Demon and the Dragon (Kiryu C...

By DemigodRyujin

6.3K 152 66

Nothing much, just a simple story dedicated to our cute Yakuza Dragon. More

Prologue: Return of a Demon
Chapter 1: One Hell of a Party
Chapter 2: Enter Tokuno'o Tokumichi
Chapter 3: Secrets Unveiled
Chapter 4: Day of the Dragon
Chapter 5: Time flies doesn't it?
Epilogue: Party to Remember! (Y/N)'s Promise

Sayonara and Arigathanks Kaichou!

330 11 1
By DemigodRyujin

Hearing Coco's graduation announcement, I had a rush of mixed emotions, sadness at the fact our Kaichou was leaving; a bit of frustration, not knowing why she's graduating; and nostalgia remembering all the good times we've had with her. These last few streams she's hosted and been in, were a blast and some of the best memories I'll have, though I may not have super chatted much in said streams, it was still something I'll remember for the rest of my life. Her last stream today, gave me another rush of emotions, no joke I actually cried watching it. Tears of sadness, realizing and it actually sinking in this is the last time we will probably see her; nostalgia once again remembering all the good memories we and her colleagues have had with her; and even happiness, watching her constantly making the most of the last stream made me smile despite the tears.

Despite crying, watching her laugh, smile, try to make the rest as happy as possible too made me smile. Kaichou, in the very slim chance you see this I want to you to know, that if not for you and the rest of hololive and holostars I would not be standing here today. You're streams never failed to put a smile on my face and make my day 100x better. Thank you for that Kaichou. Kaichou, arigathanks for everything! Good luck with all your future endeavors! KIRYU KAI FOR LIFE

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