War Of The Realms (Gear Heart...

By DrixCaster

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Gear Hearts Book 5: War Of The Realms Intro
Chapter 1: Dreadful Nights
Chapter 2: Sabertooth's Bite
Chapter 3: The Basement
Bonus Chapter: GH Main Characters Theme Songs
Chapter 4: Boy Problems
Chapter 5: When Tears Mean Nothing
Chapter 6: The Hellgods And The Soul
Glossary of Wizard Hierarchy:
Chapter 7: Trial
Chapter 8: Declaration of War
Chapter 9: Legion Of Darkness
Chapter 10: Light of Hope
Chapter 11: Similarities
Chapter 13: Bloodwar Tournament
Chapter 14: Pete's Chaos
Chapter 15: The Forged Alliance
Chapter 16: Tears Of Truth
Chapter 17: The Hellgod's Tale Part 1
Chapter 18: The Hellgod's Tale Part 2
Chapter 19: Poison Berserk
Chapter 20: Faith
Chapter 21: Mommy Dearest
Chapter 22: Hero's Promise And Undead's Regret
Chapter 23: Battle Of Bangkok
Chapter 24: Khai vs. Trae
Chapter 25: Rain of Crystals and Swords
Chapter 26: Odd Place To Propose
Chapter 27: Mystery Freaks vs. Trae
Chapter 28: One Final Stand
Chapter 29: He Knows
Chapter 30: Graduation
Chapter 31: Yours Forever

Chapter 12: Bangkok City

116 6 5
By DrixCaster

Kong POV

The sunset hitting its upper windows, casting orange against the skyscraper of Bangkok. People driving around the streets and walking around the sidewalk in their normal routine. When we reached the Wizard Headquarters, I didn't really expect to be in the heart of the city.

It was a small settlement in the center of towering iron gates enchanted with magic wards during the 15th century. When the city developed into a large and bustling city. Parts of it were destroyed and renovated for over the past centuries. The 2nd Wizard King appealed that it was for the demon slayers as well. The demon population in Bangkok is larger than in Ravika. There were terrifying creatures that I've read and seen in books. And demons who grew into their strongest form and demons you could find in companies. 


"You sure that there are Dark hunters here?" asked Tine.

"I'm way sure." Sarawat answered.

That's also a problem. Bangkok is the center of all hellish creatures. I wasn't even ready to meet old friends along the way. 

P'Arthit and P'Khai were sipping of their favorite coffee and, of course, Pink Milk. P'Arthit happily looked up and brightened his eyes through sipping from the Pink Milk. "What?" He glared in a joking manner.

"Your face is scary as ever." I made a lazy expression.

"I was born with this face!" He argued.

I leaned towards Kao and whispered something about P'Arthit having a girly drink. P'Arthit launched himself at me, tugging my shirt with one hand. "What are you grinning at?"

P'Khai popped out his head from behind P'Arthit. "Arthit, what are you doing?!" He scowled. This was P'Two's Limousine. It had white leather seats. P'Khai told us an hour ago that he would be the one who cleans the Limousine car if any of the drinks would be spilled.

I went to the window and drew back the curtains. Rising in front of our view, was what must've been European architecture with four white pillars supporting the tops. If I glanced upon the next building, I could see the sky. Across the way was another building, not as tall as this one between .

There several modern ones cornered into the last part where the main building stood. When we arrived, Marc Gunslinger, Third's dad was waiting at the entrance. He wore a jacket with a lot of pockets. A Scarlet blade symbol embedded on his right upper chest.

"Dad" Third gave him a hug.

"Your friends are here. I'm hoping you would find your time in the armory."

"We could check it out tomorrow." P'Third squeezed his Mr. Gunslinger's arm. "We're tired."
Mr. Gunslinger landed his eyes on the Prince. "Your highness." He bowed frantically as if formal introductions were sorted out of the greetings.

"It's okay...Dad" P'Khai suddenly said.

