Proving You Wrong

By Laklynn_Hanlon

162K 4.9K 459

[Completed] "Sometimes we question the choices that take us to the places we end up. How did we get to where... More

Chapter One: A New Start
Chapter Two: One Terrific Night
Chapter Three: The Following Days
Chapter Four: Propositions
Chapter Five: Requests
Chapter Six: Outside Perspectives
Chapter Seven: A New Façade
Chapter Eight: First Kiss
Chapter Nine: Secrets In the Open
Chapter Ten: Getting Closer
Needed to Say
Chapter Eleven: Another Opportunity
Chapter Twelve: A Night For The Books
Chapter Fourteen: Unexpected Happiness
Chapter Fifteen: The Night After
Chapter Sixteen: Last Day of Freedom
Chapter Seventeen: Its Complicated
Chapter Eighteen: Complete Preparation
Chapter Nineteen: May I?
Chapter Twenty: Tell me
Chapter Twenty One: Good To Know
Chapter Twenty Two: Sweet Treats
Chapter Twenty Three: Wanting More
Chapter Twenty Four: Into the Darkness
Chapter Twenty Five: An Even Darker Disposition
Chapter Twenty Six: A New Point of View
Chapter Twenty Seven: The End of One, the Start of Another
Book #2 is out!

Chapter Thirteen: Let Me Explain

5.6K 187 9
By Laklynn_Hanlon

~Faiths POV~

"Sterling I- I um, I don't know." Had Alec seen me kiss Kaden? If he had, oh my god. That can't happen, but it just did. Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! That's why he reacted so harshly. Because the past was incidentally repeating itself and I hadn't realized it.

"Well let me take you home. I think this night can only go downhill."

"But... Yeah, okay. I need to tell Christian."

"Okay I think I saw him in the corner over there. Let's go see." He gestured to the opposite side of the room. Taking my hand in his, he led me in the direction he had pointed at. As Christian's face came into vision, I noticed all the guys had arrived awhile ago and they, along with Teri, Kaden, and Christian were all talking with red solo cups in hand.

The first to notice my upcoming presence was Teri. She smiled at me as I approached and moved over a little so I could slide into the groups convo.

"Hey Faith!"

"Hey," I gave her a faint smile in return.

"What's up Barbie Doll?" Chris asked with a grin. He and Jamie both had a girl on their arm that I didn't recognize.

"Would you like to introduce me to your friends!"

"Oh I'm Tori." The cute blonde underneath Chris's arm stated with a smile.

"I'm Riley." Replied the short brunette from beside Jamie.

"Hi, I'm Faith." Gosh these girls were gorgeous, no wonder the twins found them in the crowd. Poor girls were probably being used for the night, then wouldn't see the twins again though. "So uh, I'm gonna head out guys. Sterling offered to drive me home. I'll see you there Christian." He nodded as I was about to turn around, but I noticed Kaden inching towards me. I stood there frozen as he came up and placed a hand on the side of my face, pulling me in for a kiss. He brushed his lips against mine before pushing them together. My hands stayed at my side as his roamed down to my rear end.

"Amante, get those hands any closer to my sisters ass and I'll cut them off." I heard Christian yell over the beating music. Lightly chuckling, Kaden pulled out of the kiss and removed his hands.

"Goodnight Cambina." He whispered in my ear then moved back to his original place. With a small wave to the others, I turned around to see a dumbfounded Sterling watching my every move. He led me to the car and drove me home in silence, as though he didn't know what to say. Could I blame him though? I didn't even know what to say.

He followed me to the door and all the way up to my room, settling himself on my bed while I changed into my pajamas. After resting on top of my comforter Sterling broke the silence.

"Faith, what the hell happened tonight?" He spoke calmly, but you could see exactly which emotions were flowing through him at the moment. "I mean, first Alec is yelling at you for moving on and then Kaden can't keep his damn hands to himself."

I groaned as I flopped underneath the covers, pulling them all the way over my head.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

I could feel the bed dip beside me and the covers rise as Sterling slid underneath along side me. He was laying on his side, with his face pointed at me so I rolled over on my side to look at him. We were inches apart and I could barely see his features in the dim lighting, but somehow I would always know if it was him.

"Tell me please." A sigh escaped me lips and I told him what he needed to know.

