By deey_jah

225K 43K 10.9K

A few minutes into the walk, I heard footsteps shuffling behind me. I tensed up and halted in my tracks. My h... More

1. Manal
2. Manal
3. Manal
4. Manal
5. Manal
6. Manal
7. Manal
8. Manal
9: Manal
10: Manal
11: Manal
12: Manal
13: Manal
14. Manal
15. Manal
16: Manal
17. Manal
18. Manal
19. Manal
20. Manal
21. Jawaad
22. Manal
23. Manal
24. Manal
25. Manal
26. Manal
27. Jawaad
28. Jawaad
29. Manal
30: Manal
31: Manal
32: Manal
33: Manal
34: Jawaad
35: Manal
36: Jawaad
37: Manal
38: Jawaad
39: Manal
40: Manal
41: Jawaad
42: Manal
43: Manal
44: Manal
45: Jawaad
46: Manal
47: Manal
48: Manal
49: Jawaad
50: Manal
51: Manal
52: Manal
53: Manal
54: Jawaad
55: Manal
56: Manal
57: Manal
58: Manal
59: Jawaad
60: Jawaad
61: Manal
62: Manal
63: Jawaad
64: Manal
65: Na'eem
66: Jawaad
67: Jawaad
68: Manal
69; Jawaad
70: Manal
71: Jawaad
72: Jawaad
73: Manal
74: Manal
75: Manal
76: Na'eem
77: Manal
78: Farida
79: Jawaad
Jawaad or Na'eem?
80: Jawaad
82: Jawaad
83: Manal
84: Manal
85: Jawaad
86: Manal
87: Manal
88: Manal
89: Jawaad
90: Manal
91: Manal
92: Manal
93: Jawaad
94: Manal
95: Manal
96: Manal
97: Hala
98: Manal
99: Jawaad
100: Manal
101: Jawaad & Manal*

81: Manal*

1.6K 411 160
By deey_jah

"Farida, have you seen my phone?" I asked, dipping my hand in the corner of my bed to find it.

"Manal," Farida called. "Your phone is with me."

"What?" I got down from my bed and walked over to Aisha and Radiya's bunk to retrieve the phone from Farida. "I have been looking everywhere for it. Why didn't you tell me you had it sooner?"

"I didn't know you were looking for it," she replied; nonchalance dripped off her voice. "I thought you were looking for something else."

I hummed. "Can I have it back now?"

"Yup." She handed it back to me. "I'm done using it anyways."

I was curious about what she used it for and how she managed to get my password correctly.

"I used it to call Jawaad. You don't mind, do you?"

"Of course, I do." I rolled my eyes. "Why did you call him from my phone. He is your brother, you must have his number." I knew what Farida was trying to do and I wasn't about to give her a chance to succeed. No matter how hard she would try, I would never allow myself to be entangled with her brother again. His chapter had already been closed in my heart. I didn't want to reopen it.

She tsk-ed. "My phone's battery is flat."

"Yeah, right." Sarcasm dripped off my voice.

I walked back to my bed and Farida followed.

She sat beside me. "Manal, can I tell you something?"

I had a feeling it had to do with her brother. I sneered. "No, you can't."

"Come on, it's quite important."


"Jawaad wants me to thank you for everything you did to help find him. He also told me he has been trying to call you, but you've not been answering his calls..."

"Yes," I admitted. "I have been ignoring his calls."

"Are you still angry with him?"

I scoffed. "What do you think?"

"I think you are." She stated. "You're still angry and that proves something."

I chuckled. "You're just being delusional. I'm not angry or whatever. And even if I am, what does it prove? That I still have feelings for him?" I laughed. "That's just in your head. My feelings for your brother ended the day I found out he has been deceiving me." I sighed. "Look, Farida, let's just forget about this. I don't want to talk about him anymore. I have forgiven him and I have moved on."

"If that's the case, why then are you rejecting his calls? You're supposed to be unbothered, aren't you?"

It irked me that Farida was making it sound like I still had feelings for her brother. She wasn't even trying to camouflage.

"I am unbothered." I deadpanned. "Very very."

"He just wants to thank you for-"

"I expected you to have told him that I didn't help because I had any sort of motive, I only helped because he is your brother. I don't need him to thank me. He shouldn't think I did it because I like him. I don't. Not anymore."