All of us stilled on our feet. The air that came in was cold and P'Third shot up his spine, making him stand at his full height. He glanced anxiously at P'Khai. The side of his mouth was kind of twitching. 

"A-ah, I mean, Mr. Gunslinger!" P'Khai said in a panicked voice.

"Come in." Mr.Gunslinger was still agitated. Now, I see where P'Third gets his personality. He could be as badass as his mom but he couldn't get rid of his dad's quirky demeanors. We entered the foyer, sensing Sarawat's cautious observation of the Headquarters. 

Becoming wizard again gave him a tough time walking in and out of the wards. Especially that the Headquarters doubled up the magic wards. When we got in, Guardians posted on the gate, and even more stationed on the walls.

"Tell me. That it wasn't all part of my plan. I know everything in the shadow world of Bangkok?" Sarawat said as we walked up the stairs. The hallways were wider, made of something expensive stone and polished woods. Upon reaching the upper level, a 40 feet high glass was there, and a statue of the first wizard. He had a magical ball facing skyward with his raised hand, and he was holding a book on his left arm.

"That's right." I didn't look at him as we passed through another glass bridge to the rooms. There were at least 40 in one hallway. " You dabbled with the shadow world of every corner of Thailand, had been a some sort of a mercenary and study every dark wizards, vampires, faes and other evil creatures, and had nearly killed you more than once, just so you could make a living out of it."

Sarawat's side lip curled. "And it's working. Listen, slayer, me being here wasn't my plan. I'm here to help Tine and your friend. I'm still some sort of a mercenary."

"You're an ass." I smirked. "Thank you."

"Sure." His voice sounded pleased. "It's the least I can do."

Arthit POV

The rest of the night had made me homesick. The Mystery Freaks seemed to be not talking in our groupchat, except Khai and Pete arguing where to eat later on. As very persistent as Khai. He used to invite Pete to eat outside university's premises. The two could argue about anything, but now Tine becoming the peacemaker could make their situation even funnier. He typed all caps YOU TWO SHUT THE FUCK UP! WE'RE GOING AT THE CAFETERIA!

Princess Khai: You're not my daddy. I can eat delicious thai food anywhere.

Iron Pete: Ew, no one wants to be your daddy, asshat.

Tine-ysaurus: I will freeze time and bang your head to each other if you two won't shut up! *insert angry emoji*

Iron Pete: Yes sir! ToT 

Princess Khai: Okaaaay -_-

A few minutes later, Khai added; 

Princess Khai: HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU GET IN MY ROOM, Tine-ysaurus?!

Evil Mentor (that's me): What happened?

Princess Khai: He slapped my head!


Iron Pete: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You're so stupid.

I rummaged through my bag, and took out the hair dye I bought on our way here. I should color my hair brown.
I took out a cup for hair dyeing, pouring the amount in it. Then, I held the brush, mixing the developer and the hairdye into paste-like liquid.

Kong POV

When we settled in our rooms. I laid down on my bed, staring at the luxurious gold and white walls of my room. A new environment could help me forget the horrors and move on. But how can I? If it's not over yet

Fighting P'Trae at the Ravika University made me feel inferior. He'd gotten even stronger. The hellfire magic he used. 

I slammed my fist on the table beside the bed, tumbling the glass of water. A knock came, and I rushed for the door to open it. I didn't want to dwell in my thoughts alone. It scared me. A company would be great now.

"We have news." P'Arthit said.

I reminded myself to breathe as the light struck his dyed brown hair. He looked cute. P'Arthit coyly scratched the side of his nose. "Do you find me cute, huh?" His tone was light and easy but my eyes kept find his, and he wasn't able to look away. I found him cute and sexy at the same time. Especially his yellow collared shirt was slightly open at the chest.

"What do you think?" P'Khai asked, slinging an arm on P'Third's shoulder.

"Definitely cute." P'Third said with moral support.
P'Khai made a revolting expression from behind. Biting my lower lip, I chuckled and pinched P'Arthit's cheek. "I didn't know I'd be seeing you. It's my lucky night."