"I started dating Kaden and Alec saw us kissing before he came to talk to me about the party last weekend. He went on to say how it was a mistake, but I honestly don't think it was. When you showed up he said that I move on quickly because of the kiss with Kaden and what happened last time..." By the time I had finished I could faintly see Sterling with his mouth wide open.

"Your dating Kaden?" He raised his voice and his whole body tensed up.

"Yes, but it's not real."

"What do you mean it's not real? Seemed pretty real when he had his hands and mouth all over you." He stated sharply. Is he mad about this? Why?

"It's part of our game."


"Yes, the other day he came to the house and wanted me to play this game with him. Act like a real couple: kiss, hold hands, sweet talk, the whole bit, but the first person who catches feelings for the other or cheats, loses. And the loser, is the others personal slave for the year." I admitted shyly.

"Why would you play one of his stupid games Faith?"

"He made me mad! I wasn't going to do it, I had just broken up with Alec four days ago, but he said something's and it just set me off like a trigger. He makes me so frustrated and I hate his guts. I truly do."

"Just...please... promise me that you won't fall for his tricks. Don't fall in love with him."

"I promise you, I won't." I tucked in my chin as Sterling brought me close to his chest and placed a gentle kiss to my forehead. It was a reassuring kiss; as though to tell me everything will be okay. It'll turn out alright in the end.

Honestly I don't think it will.

He knows my past, every dirty little secret and it just seems to repeat itself. Every boy is the same; they all end up breaking your heart in the end. Just when you think the new one had made it whole again, the process happens all over again, and it's sick. Life is a sick twisted thing. It gives you highs that make you feel like you're on top of the world and lows that make you feel like the most worthless piece of crap here. What kind of world do we live in?

A world where our favorite people can be taken from us way too early. Where people break other's hearts for the fun of it. A place where it's normal for you to be randomly attacked. In a world where tragedy is just something waiting to happen, and is utterly inevitable.

I guess no matter who you are or how you act, there will always be bad in your life, but the only defense we have is to be able to find the good.


Warmth of the sunlight hits my face as it streams through the window. Heat radiates from Sterling's body as he quietly snores into my ear. His arms still rest around my torso, like they were last night. Slowly, I lift his arms off and lightly hop out of bed. Instantly, I shiver from the heat withdraw and the feel of the cold hardwood floor.

Making my way downstairs, I heard nothing but silence. Did Christian even come home last night. My question was answered when I found him asleep like a deadman on the couch with Kaden below him on the carpet.

This could be funny...

Sneaking up behind the couch, I position myself over it before hitting Christian on the back, yelling his name, and ducking behind the couch.

As he screams like a little girl, he falls off the couch and onto Kaden's stomach, just as I had planned. Groans came from them as the stood up wondering what was happening, which only made my laughter from behind the couch louder. They walked around to see me laughing my head off against the back of the couch.

After sharing a look and the nod of their head, I was being whisked away in their arms. Though I fought against it, I was no match for their strengths combined.

"No let me down!" I squealed. "Please!"

Before I knew it, they had brought me all the way out to the backyard and threw me into the pool without a single word. I managed to catch my breath as I resurfaced.

"You bastards!" I yelled clutching onto my arms. "It's freezing!"

"Hey you asked for it." Christian defended.

"I don't recall saying hey Christian and Kaden would you please throw me in the pool while I'm in my pajamas!"

"Whoops, our bad babe." Kaden retorted, laughing.

"You laugh now, you just wait." I stated, reaching up the edge and pulling myself out.

"Yeah, I'm scared babe." He replied sarcastically.

"Fine you'll see." I state, crossing my arms over my chest. Then turning around and walking towards the hose I could hear them quietly having a debate. though I couldn't make out what the were saying, I knew exactly what Christian said at the end.

"What? She's a sneaky little bitch." Awe, they must be talking about me. Don't I feel loved.

I make my way back upstairs and lightly close the door behind me, hoping not to wake Sterling up.

"What happened to you?"

"Um, took a Uh, little swim I guess."

"In your PJ's?"

"Uh, yeah."

"I'll never understand your logic." After sticking my tongue out, I grab an outfit and head to the bathroom where I dried off and put my hair into a wet, messy bun.

