Drawn To You Too || TaeKook

By _Taekookieyah_

9.2K 924 122

"You're pretty, Jeon." Straight Jungkook would've never thought, he would faint because of a mans dick. sinc... More

Anger & Run (2)
Meet me at my office (3)
Disguise (4)
You're not Jungkook (5)
Sit right here; Good boy (6)
"You're pretty, Jeon" (7)
Fainted because of your dick? (8)
Give me your hand & worry (9)
Interest, realization (10)
Teasing & hate (11)
Manners (12)
Say my name again & Soft (13)
Kiss, Denial & Cries (14)
Gay & Sulky (15)
Lies & Asshole (16)
Scarce (17)
Tents & Touch (18)
Make it right (19)
Cold & Lost (20)
Confessions & We're going to Die? (21)
Wolfs? (22)
Jealousy & Reactions (23)
Kidnapped & I'm coming too (24)
I'm gay for you & You're mine (25)
Sorries & Blushes (26)
A handsome Horse (28)

Kill Them & Trust (27)

140 14 0
By _Taekookieyah_


"Greetings your, highness," Jimin bowed, his right hand on his chest.

"Rise," It was mans voice. It sounded powerful yet soothing. He was seated at the very top of the rocks and next to him was another man. They looked as though they owned the place.

As taehyung and jungkook took in their surroundings, they noticed some interisng things about the place. They were more than astonished. They place, not going to lie, looked amazing. They wondered which part of the forest this was. On the news back home, it was said that Gotjawal forest home to many animals and when they mentioned each that lived here, they had said a dozen wolves made this their home. They never said it was a whole wolf population living there.

There was a bunch of dens on either side with wolves standing at each entrance. Their homes were surrounding the whole area/ It was like a stadium, except instead of seats, there were dens. And in the middle of the huge field stood taehyung and jungkook. There were barely any trees around them. They could only spot about five. And when they glance high towards the blue sky, the could see the leaves of trees that were behind the dens.

They had so many questions and one of them that was beating them was, why are there humas here? Because they spotted like ten humans walking freely and when they looked forward, they saw two others. They radiated a powerful aura. They wore fancy clothes like made of thick fur.

It took them a while to realize that they were forced to kneel infront of the leaders of the whole population. Their eyes widen, their hearts beating drastically. The atmoshpere reeked timid.

"Where's Hoseok?" The man who spoke earlier asked, his voice sterdy.

"He's on  his was, you-"

"I'm here, Your Highness," Hoseok yelled out nonchalantly, almost mockingly. Walked down the isle, toward the front in his Human form. Him on the other hand, wore gucci and some other undefined brand. It was a simple captivating look. Just a white mid way sleeved buttoned up shirt that he didn't even buttom up to the very top, leaving his chest exposed. And it was see through, at the back the words Gucci printed in gold. Then he wore black knee length shorts and red socks with a pair of white air max. Jung Hoseok looked chill and unproblematic as he walked with his hands in his pocket, red glasses laying on top of his narrow curved nose.

"Hoseok!" The man yelled, startling everyone aorund them.

Hoseok sighed, "What do you want?"

"That is no way to talk to your father!"

"You're not my father," Hoseok rolled his eyes and waved and jungkook and taehyung with a smile. "Hi, you guys."

The couple stared at him in bewilder. They could careless about their family feoud, but Hoseok is bold that was an admiration bewilder kinda stare.

"Namjoon, calm down," The man who sat next to probably hoseoks father said soflty, nidging the man at ease.

Namjoon took a deep breath and sat down, caressing his temples; "Jinie, why is he so difficult?" He mumbled only for his husband kim seokjin to hear. Seokjin sighed in response.

After a few seconds of silence, Namjoon spoke again, "Hoseok, you know that because of you, these young lads might never see day again?"

The couples breath hitched.

"And thats why I will never claim you as my father," Hoseok sneered, loud enough for the others to hear him.

"Hoseok! You are japortizing every wolfs lives in here," Namjoon growled. "Because of you, our location could be discovered!"

"You say that all the time I go out," Hoseok exclaimed, sitting crossed legged on the groung next to the couple who were trying to comprehend the situation. "I'm very much careful. No big deal I hang out with some humans. They never know and plus," Hoseok looked at jungkook and taehyung, "They won't leak anything. You should have see how fascinated they were-"

"And are you so sure they won't say a word?" Namjoon exclaimed, his voice serious.

"I just feel it. A gut feeling and my gut feeling is never wrong,"Hoseok explained; "I had that feeling since I sensed them. I knew that humans were near, yet I still went to them instead of hiding me and the kids," Hoseok continued, the words oozing out like honey. "They didn't even fight back though they were scared! And they belived jimin to take them back hom when all he was doing was lying!!"

The couple couldn't help but like the boy. He was different. HE was kind and understanding. He was warm and attractive. He radiated sunny happy energy. They wanted to get to know the boy: he was amazing.

"How does he know all these? He wasn't there," Jungkook Mumbled. and taehyung asked himself the same question.

Then hoseok chuckled. Being a wolf came with some speacialties. and one of them was the ability to hear further than humans could. In fact everyone near them, heard that. "See, they cause no harm."

Namjoon looked at jin as if contemplating a decision he was baout to make. Jin looked at the harmless couple and he himslef couln't help but feel a certain wave of protectiveness surge through him for the youngers. Especially jungkook who looked so innocent with his doe eyes wondering here and there. Jin hear melted at that adorable face that he nudged namjoon and whispered, "Kill them and you won't ever lay a hand on me again."

Jin gave jungkook a fond look mumbling "adorable."

Namjoon sighed deeply sinking in his hard rock chair. As a leader, he's suppossed to have a stone like heart on behalf of keeping each wolf in the population alive. The only time his heats ins't stone is when he's convercing with his family. And now they're making him have second thougts about a decision he was about to make on behalf of ever one.

Can he really risk it?

Is he even taking a risk?

Are they trusworthy?

As the rule book wrote, if there ever a human in the home of the wolved, they should be killed. This is because humans are very cruel according to their ancestors. They themself have been living peacefully, following the rules and such but never a day had a human trespassed into their home. And today, there was two. So Namjoon is having the difficulty of deciding. He ruffles his hair and stares at the couple, indeed they looked harmless. He didn't fancy killing the innocent either but it is what is.

"Hoseok, you are grounded from using any of those weird electronics and going to the human world for three months."


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