Marrying a Stranger (manXman)

By NS_silverlining

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What would you do if a stranger say 'Yes' to you? Say yes to marrying you. Would you say 'Yes' too? or 'No'... More

Part 1: Where is Blue?
Part 2: Our love story
Part 3:Our love story (Cont.)
Part 4: The Unfaithful
Part 5: Heart-Ache
Part 6: What is the reason?
Part 7: Drunk and Tears
Part 8: It's Liam
Part 9: Cancel It
Part 10: Thank You & I'm Sorry
Part 11: When is the date?
Part 12: Cancellation
Part 13: Family First
Part 14: Between Family & Love
Part 15: Meeting Him Again
Part 16: Dad, I'm Sorry.
Part 17: Coffee
Part 18: Plan B
Part 19: What is this feeling?
Part 20: Make up Stories
Part 22: A lunch treat
Part 23: Finding solution
Part 24: Sudden change
Part 25: Meeting Lockhart's

Part 21: Absolute decision

381 17 2
By NS_silverlining

A/N: Hi there my dear lovely readers. I think I've rested for quite a long time. And, I'm sorry for those who keep looking forward to reading my novels. I sincerely apologize for not updating the new novel for the past few months.

As usual, forgive me for any grammatical errors. And, I hope that my dear lovely readers will keep on supporting me and this new novel.

Happy reading :)

[Ayden POV]

I was haunted by Mc Kellen once I stepped out from the ward. He keeps on saying, "What are you trying to do? Why did you do this? And bla...bla...bla..." repeatedly.

But, when I ignored him, he took another step by blocking my way out of the main entrance.

"I'm tired, Eli. Can we discuss this later?" I said tiredly.

"But, I afraid it will be too late to cancel the plan if we didn't discuss it now." Claimed Mc Kellen.

"What do you mean?" I got confused.

"Let's talk at other place." He pulled me to sit on the bench at the hospital garden which is opposite to the main building.

"Do you really thing this is the right thing to do? Are you really marrying that guy? I've told you before who he truly is, right? How-

"Yes, yes. I'm aware of those things, Eli. I know what kind of person Liam is. But, I have no other choice... I'm out of time. The wedding is coming closer."

"Then, you shouldn't continue with the wedding. It is an absurd plan, Ayden. Besides, a wedding is not something you can joke around with." Said Mc Kellen seriously while anchoring his eyes into mine.

I heaved a heavy sigh. "I've been told a multiple of times about it, Eli. It's not like I'm toying with this is just- just that I need to save my family reputation. Look at what had happened to Dad. I can't repeat the same mistake and hurt him. He has done so much for me, and you know that too. Just let me do this one thing for the sake of this family. Besides, this tie with Brauns' will benefit our business."

I spoke my heart and put a pause for a second to take a breath before continued.

" out of other people should understand me and support this decision of mine."

"I do understand you but what about your heart and feeling? What are you gonna do about that?" Asked Mc Kellen softly.

He looks more worry than my own self. And, I knew all along that was the thing that worry him; my feeling.

I flashed a faint smile and said, "I will be fine. Besides, I don't have any feeling towards Liam. So, if he wants to play around with another guy or girl...I won't mind. It will not affect me at all."

"What about him? Do you think he agreed on this matter for nothing? There must be something that he wants from you."

Why I didn't think about that? Eli was right. There must be something Liam wants in return. Besides, this marriage will ruin his reputation as the big, fat casanova.

No one would play with him anymore if they aware he is a married man.

"You don't have to worry about that. I don't want anything from Ayden. Except his love." Said Liam who appeared out of nowhere.

"Would you please stop the drama? My parents are no longer here." I told him.

Then, all of sudden he kneeled down before me and hold my hand in his. "That's no drama, baby. I'm telling from the deep of my heart."

I was startled, for sure.

However, just before I took an action...Mc Kellen moved faster than me.

He grabbed Liam by his collar and forced him to stand up.

"I don't care if you're Mr. Braun's son or not...but if you think of making Ayden as a joke to you. I will not hesitate to give you a taste of my fist."

I make him stop at instance. "Drop it, Eli! I said, drop it!"

And, he followed my order.

My eyes followed Liam's eyes, and he doesn't seem disturbed by Mc Kellen's threat.

Geez! Is he tried to act cool in front of me? There's no man who did not shake upon Eli Mc Kellen threat. He is the first man, tho.

"What the hell are you doing? We're still in the public, in the hospital! You shouldn't act like this. We really need to talk about this, at home!" I whispered under my breath but loud enough for Mc Kellen to hear.

"I'm sorry." Said Mc Kellen short.

Liam was fixing his collar while saying, "It seems like your bodyguard doesn't really fond of me. But, don't worry...we still have plenty of time to get to know one another."

"I'm sorry, on behalf Eli." I sincerely spoke an apology to him, because this time I was at mistake.

"It's okay, Ayden. I'm not taken it to heart at all. I'm willing to do anything for you." He said while winking at me.

"Oh god!! Can you please be serious for once? Stop pulling such a cheap joke like that... I hate it." I told Liam the truth of how annoyed I am.