As I trail out into my room, I notice Sterling still there. He follows me back downstairs, leading him to the kitchen. When we step in, Kaden and Christian were already sitting at the bar and eating. I watch as they both adjust their eyes to Sterling in a glare.

Deciding to change the subject, I speak, "So did you enjoy sleeping on the floor last night?" I asked giggling. All eyes soon fall on me.

"I mean sure, but it's no where near as comfortable as your bed." He smirked.

"When and why were you in her bed?" Sterling questioned.

"I think that should stay confidential, between the boyfriend and girlfriend. Don't ya think?" Kaden retorted, slightly cocking his head to the side.

"Actually, no. I don't."

"That really sucks for you then, doesn't it." Now, they were in a full on stare down. The tension was so thick, it would take a butcher knife to cut it.

"So you want anything to eat Ster?"

"No, I have somewhere to go, but thanks." He said without taking his eyes off Kaden. After he finally tore his eyes away he looked me up and down before giving me a tight hug and a kiss on the head. "Remember what I said last night."

With that, he was already out of the room and the door.

He kind of left in a rush. Didn't he? He wouldn't lie about having somewhere to go. He's never lied. To me that is.

I remember one time when we were in elementary school, we hung out at my house afterwards and we starting playing a game and betting each other that couldn't do something then they would have to do it. He dared me to see if I could fit underneath the couch and I did, I fit perfectly. A little too perfect. Sterling lied to my parents about where I was so I wouldn't be in trouble for getting stuck under the couch.

The memory made me smile. Reminiscing in my thoughts, I had made a bowl of cereal and sat down in between Kaden and my brother at the bar. We ate in a silence that, for once, was kind of comfortable.

Before Kaden interrupted that beautiful silence.

"So what were you up to last night."

I kept my eyes on my cereal as I answered, "Nothing, he took me home and we fell asleep. That's it."

"Are you sure nothing else happened?" Christian implied.

"If your asking if we had sex, then for your information, no I'm still a virgin." At that moment I had finished my bowl off and dropped it into the sink, then stormed out of the kitchen and upstairs to my room without a word.

Why would they be asking if I had sex with Sterling? Especially since Christian has known that he and I have been friends since second grade. He and I were and are only best friends, nothing more. Everyone knows that. As I angrily stomped around my room I didn't even bother to look when someone came in my room.

"What, did you come to further accuse me of cheating on my fake boyfriend with my best friend?" After realizing what I had said, immediately I snapped my head in their direction, but I was in the clear. It's just Kaden.

"You know, as the official, fake, boyfriend, I have yet to take you on a date."

"Okay, so now you want to go on a date?"

"Yeah tomorrow night at seven, I'll be here." He stated, walking over to the door.

"What do you want to do?"

"That's all up to the spur of the moment Cambina." Grinning, he walked straight out of my room.

Well it looks like I've got a date tomorrow. That's a perfect way to spend my Sunday night; playing girlfriend with one of the people I hate most.

Wait what am I supposed to wear? Dressy or casual... Arg! This is a time where I wish I actually had his number. He's probably already out of my house house and there's no guarantee that he's at his.

As I look to my window I faintly remember Kaden telling me his window was across from mine. I can make out a dim shadow moving in the room that is supposed to be Kaden's. After they straighten out I can see that with their height and build, it must be Kaden.

I can't believe I'm about to do this, but I have no other way. After making my way to the window, I carefully lift it up and lean out of it.

"Kaden... Kaden... KADEN!" I yelled out the window, hoping no one heard me but him. He walked over to the window, shirtless, and lifted it up before leaning out just as I was. Oh he must have been changing. Really changing in the dark? Wow.

"I heard you the first time, but I love the sound of you screaming my name."

"Oh shut up. How should I dress for tomorrow night?"

"It's a date; I would say don't wear anything, but that would probably get you kicked out of the restaurant, so dress nice."

He did make plans. "Okay thanks." As I started to lean back inside he voice caught me.

"Hey Cambina, as much as I love this form of communication," he smirked, "Why didn't you just text me?"

"I don't have your number."

"Check under sexiest man in the world, I'm sure you'll find something."

In a haste, I hurry back to my bed and obtain my phone while searching through my contacts.


"When did you-" I started to speak, but when I looked up, he was gone with his window wide open.

When did he- Why did he- I don't even want to know.

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