Farida grabbed my hand, softly and made me look her in the eyes. "Prove it by picking his calls."

I smiled. "I don't need to prove anything to you. You can choose to believe what you want."

"I choose to believe you still have feelings for him," Farida remarked. "It's quite obvious, you know. You are doing a terrible job trying to hide it from me."

I simply rolled my eyes in response. I didn't have enough energy to keep arguing with Farida. She hadn't changed. She was still the same Farida I had known since secondary school. No one could win an argument against her. She seemed to have a reply for any and every question thrown at her.

I'd admit that I still had a soft spot for Jawaad. I would be lying if I denied it because I loved him immensely, and the love couldn't vanish in a short period. I thought I hated him. I convinced myself that I did, but when the news of his disappearance hit me, I realized I didn't hate him after all. I found myself constantly praying to Allah for his safety. I went out of my way to convince Na'eem to turn his own cousin in.

Without mincing words, I didn't hate him. Farida was right about me trying so hard to make it seem so.

"As I said, believe whatever you want," I said. I wasn't about to give her the satisfaction she yearned for. "Your opinion doesn't validate anything."

"Nor does it falsify it." She countered. "You know this."

That was it. I was beginning to get offended by her choice of words. She was acting as if I didn't have my feelings played with by her brother and her. "I don't want us to get into another fight, so I will let this slide. I won't engage you any further." With that said, I stood and ambled out of the room.

On the balcony, all I could think of was what Farida had said about Jawaad wanting to speak to me so badly. I didn't know how to feel about that. I didn't want to be made a fool out of again.

I was still outside when my phone beeped.

It was a message from Na'eem. He told me he was in front of the hostel and that he had something important he wanted to talk to me about.

I ambled back into the room and picked up a random hijab on Aisha's bed.

"Are you going somewhere?" Farida asked, walking up to me.

"Yes, I am," I responded, then smiled a little when an idea suddenly struck me. "Na'eem is waiting outside for me."

There was silence for a few seconds.

Farida hummed. "Is he your boyfriend now?"

"Not yet, but soon." I flashed her a toothy grin before walking out of the room.

I didn't know why I said everything I did, but certainly, I was satisfied with the way I rendered her speechless, with just a few words from me.

"Next time, learn how to mind your business," I mumbled.

"I spoke to Imani." Na'eem started. He was seated on a wooden bench in the garden and I was seated a few inches away from him, on the same bench.

"Hmm...what did she say? Is she still mad at you?" I asked, concerned. I felt he was in that situation because of me. It made me sad to even think about what Na'eem must be going through with his family.

"Yes," He admitted. "But surprisingly, she agreed to speak to me yesterday." He sighed. "she told me she is disappointed in me. She thought I was the one person who will always have her back, but I did that to her. I know Imani was wrong, but I shouldn't have done that to her. I'm a worthless brother."

"Don't say that, Na'eem. You did the right thing. I understand you feel this way because she is still mad at you, but don't worry, I'm sure she's going to forgive you sooner than later."

"I hope so." He muttered.

"What's going to happen to her now?"

"The police told me that she can be freed only if the case against her is dropped."

"Hmm..." I wanted to speak and make Na'eem understand that what he wanted was impossible. I didn't know much about Farida's family, but for a fact, I knew they would never decide to let Imani go. Not after everything she did to their son. If I were in their shoes, I'd ensure Imani gets the punishment she deserves.

"Do you think it's possible?"

Because I didn't want to make him lose hope, I had to lie to him. "Nothing is impossible."

What I said was true though.

"Jawaad wasn't kidnapped after all. Imani was the one that saved him, otherwise, he'd have died on that field. She took care of him. He should be grateful. He owes her his life."

"But she's the genesis of everything." Initially, I didn't want to be on anyone's side. Not Imani's nor Jawaad's, but I just couldn't sit there and listen to him vilifying Jawaad and making it look like Imani was innocent.

"She could have chosen to leave him there to die, but she didn't. She couldn't do it because she's not a bad person."

"A good person would never defraud a person of ten million naira and play with his feelings, then allow him to get stabbed and stolen from again." I countered.