"Okay-okay. I will not do it again, if you don't like it. But, I really can't stop myself from flirting with you whenever I see bad. And, to counter back to your bodyguards' accusing towards me...all I wanna say is, you never a joke to me, Ayden. I truly sincere in helping you by proceeding with the marriage. I'm not going to ask anything in return."

How can I trust a playboy like you?


Just when I about to speak, my sister, Anne came by.

"Hey, boys. What're you guys doing here? Looking so serious. Am I interrupting?"

It surprised me with her presence. I hope that she didn't listen to our discussions just now.

"Urmm, Anne. What're you doing here? I thought you've already go home." I deviated to another topic.

"Yeah, actually I was going home with Amy. But then, Amy said she wanted to buy some coffee at the café...and then, while waiting for her... I saw you guys gathering here. So, I thought of joining too."

I formed an 'O'.

"So, what're you guys up too? Why looking so serious? Is there some problems?" Asked Anne just like mother.

I knew I could never escape from her questions.

"Urmm...actually...we were-

"We were discussing on who's going to take Ayden home." Answered Liam in a blink.

Luckily he was fast enough to take action when I was stuck on finding for a perfect excuse.

"Yes, yes. That's right." I supported Liam.

"What?! Does it need to discuss tho?"

"So, who do you think should bring Ayden home, my sister-in-law? Between me as Ayden future-to-be husband or Mc Kellen as Ayden bodyguard." Asked Liam being tricky.

"The answer is obvious, of course it should be, Eli." Answered Anne spontaneously.

"HUH?!" Liam was so shocked upon listening to the answer.

And, all of us were spitting a giggle at him, including Eli.

"Of course I would let my baby bro go with someone that I can trust. I still didn't know you and we still haven't had a proper introduction...why would I trust Ayden with you." Said Anne with a sarcasm.

You're the best, Anne. HAHAHA! Serve you right, Liam.

"Then, I will introduce myself now. I'm William Braun...but you can call me, Liam. And, I'm Ayden's fiancé. Nice meeting you." Said Liam properly while stretching out his arm asking for a handshake with Anne.

Anne was laughing out loud. "Gosh! Your fiancé is so good at pulling a joke, Ayden. You're lucky to have him. And, I think I'm gonna like him."

Oh no, Anne! Please don't like him, yet. I'm sure you will hate him if you know his true color.

I flashed a faint smile at her.

And then, Anne grabbed for Liam's handshake before said, "Hi, I'm Annette Lockhart, but you can call me, Anne. And I'm Ayden's sister. Nice meeting you too."

"So, since I'm no longer stranger to you. Would it be possible for me to take Ayden home?"

Another giggle escaped Anne's lips. "Of course. Of course. He's yours. You can take him to anywhere that you want. I'm not going to complain."

F*ck! Anne! I thought you would be on my side. Why would you easily give me to this stranger just after a handshake? Ughh!~

"Okay~ I think we've come to a decision. After you, my dear." Said Liam acting like a gentleman.

And, I couldn't say otherwise since Anne was there. I should act nicely so that she wouldn't notice the awkwardness between Liam and me.

"Thanks for sending me home." I said plainly before coming out from Liam's car.

But then, Liam grabbed my wrist and said, "Let me send you upstairs."

Just before I wanted to refuse him, the car door on my side was being opened from outside.

"Let's go, Ayden." Said that person.

"Eli." I blurted it out spontaneously.

And this time he really did appear on the right time.

"Sorry Mr. Braun, I think you can just dropped me off here. My bodyguard is here... So, excuse me."

I pulled a smirk and pulled back my wrist from his grip.

However, he doesn't want to let me loose and replied with a solid argument. "I think you're aware of the hierarchy between me and your bodyguard, Mr. Lockhart. I am your fiancée and I have more privilege upon you than him."

He was smirking too and I rolled my eyes as a sign of annoyance.

Am I able to get a rest at all??!!!

I insisted on loosening my wrist from his grip while saying back to him, "Please bear in mind, Mr. Braun. You're not my real fiancée but a pretend-to-be-one. So, stop talking about having privilege with me. And, can you please stop provoking me or Eli... just because I asked for your help, doesn't mean you can do as you please towards us." I said with a stern.

And finally, he let my hand loose.

"Is there any problem, Ayden?" Asked Mc Kellen who was waiting for me to come out of the car.

"No. I'm good." I replied.

"Then, let's get out from there and headed back to your apartment."


Liam was being silent right after I said those words to him. And, he no longer staring at me but was shifting his gaze into the roads in front of him.

What has gotten into him? Why the sudden silence? Am I talked to harsh at him?

Ignoring his sudden changes, I stepped out from the car and walked side by side with Eli heading to my apartment.

"Are you hungry or do you need anything else from me?" Asked Mc Kellen once we arrived at the doorstep of the apartment.

I just shook my head left and right couple of times; because I was too tired to speak.

"Okay then, have a good rest and I will be in my apartment just in case you need me."
I replied with a nod and then both of us got separated into our own apartment.