P'Arthit gave me an Ew look. 

"Come in" I said to them.

He, P'Khai, and P'Third entered the room. 
I only nodded. 
"The Shadow master was here." P'Third said sternly. "He informs us about the tournament."

"Tournament?" I frowned. 

"Sarawat contacted him when he left, remember?" P'Arthit said.

"The bloodwar tournament." said P'Third. "It's a tournament where we can face strong opponents as well as winning a prize."

"And what prize is it?" I asked.

"We don't know." P'Third said, fiddling a coin between his fingers. "But going here is train get us stronger. I think the Dark hunters are willing to help."

Before Khai was about to snap a sarcastic retort, the door to my room burst open. "KHAAI!!!!" Two bustled. "THERE'S A PINK MILK STAIN IN MY LIMOUSINE!!!"

Pete POV

"Are they done?"
Sarawat leaned over to peak at the cafeteria, then turned to me. "They're putting the trays back."
"Excellent." I grinned as we walked out of the hallway, my uncle and a colleague of his went into a different door.

"Why aren't we moving?" Sarawat asked.  I glowered, after a few seconds he added "I have an idea for you. Go. Your uncle's a bitch. Let's go eat dinner."

I rolled my eyes. I smoothed my hair as we dodged our way out of the Panther students. The gang were on one table near to the counter, eating S&R pizza, fries and burger.

"They smell good" I slid through the chair next to Tine. "I miss eating S&R Pizza."

"Where's P'Khai?" asked Kao, who had a mouthful of pepperoni pizza.

"He's cleaning the Limousine" through a mouthful of fries, Third giggled.

I immediately imagined in my head, Khai raising hand with a sponge and and an angry look on his face, saying: THIS IS ARTHIT'S FAULT! NEVER GONNA TREAT HIM PINK MILK EVER AGAIN!

"Oh my god" I said, laughing. "Didn't he notice the spill earlier?"

"Who needs a drink?" Tine asked, already taking a step toward the counter. Sarawat followed him. 

"No thanks." I replied.

"He didn't. Have a fries" P'Arthit resumed, pushing the plate over to me.

"Did you color your hair?" I asked. "I love it!"

"I like it better." Kong said in a proud tone.

"Where did you buy the hair color?" I asked, munching on the fries. 

"From the mall we stopped by." Arthit said, rolling his eyes. "But Kao was worried that having a new hair color is going to destroy my hair when we'll fight."

"What can I say?" Kao said. "I've always had a good perspective in battle. One time, I dyed my hair gray and it was all covered in black goo."

"And like I told you, not far as I can see. You can still look good in a fight." 

Few seconds later, out the corner of my eyes, I saw Kao gulped. "Pete, I have to talk to you. It's about your uncle."  Hesaid, sounding uneasy as he looked towards the door where my uncle exited a while ago. His hand tightened around the sweating glass. "I think he's trying to convince me to...to..."
As I heard it, a wave of annoyance washed over me—because not only that my uncle was blackmailing him, he also wants to get something from me. "What does he want from you?"

"Hey!" Great. Perfect timing. Non and few sabertooth covens survived the attack in the uni. Now, they're here. Strife was among the group. Although he grew comfortable after saving him from Pytro's spell, he raised a hand and waved at us. Followed by Khai, with his shirt soaking from his abdomen down. Another person swept past the Sabertooth, and my uncle problem vanished in my head. 
"Did you see Edith is crashing here to give gossips about us? He's part of those who protest during Kong's trial." Tine said as he and Sarawat came to join us. "What is everyone staring at?"

"Fong's here." Sarawat said, voice dripping with venom. He curled his fingers on his palm. Strife and Khai paused for a moment next to Sarawat, and we just froze in our table. Everyone was looking at Fong striding straight towards us.

"I didn't know he was going to be in the headquarters," Tine said, too loudly and defensive.

