Bad Omens: A Companion True (...

By SouthernPansy666

668 10 0

Eden Alexandria Queen Fell is still in recovery and will sadly spend this year's Halloween in bed. It doesn't... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

Part 4

69 1 0
By SouthernPansy666

Eden was sleeping now as Crowley continued his vigil. Aziraphale had dropped off the roses in an empty vase and left again to prepare him and Crowley something to eat while Gabriel stopped by for a short visit.

When Crowley was left alone with Eden again, he reached out and held her good hand. His own hand had started to tremble and holding Eden's hand helped with the trembling.....

Crowley must have dosed off because the next thing he knew a scream woke him up.

His amber orange eyes flew open and he was greeted by the sight of Eden shifting and crying out in her sleep.

"Shit!" If she kept jerking around like that her stitches could tear again....

Eden felt someone call her name and squeeze her hand, bringing her out of the dark world of snarling cruel faces, chains that gripped her wrists until they bruised. A flaming sword being thrust deep into her gut, blood and flames consuming everything.....

"D-Daddy?" Eden whimpered as her blue eyes flickered open.

"Eden...." Crowley replied, his voice high pitched with concern. " were screaming...."

Tears fell from Eden's blue eyes. "Please, don't let them take me."

Crowley felt a stone in his chest. "What are you-?"

"The other angels and demons......" Eden began but Crowley gently shushed her. "Shhhh, they're not here. I won't let them, or anyone, take you from me, from us, ever again."

But despite Crowley's attempt to comfort his daughter, Eden's voice choked with a fresh wave of sadness.

"I'm going to miss Halloween..." Eden sobbed. "I won't get to show Gabriel around at the festival and....and...." Crowley held her close so she could bury her face in his warm chest.

"And I won't get to be the Tenth Doctor for Halloween this year....."

Crowley had been so consumed with caring for Eden that he had forgotten all about this. Eden was always the Tenth Doctor for Halloween. But this was the first year that she wouldn't be.

"Fuck." whispered Crowley

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