthful optimist."

"Then, 5 years ago, our leader stepped down. And a new one took his place. A new leader, with a new way of thinking. Suddenly, our peaceful protest were being replaced by organized attacks. They are setting fires to shops that refused to serve us. Hijacking cargoes from companies that used faunus labor and the worst part was, it was working. We were treated like equals. Not out of respect, but of fear." Blake drinks her cup afterwards.

"So, I left. I decided I no longer wanted to use my skills to aid in their violence. And instead, I would dedicate my life to becoming a huntress. So here I am. A criminal hiding in plain view. All with the help of a little black bow." She finished her story.

Lupin and Sun went serious. "So, have you told your friends any of this?" Sun asked her.

"You heard her." Says Lupin as he places his scroll on the table.

"I see." It was a voice from Lupin's scroll.

"What?" Blake was surprised.

"You were an ex-criminal huh?" It was my voice.

I told Lupin earlier to activate his scroll when Blake decides to reveal her story in front of him.

"And? What are you gonna do about it?" She asked.

"Nothing. Just a little background check. It's almost as if your story about hijacking some cargoes is connected to her story." I explained.

She looked down.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with us. Besides, it's all in the past right? And also, you're doing something about it and becoming a huntress is your first step. That's an act worthy of praise. Be proud of yourself Blake." I said, trying to cheer her up.

She faintly smiled.

"Who are you?" Sun asked me.

"Me? I'm Lupin's teamate. My name is Theo Bloodmoon. Nice to meet you Sun." I said.

I was walking down the streets with my scroll until I heard Ruby and her friends looking for Blake.

"Call you back." I said and then, I turn my scroll off.

* * *

"And I think Weiss's hair looks wonderful today."

"Waaah Penny! Where did you come from!?" Ruby was startled.

I approached them from behind. They didn't notice me.

They were talking about finding Blake.

Penny? Must be their friend. I thought.

"Hey guys! What are you up to?" Penny asked the team.

"Ummmm." Ruby was looking for things to say.

"We're looking for our friend, Blake." Says Yang.

"Oh, you mean the faunus girl." Says Penny.

All three of them stared Penny with blank expression and blinked simultaneously.

"Wait, how did you know that?" Ruby asked her.

"Uhhhh, the cat ears?" Penny pointed at her head.

"What cat ears? She wears a....bow..." Says Yang and then suddenly hit a realization.

They were silent for a moment because they all just realized it too.

I stopped behind them. Waiting for them to finish talking.

"So, where is she?" Penny asked the group.

"We don't know. She's been missing since Friday." Says Ruby.

I'd better not tell them where she is right now. Would be better if they sort this out by themselves since I don't really know the whole story unlike with Jaune. It's their chance to deepen their bonds after all. I thought.

Penny gasped. "That's terrible! Well don't you worry Ruby my friend. I won't rest until we find your teamate." She approached Ruby and then, they noticed me.

"Theo? Since when did you get here?" Yang asked me.

"Ever since you started talking to her." I said and then pointed my hand to Penny.

"Who's this?" Penny asked.

"Oh, it's Theo. He's one of my friends in the Academy." Says Ruby.

"Salutations! My name is Penny, it's a pleasure to meet you!" She introduced herself to me.

"Theo Bloodmoon. The pleasure is mine Penny." I said as I nod my head.

Ruby then spoke, "Ah, that's really nice of you Penny but ah, we're...we're okay really. Right guys?" The moment she turned her head, Yang and Weiss went missing.

I chuckled and shrugged.

"It sure is windy today." Says Penny.

I decided to tell Ruby since she looks like she can be trusted.

"Ruby, about Blake." I said.

"Did you find her?" She asked me immediately. She was really worried.

"Please don't tell Yang and Weiss for what I'm about to tell you." I said.

"What do you mean?" She asked me.