"Tine, can I talk to you for a second?" As the words got out, Sarawat hastily blocks Fong out of Tine's way. "C-Can you forgive me?"

But he refused, he came to face Fong. Our eyes were on Tine. Mostly me, I was giving him an empathetic look.

"Stay away from me. You broke my trust, don't you understand that?" His tears gathered, they were like crystals on his eyes as he channeled anger and hatred through his breaking voice. "If you ever come close to me again, I will kill you."


"STAY away from me." Now, the whole cafeteria drowned in silence.  Fong sniffed and the bastard had the balls to expose a sympathetic aura. Nodding, and he walked away from our table. 

"Fong is perfectly stupid." Khai began, looking up and down at Fong's retreating back. "Because...he couldn't see the best of him in people." He turned to Tine with a genuine smile. "You need to be cool to be a prince, cuz. If you can't make people love you. You can make them fear you."


"Kao? What did my uncle said to you?" I asked, squinting at him slightly.
There was only a bit of light in the hallway when we came back around 11 in the evening. Kao looked up to see me still looking at him, patient. "He...told me he wants you to be in the magic council someday, that I was just a distraction. He said that he wants the best for you."

Taken aback for a moment, I tried to think naturally even I was horrified to find my hands shaking and my face getting hot.  Kao shut his eyes hard, trying to keep the tears back. But the horror that my uncle imposed to him was palpable and unbearable. "This is only the good relationship I ever have. But I think, we should break up."

"Seriously, that's what you want? You don't have to lie to me. Tell me."

"Sorry! I'm not supposed to tell you..." Kao pressed the balls of his palm into his eye.  "I can't let you hate your family. H-he..."

"Did he blackmail you?" I asked as I turned around to check if someone's coming. "Kao, did he?"

He was shaking his head, tears spilling out his eyes. "I can never risk you..."

"He's a bad man!" My voice rose angrily. "I don't fucking care what he's up to. I need to break that old man's knees and sew his mouth shut so, he wouldn't threaten anyone!"

He tried to fight his emotions at bay, but it seemed everything was piling up inside him. "I...I can't risk myself, and I'm not gonna ruin your life too."

A harsh laugh escaped my throat. "This is not your decision to make."

"You will be the best council member, Pete...and I will be happy to be alone." A short sob came from him. His sarcastic and pained smile crushed my heart, leaving my mouth hanging open because it was too hard to breathe. 

"I will be alone too, if you make the decision of breaking up with me."

"Only if you meet someone who's actually better for you."

"But there's no one better than you." My voice broke. This is bullshit. I started to sound like begging.

"None of this would've happened If you didn't kiss me when we did that tracking spell."

"You never really cared about me." I blurted out the words quickly before I even have the time to think about it. "You only think what's right. Without thinking whom you may hurt in the process."

Selfish. That's first word that pops out of my mind. My body went numb as I licked my own lips. I was pissed. I was pissed to my uncle, to Kao, to the world. I'm his boyfriend. He could tell me anything. But I got it now, that he must've felt inferior. That he wasn't enough. 

He was wrong. I deserved him. I even deserve to marry him. I love him. God, I love him so much that there isn't someone better out there. He's the one I loved and I will love forever. But his own selfishness cut through my heart and it bled another wound. It fucking hurts like hell. Anger started to boil inside me as I glared at him. "Ask me again, why I should've never loved you."

"I'm sorry, Pe—"

"Because you believe that you'll never be enough when you are enough!" I said indignantly, too loud. " To me, you are. What am I to you?"

"You know, I don't want to lose you."

"Then answer my fucking question! Maybe ALL OF IT." My brows furrowed into frustration. "What am I really to you? Your boyfriend? Your plaything? Your friend? Your enemy? or I'm just nothing to you?"

He met my eyes and his mouth trembled, barely forming a word to say. I pursed my lips, forcing myself not to sob. However, my voice came small and fragile as I said; "All I ever did was love you."

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