An Executor's Will (RWBY x St...

By Synclair123

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During the Grimm's attack in the City of Vale, two students known as Lupin Fulgaras, a wolf Faunus and a huma... More

Prologue: Warping Problem
Episode 1: Encounter
Episode 2: Beacon Academy
Episode 3: Tag Team
Episode 4: School Life
Episode 5: Jaune's Struggle
Extra Chapter
Episode 6: Blake's Identity
Episode 7: Truth
Episode 8: Chaos
Episode 10: Recuperation
Episode 11: Improvement
Episode 12: New Semester
Episode 13: Questions Asked
Episode 14: Day before the Dance
Episode 15: Dance Party
Episode 16: Warping Problem
Episode 17: Planet Char
Episode 18: Team TL vs. Zerg
Episode 19: New Enemy
Episode 20: The Dark Templar
Episode 21: Civil War 1
Episode 22: Civil War 2
Episode 23: Saving Tassadar
Episode 24: Before the Final Assault
Episode 25: War at Two Sides
Episode 26: A Noble Sacrifice
Episode 27: A Familiar Sight
Episode 28: Back to Remnant
Episode 29: Discovery
Episode 30: To Each their Own
Episode 31: Answers
Episode 32: Results after the Battle
Episode 33: Departure
Episode 34: Moving on

Episode 9: Recovery

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By Synclair123

It's been 5 days ever since that happened. It was already semestral break.

RWBY and JNPR were living their daily lives together with Lupin but it was still awkward.

They visit me everyday. Lupin is a bit docile now but, he's depressed.

His energy from back then was gone.

He sometimes engages in conversations with every single one of them but, Weiss still can't get over her fear so, he barely gets to talk to her.

Today's the sixth day. I groaned and moved a a little. I finally woke up.

"Mmm...Huh? Where am I?" I open my eyes. I was in the infirmary. "Oh, that happened huh?" I said as memories from that day flooded into my mind.

I take a look at myself. My chest is wrapped in bandages and I still feel dizzy. "I must've lost a lot of blood." I said.

"I wonder what they're doing now." I said. I was feeling a little thirsty. I saw a cup and a pitcher beside me so I reach out to it.

"Ow! The pain is still there. Damn, I was being reckless that's for sure." I said.

Well, if everyone's fine. Then I guess I can endure at least this much. I say in my mind.

I slowly sit up as I endured the pain. Thanks to my aura, I'm healing at a faster rate than normal.

I reach out and pour water to my cup, drinking it afterwards.

The door opened after I place my cup on the table beside me.

There stood RWBY, JNPR and Lupin.

"Oh, hey guys. What's up?" I said as I raised my right hand.

They were surprised. And then, followed by their noises. "Theo!"

They all went inside, they were relieved to see me still alive. Lupin smiled for a moment but got depressed again.

"Theo, since when were you awake?" Ruby asked me.

"Just now. How long was I out?" I said.

"It's been 6 days. Professor Glynda and Professor Ozpin took care of everything." Says Jaune.

"Are you hurt anywhere else?" Blake was also worried.

"No, besides the part where I was stabbed, everything feels fine." I said as I chuckled. I felt weak so, I lied down again.

Lupin came closer. "Theo..I..."

We all went quiet and I nodded.

"I'm sorry. I let my emotions take control of me and...and I did this to you. I blamed Weiss for everything that happpened, I'm sorry for that. I'm so sorry for everything. Because of me, you were almost killed." Lupin went on and on and then, I spoke up to calm him down.

"Lupin!" I sighed. "If it makes you feel better, then I forgive you. Learn from your mistakes and make an effort to change yourself." I said.

"I fail as a leader, I fail as a friend and lastly, I fail as your brother." I hung my head down.

"That's not true Theo. I mean, you've been going out your way just to help us. I...tried to push you away back then but, you still stayed with me and gave me some helpful tips about my personal problem during that moment." Says Jaune.

"Plus, you also helped me realize that I was a jerk right?" He chuckled.

"And you even assured me that everything will be fine." Pyrrah smirked and raised her left eyebrow.

"No I-" I said.

"Theo, you helped us. You even told me Blake's secret and not to share it with everyone until she decided to reveal it herself. We're your friends remember? You can always count on us. And also, I want to thank you for believing in me as a leader." Ruby interjected me.

She chuckled. "Heck, you're a better leader than me too. You're also a dependable man."

"You're close friends with my sis. In this situation, I don't see any reason to call yourself a failure of a friend Theo. You gotta give yourself some credit you know?" Says Yang.

"You're the first human to ever accept me even after knowing that I was a faunus and a former white fang member at that. I was...glad knowing that someone like you told me that I must be proud of myself for changing." Says Blake and then, she faintly smiled.

"We may not know each other that well but at least, I can tell you that you're a good man." Says Ren.