"This is very important. You're the leader of your team right? I trust you as a leader and it's your responsibility to know about your members. Please keep it a secret from them. At least, until Blake decides to reveal her hidden identity. I believe in you Ruby, you better not betray my trust." I said.

She nodded. After I explained to her about everything I knew, she was sad. She didn't know that she was once a member of the White Fang.

"You can decide what to do with that information. I'll be moving on and buy something to eat for today." I said as I walk away from them.

"See you later Theo!" Penny waved her hand.

But without our knowledge, Weiss and Yang were eavesdropping on us and had the same reaction.

* * *

"So, what's the plan now?" Sun asked Blake. Lupin followed silently.

"I still don't believe the White Fang is behind these robberies. Never needed that much dust before." Says Blake.

Lupin became thoughtful. He was thinking about something and listened for more.

"What if they did? I mean, the only proof that they didn't do it, is to go the place where they would most likely go to if they were to do it, and not find them there. Right?" Sun was kinda struggling explaining his point.

"The only thing is, I have no idea where that would be." Says Blake.

"Well, when I was on the ship, I heard some guys talking about off-loading a huge shipment of dust coming in from Atlas." Says Sun.

"How huge?" She asked him.

"Huge. Big Schnee Company." Says Sun.

"You sure?" She asked her.

"Hey guys, I'm thinking about this for a while but, what if the White Fang cooperated with that Roman Torchwick guy?" Says Lupin as he broke out of his thoughtful mode.

"That's impossible. The White Fang hates humans." Says Blake.

"Yeah but, what if they did work together?" Says Lupin.

Sun and Blake became thoughtful.

"Let's find out tonight." Says Blake.

* * *

Night came. Lupin, Sun and Blake were waiting on top of a huge container.

I've informed Theo about our task right now so, he should be here any minute. Lupin says on his mind.

"Did I miss anything?" Says Sun. He's carrying some green apples.

"Nope." Says Lupin.

"Not really, they've off-loaded all the crates on the boat. Now they're just sitting there." Says Blake.

"Cool, I stole you some food." Says Sun.

Sun gave Lupin some apples.

"Thanks." Says Lupin as he took a bite.

"Do you always break the law without a second thought?" Blake asked Sun.

"Hey, weren't you in a cult or something?" Sun asked her a question which caused Blake to scowl at him...again.

"Okay, too soon." Says Sun.

And then, we heard a noise from a bull head.

It landed on the ground and what came out, are the members of the White Fang.

"Oh no." Says Blake.

"Is that them?" Sun went serious and asked her.

"Yes, that's them." Says Blake.

"So, those people are from the White Fang huh?" Says Lupin.

They went outside the bull head.

"Alright, grab the tow cables." Says one of their member.

"You really didn't think they were behind it. Did you?" He asked her.

"No, I think deep down I knew. I just didn't want to be right." Says Blake.

"Hey! What's the holdup!? We're not exactly the most inconspicious bunch of thieves at the moment. So why don't you animals try to pick up the pace?" It was Roman. He was with the White Fang.

"I thought so." Says Lupin.

"This isn't right. The White Fang would never work with a human. Especially not one like that" She stood up and took her weapon.

"Hey what're you doing!?" Says Sun.

"Get back here you idiot!" Says Lupin.

Blake ignored the two and went down. She approached them silently.

Lupin sighed. "Let's just follow her."

Sun nodded.

"No you idiot! This isn't a leash!" Says Roman. The faunus in front of him was carrying a thick cable.

Blake suddenly moved behind Roman and threatened him with a blade on his neck.

"What the...oh for f-"

"Nobody move!" Blake interjected Roman.

The White Fang members prepare their weapons to fight the new adversary.

"Whoa, take it easy there little lady." Says Roman.

Blake took her bow off to reveal her faunus features to the White Fang.

"Brothers of the White Fang, why are you aiding this scum!?" Says Blake.

The White Fang members lowered their weapons.

Roman chuckled. "Okay, didn't you get the memo?"