Actually, I still didn't lecture Eli for behaving unprofessionally in the public just now. But, I think I need to put that on hold for now because the only thing that was playing in my mind right now is; bed.

However, despite of my fatigue I still have to drag myself to get a shower before embedded myself onto the bed. If not I would not have a comfortable sleep.
[Liam POV]

Trutt! Trutt!

Trutt! Trutt!

"Oh! Hello! My dear, son. This is a pleasant surprise, to get a call from you." Said my mother being sarcastic.

I puffed out some carbon dioxide before replying to her. "How're you doing, Natalie?"

"That's so kind of you to ask about me...after almost a month you've moved to States. I bet you've forgotten about me, since you're about to become a boss to that big company."

She was upset with me because I forgot to call her right after I landed over here. The truth is she just overly concern of me.

That's why I love her so much. Even tho, she already have a new family... she never abandon me.

Not like dad, who only showed up after years.

He must think that by giving me the position as the CEO of his company would win my heart back. But, he was completely wrong.

The reason why I accepted his offer just because of Natalie, my mother.

She was the one who convinced me to accept with Charles Braun's offer. She said I deserved the company, because I was the first son in the family. And, I should take what's mine.

"Natalie...can you please stop all those drama? I know I was wrong... I didn't call you or message you. But, things were hectic in here...there's a lot of thing I need to learn and adapt."

As I was ranting to her on the phone, she said nothing and only listening to me. And that makes me feel like a terrible son.

Instead of saying 'I'm sorry', I kept on spurring excuses.

"I'm sorry, mom. I promise I will remember to call you." I said softly.

There's a tiny giggle was heard from the phone speaker. And, it makes me smile.

"That's the only thing I wanted to hear from you." Replied her and the line was being filled with quietness for a mere second before she asked, "So, how's States?"

"Everything is fine. The same goes to Mr. Charles Braun... he was doing great too. I just said that in case you're too embarrassed to ask." I returned the sarcasm.

"Ha Ha funny, Liam."

I was laughing upon that reaction.

"What about you? What's new?" She asked.

Since, she already asked the question...all I have to do was spilled the milk.


"I bet there's really something happen right? If not you wouldn't call me like that."

I would always call her by mom, whenever I wanted to ask something from her or I did something wrong. Because, I believed that trick would work magically on her.

I inhaled a huge amount of oxygen into my lung before telling her, "I'm getting married by the end of this month and I need you together with your family to attend it."

I said it all at once, in one speed breath.

"WHAT?!!!!" She was screaming throughout the phone and it almost tears my eardrum. I hope I didn't turn deaf.

"Mom...please...can you please agreeing into this thing without asking questions?"

"WILLIAM BRAUN!! You better tell me the whole thing that had happened. And, if you dare to turn off your phone... I will fly over there right away. Do you hear me?!!"

"YES! YES! I do hear you."

Thus, I had to explain everything to her.

The same lie I said to Charles and Ayden's family. Of course I would not reveal the real truth... I was someone who holds onto his promises.

"Did your father was also behind this?"

"What? Of course, not. He had nothing to do with this matter. What makes you think that?"

"Of course, I would think that way since you're marrying his best friend's son and he also one of his share partner. I thought it must be a business kind of marriage... to let the business grow more, you have to have a good connection, am I wrong?"

"'re too indulging yourself into those dramas, aren't you? Didn't you listen to what I have been telling you? I love him and that's the only reason why I marry him."

"But, this is so sudden, Liam. You barely a month in States and now, you're telling me that you're getting married...not mentioning that you're marrying a guy. Of course, I couldn't help from worry about you."

Both of us heaved a sigh simultaneously.

"Natalie... I know you knew that I didn't sceptical about gender. I never differentiate them and I could accept either girl or guy. And I -

"Yes. Yes. I'm aware of that, Liam. But, you used to tell me that you would never ever indulge yourself into marriage, because to you... there's no such a thing as true love. And, you're so certain that you would never trust in love. But, why now? What's change?"

My mother's words have slapped me right onto my face. And, those words that I had told to her years ago were echoing in my mind.

Yes, I said that before and I can remember it clearly; every single words.

But, Ayden had changed me.

He had changed my view about love.

Meeting him is the only reason why behind this changes.

"Liam... can you please be honest with me? Is there something else behind this marriage? Don't tell me it is because you want to get revenge to your father? Even if you're mad at your father, you shouldn't drag innocent people into this problem. That's not the right way to do, Liam."

"Natalie...what are you talking about? There's no such a thing of getting revenge. I've told you to stop mixing reality with those fictions drama. You know me well, I'm not such person."

"So, it is true that you've fallen in love with this guy?"

"Yes, I do."

The other line was quiet for a mere second before I heard breathing, "If it's true, then I would be happy for you. And, I will attend that wedding for sure. I would love to meet my son-in-law too."

I tugged a smile at the corner of my lips.

"Thanks, mom. I would be happy to see you at the wedding."

"Yeah, me too."

0853. Fri. 230721

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