Weiss approached me. "About your family and your situation. I'm sorry that happened to you. You...hated the Schnee family. You hated me did everything to protect me in that situation."

Weiss was feeling guilty about what happened. She sat beside me. "I'm sorry Theo. I may not know about the events that occured that day but still, I'm sorry."

I patted her head and smiled. "I thought I already told you that night. It's not your fault." I remove my hand.

"Besides, as Ozpin said. We all have our own share of problems."

"Thanks." She said. "And please stop treating me like a kid! We're about the same age you know!?" She pouted and looked away.

The rest of us chuckled.

Lupin approached Weiss. She turned to face him. She was putting on a brave front but, her hands are clearly shaking.

Yang and Blake covered for her and stood between them. They're being cautious around Lupin. Well, I can't blame them after everything that happened.

Lupin stopped on his tracks and started speaking.

"Weiss...I'm so sorry about everything. I should've listened to Theo. I-I hope we can still be friends." Says Lupin.

She was silent for a moment. She was doubting him.

I sigh, "Weiss, don't worry. Lupin is serious. I know you're wary after all that's happened but I hope you can give him a second chance. You can take things slow until you get used to him like before. He never breaks his promises, I can assure you that."

"Are you sure? This is the same man that tried to kill Weiss and nearly killed you in the process you know?" Says Yang.

I nodded. "I've been with him for many years now. I can tell when he's serious about it or not. He may have many faults but, he's a man of his word. I can guarantee you that he keeps his promises, even if it's disadvantageous for him."

Weiss reluctantly nodded and then, she extended her hand. "A-alright. I'll take Theo's advice." They both shaked their hands. Lupin faintly smiled and was now satisfied.

The others sighed. Blake places her hand on the Schnee's shoulder and spoke, "Good job."

And just then, Nora's stomach growled. "Uhh...oops! Haha, who's hungry?"

We all looked at each other and gently sigh. "Come to think of it, I still haven't eaten for the past few days since I was sleeping." I said. "But, it seems that I can't go with you guys. You go on and eat your fill."

"Are you gonna be okay? I can bring you some food at least you know?" Ruby asked me.

"Well then, I'll take your offer." I replied.

* * *

They all went out of my room as they bid their farewell. I can still hear their voices though.

As they go out of the building, they saw Velvet carrying a basket of apples going inside the entrance.

"Velvet!" Ruby waved her hand.

"Hello Ruby." She waved her hand back.

"Are you here for someone?" Ruby asked her.

Nora was about to take one but Ren grabbed her.

"Ah, it's for my friend. Don't worry about it." Says Velvet.

Ruby smiled.

Yang smirked. "Friend huh? I think I have a pretty good idea who this 'friend' is. Don't you think so Lupin?"

He chuckled and sighed. "Go on ahead, he's awake now."

"Huh? What're you guys getting at?" Jaune was confused.

Pyrrah went closer to his ear and whispered.

"It's for Theo."

"Oooohhhh." Says Jaune.

Velvet blushed and looked away.

"Oh don't be shy! We already know the person you like! Except for Jaune here." Says Nora.

"W-well, I'll be on my way then!" She was embarassed. She ran up the stairs and stumbled a little bit which caused the others to chuckle.

"What do you think is gonna happen?" Says Nora.

* * *

I was looking at my scroll. Searching for news about our mess 5 days ago. I found some and thankfully, our identities were kept secret. Gotta hand it to him, Professor Ozpin really knows what to do.

I sighed and then, I heard footsteps around the door.

I raise my head to face the door.

It was Velvet. "O-oh hello Theo."

"Oh, hello again Velvet. What brings you here?" I asked her.

"I-I heard you were awake so...I brought some apples." Says Velvet.

I chuckled. "Thanks."

"W-want me to peel it for you?" She asked.

She's still shy. "Alright." I answered.

She was kind of timid. She peeled the apples silently in the table. I waited for her to finish.

It kinda hurts not doing anything so, I started a conversation to disturb my mind.

"So, were you bullied after that day?" I asked her.

"Oh ah...not anymore. Thanks to my team and Ruby's friends." She answered.

"I see. If you don't mind me asking. Are you...afraid of me?" I said.

There was a few moments of silence and then, she stopped peeling the apples. "Don't you...find me creepy?"

I chuckled. "Oh that? I don't really find you creepy. I wasn't really lying about that statement you know? You're actually cute. In fact, you remind me of someone long ago." I said.

She blushed and was curious. "W-where is she now?"

I expressed a sad face and looked down. "Gone."

She went silent and then, continued to peel the apples. "I see..."

"By the way, thanks again for helping me back then. You also gave me half of your food so, this is the least I can do." Says Velvet. She was now cutting them to pieces.

"Thanks." I smiled.

I heard several voices from the door. And then, I saw three people.

"Are these your friends?" I asked Velvet.

She turned and then, lighten up. "Oh, hello everyone! I though you were heading to the cafeteria."