"What are you talking about?" Blake asked him.

"The White Fang and I are going in on a joint business together." Says Roman.

"Tell me what it is or I'll put an end to your little operation." Says Blake.

And then, several bull heads were spotted on the area flying above them.

"I wouldn't exactly call it a little operation." Says Roman.

They both look at the flying bullheads. Blake was distracted for a second and then, Roman took advantage of it.

He fired an explosive shot to the ground. Blake was pushed away.

Everybody heard what happened.

"So, that's where they are huh? That idiot didn't tell me their location. I've tried calling back but he won't answer." I said.

I ran towards the direction of the explosion.

* * *

"He's not here yet! Why is he so late!? This is so unlike him!" Says Lupin.

Sun and Blake were fighting against Roman together. Lupin caught the attention of several White Fang members that are coming to help.

"Come here! You guys will be my training dummy." Says Lupin.

One of their members clicked their tongue. "Tsk! Get him!"

Lupin smirked. He withdraw his odachi and used a red blade. It was infused with fire dust.

Just then, Penny and Ruby arrived in the scene at the rooftop.

Lupin was fighting them while holding back.

It would be dangerous if he were to destroy the entire place so, he was having difficulty fighting them without using his full force.

Tsk! It really is hard fighting when you hold back. I sometimes envy Theo. He can take care of this without any problems unlike me. Lupin says in his mind.

Lupin took several hits but the White Fang members were out of commision. The last one was hiding behind the container.

The last member aimed at Lupin and fired a dust bullet.

Lupin noticed it but it was too late

Oh cra-! Lupin thought as he turned around.

And then, a barrier suddenly appeared in front of him.

"What!?" The White Fang member was surprised.

I landed behind the faunus and slashed him sidewards. He crashed on a container and fell unconscious.

"You're late!" Says Lupin.

"Says the one who didn't even tell me where they are." I raise my eyebrow.

" mistake." He scratch behind his head and smiled bashfully.

We were finished with our business.

Penny just destroyed two bullheads at once with her laser attack.

"To think she could also be this strong." I said.

She pulled another bull head and then, it crashed on the ground.

"These kids just keep getting weirder." Says Roman and then, he closed the Bull head's passenger door.

He fled the scene. We were gathering in the middle and then, the police arrived.

We were resting on a crate.

"Well, that was fun." Says Lupin.

"Have you no sense of danger?" Blake asked Lupin.

"Yes! It was fun!" Says Penny.

"Who is this girl?" Lupin asked me.

"Her name is Penny." I said.

And then, I saw Yang and Weiss heading over to our direction.

"Oh, look who's here." I said.

"Look Weiss, it's not what you think. She can explain the whole thing. You see, she does actually wears a bow, she has kitty ears and actually kind of cute." Ruby was worried about Weiss since...her personality is questionable.

Yang was beside Ruby while Weiss stood in front of Blake.

"Weiss, I want you to know that I'm no longer associated with the White Fang. Back when I was with-" Blake was interjected by Weiss.

"Stop. Do you have any idea how long we've been searching for you?" Weiss asked her.

Blake was curious. She was silent and waited for her to continue.

"12 hours. That means I have 12 hours to think about this. And in that 12 hours, I've decided.....I don't care!" Says Weiss.

"You don't care?" Blake asked her.

"You said you're not one of them anymore right?"

"No, I-I haven't been since I was younger-"

"Op popopop! I don't wanna hear it! All I want to know, is that next time something this big comes up? You come to your teamates. And not some...someone else." Says Weiss.

Blake wiped her tear. "Of course." She nodded.

They both faintly smiled.

Yeah! Team RWBY is back together!" Says Ruby. She was happy.

They all gathered together with Sun. Lupin and I were sitting on the crate, watching the scene before us.

"Well, what do you know? They don't need our help after all." I said.

"Even so, it's still good to see friends forgive each other after a fight." Says Lupin.