The fact that Na'eem deemed it fit to defend his cousin came as a surprise to me.

I rated him more than that.

"I'm not trying to justify what she did, okay? But firstly, about the ten million naira, Jawaad handed it over to her himself. She didn't steal from him. Secondly, didn't Jawaad play with your feelings as well? If we're judging by that, then Jawaad is the monster himself. Thirdly, yes, she was there when he got stabbed, but didn't she go back to save him? If you're being honest with yourself, you'll realize that there was nothing Imani could do to stop those goons from executing their motive."

Na'eem's words sent a pang to my heart. Out of everything he had uttered, the part that stuck was Jawaad playing with my feelings. I knew it was the case, but did he have to remind me? Knowing how hurt I'd get? What did he aim to achieve by doing that?

"What power does Imani have compared to them?"

"She is a part of them. A goon is what she is as well. If she wanted, she would have talked them out of it."

"And what makes you think she didn't? I spoke to her myself and she told me how she tried to stop them, and one thing I know very well about her is that she never lies."

I huffed. "Yeah, right. She doesn't lie."

"What I'm trying to say in a nutshell, is that Imani made a mistake, she regrets it and even proved it by saving Jawaad."

I shrugged. "It's really none of my business. Why are you even telling me all this? What am I supposed to do about it? I'm not-"

"It's your business," Na'eem remarked, cutting me off. "I'd never have turned Imani in if it was not for you. I did it for you."

I furrowed my brows in incomprehension. "I know you did and I appreciate it." I started. "Are you trying to blame me for something now? I don't get you."

Na'eem was acting weird. It bothered me.

"Just like I helped you when you came to me for help, I have also come to you to return the favor."

Favor? I thought he did what he did because it was the right thing to do. I didn't understand what he was saying.

Bemused, I looked on, waiting for him to clarify what he had just spurted.

"Will you please do me this favor?"

"What favor?" I scorned.

"First, I want you to promise me that you will do it."

"How can I promise to do it when I don't even know what it is yet?"

"Don't you trust me enough? Will I tell you to do something morally wrong?"

I shook my head. I trusted him. A lot.

"Promise me."

"Okay...I promise. Now tell me, what do you want me to do for you?"

He lowered his head. He seemed to be in deep thought.

When he raised his head, I could see the sadness in his eyes. It was almost eating him up.

"I want you to help me beg Farida to withdraw the case against Imani." He paused for a while. "please?"

"What?" I scoffed. "Withdraw the case against Imani? That's practically impossible! Do you even know what you just asked for? No! I can't do it. I won't do it!"

Na'eem didn't say a word, but his silence spoke volumes. I could sense the disappointment in the way he looked at me.

I released a deep breath. I inferred I shouldn't have spoken to him in the manner I did. I shouldn't blame him. He made a sacrifice for me and expected the same energy from me.

"Na'eem..." I called in a subdued voice. "I swear, I'd have done it if only I don't know how Farida is. She will never agree to this. She's headstrong and not a forgiving person. Even if she agrees-which I know she won't, how will she be able to convince her family? She doesn't have a say in this matter."

"Talk to Jawaad then." He blurted. "He is the victim, yeah? He has a right to go on with the case or terminate it."

"I don't talk to him and you know why."

"This is about someone's life." He pointed out. "Surely, you won't allow a life to get ruined just because of your ego, will you?"


"Please, don't say no." He beseeched; his head hung low. "Do this for me-for the sake of the love I have for you."

Too puzzled to utter a word, my breath hitched in my throat. I was taken by surprise.

"It's true, Manal, I love you." He clarified. "I love you so much."


Ghen ghen ghen 😬

What do you think about Farida and Manal's relationship now?

And Na'eem, were you surprised by the way he defended Imani and spoke to Manal?

Finally, Na'eem confessed his love for Manal 🤧💃

Is there a chance of the NaMan ship sailing? 👀 We'll see!

This chapter deserves 200+ comments and 250+ votes, don't you think? 🥺

Lest I forget, Manal has surpassed 100k reads! Yay! Congratulations to us 🎉 well done 👏 let's get to 200k soon 😌 vote, comment and share! Thank you 🙏

Remember to follow me on Instagram and Wattpad too ❤️


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