"We can't just leave you behind you know?" Says a woman with black shades.

"That's right. We can wait until you finish your job." A blind person was with them.

"By the way, I was curious about your...little errand." Says the bulky man and then, looks at me. "I never thought that you would be visiting him."

They all looked at me. "Ah, hello." I raised my hand.

The woman with shades approached me and leaned closer as if to appraise me.

"Uhhh..." I was confused.

"Hmmm. He's not bad. So, this is the person you li-"

"Coco!" Velvet puts her knife down and covered her mouth to stop her from saying the next word.

I was really confused now. " there something wrong?" I asked them.

They all faced me and then, laughed. "Ah, it's just that, we were worried about her. Oh, my name is Coco Adel. We're from Team CFVY."

"My name is Fox Alistair and before you ask, yes I'm blind." Says Fox.

"Greetings, my name is Yatsuhachi Daichi. I'm told that you were the one Velvet likes."

"Likes?" I tilted my head.

"Aaaahhh!" Velvet shouted to stop Yatsuhachi but it was too late.

I laughed. "My name is Theo Bloodmoon. Nice to meet you Team CFVY."

Velvet hid behind Coco. She's embarassed.

"Velvet likes me huh? Well, I like her too." I said.

Velvet was now blushing. The rest were surprised since I was calm at giving my answer.

"Seriously!?" All of them exclaimed simultaneously.

"Huh? Of course. I mean, what kind of person doesn't like their friends? She's my friend, of course I like her. Just as how I like the others." I answered.

They all look at each other. And then back to me.

"I guess...this one is the dense type huh?" Says Coco as she faces Yatsuhachi.

I blinked twice. "What do you mean?"

"It means that-"

"Ah yes! I already finished cutting the apples into pieces! Theo, you can eat them now!" Velvet interjects Fox and gave me the plate with apples that are cut cleanly.

I wonder what got her so worked up? "Oh, thanks." I said as I take the plate.

Velvet whispered something to her teamates. I didn't hear them so, I started eating the apples. It was delicious.

"Well then Theo, I guess we'll be seeing you around." Says Coco.

"Get well soon." Says Fox.

"It's been nice knowing you Theo." Says Yatsuhachi.

I swallowed the apple in my mouth and spoke, "Yeah, thanks for dropping by! Oh and Velvet."

She turns around. "Yes?"

"Thanks for the apples. They were delicious." I said.

"Ah, y-you're welcome." She replied and hurriedly went out of the room.

Wow, she really is uncomfortable around me huh? I say in my mind.

I finished the apples. It was refreshing to eat something after 5 days. I'm still hungry though.

* * *

It was already evening. After spending some alone time checking my scroll for something new and playing video games, Ruby came back with some food on a plastic.

"Hey Theo, sorry I'm late." Says Ruby as she enters the room.

"Oh, don't worry about it. Velvet and her teamates dropped by earlier." I said.

She sits down and places the food on a small tray.

"So, how did it go?" Ruby asked me.

"They were a funny bunch. I don't understand why Velvet is still scared of me though." I said.

"Scared? How so?" Says Ruby.

"I mean, she's kinda shy around me. And when Yatsuhachi told me that she likes me, she screamed." I said and then chuckled. "It kinda hurts you know?" I jokingly said.

Ruby gasped. "And what did you say next?"

"Well, I told her that I also like her since she's my friend. Just as how I like you and the others." I said.

Ruby was speechless for a while and then laughed. "Pfft! Hahahahaha, you really are dense aren't you?"

"Coco said the same thing. But, I don't believe I am. Was there a misunderstanding?" I asked her.

She wiped her tears of laughter and spoke, "No, it's fine." Better luck next time Velvet.

She gave me the tray and stood near the window.

"Uh-huh." I nodded and then, started eating my food.

She was silent for a moment and then, she spoke. "Theo, I'm sorry about suddenly revealing those things in front of Lupin. I should've known better. I know I'm not the smartest girl in the bunch but that was insensitive of me."

I swallowed my food and sigh. "Don't worry about it. We'll just have to learn from our mistakes Ruby."

She was silent and solemn after I said that.

"Well, if you put it in video game terms, it's an experience needed to level up right?" I was trying to cheer her up.

She giggled. "Right." She turned to face me and raised her eyebrow.

After I finished eating, we were talking for a while. She likes weapons and she also likes to read so we talked about the stories we've read.

We even played video games together. We had a great time together under the moonlight.

It was already late at night. "Hey Ruby, I think it's time for us to rest up don't you think?" I said.

"Oh, right!" Says Ruby. "Thanks for the fun time Theo! See you tomorrow!" She was back to her usual self.

She went back to her room. I lie down and reflect about everything that's happened so far.

I chuckled. "This isn't so bad. I hope Lupin's gonna forgive himself though. He's way too emotional." I slept peacefully afterwards.

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