"Let's go." I said.

Lupin nodded.

"I'm still not quite sure how I feel about you!" Weiss pointed at Sun.

He just chuckled.

"Hey wait a minute, where's Penny, Lupin and Theo?" Says Ruby.

They all looked for Penny first but saw us walking away from them. Penny was nowhere to be found.

"Hey Theo! Lupin! Where are you going?" Ruby asked.

I raise my right hand. "Going back to the Academy."

"Oh, wait for me!" Says Ruby, followed by the others, including Sun.

While we were walking, Blake asked me.

"Theo, I wanna ask you."

"Hmm?" I face her while still walking.

"This might be a stupid question but, how did your village live peacefully together with the faunus?" Says Blake.

I was surprised by her question. Lupin was confused.

"Where did you hear that!? How did you know!?" I quickly turn around and asked her.

Ruby, Yang, Weiss and Sun were shocked.

"Wait, what?" Says Sun.

"What do you mean? A village where human and faunus live together peacefully
existed?" Says Weiss.

I briefly glanced at Lupin and then, look back at the group.

"We heard it from your conversation with Professor Ozpin the day after our initiation. Ruby, me and Yang were passing through until we saw you." Says Blake.

I internally heaved a sigh of relief when I heard that Weiss wasn't with them.

I told them everything about my life except for the fact that the Schnee was behind that attack since Sun and Weiss didn't know about us.

We've mostly known about their life so, I figured we should at least properly introduce ourselves. Except for Sun of course.

Lupin went serious. "If I can find the culprit, then I will make him pay!" Yang, Blake and Sun gulped.

"And also, our peace was achieved thanks to everyone's efforts. They had the same objective in mind after all." I said for last.

Weiss and Sun were surprised about the story.

"Hmm? What about the Schnee that was behind the atta-" Ruby just said an outrageous statement. I instantly covered her mouth.

My heart was beating really fast.

"Wait, what do you mean about that Ruby? Theo? What's the meaning of this. A Schnee was behind the attack of our village?" Says Lupin as he clenched his fist. He was shocked that he went wide-eyed. He was now confused.

He places his arms in his head as if he can't handle the truth. He was shaking his head while denying it.

"No no no no. All this was the Schnee's fault?" He was trembling.

"Uhhh....Lupin? I can explain." I said, trying to calm him down.

"Weiss Schnee is part of the family that attacked our village and KILLED OUR PARENTS!?" Lupin raised his voice. He's angry.

"Lupin! Calm down! Weiss isn't involved! It must be her father or grandfather or something! We can't just jump into conclusions! It's also possible that they were framed!" I said as I rushed over to Weiss to protect her since Lupin was slowly activating his semblance.

Ruby and the others started to swarm around Weiss while preparing their weapons.

"Huh? He's stronger than you! Don't make things hard for me you idiots!" I scolded the others behind me.

They lowered their weapons as they grit their teeth.

Weiss was scared. She slowly backed away and I noticed that.

"W-wait..." Her voice was shaking. She knew how strong Lupin was when she witnessed our battle back in Emerald Forest.

"Don't move Weiss! Don't worry, I'll protect you. You're not at fault!" I exclaimed.

"Lupin! We're in the middle of the city! Don't do anything stupid! Do you think I don't know how you feel!?" I said.

"Theo, please move. I will kill her." She was now glaring at Weiss as he pointed his weapon at her. We can hear the sound of lightning crackling around his body. It reacted to his emotions.

His glare sent chills to the group behind me. Weiss was shaking even more than before.

The group was shocked. They didn't know that the cheerful and happy-go-lucky Lupin would be like this.

"Don't make me do this Lupin!" I said while my eyes and body are beginning to glow.

"Theo...I'm sorry...I-" Ruby started to apologize.

"Stop that Ruby! It's my fault for not telling him earlier." I said.

"Then you leave me no...choice." Says Lupin as he prepared to launch an attack.

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